quiet, because you are thinking 沉思的;深思的;思考的 Extra ExamplesShe had a rather thoughtful expression on her face. 她脸上有一种相当深思熟虑的表情。 She was quieter and more thoughtful than usual. 她比平时更安静,也更体贴。
- (approving)
showing that you think about and care for other people synonym considerate, kind体贴的;关心别人的;关切的 The hotel manager was very kind and thoughtful. 酒店经理非常亲切体贴。 - it is thoughtful (of somebody) (to do something)
It was very thoughtful of you to send the flowers. 你送花来,想得真周到。
Extra ExamplesTopics Personal qualitiesc1Some thoughtful person had left out towels, soap and shampoo in our rooms. 一些体贴的人把毛巾、肥皂和洗发水留在了我们的房间里。 She seems thoughtful and considerate. 她似乎很体贴。 It was a very thoughtful way of showing their appreciation. 这是表达他们感激之情的一种非常周到的方式。
showing signs of careful thought 缜密思考过的;深思熟虑的 a player who has a thoughtful approach to the game 对这场比赛缜密研究过对策的运动员