- [countable + singular or plural verb]
all the people working on a ship, plane, etc. (輪船、飛機等上面的)全體工作人員 crew members 全體機組人員 - in a crew
all the men and women in the crew 工作組中的全體成員 None of the passengers and crew were injured. 沒有一個乘客和機組人員受傷。 The crew of the plane instructed everyone to remain seated. 飛機機組人員指示每個人都不要離開座位。 a change of crew in Frankfurt 法蘭克福船員的變動
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- experienced
- inexperienced
- novice
- …
- join
- lead
- assemble
- …
- member
- in a/the crew
- cast and crew
- a member of the crew
- [countable + singular or plural verb]
all the people working on a ship, plane etc. except the officers who are in charge (輪船、飛機等上面不包括高級職員的)全體船員,全體乘務員 the officers and crew 負責人員和全體乘務員
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- experienced
- inexperienced
- novice
- …
- join
- lead
- assemble
- …
- member
- in a/the crew
- cast and crew
- a member of the crew
- [countable + singular or plural verb]
a group of people with special skills working together 技術人員團隊;專業團隊 a film/camera/TV crew 電影/照相機/電視攝制組 a fire/an emergency/a rescue crew 火災/緊急情況/救援隊 It took ambulance crews more than an hour to free them. 救護人員花了一個多小時才把他們解救出來。 - (North American English)
Ten people answer to the crew chief. 十個人對乘務長負責。
Homophones crews | cruisecrews cruise- crews noun (plural of crew)
Fire crews were called to the scene. 消防隊接警趕到現場。
- crews verb (third person of crew)
He crews for a billionaire on his yacht. 他在遊艇上爲一個億萬富翁當船員。
- cruise noun
We're taking a cruise around the Mediterranean. 我們將在地中海進行一次巡遊。
- cruise verb
I'd love to cruise down the Nile. 我想沿着尼羅河巡遊。
Extra ExamplesFire crews were called to the scene. 消防隊接警趕到現場。 The cast and crew of the movie are giving it their all. 這部電影的全體演職人員都盡了全力。 Fire crews were called to the house at around 5 o'clock. 消防隊員在大約5點鐘被叫到屋内。 Maintenance crews have been working 18-hours shifts to repair the damage. 維修人員已經輪班工作了18個小時來修複損壞。 The film crew and the actors had all left the studio by then. 那時電影攝制組和演員都已經離開了工作室。 Our support crew followed behind in two Land Rovers. 我們的後勤人員駕駛兩輛路虎越野車跟在後面。 The house was soon besieged by TV crews and photographers. 房子很快被電視工作人員和攝影師包圍了。 Two crews of six men carried out the work in shifts. 有兩組六人團隊輪班工作。 We have camera crews from ABC, CBS and NBC coming. 美國廣播公司、哥倫比亞廣播公司和全國廣播公司的攝像人員正在趕來。 a maintenance/support crew 維修/支援人員
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- experienced
- inexperienced
- novice
- …
- join
- lead
- assemble
- …
- member
- in a/the crew
- cast and crew
- a member of the crew
- [singular] (usually disapproving)
a group of people 一群(或一幫、一夥)人 Extra ExamplesLet's get a crew together and go to the pub. 讓我們召集一隊人去酒吧。 We found him in the canteen with a crew of assorted computer geeks. 我們在食堂發現他和一群各式各樣的電腦極客在一起。
- [countable + singular or plural verb]
a team of people who row boats in races (賽艇的)劃船隊員,劃船隊 a member of the Cambridge crew 劍橋大學劃船隊的隊員
- [uncountable] (North American English)
the sport of rowing with other people in a boat 賽艇運動 I’m thinking of going out for crew this semester (= joining the rowing team). 這學期我打算參加賽艇隊。
- [countable + singular or plural verb]
a person or team of people who sail boats in races or for pleasure (usually not including the captain) (賽艇的)劃船隊員,劃船隊
on ships and planes
skilled people
rowing and sailing
Word Originlate Middle English: from Old French creue ‘augmentation, increase’, feminine past participle of croistre ‘grow’, from Latin crescere. The original sense was ‘band of soldiers serving as reinforcements’; hence it came to denote any organized armed band or, generally, a company of people (late 16th cent.).