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BNC: 1218 COCA: 736


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  1. a person who creates works of art, especially paintings or drawings艺术家;(尤指)画家
    • an exhibition of work by contemporary British artists当代英国画家作品展
    • a graphic artist平面造型艺术家
    • a make-up artist化妆师
    • He became a full-time artist in 1929.他于1929年成为一名全职艺术家。
    • In Paris she met a group of young artists: poets, film-makers and painters.在巴黎,她遇到了一群年轻的艺术家:诗人、电影制片人和画家。
    • This is an artist's impression of the new stadium.这是一位艺术家对未来新运动场作的印象画。
    • (figurative) Whoever made this cake is a real artist.制作这个蛋糕的人真是个艺术大师。
    Collocations Fine artsFine arts美术Creating art艺术创作
    • make a work of art/​a drawing/​a sketch/​a sculpture/​a statue/​engravings/​etchings/​prints创作艺术品;绘画;画素描;创作雕塑/雕像/雕版印刷品/蚀刻画/版画
    • do an oil painting/​a self-portrait/​a line drawing/​a rough sketch画油画/自画像/线条画/草图
    • create a work of art/​an artwork/​paintings and sculptures创作一件艺术品/绘画和雕塑
    • produce paintings/​portraits/​oil sketches/​his most celebrated work/​a series of prints创作绘画/肖像画/油画速写/他最知名的作品/一组版画
    • paint a picture/​landscape/​portrait/​mural/​in oils/​in watercolours/(US English) in watercolors/​on canvas画画/风景画/肖像画/壁画/油画/水彩画;在画布上画
    • draw a picture/​a portrait/​a cartoon/​a sketch/​a line/​a figure/​the human form/​in charcoal/​in ink画画/肖像/漫画/素描/线条/形体/人形/木炭画/墨水画
    • sketch a preliminary drawing/​a figure/​a shape勾勒草图/形体/图形
    • carve a figure/​an image/​a sculpture/​an altarpiece/​reliefs/​a block of wood雕刻形体/形象/雕塑/祭坛雕塑/浮雕/一块木头
    • sculpt a portrait bust/​a statue/​an abstract figure雕刻半身像/塑像/抽象形体
    • etch a line/​a pattern/​a design/​a name into the glass蚀刻线条/图案/图样/名字在玻璃杯上
    • mix colours/(US English) colors/​pigments/​paints调色;调颜料
    • add/​apply thin/​thick layers of paint/​colour/(US English) color/​pigment加上薄薄/厚厚几层颜料
    • use oil pastels/​charcoal/​acrylic paint/​a can of spray paint使用油画棒/木炭笔/丙烯酸颜料/一罐喷雾颜料
    • work in bronze/​ceramics/​stone/​oils/​pastels/​watercolour/​a wide variety of media用青铜/陶瓷/石头/油彩/蜡笔/水彩/各种各样的材料制作艺术品
    Describing art描述艺术
    • paint/​depict a female figure/​a biblical scene/​a pastoral landscape/​a domestic interior画/描绘女性形体/与《圣经》有关的场景/田园风光/家庭室内场景
    • depict/​illustrate a traditional/​mythological/​historical/​religious theme描绘/阐释传统的/神话的/历史的/宗教的主题
    • create an abstract composition/​a richly textured surface/​a distorted perspective设计抽象的艺术构图/丰富的层次/视觉扭曲效果
    • paint dark/​rich/​skin/​flesh tones用颜料绘成深色/浓重的颜色/肤色/肉色
    • use broad brush strokes/​loose brushwork/​vibrant colours/​a limited palette/​simple geometric forms用粗笔线条/散漫的笔法/鲜艳的颜色/有限的色调/简单的几何图形
    • develop/​adopt/​paint in a stylized manner/​an abstract style用非写实手法/抽象方式阐明/采用/描绘
    Showing and selling art艺术品展示及销售
    • commission an altarpiece/​a bronze bust of somebody/​a portrait/​a religious work/​an artist to paint something委托创作一幅祭坛画/一座某人的半身铜像/一幅肖像画/一件宗教艺术品;委托艺术家为某物作画
    • frame a painting/​portrait给一幅画/肖像画镶框
    • hang art/​a picture/​a painting悬挂艺术品/图画/画作
    • display/​exhibit modern art/​somebody’s work/​a collection/​original artwork/​drawings/​sculptures/​a piece/​a painting
    • be displayed/​hung in a gallery/​museum在美术馆/博物馆展出
    • install/​place a sculpture in/​at/​on something在某处安放一座雕塑
    • erect/​unveil a bronze/​marble/​life-size statue竖立/揭幕一座铜像/大理石像/与真人一样大的雕像
    • hold/​host/​mount/​open/​curate/​see an exhibition (especially British English)/(North American English usually) an exhibit举办/主持/筹办/举行/组织/观看展览
    • be/​go on (British English) exhibition/(North American English) exhibit参展
    • feature/​promote/​showcase a conceptual artist/​contemporary works重点介绍/宣传/展示一位概念派艺术家/当代作品
    • collect African art/​modern British paintings/​Japanese prints收藏非洲艺术品/现代英国绘画/日本版画
    • restore/​preserve a fresco/​great works of art修复/保护湿壁画/伟大的艺术品
    Extra Examples
    • Local watercolour artists are currently exhibiting their work in the town hall.当地水彩画家正在市政厅展出他们的作品。
    • The agency began to represent Chinese artists.这家机构开始代理中国艺术家。
    • The artists explored common themes.这些艺术家探讨了相同的主题。
    • The museum's featured artists include Degas, Cézanne and Renoir.该博物馆重点介绍的艺术家包括德加、塞尚和雷诺阿。
    • the new artist in residence at the Tate Gallery泰特美术馆新的驻馆艺术家
    • an artist who paints in oils一名油画家
    • artists who work in different media用不同媒材创作的艺术家
    • In 1942 the city commissioned war artist John Piper to paint its bombed cathedral.1942 年,该市委托战争题材画家约翰・派珀为遭到轰炸的大教堂作画。
    • an exhibition featuring wildlife artist Emma Gray介绍野生生物画家埃玛・格雷的展览
    Topics Arta1, Jobsa1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • accomplished
    • gifted
    • great
    verb + artist
    • commission
    • feature
    • showcase
    artist + verb
    • create something
    • design something
    • draw (something)
    • an artist in residence
    See full entry
  2. (also artiste
    a person who is a professional singer, dancer, actor, etc.专业演员;艺人
    • a recording/solo artist音像录制艺术师;单人表演演员
    • Among the artistes appearing on our show tonight we have…今晚为我们演出的(表演者)有....
    • He was a true artiste: sensitive, dramatic and tragic.他是个真正的艺人-敏感、夸张,富于悲剧色彩。
    Extra Examples
    • The Blue Note Quartet will be the guest artists tomorrow night.“蓝调”四人组合将成为明晚的艺人嘉宾。
    • The festival featured up-and-coming young artists.这个活动重点宣传年轻有为的艺人。
    • A mime artist's movements must be clear to the audience.哑剧演员的一举一动必须清晰地传达给观众。
    • After the band broke up, Joe relaunched his career as a solo artist.乐队解散后,乔重操旧业,单独演出。
    • Caruso was probably the most popular recording artist of his time.卡鲁索可能是他那个时代最受欢迎的录音艺术家。
    Topics Musicb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • guest
    • solo
    • recording
    verb + artist
    • feature
    • promote
    • represent
    artist + verb
    • perform (something)
    • work
    • record (something)
    See full entry
  3. Word Originearly 16th cent. (denoting a master of the liberal arts): from French artiste, from Italian artista, from arte ‘art’, from Latin ars, art-.
BNC: 1218 COCA: 736


1person who creates works of art藝術家ADJECTIVE | VERB + ARTIST | ARTIST + VERB | PHRASES ADJECTIVEaccomplished, gifted, great, talented有才藝的/有天賦的/偉大的/天才的藝術家celebrated, distinguished, established, famous, influential, leading, major, master, renowned, successful, top-selling, well-known, world-renowned有名的/傑出的/功成名就的/著名的/有影響力的/一流的/重要的/大師級的/有聲望的/成功的/作品最暢銷的/知名的/舉世聞名的藝術家aspiring, budding, emerging, up-and-coming有抱負的/嶄露頭角的/初露鋒芒的/很有前途的藝術家She set up the gallery so that up-and-coming artists could exhibit their work.她創建這家畫廊,為的是有前途的藝術家能在此展出他們的作品。lesser-known, struggling, unknown不太出名的/艱難謀生的/默默無聞的藝術家amateur, professional業餘/職業藝術家freelance自由藝術家self-taught自學成才的藝術家serious嚴謹的藝術家He is a serious artist, and totally committed to his work.他是一位嚴謹的藝術家,完全潛心於他的工作。prolific多產的藝術家local當地的藝術家creative有創造力的藝術家real, true真正的藝術家;藝術家般的人物My husband is a real artist in the kitchen. (figurative) 我丈夫在廚房裏簡直是烹飪大師。fine美術家commercial商業藝術家folk民間藝術家abstract, conceptual, figurative, performance, visual抽象/概念/具象/表演/視覺藝術家ceramic, graphic, mixed-media, watercolour/watercolor陶瓷藝術家;平面造型師;混合媒材的藝術家;水彩畫家Impressionist, pop印象派/波普藝術家landscape, war, wildlife風景/戰爭題材/野生生物畫家graffiti, pavement, sidewalk (NAmE) 塗鴉藝術家;街頭藝術家make-up, tattoo化妝師;文身師comic, comic-book漫畫藝術家avant-garde, contemporary, living, modern先鋒派/當代/在世的/現代藝術家19th-century, etc. * 19 世紀等的藝術家VERB + ARTISTcommission委託藝術家In 1942 the city commissioned war artist John Piper to paint its bombed cathedral.1942 年,該市委託戰爭題材畫家約翰・派珀為遭到轟炸的大教堂作畫。feature, showcase重點介紹某藝術家;重點展示某藝術家的作品The museum's featured artists include Degas, Cézanne and Renoir.該博物館重點介紹的藝術家包括德加、塞尚和雷諾阿。an exhibition featuring wildlife artist Emma Gray介紹野生生物畫家埃瑪・格雷的展覽promote, represent宣傳/代表藝術家The agency began to represent Chinese artists.這家機構開始代理中國藝術家。inspire給予藝術家靈感Artists are inspired by beauty.藝術家從美的事物中獲取靈感。ARTIST + VERBcreate sth, design sth, draw (sth), paint (sth), produce sth藝術家創作⋯;藝術家設計⋯;畫家畫(⋯)an artist who paints in oils一名油畫家work藝術家創作⋯artists who work in different media用不同媒材創作的藝術家experiment with sth, explore sth藝術家用⋯做實驗;藝術家探索⋯The artists explored common themes.這些藝術家探討了相同的主題。depict sb/sth, portray sb/sth藝術家描繪⋯/描畫⋯the many ways in which artists depict the human figure藝術家描繪人體的諸多方法specialize in sth藝術家專門創作⋯a group of artists who specialize in jazz-themed art一群專門創作以爵士樂為主題的藝術作品的藝術家exhibit sth, show sth藝術家展出⋯/展示⋯Local artists are currently exhibiting their work at the gallery.當地的藝術家正在畫廊展出他們的作品。PHRASESan artist in residence常駐的藝術家the new artist in residence at the Tate Gallery泰特美術館新的駐館藝術家 note at job


2a professional entertainer藝人ADJECTIVE | VERB + ARTIST | ARTIST + VERB ADJECTIVEguest特邀藝人The Blue Note Quartet will be the guest artists tomorrow night.“藍調”四人組合將成為明晚的藝人嘉賓。solo獨奏家;獨唱家recording錄音師escape, mime, trapeze逃脫術/啞劇/高空鞦韆表演者hip-hop, rap, reggae, etc.嘻哈、說唱、雷鬼等音樂人spoken-word (especially NAmE) 說書吟詩藝人VERB + ARTISTfeature重點宣傳藝人The festival featured up-and-coming young artists.這個活動重點宣傳年輕有為的藝人。promote, represent宣傳/代表藝人sign簽約藝人ARTIST + VERBperform (sth)藝人表演(⋯)work藝人工作record (sth)藝人錄製(⋯) note at job
BNC: 1218 COCA: 736
artist noun
artist (a graphic artist) actor (a recording artist)


artist ♦︎ painter ♦︎ sculptorThese words all mean a person who creates works of art. 这些词均表示艺术家。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a contemporary / talented / famous artist / painter / sculptora / an abstract / impressionist / portrait / landscape artist / painteran artist / a painter paints sb / sth artist [countable] a person who creates works of art, especially paintings or drawings 艺术家;(尤指)画家an exhibition of work by contemporary British artists当代英国艺术展a graphic artist平面造型艺术家a make-up artist化妆师Police have issued an artist's impression of her attacker.警方公布了袭击她的人的模拟像。 painter [countable] an artist who paints pictures 画家Chardin was a gifted still-life painter.夏尔丹是个天才的静物画家。 see also paint draw verb sculptor ˈskʌlptə(r) [countable] an artist who makes sculptures (= works of art that are solid figures or objects made of wood, stone, clay, metal, etc.) 雕塑家;雕刻家Many sculptors work in clay, but I can get greater detail and flexibility from wax.许多雕塑家做泥塑,而我能用蜡雕得更精细,更富变化。 see also sculpt shape verb
BNC: 1218 COCA: 736

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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