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Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they swing
he / she / it swings
past simple swung
past participle swung
-ing form swinging
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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    hang and move摆动

  1. [intransitive, transitive] to move backwards or forwards or from side to side while hanging from a fixed point; to make something do this(使)摆动,摇摆,摇荡
    • His arms swung as he walked.他边走边摆着双臂。
    • As he pushed her, she swung higher and higher (= while sitting on a swing).随着他推她,她在秋千上越荡越高。
    • swing from something A set of keys swung from her belt.她腰带上挂着的一串钥匙摆来摆去。
    • swing something He sat on the stool, swinging his legs.他坐在凳子上晃动着两条腿。
    Extra Examples
    • I could see him swinging from the branch of a large tree.我看到他吊在一棵大树的树枝上摇荡。
    • Let your arms swing freely at your sides.让手臂在身体两侧自由摆动。
    • The rope was swinging slightly in the breeze.绳子在微风中微微摆动。
    • The elephant swung its trunk from side to side.大象把鼻子左右摇摆。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • gently
    • slowly
    • violently
    • from
    See full entry
  2. [intransitive, transitive] to move from one place to another by holding something that is fixed and pulling yourself along, up, etc.纵身跃向;荡向;悬吊到
    • + adv./prep. The gunshot sent monkeys swinging away through the trees.枪声一响,猴子纷纷在树丛中飞跃荡走。
    • swing yourself + adv./prep. He swung himself out of the car.他纵身跳下车。
    Extra Examples
    • He swung up into the saddle and rode off.他一跃跨上马鞍,绝尘而去。
    • She swung down from the tree in one easy movement.她做了一个轻松的动作就从树上荡了下来。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • slowly
    • suddenly
    • sharply
    verb + swing
    • let something
    • from
    • into
    • towards/​toward
    • swing open
    • swing shut
    See full entry
  3. move in curve弧线运动

  4. [intransitive, transitive] to move or make something move with a wide curved movement(使)弧线运动,转弯,转动
    • + adv./prep. A line of cars swung out of the palace gates.一队汽车拐出了宫门。
    • swing something + adv./prep. He swung his legs over the side of the bed.他把两腿移过来放下床。
    • + adj. The door swung open.门开了。
    • She let the door swing shut behind her.她放开手让门自己关上。
    • swing something + adj. She swung the door open.她把门推开。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • slowly
    • suddenly
    • sharply
    verb + swing
    • let something
    • from
    • into
    • towards/​toward
    • swing open
    • swing shut
    See full entry
  5. change opinion/mood改变意见/情绪

  6. [intransitive, transitive] to change or make somebody/something change from one opinion, mood, etc. to another(使)改变(意见、情绪等)
    • swing (from A) (to B) The state has swung from Republican to Democrat.这个州原先支持共和党,现在倒向了民主党。
    • swing (between A and B) His emotions swung between fear and curiosity.他时而害怕,时而好奇。
    • The game could swing either way (= either side could win it).这场比赛胜负未卜。
    • swing somebody/something (to something) I managed to swing them round to my point of view.我设法使他们转而接受了我的观点。
    Extra Examples
    • Her mood could swing rapidly from gloom to exhilaration.她的情绪可能在转瞬之间就从阴郁转向兴奋。
    • Opinion swung heavily to the left.舆论严重转向左倾。
    • The balance of power swung wildly from one party to the other.权力的天平急剧地从这个党倒向另一个党。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • rapidly
    • suddenly
    • wildly
    • from
    • to
    See full entry
  7. turn quickly迅速转向

  8. [intransitive, transitive] to turn or change direction suddenly; to make something do this(使)突然转向,突然转身
    • + adv./prep. She swung back to face him.她转身面对他。
    • The bus swung sharply to the left.公共汽车猛地拐向左边。
    • swing something + adv./prep. He swung the camera around to face the opposite direction.他猛地将照相机转到相反的方向。
    Extra Examples
    • Nick swung towards her.尼克转向她。
    • She swung around angrily, her eyes blazing.她生气地转过身,两眼怒火中烧。
    • Suddenly she swung back on her heel.突然,她向后一仰。
    • He swung the car round in a dangerous U-turn.他不顾危险一下子将车180度回转。
  9. try to hit试图击中

  10. [intransitive, transitive] to try to hit somebody/something(挥动某物)朝…打去
    • swing at somebody/something She swung at me with the iron bar.她挥着铁棍朝我打来。
    • swing something (at somebody/something) He swung another punch in my direction.他朝着我这边又挥了一拳。
  11. do/get something做;获得

  12. [transitive] (informal) to succeed in getting or achieving something, sometimes in a slightly dishonest way(有时略微不正当地)获得,搞到,办成
    • swing something We're trying to swing it so that we can travel on the same flight.我们正在想法子,好坐上同一个航班。
    • swing somebody something Is there any chance of you swinging us a couple of tickets?你有没有可能帮我们弄几张票?
    Topics Successc2
  13. of music音乐

  14. [intransitive] to have a strong rhythm有强劲的节奏;节奏感强
  15. of party聚会

  16. [intransitive] (informal) if a party, etc. is swinging, there are a lot of people there having a good time热闹;令人开心
  17. Word OriginOld English swingan ‘to beat, whip’, also ‘rush’, geswing ‘a stroke with a weapon’, of Germanic origin; related to German schwingen ‘brandish’.
no room to swing a cat
  1. (informal) when somebody says there’s no room to swing a cat, they mean that a room is very small and that there is not enough space没有活动的余地;连转身都很难
swing the balance
(also tip the balance/scales)
  1. to affect the result of something in one way rather than another使天平倾斜;使结果倾向某方;起决定性作用
    • In an interview, smart presentation can swing the balance in your favour.在面试中,巧妙的陈述可以让天平向你倾斜。
    • New evidence swung the balance against the prosecution.新证据使天平向不利于起诉的方向倾斜。
swing both ways
  1. (informal) to be bisexual (= sexually attracted to both men and women)双性恋;既喜欢异性也喜欢同性
swing for the fences
  1. (North American English) to really try to achieve something great, even when it is not reasonable to expect to be so successful全力一搏;迎难而上
    • entrepreneurs who think big and swing for the fences志向高远、迎难而上的企业家
    • Investors need to manage risk and not swing for the fences.投资者需要管理风险,而不是摇摆不定。
    Topics Successc2
swing into action
  1. to start doing something quickly and with a lot of energy立即行动起来;马上大干起来
    • The ambulance crew swung into action to resuscitate the patient.救护人员立即采取行动抢救病人。
    • The rescue operation swung into action immediately.救援行动立即展开。
    • The emergency services swung into action as soon as the disaster was reported.灾难一经报道,应急服务机构迅速采取了行动。
swing the lead
  1. (old-fashioned, British English, informal) (usually used in the progressive tenses通常用于进行时) to pretend to be ill when in fact you are not, especially to avoid work装病偷懒
    • I don't think there's anything wrong with her—she's just swinging the lead.我认为她没有什么病,只不过是在装病偷懒而已。


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  1. [countable] a swinging movement or rhythm摆动;挥动;转动;强劲节奏
    • He took a wild swing at the ball.他对准球猛地挥拍一击。
    • the swing of her hips她臀部的扭动
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • wild
    • mighty
    • powerful
    verb + swing
    • do
    • make
    • take
    swing + noun
    • bridge
    • door
    • swing at
    • swing of
    See full entry
  2. of opinion/mood意见;情绪

  3. [countable] a change from one opinion or situation to another; the amount by which something changes改变;改变的程度
    • He is liable to abrupt mood swings (= for example from being very happy to being very sad).他的情绪容易大起大落。
    • Voting showed a 10 per cent swing to Labour.投票显示工党的支持率上升了10%。
    • There are indications of a swing towards nuclear power.有迹象表明人们转而支持核能。
    • The Conservatives suffered an adverse swing of 6 per cent.保守党遭受了6%的不利影响。
    • The party needs a swing of only 2.5 per cent to win the seat.该党只需要2.5%的差额就能赢得席位。
    • There was a political swing of the pendulum back to the right.政治如钟摆又重新摆回到右倾的位置。
    • This represents a swing of 14 per cent against the party.这表明有14%的人反对该党。
    • a sharp swing in the attitudes of economists经济学家观点的急剧转变
    • the swing away from science in schools学校偏离理科的转变
    • violent swings in policy政策的急剧改变
    • his sudden swings of mood他情绪的突然波动
    Topics Opinion and argumentc1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • dramatic
    • huge
    verb + swing
    • need
    • represent
    • suffer
    swing + noun
    • state
    • vote
    • voter
    • swing in favour of
    • swing to
    • swing towards/​toward
    See full entry
  4. hanging seat秋千

  5. [countable] a seat for swinging on, hung from above on ropes or chains秋千
    • The kids were playing on the swings.孩子们在荡秋千。
    • Her dad pushed her on the swing.她爸爸推她荡秋千。
    Topics Games and toysc1, Gardensc1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • porch
    • tyre/​tire
    verb + swing
    • go on
    • play on
    • sit on
    • on a/​the swing
    See full entry
  6. in golf高尔夫球

  7. [singular] the swinging movement you make with your arms and body when you hit the ball in the game of golf 挥杆动作
    • I need to work on my swing.我需要改进挥杆动作。
    Extra Examples
    • The golfers were practising their swings.高尔夫球手正在练习挥杆。
    • the technique for making the perfect golf swing完美的高尔夫挥杆击球动作的技巧
    Topics Sports: ball and racket sportsc2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • wild
    • mighty
    • powerful
    verb + swing
    • do
    • make
    • take
    swing + noun
    • bridge
    • door
    • swing at
    • swing of
    See full entry
  8. music音乐

  9. [uncountable] a type of jazz with a smooth rhythm, played especially by big dance bands in the 1930s摇摆乐(流行于 20 世纪 30 年代)
  10. journey行程

  11. [singular] (North American English) a quick journey, especially one made by a politician, in which somebody visits several different places in a short time(尤指从政者在多处逗留的)短期快速行程
    • a three-day campaign swing through California为期三天的加利福尼亚巡回竞选旅程
  12. Word OriginOld English swingan ‘to beat, whip’, also ‘rush’, geswing ‘a stroke with a weapon’, of Germanic origin; related to German schwingen ‘brandish’.
get in/into the swing (of something)
  1. (informal) to get used to an activity or a situation and become fully involved in it熟悉(某种情况);融入(某种活动或环境之中)
    • I’ve only been here a week so I haven’t got into the swing of things yet.我到这里才一个星期,所以还没有熟悉情况。
go with a swing (British English)
  1. (of a party or an activity聚会或活动) to be lively and fun热闹有趣;气氛热烈
    • She made the whole party go with a swing.她让整个聚会变得热闹起来。
  2. (of music音乐) to have a strong rhythm有强劲的节奏;节奏感强
in full swing
  1. having reached a very lively level在热烈进行中;处于兴盛阶段
    • When we arrived the party was already in full swing.我们赶到时,聚会已进入高潮。
swings and roundabouts
  1. (British English, informal) used to say that there are advantages and disadvantages whatever decision you make(表示无论如何决定都有利有弊)有得必有失
    • If you earn more, you pay more in tax, so it's all swings and roundabouts.赚的越多,缴的税也越多,所以有得必有失。
    • What you gain on the swings you may lose on the roundabouts.你在荡秋千时得到的东西,可能会在转弯处失去。


1change in public opinion, sb's mood, etc.輿論的轉變;情緒的改變ADJECTIVE | VERB + SWING | SWING + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbig, dramatic, huge, sharp, violent, wide (especially NAmE) 大轉變;劇烈的波動;巨大的轉變;急劇的轉變violent swings in policy政策的急劇改變small小轉變10%, etc. * 10% 等的改變sudden, wild突然的/瘋狂的轉變his sudden swings of mood他情緒的突然波動electoral, national (especially BrE) 選舉支持率的變化;全國性的轉變mood情緒波動She suffers from severe mood swings.她情緒波動很厲害。VERB + SWINGneed需要轉變The party needs a swing of only 2.5% to win.該黨只需 2.5% 的選民轉而支持他們就能取勝。represent表明轉變This represents a swing of 14% against the party.這表明有 14% 的選票轉而投給該黨的對手。suffer, suffer from經歷轉變SWING + NOUNstate, vote, voter (all especially NAmE) 搖擺州(指投票意向不斷變化的州);意向搖擺不定的選票;意向搖擺的投票人Ohio is a swing state in the presidential election.俄亥俄州在總統大選中意見搖擺不定。PREPOSITIONswing in favour of, swing to, swing towards/toward對⋯有利的轉變;朝⋯的轉變signs of a late swing to the Democrats後期倒向民主黨的跡象swing against對⋯不利的轉變a dramatic swing against the socialists對社會主義者不利的急劇變化swing away from偏離⋯的轉變the swing away from science in schools學校偏離理科的轉變swing from從⋯轉變swing in⋯方面的轉變a sharp swing in the attitudes of economists經濟學家觀點的急劇轉變


2swinging movement擺動ADJECTIVE | VERB + SWING | SWING + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEwild瘋狂的揮舞mighty, powerful強勁的/有力的揮舞backward, forward向後/向前揮動golf高爾夫球杆的揮動practice練習性揮動VERB + SWINGdo, make, take揮動the technique for making the perfect golf swing完美的高爾夫揮杆擊球動作的技巧change改變揮舞動作practise/practice練習揮舞動作The golfers were practising / practicing their swings.高爾夫球手正在練習揮杆動作。SWING + NOUNbridge, door (both BrE) 平旋橋;雙開式彈簧門PREPOSITIONswing at朝⋯的揮動He took a wild swing at the ball.他猛地揮杆朝球擊去。swing of⋯的擺動There was a political swing of the pendulum back to the right. (figurative) 政治如鐘擺又重新擺回到右傾的位置。


3swinging seat鞦韆ADJECTIVE | VERB + SWING | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEporch, tyre/tire (both especially NAmE) 門廊上的/輪胎做的鞦韆VERB + SWINGgo on, play on, sit on盪鞦韆Some kids were playing on the swings.一些孩子在盪鞦韆。PREPOSITIONon a/the swing在鞦韆上Her dad pushed her on the swing.她爸爸推她盪鞦韆。


1move backwards and forwards/from side to side前後移動;左右擺動ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBgently, slowly輕柔/緩慢擺動violently, wildly急劇/猛烈擺動She lashed out, her arm swinging wildly.她突然要打人,猛地揮舞着手臂。freely自由擺動Let your arms swing freely at your sides.讓手臂在身體兩側自由擺動。back and forth, from side to side, to and fro來回/左右/往復擺動The pendulum swung slowly from side to side.鐘擺緩慢地左右擺動。PREPOSITIONfrom從⋯搖盪I could see him swinging from the branch of a large tree.我看到他吊在一棵大樹的樹枝上搖盪。


2move smoothly平穩移動ADVERB | VERB + SWING | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBslowly緩慢旋轉suddenly突然擺動sharply急劇地擺動The road swung sharply around.道路猛然間拐了個急彎。across, around, away, back, down, forward, off, round, up擺過;轉身;擺開;擺回;向下擺;向前擺;向上擺Hearing a sarcastic note in his voice, she swung around to face him.聽到他話中的諷刺口氣,她猛然轉過身面對着他。VERB + SWINGlet sth讓⋯擺動She let the door swing shut behind her.她放開手讓門自己關上。PREPOSITIONfrom從⋯擺動She swung down from the tree in one easy movement.她做了一個輕鬆的動作就從樹上盪了下來。into擺進He swung up into the saddle and rode off.他一躍跨上馬鞍,絕塵而去。towards/toward轉向Nick swung towards / toward her.尼克向她轉過身來。PHRASESswing open, swing shut轉動着打開/關上


3change quickly迅速改變ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBrapidly快速轉變suddenly突然轉變wildly劇烈轉變The balance of power swung wildly from one party to the other.權力的天平急劇地從這個黨倒向另一個黨。heavily嚴重轉變Opinion swung heavily to the left.輿論嚴重轉向左傾。PREPOSITIONfrom, to轉離;轉到Her mood could swing rapidly from gloom to exhilaration.她的情緒可能在轉瞬之間就從陰鬱轉向興奮。
swing verb
swing (swing back and forth) change2 (The state has swung from Republican to Democrat.) turn1 (swing around angrily)
swing noun


swing ♦︎ rock ♦︎ sway ♦︎ oscillateThese words all mean to move backwards and forwards from a fixed point, or to make sth do this. 这些词均表示摆动、摇晃。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to swing / sway / rock / oscillate backwards and forwardsto swing / sway / rock back and forth / to and fro / from side to sideto swing / sway / rock / oscillate violently / wildly / slightlyto swing / sway / rock gently swing (swung, swung) [intransitive, transitive] to move or make sb/sth move backwards and forwards or from side to side while hanging from a fixed point 摆动;摇摆;摇荡His arms swung as he walked.他走路时双臂摆动。A set of keys swung from her belt.一串钥匙在她的腰带上摆来摆去。She sat on a stool swinging her legs.她坐在凳子上晃动着双腿。 swing


[singular] the swing of her hips她臀部的扭动
rock [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to move or make sb/sth move backwards and forwards or from side to side, especially gently 轻轻摇晃;缓缓摆动The boat rocked from side to side on the water.小船在水面上左右摇荡。He rocked the baby gently in his arms.他把孩子抱在怀里轻轻摇晃。 sway [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to move or make sth move slowly from side to side 缓缓摇摆;缓缓摆动The branches of the trees were swaying in the wind.树枝在风中摇曳。Vicky swayed and fell.维基缓缓摇晃着倒下了。She swayed her hips in time to the music.她伴着音乐扭动屁股。 oscillate ˈɒsɪleɪt; NAmE ˈɑːsɪleɪt [intransitive] (physics 物理) to keep moving from one position to another and back again; (of an electric current, radio waves, etc.) to change in strength or direction at regular intervals 摆动;振动;(电流、无线电波等)波动,振荡The needle on the dial will oscillate when a magnetic field is present.有磁场存在时,仪表盘上的指针就会摆动。The current oscillates between magnetic poles.电流在磁极间波动。

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