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    position in organization/army, etc.级别

  1. [uncountable, countable] the position, especially a high position, that somebody has in a particular organization, society, etc.(尤指较高的)地位,级别
    • She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank.她不习惯和社会地位很高的人交往。
    • He rose through the ranks to become managing director.他级级攀升,当上了常务董事。
    • Within months she was elevated to ministerial rank.不出几个月,她就被提升至部级。
    • in rank Promotion will mean that I’m immediately above him in rank.升职后我会比他高一级。
    • rank of something Barons are the lowest rank of the nobility.男爵是最低级的贵族。
    see also ranking
    Extra Examples
    • There are few women in the highest ranks of the organization.这个组织内担任要职的女性很少。
    • a government minister of Cabinet rank政府内阁部长
    • all ranks in society所有社会阶层
    • the lowest ranks of the aristocracy贵族的最低等级
    • People of every rank seemed to agree on this.各个阶层的人似乎都同意这一点。
    • She rose from the middle ranks of the civil service.她从公务员队伍的中层升了上来。
    Topics People in societyb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • high
    • senior
    • superior
    verb + rank
    • achieve
    • attain
    • be promoted to
    • above a/​the rank
    • below a/​the rank
    • in rank
    • of high, low, etc. rank
    See full entry
  2. [countable, uncountable] the position that somebody has in the army, navy, police, etc.军衔;军阶;警衔
    • rank of something He was soon promoted to the rank of captain.他很快被提升至上尉军阶。
    • He rose steadily through the ranks and retired as a lieutenant-colonel.他稳步晋升,以中校身份退休。
    • officers of junior/senior rank有低级/高级军阶的军官
    • officers and other ranks (= people who are not officers)军官及士兵
    • The colonel was stripped of his rank (= was given a lower position, especially as a punishment).那名上校被降职了。
    • in rank a military commander similar in rank to a modern general军衔类似于现代将军的军事指挥官
    Extra Examples
    • He came up through the ranks to become a general.他行伍出身,最后成为将军。
    • He held officer rank in the air force for many years.他当空军尉官许多年了。
    • He never rose above the rank of lieutenant.他一辈子只是个陆军中尉。
    • He was assigned the rank of Commander.他被授予海军中校军衔。
    • She joined the navy and held the rank of captain.她加入海军并且当上了上校。
    • police officers below the rank of sergeant级别低于巡佐的警员
    • I gave them only my name, rank and serial number.我只给了他们我的名字、军衔和编号。
    • Officers of junior rank had separate accommodation.下级军官有单独的住处。
    Topics War and conflictb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • high
    • senior
    • superior
    verb + rank
    • achieve
    • attain
    • be promoted to
    • above a/​the rank
    • below a/​the rank
    • in rank
    • of high, low, etc. rank
    See full entry
  3. the ranks
    [plural] the position of ordinary soldiers rather than officers; the army普通士兵
    • He served in the ranks for most of the war.战争期间,他大部分时间都在部队服役。
    • He rose from the ranks (= from being an ordinary soldier) to become a warrant officer.他从普通士兵升至准尉。
    • a campaign to attract more women into the military ranks吸引更多的女性担任各级军官的运动
    Extra Examples
    • They had served in the ranks of the Sultan's army.他们曾在苏丹的军队当过兵。
    • Death and disease were thinning their ranks.死亡与疾病正在导致他们减员。
  4. quality质量

  5. [singular] the degree to which somebody/something is of high quality等级;级别
    • a painter of the first rank一流的画家
    • Britain is no longer in the front rank of world powers.英国再也不是位于前列的世界强国。
    • The findings are arranged in rank order according to performance.这些研究结果是根据性能等级排列的。
  6. members of group成员

  7. the ranks
    [plural] the members of a particular group or organization(团体或组织的)成员
    • We have a number of international players in our ranks.我们的队员中有好几个国际选手。
    • At 50, he was forced to join the ranks of the unemployed.他 50 岁时被迫加入了失业行列。
    • There were serious divisions within the party's own ranks.这个党内部存在着严重的分歧。
    Extra Examples
    • A CIA operative had infiltrated their ranks.一位中央情报局的特工打入了他们的队伍。
    • More women are now filling the ranks of the medical profession.现在,更多的女性正在加入医疗行业。
    • He spent two years on the college golf team before joining the professional ranks.他在大学高尔夫球队打了两年球后才加入职业队。
    • The group has little influence over those outside its own ranks.这个团体对非成员没什么影响力。
    • These products appeal to the growing ranks of middle-class consumers.这些产品吸引了越来越多的中产阶级消费者。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • growing
    • swelling
    • amateur
    verb + ranks
    • enter
    • fill
    • join
    • among the ranks of
    • within the ranks of
    • beyond the ranks
    • the rank and file
    See full entry
  8. line/row行;列

  9. [countable] a line or row of soldiers, police, etc. standing next to each other(警察、士兵等的)队列,行列
    • They watched as ranks of marching infantry passed the window.他们看着步兵列队从窗前走过。
    • They fired at random into the enemy ranks.他们向敌人的队列随意开火。
    Extra Examples
    • The president moved slowly along the ranks of men.总统沿着士兵队列缓慢前行。
    • The soldiers marched in three ranks of ten.士兵分 3 排行进,每排 10 人。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • front
    • rear
    • massed
    • along a/​the rank
    • in a/​the rank
    • break ranks
    • close ranks
    • rank upon rank (of something)
    See full entry
  10. [countable] a line or row of people or things排;行;列
    • massed ranks of spectators聚集起来的旁观者的行列
    • The trees grew in serried ranks (= very closely together).树木一排靠一排地生长。
    see also taxi rank
    Extra Examples
    • Rank upon rank of caravans filled the field.成排的大篷车挤满了营地。
    • There were ranks of trestle tables piled high with food.一排排搁板桌上食物堆得高高的。
    • He was standing in the second rank.他当时站在第 2 排。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • front
    • rear
    • massed
    • along a/​the rank
    • in a/​the rank
    • break ranks
    • close ranks
    • rank upon rank (of something)
    See full entry
  11. in statistics统计

  12. [countable] (statistics统计) a number that gives the position of a member of a set of numbers普通士兵
  13. Word Originnoun Middle English (in the sense ‘row of things’): from Old French ranc, of Germanic origin; related to ring
break ranks
  1. (of soldiers, police, etc.士兵、警察等) to fail to remain in line掉队;未保持队形
    • The police broke ranks and started hitting people with their batons.警察散开队形并开始用警棍打人。
  2. (of the members of a group成员) to refuse to support the group or the organization of which they are members不支持所属团体(或组织)
    • Large numbers of MPs felt compelled to break ranks over the issue.为数众多的下院议员觉得在这一问题上不得不表示反对。
    • He broke ranks with his fellow Republicans and opposed the war.他离开自己的共和党阵营,加入反战行列。
close ranks
  1. if a group of people close ranks, they work closely together to defend themselves, especially when they are being criticized(尤指受到批评时)抱团,携手合作
    • It's not unusual for the police to close ranks when one of their officers is being investigated.在一位警员受到调查时,警察抱团的事并不罕见。
  2. if soldiers close ranks, they move closer together in order to defend themselves(士兵)成密集队形,相互靠拢
pull rank (on somebody)
  1. to make use of your place or status in society or at work to make somebody do what you want凭借地位指使(某人);弄权


not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they rank
he / she / it ranks
past simple ranked
past participle ranked
past simple ranking
past participle ranking
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    give position分等级

  1. [transitive, intransitive] to give somebody/something a particular position on a scale according to quality, importance, success, etc.; to have a position of this kind把…分等级;属于某等级
    • rank somebody/something In most Australian elections, electors are required to rank all candidates.在大多数澳大利亚选举中,选民被要求对所有候选人进行排名。
    • rank somebody/something + adv./prep. The tasks have been ranked in order of difficulty.按照困难程度对工作进行了分类。
    • She is currently the highest ranked player in the world.她是目前居全球榜首的运动员。
    • top-ranked players一流的选手
    • rank somebody/something as something Forty-five per cent of respondents ranked health as their number one priority.45%的受访者将健康列为第一要务。
    • rank somebody/something as doing something Voters regularly rank education as being more important than defence.投票者通常认为教育比国防更重要。
    • rank + adj At the height of her career she ranked second in the world.在她事业的顶峰时期,她排名世界第二位。
    • rank somebody/something + adj Last year, he was ranked second in his age group.去年,他在同龄人中排名第二。
    • rank somebody/something + noun The university is ranked number one in the country for engineering.在工程学领域,这所大学位居本国第一。
    • rank as something It certainly doesn't rank as his greatest win.这肯定算不上他最大的胜利。
    • + adv./prep. The restaurant ranks among the finest in town.这家饭店属于城里最好的。
    • It would certainly rank high on any list of favourite children's books.在所有最受欢迎的儿童读物中,它肯定会名列前茅。
    • Health and education rank highly with voters.健康和教育在选民中名列前茅。
    • This must rank with (= be as good as) the greatest movies ever made.这部影片一定可与史上最优秀的影片相媲美。
    • (North American English) You just don't rank (= you're not good enough).你还不够级别。
    Extra Examples
    • The criteria are ranked in order of importance.这些标准是根据其重要程度来作分类的。
    • He is a high-ranking officer in the Indian Army.他是印度军队中的高级军官。
    • The children were ranked according to academic ability.孩子们是根据学习能力分级的。
    • It now ranks as Japan's fourth largest market.它目前是日本的第四大市场。
    • He ranks among the greatest boxers of all time.他跻身于历史上最伟大拳击手之列。
    • She is now ranked in the top five hockey players in Britain.她目前在英国曲棍球选手中排在前 5 名。
    • She ranks above any other musician of her generation.在她那一代,她是最好的音乐家。
    • This city ranks alongside London as one of the great tourist attractions of the world.这个城市与伦敦并列为世界最著名旅游胜地之一。
    • This ranks with the great paintings of the 19th century.这幅画是 19 世纪伟大的绘画作品之一。
    • These subjects ranked low for most students.多数学生不重视这几门课。
    • We beat a nationally ranked team.我们打败了一个在全国排得上号的球队。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • high
    • highly
    • low
    • above
    • ahead of
    • alongside
    • be nationally ranked
    • be ranked number two, three, etc.
    • rank number two, three, etc.
    See full entry
  2. put in line/row排列;排成行

  3. [transitive, usually passive] rank something to arrange objects in a line or row排列;使排成行
  4. Word Originverb Middle English (in the sense ‘row of things’): from Old French ranc, of Germanic origin; related to ring


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  1. having a strong unpleasant smell难闻的;恶臭的
    • The house was full of the rank smell of urine.这屋子里到处有一股尿的臊味。
  2. (informal) very unpleasant非常糟糕的
    • I think the whole situation's pretty rank.我认为整个情况很糟糕。
  3. [only before noun] used to emphasize a particular quality, state, etc.(强调质量、状况等)极端的,糟糕的
    • an example of rank stupidity/hypocrisy极度愚蠢/虚伪的例子
    • The winning horse was a rank outsider.获胜的这匹马,本来谁也没指望它能获胜。
    • She made the other players look like rank amateurs.她让其他选手看起来像是业余选手。
  4. (of plants, etc.植物) growing too thickly疯长的
    • an area overgrown with rank grass and nettles长满野草和荨麻的地区


1level of importance等級ADJECTIVE | VERB + RANK | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEhigh, senior, superior, top, upper高級別;資深級別;上級;頂級;上層middle中層inferior, junior, low下級;低級別the lowest ranks of the army陸軍的最低等級first, second一級;二級He is in the first rank of designers.他是一流的設計師。social社會等級Cabinet, ministerial (BrE) 內閣級;部長級a politician of Cabinet rank內閣級別的政治家VERB + RANKachieve, attain, be promoted to, get to, reach, rise to達到⋯等級;晉升到⋯等級;達到級別;升級She joined the navy, where she rose to the rank of captain.她加入了海軍,晉升為上校。have, hold有⋯軍銜;屬於⋯軍階He held officer rank in the air force for many years.他當空軍尉官許多年了。assign sb, award sb授予某人軍銜He was assigned the rank of Commander.他被授予海軍中校軍銜。be stripped of被剝奪軍銜He was stripped of his rank by a military court.他被軍事法庭剝奪了軍銜。PREPOSITIONabove a/the rank高於⋯軍銜He never rose above the rank of lieutenant.他一輩子只是個陸軍中尉。below a/the rank低於⋯軍銜police officers below the rank of sergeant級別低於巡佐的警員in rank在職銜上He is higher in rank than I am.他的職銜比我高。rank in⋯中的等級all ranks in society所有社會階層rank of⋯的級別She reached the rank of captain.她達到了上尉級。PHRASESof high, low, etc. rank高級、低級等軍銜officers of senior rank有高級軍銜的軍官


2group of things/people行;列ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEfront, rear前排;後排a poet who belongs in the front rank of Latin American literature (figurative) 在拉美文學界名列前茅的詩人massed, serried (both especially BrE) 大規模的/密集的隊伍the serried ranks of hotel staff排成密集行列的酒店員工PREPOSITIONalong a/the rank沿着行列The president moved slowly along the ranks of men.總統沿着士兵隊列緩慢前行。in a/the rank在⋯排He was standing in the second rank.他當時站在第 2 排。The soldiers marched in three ranks of ten.士兵分 3 排行進,每排 10 人。PHRASESbreak ranks (= to leave a line of soldiers, police, etc.) 解散隊伍The police broke ranks and started hitting people with their batons.警察散開隊形並開始用警棍打人。He broke ranks with his fellow Republicans and opposed the war. (figurative) 他離開自己的共和黨陣營,加入反戰行列。close ranks (figurative) (面對困難等時)緊密團結When the establishment is attacked, it closes ranks (= unites to protect itself).當該機構受到攻擊時,其員工們緊緊團結在一起。rank upon rank (of sth)一排排的(⋯)Rank upon rank of caravans filled the field.成排的大篷車擠滿了營地。


3ranks members of a large group普通成員ADJECTIVE | VERB + RANKS | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgrowing, swelling越來越多的⋯These products appeal to the growing ranks of middle-class consumers.這些產品吸引了越來越多的中產階級消費者。amateur, pro, professional (all sport體育) 業餘隊;專業隊He spent two years on the college golf team before joining the professional ranks.他在大學高爾夫球隊打了兩年球後才加入職業隊。VERB + RANKSenter, fill, join, swell進入⋯行列; 增加⋯的數目More women are now filling the ranks of the medical profession.現在,更多的女性正在加入醫療行業。Each month thousands more swell the ranks of the unemployed.每個月都有數千人加入失業大軍。be admitted into, be admitted to被准許加入⋯行列infiltrate潛入⋯隊伍A CIA operative had infiltrated their ranks.一位中央情報局的特工打入了他們的隊伍。deplete, thin使⋯減員Death and disease were thinning their ranks.死亡與疾病正在導致他們減員。serve in服役They had served in the ranks of the army.他們曾在軍隊當過兵。climb, come up from, come up through, rise from, rise through晉升;由普通士兵晉升為⋯He came up through the ranks to become a general.他行伍出身,最後成為將軍。PREPOSITIONamong the ranks of, within the ranks of在⋯階層中There is much disaffection among the ranks of the party.該黨成員中存在着極強的不滿情緒。beyond the ranks, outside the ranks在組織以外The group has little influence over those outside its own ranks.這個團體對非成員沒什麼影響力。in the ranks在組織內There are few women in the highest ranks of the organization.這個組織內擔任要職的女性很少。PHRASESthe rank and file(團體、組織等的)普通成員Communication worked well at management level, but didn't always make it down to the rank and file.管理層的溝通很暢通,但信息並非總是能夠傳達到普通員工。


ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBhigh, highly, low處於高位;地位低下These subjects ranked low for most students.多數學生不重視這幾門課。high-ranking officials高級官員PREPOSITIONabove地位高於⋯She ranks above any other musician of her generation.在她那一代,她是最好的音樂家。ahead of排在⋯之前The dandelion ranks ahead of both broccoli and spinach in nutritional value.蒲公英的營養價值比花椰菜和菠菜都要高。alongside與⋯並列This city ranks alongside London as one of the great tourist attractions of the world.這個城市與倫敦並列為世界最著名旅遊勝地之一。among躋身⋯行列He ranks among the greatest boxers of all time.他躋身於歷史上最偉大拳擊手之列。as具有⋯地位Their performance ranks as the best of the year.他們的表演堪稱年度最佳。below排在⋯之下with位列⋯之中This ranks with the great paintings of the 19th century.這幅畫是 19 世紀偉大的繪畫作品之一。according to, by根據⋯排列The children were ranked according to academic ability.孩子們是根據學習能力分級的。PHRASESbe nationally ranked (NAmE) 在全國排得上號的We beat a nationally ranked team.我們打敗了一個在全國排得上號的球隊。be ranked number two, three, etc., rank number two, three, etc., rank second, third, etc.排名第 2、第 3 等the tennis player ranked number two in the world世界排名第 2 的網球選手The company ranks second among food manufacturers.該公司在食品製造商中名列第 2。rank sth in order of sth以某種順序排列ranked in order of size按大小排列rank in the top 10, 100, etc.排在前 10 名、前 100 名等以內She is now ranked in the top five hockey players in Britain.她目前在英國曲棍球選手中排在前 5 名。
rank noun
class4 (officers of senior rank) row (ranks of marching soldiers)


rank ♦︎ rate ♦︎ grade ♦︎ place ♦︎ put ♦︎ orderThese words all mean to put things into a particular order, especially according to their quality. 这些词均表示划分等级,尤指根据质量划分。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to rank / rate / grade / order sb / sth according to sthto rank / grade (sb / sth) as sb / sthto rank / grade / order sb / sth by sthto rank / rate / place / put / order sb / sth above / below sb / sthto rank / rate / grade / place / put sb / sth in order of sthto rank / rate (sb / sth) with sb / sthto rank / rate / grade sb / sth for sth rank [transitive, intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to give sb/sth a particular position on a scale according to quality, size or performance; to have a position of this kind 把⋯分等级;属于⋯等级The criteria are ranked in order of importance.这些标准是根据其重要程度来作分类的。They both lost to top-ranked American players.他们俩都输给了一流的美国选手。The collection ranks among the finest in the country.那批收藏品位居全国最佳藏品之列。It now ranks as Japan's fourth largest market.它目前是日本的第四大市场。 see also ranking class 4 rate [transitive, usually passive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to put sb/sth in a particular position on a scale in relation to similar people or things 划分等级;分等The schools are rated according to their exam results.这些学校的排名是按考试成绩来定的。She is currently rated number two in the world.她目前排名世界第二。 see also rate judge verb 1 , rating class 4 grade [transitive, often passive] to arrange people or things into groups according to a quality they share (按特质)分级,分等,分类Eggs are graded from small to extra large.鸡蛋从小号到特大号分成不同等级。Responses were graded from 1 (very satisfied) to 5 (not at all satisfied).回答按1(非常满意)到5(完全不满意)分类。The grammar exercises are graded for difficulty.语法练习按难度分级。 place [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to consider that sb/sth has a particular position or rank compared with other people or things (经比较)归类,划分,排名次I would place him among the top five tennis players in the world.我会把他排在世界顶尖网球选手的前五名。Nursing attracts people who place relationships high on their list of priorities.护理工作对重视人际关系的人具有吸引力。 put (putting, put, put) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to place sb/sth in a particular position or rank 把⋯列为;把⋯归为I'd put her in the top rank of modern novelists.我认为她是一流的当代小说家。NOTE 辨析 Place or put?There is very little difference in meaning or use between these words; place can sometimes suggest a more carefully considered opinion than put. 这两个词在含义和用法上差别很小。place有时可暗指比put更慎重。 see also place , put place verb order [transitive, usually passive] (formal) to arrange things in a particular order (按照一定顺序)排列,安排The books are ordered alphabetically by title.这些书按书名的字母顺序排列。In the periodic table elements are ordered according to atomic number.元素周期表中各元素按原子序数排列。 see also order series noun
Groups of soldiers: advance guard, battalion, brigade...
General words for numbers, amounts and quantities: accumulation, allocation, allowance...
Group members and describing group members: academician, alumnus, arriviste...
Miscellaneous soldiers: airman, airwoman, batman...
Ways of comparing things: than, relatively, whereas...
To categorize things: sort, classify, characterize...
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
Ways of emphasizing how bad something is: utterly, sadly, hopelessly...
Tasting bad or lacking flavour: stale, nasty, rancid...
Smelling unpleasant: acrid, fetid, frowsty...
Words used to describe plants and plant parts: algal, androgynous, aquatic...

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