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Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they focus
he / she / it focuses
he / she / it focusses
past simple focused
past participle focused
past simple focussed
past participle focussed
-ing form focusing
-ing form focussing
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  1. [intransitive, transitive] to give attention, effort, etc. to one particular subject, situation or person rather than another集中(注意力、精力等于)
    • She was distracted and finding it hard to focus.她心烦意乱,发现很难集中注意力。
    • focus on/upon somebody/something The discussion focused on three main issues.讨论集中在三个主要问题上。
    • Each exercise focuses on a different grammar point.每个练习各有不同的语法重点。
    • focus + adv./prep. He had artistic interests but his teachers encouraged him to focus elsewhere.他对艺术感兴趣,但他的老师鼓励他把注意力转移到别处。
    • The essay seems too narrowly focused.这篇文章似乎过于狭隘。
    • focus something Music and crafts can help focus small children's energies.音乐和手工艺可以帮助小孩子集中精力。
    • focus something on/upon somebody/something The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees.这次访问促使全世界关注难民的困境。
    • (figurative) All eyes are focused on the presidential elections at the moment.此刻所有的目光都集中在总统选举上。
    • (figurative) The event will focus the spotlight on younger athletes.这项活动将把焦点集中在年轻运动员身上。
    • focus something + adv./prep. We need to decide where to focus our efforts.我们需要决定我们努力的重点。
    Extra Examples
    • Come on, try to focus.加油,努力集中注意力。
    • Children with ADHD suffer from an inability to focus and concentrate.患有多动症的儿童无法集中注意力。
    • Degree courses have traditionally focused on the established great writers of the past.学位课程的内容一直以来都集中于过去的知名作家。
    • They plan to divest declining businesses and focus on growth areas.他们计划剥离衰落的业务,专注于增长领域。
    • You might choose to focus on a particular aspect of the nineteenth century.你可能会选择关注十九世纪的某个特定方面。
    • Meetings focused on the development of the curriculum.会议侧重于课程的开发。
    • He inevitably focused on his own concerns, with only a passing query about Jeff.不可避免地,他的注意力在他自己关心的事上,对于杰夫就那么一问。
    • Much recent concern has been focused upon sea level rises.最近很多人都在关注海平面上涨的问题。
    • The exhibition is focused primarily upon architecture.展览主要集中在建筑上。
    • The exhibition primarily focuses upon architecture.展览主要集中在建筑上。
    • Schools should not focus exclusively on exam results.学校不应该只注重考试成绩。
    • The department undertakes highly focused research.这个部门从事最专门的研究。
    • The study was criticized for being too narrowly focused.这一研究因关注范围过于狭隘而遭到批评。
    • My own research is focused on classical traditions.我自己的研究重点是古典传统。
    • We have focused our resources on developing new products.我们把资源集中在开发新产品上。
    • Think of some questions that will help focus the discussion.想出一些问题使讨论的主题更突出。
    • This should help focus your attention.这应该有助于集中你的注意力。
    • I was finding it hard to focus my mind properly.我发现很难好好地集中精神。
    • Perhaps your family is where you should focus your attention.也许你的家庭是你应该集中注意力的地方。
    • Where do you really wish to focus your time and energy?你到底想要把时间和精力放在什么地方?
    • Much of the debate was focused around the issue of inequality.大部分辩论都集中在不平等问题上。
    • He made a promise to his father and is determined to live his entire life focused towards that goal.他向父亲许下诺言,决心一生都朝着这个目标努力。
    • A hate crime is abuse focused towards a specific person or group on grounds of race, religion, etc.仇恨犯罪是基于种族、宗教等原因针对特定个人或群体的虐待。
    • You need to focus closely on the matter at hand.你需要密切关注手头的事情。
    • At the moment, aid agencies are focusing their efforts on women and children.目前,援助机构正把精力集中在妇女和儿童身上。
    • The attention of the news media was firmly focused on the elections.新闻媒体密切关注着选举。
    • Our activity is mainly focused on responding to emergencies.我们的活动主要是应对紧急情况。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • especially
    • heavily
    • largely
    verb + focus
    • need to
    • try to
    • decide to
    • on
    • upon
    • highly focused
    • tightly focused
    • narrowly focused
    See full entry
  2. [intransitive, transitive] (of your eyes, a camera, etc.眼睛、摄影机等) to adapt or be changed so that things can be seen clearly; to change something so that you can see things clearly(使)调节焦距
    • It took a few moments for her eyes to focus in the dark.过了一会儿她的眼睛才适应了黑暗。
    • focus on somebody/something Let your eyes focus on objects that are further away from you.睁大眼睛看清楚离你较远的物体。
    • In this scene, the camera focuses on the actor's face.在这个镜头中,摄影机对准演员的脸部。
    • focus something ‘Look at me,’ he says, focusing the camera.“看着我,”他边说边对焦。
    • focus something on somebody/something He focused his blue eyes on her.他那蓝色的眼睛注视着她。
    • I quickly focused the camera on the children.我迅速把照相机的镜头对准孩子们。
    • focus something + adv./prep. My gaze was focused elsewhere at the time.当时我的目光集中在别处。
    Extra Examples
    • She blinked and tried to focus.她眨了眨眼睛试图让自己看清楚。
    • The eye will automatically focus on the small group in the foreground.视线会自动集中到最引人注目的那个小群体上。
    • She could feel his eyes focusing on her.她能感觉到他的眼睛在盯着她。
    • She could feel his eyes focused on her.她能感觉到他的目光聚焦在她身上。
    • He struggled to focus his eyes in the dimness.他努力在昏暗中集中注意力。
    • A newborn baby cannot focus its eyes.新生婴儿不能集中注意力。
    • My eyes are focused on the horizon.我的眼睛聚焦在地平线上。
    • Ten TV cameras were focused on the stage.十台电视摄像机聚焦在舞台上。
    • She likes to focus her camera on the unusual and the surreal.她喜欢把镜头聚焦在不寻常和超现实的事物上。
    • So much of good film-making is just knowing where to focus your camera.很多好的电影制作就是知道你的相机聚焦在哪里。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • hard
    • intently
    • automatically
    verb + focus
    • try to
    • on
    • upon
    See full entry
  3. [transitive] to aim light onto a particular point using a lens集中(光束于);聚焦(于)
    • focus something A laser focuses a beam of light.激光聚焦一束光。
    • focus something on something She used her glasses to focus the sun's rays on the twigs and spark a fire.她用眼镜把太阳光聚集到小树枝上生火。
  4. [intransitive] focus on somebody/something (of a light) to shine on somebody/something(地震的)震源
    • Suddenly a spotlight focused on us.突然,聚光灯聚焦在我们身上。
  5. Word Originmid 17th cent. (as a term in geometry and physics): from Latin, literally ‘domestic hearth’.


(plural focuses, foci
/ˈfəʊsaɪ/, /ˈfəʊkaɪ/
/ˈfəʊsaɪ/, /ˈfəʊkaɪ/
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  1. [uncountable, countable, usually singular] the thing or person that people are most interested in; the act of paying special attention to something and making people interested in it中心点(指人或事物);关注;引起关注
    • focus of something It was the main focus of attention at the meeting.这是会议上关注的主要焦点。
    • The primary focus of the book is practical teaching techniques.这本书的主要重点是实用的教学技巧。
    • He decided to make colour the central focus of his work.他决定把色彩作为作品的中心焦点。
    • focus for something His comments provided a focus for debate.他的评论提供了辩论的重点。
    • focus on something We shall maintain our focus on the needs of the customer.我们将继续重点关注顾客的需要。
    • In today's lecture the focus will be on tax structures within the European Union.今天讲课的重点是欧洲联盟内部的税制结构。
    • The incident brought the problem of violence in schools into sharp focus.这次事件使校园暴力成为焦点问题。
    • The film loses focus near the end.这部电影在接近结尾时失去了焦点。
    • He began to shift his focus towards writing for the theatre.他开始将注意力转向为剧院写作。
    • What we need now is a change of focus (= to look at things in a different way).我们现在需要的是改变对事物的看法。
    Extra Examples
    • The article does not seem to have any clear focus.这篇文章似乎没有什么明确的重点。
    • Cities have always acted as the principal focus of political life.城市总是担当着政治生活的主要焦点。
    • His research interest is the environment, with a focus on the economics of climate change. 他的研究兴趣是环境,重点是气候变化经济学。
    • Let's take the focus off her personal life and look at what she's achieved.让我们把注意力从她的个人生活上移开,看看她取得了什么成就。
    • I found the focus of the debate too narrow.我发现这个辩论的中心过于狭隘。
    • A narrow focus on profits neglects the human angle.狭隘地关注利润忽略了人性的角度。
    • In her new book, she broadens her focus to include the entire history of Ireland.在她的新书中,她拓宽了自己的视野,将爱尔兰的整个历史都包括在内。
    • I've directed my focus towards developing my skills.我已经把我的重点放在发展我的技能上了。
    • Our primary focus this term will be on group work.这学期我们的重点是小组学习活动。
    • The company's main focus is cheese.公司的主要重点是奶酪。
    • The film maintains an intense focus on the two central characters.这部电影保持了对两个中心人物的强烈关注。
    • She became a focus for all his anger.她成了他全部怒气的倾泻对象。
    • The focus has now shifted towards the problem of long-term unemployment.现在,焦点已转移到了长期失业的问题上。
    • The legal team tried to switch the focus onto the victim.法律小组试图将焦点转移到受害者身上。
    • The problem with your plan is that it doesn't have a clear focus.你的计划存在的问题是没有一个明确的中心。
    • The question of compensation comes into focus.赔偿问题成了焦点。
    • The restructuring is designed to give a sharper focus on key markets.重组旨在更加注重发展各主要市场。
    • We've lost focus on the real objective: to save lives.我们已经失去了对真正目标的关注:拯救生命。
    • The story loses focus a bit at the end.这个故事在结尾有点跑题了。
    • He was restless and lacked focus.他焦躁不安,注意力不集中。
    • We need to bring some discipline and focus to our efforts.我们需要给我们的努力带来一些纪律和重点。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • central
    • main
    • major
    verb + focus
    • act as
    • become
    • remain
    focus + verb
    • be on somebody/​something
    • remain on somebody/​something
    • shift
    • focus for
    • focus of
    • focus on
    • a change of focus
    • a shift of focus
    • the focus of attention
    See full entry
  2. [uncountable] a point or distance at which the outline of an object is clearly seen by the eye or through a lens(眼睛或镜头的)焦距,调焦
    • out of focus Some parts of the photograph are out of focus (= blurred rather than clearly seen).照片的某些部分模糊不清。
    • into focus When I got glasses, suddenly the whole world came into focus.我一戴上眼镜,整个世界忽然变得很清晰。
    • in focus The binoculars were not in focus (= were not showing things clearly).这副双筒望远镜的焦距不对。
    • Her eyes lost focus and she fainted.她的眼睛失去了焦点,她晕倒了。
    Extra Examples
    • His photographs are badly out of focus.他的照片严重失焦。
    • The figure in the film comes in and out of focus.影片中的人物时隐时现。
    • He deliberately let his eyes go out of focus.他故意让眼睛失去焦点。
    • If you look at it for a while the image comes into focus.如果你看一会儿,图像就会变得清晰。
    • Suddenly her face snaps into focus.突然,她的脸变得清晰起来。
    • They're not very good photos, but at least they're in focus.它们不是很好的照片,但至少它们是对焦的。
    • Try to get their faces in focus.努力让他们的脸聚焦。
    • If you set the image to full screen you sometimes lose the focus.如果将图像设置为全屏,有时会失去焦点。
    • He explains how to set up the camera and how to adjust the focus.他解释了如何设置相机以及如何调整焦距。
    see also soft focus
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • sharp
    • soft
    verb + focus
    • come into
    • in focus
    • out of focus
    See full entry
  3. (also focal point)
    [countable] (physics物理) a point at which waves of light, sound, etc. meet after reflection or refraction; the point from which waves of light, sound, etc. seem to come(光、声等的)焦点,中心点,源
  4. [countable] (geology地质学) the point at which an earthquake starts to happen(地震的)震源Topics The environmentc2
  5. Word Originmid 17th cent. (as a term in geometry and physics): from Latin, literally ‘domestic hearth’.


1special interest/attention興趣;注意ADJECTIVE | VERB + FOCUS | FOCUS + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcentral, main, major, primary, prime, principal, real中心點;主要焦點;重要之處;首要點;基本點;最主要之處;真正的焦點important, special重要的/特殊的焦點particular, specific特別的/具體的焦點greater, increased更為關注的焦點new, renewed新的/重新關注的焦點clear, intense, sharp, strong清楚的/備受關注的/清晰的/受到強烈關注的焦點The restructuring is designed to give a sharper focus on key markets.重組旨在更加注重發展各主要市場。narrow, tight狹隘的中心I found the focus of the debate too narrow.我發現這個辯論的中心過於狹隘。broad廣泛的中心exclusive, single, sole獨一無二的/唯一的/單一的焦點single-minded專一的焦點media媒體的焦點The media focus has now shifted onto something else.媒體的焦點現已轉到別的事情上了。mental心理焦點VERB + FOCUSact as, become, remain, serve as充當/成為/仍然是/作為焦點Cities have always acted as the principal focus of political life.城市總是擔當着政治生活的主要焦點。give sb/sth, provide (sb/sth with)使⋯注意;(為⋯)提供焦點have有中心The problem with your plan is that it doesn't have a clear focus.你的計劃存在的問題是沒有一個明確的中心。keep, maintain保持/維持焦點change, move, shift, switch改變/移動/轉移/轉換焦點The legal team tried to shift the focus onto the victim.法務小組盡力使焦點轉移到受害者身上。narrow, sharpen縮小焦點;使焦點清晰broaden, expand擴大焦點lose失去焦點lack缺乏中心bring sth into使⋯成為中心This case has brought the problem of drug abuse in schools into sharp focus.這個案件使得校園毒品問題成為高度關注的焦點。come into成為焦點The question of compensation comes into focus.賠償問題成了焦點。direct, place, put, turn將焦點轉向⋯;將焦點放在⋯;轉移焦點I've directed my focus towards / toward developing my skills.我已將重點轉到培養技能上去了。FOCUS + VERBbe on sb/sth, remain on sb/sth焦點在於⋯;焦點仍然在⋯上Our primary focus this term will be on group work.這學期我們的重點是小組學習活動。shift, turn to sth焦點轉移/轉向⋯The focus has now shifted towards / toward the problem of long-term unemployment.現在焦點已轉移到了長期失業的問題上。PREPOSITIONfocus for⋯的集中點She became a focus for all his anger.她成了他全部怒氣的傾瀉對象。focus of⋯的焦點the focus of my research我研究的焦點focus on對⋯的關注an increased focus on younger people對年輕人越來越多的關注PHRASESa change of focus, a shift of focus焦點的改變/轉移the focus of attention關注的焦點He found he was now their main focus of attention.他發現自己現在是他們注意的焦點。


2point/distance at which sth is clearly seen焦點;焦距ADJECTIVE | VERB + FOCUS | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEsharp清晰的聚焦點soft軟焦點soft-focus shots of baby animals以軟焦點拍的動物幼崽VERB + FOCUScome into變得清晰When I got glasses suddenly the whole world came into focus.我一戴上眼鏡,整個世界忽然變得很清晰。PREPOSITIONin focus焦點對準The binoculars were not in focus.雙筒望遠鏡的焦距沒有調好。out of focus焦點未對準The children's faces are out of focus in the photograph.照片中孩子們的臉照得很模糊。


1give attention to sth關注ADVERB | VERB + FOCUS | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBespecially, heavily, largely, mainly, mostly, particularly, primarily, principally尤其/非常/很大程度上/主要/格外/特別/突出/首要關注completely, entirely, exclusively, only, solely, totally只關注The study focuses exclusively on schools.這項研究只關注學校。increasingly日趨關注fully全身心地關注firmly密切關注The attention of the news media was firmly focused on the elections.新聞媒體密切關注着選舉。specifically專門關注clearly明顯關注directly直接關注closely, intensely, sharply密切/嚴重/高度關注narrowly狹隘地關注initially剛開始時關注VERB + FOCUSneed to需要集中try to試圖集中decide to決定集中tend to趨於集中help (to)有助於集中Think of some questions that will help focus the discussion.想出一些問題使討論的主題更突出。PREPOSITIONon, upon集中注意力於⋯We need to focus upon the main issues.我們需要把注意力集中在那些主要問題上。PHRASEShighly focused, tightly focused高度集中The department undertakes highly focused research.這個部門從事最專門的研究。narrowly focused關注範圍狹隘The study was criticized for being too narrowly focused.這一研究因關注範圍過於狹隘而遭到批評。


2adjust your eyes注視ADVERB | VERB + FOCUS | PREPOSITION ADVERBhard, intently密切/熱切注視automatically不由自主地注視VERB + FOCUStry to試圖集中視線She blinked and tried to focus.她眨了眨眼睛試圖讓自己看清楚。PREPOSITIONon, upon將視線集中於⋯The eye will automatically focus on the small group in the foreground.視線會自動集中到最引人注目的那個小群體上。
focus verb
focus (focus on an issue) aim (focus your eyes/a camera)


focus ♦︎ centre ♦︎ heart ♦︎ hub ♦︎ focal pointThese are all words for the central and most important part of a particular place or activity. 这些词均表示某地或活动的中心、核心。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an important focus / hub / focal pointthe central focus / hubthe commercial centre / heart / hub of sthto act / serve as a focus / centre / focal pointto give sth / provide a focus / focal pointthe focus / centre of attention focus ˈfəʊkəs; NAmE ˈfoʊkəs [uncountable, countable, usually singular] the thing or person that people are most interested in; the act of paying special attention to sth and making people interested in it 中心点(指人或事物);关注;引起关注His comments provided a focus for debate.他的评论提供了辩论的重点。We shall maintain our focus on the needs of the customer.我们将继续重点关注顾客的需要。The incident brought the problem of violence in schools into sharp focus.这次事件使校园暴力成为焦点问题。What we need now is a change of focus (= to look at things in a different way).我们现在需要的是改变对事物的看法。 centre (BrE) (NAmE center) [countable, usually singular] the point towards which people direct their attention 中心;关注点Children like to be the centre of attention.小孩子喜欢引人注目。He could never doubt that he was the centre of her world.她的整个世界围着他转,对此他确信无疑。The prime minister is at the centre of a political row over leaked Cabinet documents.首相成了内阁文件泄密所引发的政治风波的中心人物。Notice that you can say that sb/sth is the centre of attention or the centre of sb's world/universe, but you say that sb is at the centre of things/the action/a discussion. You can also say that sb is at the centre of sb's world/universe. 注意,可以说sb/sth is the centre of attention(某人/某事物是关注的中心)或sb/sth is the centre of sb's world/universe(某人/某事物是某人世界的中心)。可以说sb is at the centre of things/the action/a discussion(某人处在事情/行动/讨论的中心),也可以说sb is at the centre of sb's world/universe(某人占据某人世界的中心)。 heart [countable, usually singular] the central part of a place 中心;中央'Hillsdown' is a quiet hotel in the very heart of the city.希尔斯顿是一家位于市中心的安静的旅馆。In this meaning heart is mainly used to talk about the central part of a city, country or region. It is often used in advertising trying to attract people to a place. 表达此义时,heart主要指城市、国家或地区的中心,常用在广告中,以吸引人前往某地。 see also heart point noun hub [countable, usually singular] the central and most important part of a particular place or activity (某地或活动的)中心,核心The bank is situated in the commercial hub of the city.该银行位于城市的商业中心。The kitchen was the hub of family life.厨房是家庭生活的中心。a hub airport (= a large important one where people often change from one plane to another) 大型中转机场NOTE 辨析 Heart or hub?In some cases you can use either word. 在有些情况下这两个词可以通用the commercial heart / hub of the city城市的商业中心However, the heart of the village/the town/the city/England usually suggests an attractive, historic place; the hub of the city/operations/business activity suggests a busy place where a lot of business is done. 不过,the heart of the village/the town/the city/England(村庄/集镇/城市/英格兰的中心)通常意味着这些地方富有吸引力,且有历史意义;the hub of the city/operations/business activity(城市/业务/商业活动的中心)则意味着这些地方很繁华,商业活动繁忙。 ˈfocal point ˈfəʊkl; NAmE ˈfoʊkl [countable, usually singular] a thing or person that is the centre of interest or activity 集中点,焦点(指人或事物);活动中心In rural areas, the school is often the focal point for the local community.在农村,学校常常是当地社区的活动中心。The focal point of the policy developed by the government was the construction of a rail network .政府所提出的政策中,焦点是建设铁路网。Focal point is often used to talk about a place in a community which brings people together, for example a school, shop, church or play area. It can also be used to describe the central point of a discussion, lecture, or of sb's political activities; or the main part of a design or arrangement; or the main event in a series of planned events. * focal point常指社区里人们聚会的地方,如学校、店铺、教堂或游戏场地等,亦可指讨论、演讲或某人政治活动的重点,或是设计或安排的主要部分,又或是一系列精心安排的事件中的重头戏。 focus


focus ♦︎ target ♦︎ direct ♦︎ be aimed at sb ♦︎ turn ♦︎ address ♦︎ orient ♦︎ pitchThese words all mean to give attention or a message to one particular person or group of people rather than another. 这些词均表示关注或针对特定的人或群体。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to focus / target / turn sth on sb / sthto target sth / direct sth / be aimed / pitch sth at sb / sthto target / direct / orient sth towards sb / sthto turn / address / orient sth to sb / sthefforts / resources / campaigns are focused on / targeted at / directed at sb / sthattention is focused on / directed at / turned to sb / sthresearch is focused on / directed at / oriented towards sthsth is focused on / targeted at a / directed at / an group / areaprimarily focused on / targeted at / directed at / aimed at / addressed to / oriented towards / pitched at sb / sthparticularly focused on / targeted at / directed at / aimed at / oriented towards / pitched at sb / sthspecifically focused on / targeted at / directed at / aimed at / addressed to / oriented towards sb / sthprincipally targeted at / directed at / aimed at / addressed to / oriented towards sb / sthdirectly focused on / targeted at / aimed at / addressed to / pitched at sb / sthmainly / clearly focused on / targeted at / directed at / aimed at sb / sth focus [intransitive, transitive] to give attention, effort, time etc. to one particular person, thing or situation rather than another 关注;注重;重点在于The discussion focused on three main issues.讨论集中在三个主要问题上。Schools should not focus exclusively on exam results.学校不应该只注重考试成绩。I was finding it hard to focus my mind properly.我发现很难好好地集中精神。The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees.这次访问促使全世界关注难民的困境。Much recent concern has been focused upon sea level rises.最近很多人都在关注海平面上涨的问题。Where do you really wish to focus your time and energy?你到底想要把时间和精力放在什么地方? target [transitive, often passive] to try to help or influence a particular group of people, especially by offering a product or service designed for them 把(专门设计的产品或服务)面向,对准The booklet is targeted at people approaching retirement.这本小册子的读者对象是临近退休的人。We target our services towards specific groups of people.我们的服务针对特定人群。This hospital is targeted for additional funding.这家医院旨在获得额外的资金。 direct [transitive] (always used with a preposition 总是与介词连用) to say or do sth that is intended to influence, affect or deal with a particular person, group, situation or issue 针对Was that remark directed at me?那话是冲着我来的吗?Most of his anger was directed against himself.他主要是生自己的气。There are three main issues we need to direct our attention to.我们需要注意的有三个主要问题。 be aimed at sb


(of a product, service or remark) to be directed at a particular person or group of people (产品、服务或言论)针对,对象是The book is aimed at very young children.这本书的读者对象是幼童。My criticism wasn't aimed at you.我的批评不是针对你。
turn [transitive, intransitive] to give attention to a particular person, subject or situation, especially after attention has been on sb/sth else 把注意力转向(特定的人、主题或情况)She looked at him, then turned her attention back to me.她看了看他,然后又把注意力转回到我的身上。Don't turn your anger on the children.别朝孩子撒气。His thoughts turned to his dead wife.他想起了自己过世的妻子。 address [transitive] (formal) to say or write sth directly to a particular person 向⋯说话;针对⋯而写I was surprised when he addressed me in English.他用英语跟我说话,我很诧异。Any questions should be addressed to your teacher.任何问题都应该向你的老师求教。The book is addressed to the general reader.这本书是写给普通读者的。 orient ˈɔːrient (BrE also orientate ˈɔːriənteɪt ) [transitive, usually passive] to make sb/sth give more interest, attention or effort towards a particular subject, person or situation; to make or adapt sb/sth for a particular purpose 以⋯为方向;以⋯为目的;使适应Our students are oriented towards science subjects.我们的学生是理科方向的。We run a commercially oriented operation.我们经营一个商业性企业。 pitch [transitive, often passive] (rather informal, especially business 尤用于商业) to aim a product or a service at a particular group of people 使(产品或服务)针对,面向;确定⋯的销售对象(或目标市场)The new software is being pitched at banks.这种新软件以银行为目标市场。Orange juice is being pitched as an athlete's drink.橙汁正作为运动员饮料进行推销。
To pay attention: concentrate, focus, listen...
What the eyes can do: adjust, blink, blink...
What light can do: reflect, flood, fade...
Parts of discussions: contention, focus, item...
Careful thought: thought, consideration, assessment...
Clear to the senses: obvious, apparent, show up...

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