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IELTS BNC: 715 COCA: 521

    outside earth’s atmosphere地球大气以外

  1. (also outer space)
    [uncountable] the area outside the earth’s atmosphere where all the other planets and stars are外层空间;太空
    • in space Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space.瓦莲京娜•捷列什科娃是第一位进入太空的女性。
    • the possibility of visitors from outer space出现外层空间来客的可能性
    • space exploration/travel太空探索/旅行
    • a space flight/mission太空飞行;太空飞行任务
    • the US space program美国太空计划
    Extra Examples
    • She talked about the incredible experience of being in space, looking down on the Earth.她谈到了在太空中俯视地球的不可思议的经历。
    • the film's famous tagline 'In space no one can hear you scream'这部电影的著名口号是“在太空中没有人能听到你尖叫”
    • We oppose the expensive and dangerous idea of putting weapons in space.我们反对在太空放置武器的昂贵而危险的想法。
    • That was the year China sent its first astronaut into space.那一年,中国将第一名宇航员送入太空。
    • The idea of painting rooftops white is to cool the planet's surface by reflecting sunlight back into space.将屋顶涂成白色的想法是通过将阳光反射回太空来冷却地球表面。
    • these wonderful pictures from the edge of space这些来自太空边缘的精彩图片
    • Scientists are looking into the mysteries of deep space.科学家们正在探索深空的奥秘。
    • The orbital velocity of earth through space is about 19 miles per second.地球在太空中的轨道速度约为每秒19英里。
    • He wrote about the early years of human space exploration.他写了人类早期的太空探索。
    • technology that made space travel possible使太空旅行成为可能的技术
    • They intend to begin manned space missions next year.他们打算明年开始执行载人航天任务。
    • In 15 years, he predicts, space tourism will be a multibillion-dollar business.他预测,15年后,太空旅游将是一项价值数十亿美元的业务。
    • After the disaster, manned space flights were suspended for over two years.灾难发生后,载人航天飞行暂停了两年多。
    • The company plays a major role in the European space programme.该公司在欧洲太空计划中发挥了重要作用。
    Topics Spacea1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • deep
    • outer
    verb + space
    • go into
    space + noun
    • exploration
    • programme/​program
    • research
    • in space
    • the depths of space
    • the edge of space
    • space and time
    See full entry
  2. empty area空间

  3. [countable] an area or a place that is empty空;空隙;空子;空当
    • an empty space空白
    • a large/small/narrow/wide space大/小/窄/宽的空当
    • a space two metres by three metres长三米宽两米的空间
    • He reversed out of the parking space.他从停车场倒车出来。
    • in/into a space We were crowded together in a confined space. 我们挤在一个狭小的空间里。
    • They cram hundreds of animals into a tiny space.他们把数百只动物塞进一个狭小的空间。
    • space between A and B Put it in the space between the table and the wall.桌子和墙中间有个空,把它放那儿去。
    • space for something I'll clear a space for your books.我来腾出一块地方好放你的书。
    • The sculpture occupies a space in the centre of the campus. 这座雕塑占据了校园中心的一个空间。
    Extra Examples
    • Avoid spraying the product in a confined space.避免在有限的空间内喷洒产品。
    • There's an empty space where the painting used to hang.这幅画以前挂的地方有一块空地。
    • He parked in a space reserved for the disabled.他把车停在留给残疾人的地方。
    • Save me a space on the sofa! 给我在沙发上留点空间!
    • They arranged the furniture to leave a big open space in the centre of the room.他们布置家具,在房间中央留出一个大的空地。
    • The building was designed to fill a space left empty after World War II bombing.该建筑旨在填补二战轰炸后留下的空白。
    • I was looking for a free parking space.我正在找免费停车位。
    • This chisel is useful for getting into awkward spaces.这凿子在要伸入到犄角儿里时十分有用。
    • We'd better clear a space for the new computer.我们最好清出个地方放新电脑。
    • the crawl space under my house我的房子下面低矮的设备层
    • We keep a lot of stuff in the loft space.我们在阁楼里放了很多东西。
    • the narrow space between the sofa and the wall沙发与墙之间狭窄的空间
    • the space between the bookshelves书架间的空间
    • Leave a space between your car and the next.在你的车和下一辆车之间留一个空间。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • large
    • vast
    • wide-open
    … of space
    • amount
    verb + space
    • fill
    • occupy
    • make use of
    • space between
    • be short of space
    • run short of space
    • time and space
    See full entry
  4. [uncountable] an amount of an area or of a place that is empty or that is available for use(可利用的)空地,空间 synonym room
    • We have 50  000 square metres of floor space.我们有5万平方米的建筑面积。
    • Different brands compete for shelf space.不同品牌争夺货架空间。
    • Houses were built close together with almost no empty space between them.房子建得很近,中间几乎没有空地。
    • We must make good use of the available space.我们必须充分利用现有空间。
    • That desk takes up too much space.那张桌子占的地方太大。
    • Traffic tends to expand to fill the space available.流量往往会扩大以填满可用空间。
    • There is very little storage space in the department.这个部门存放东西的地方很小。
    • Arrive early because space is limited.因为空间有限,所以早点到。
    • space for something This creates space for a bigger table.这为更大的桌子创造了空间。
    • Can we make space for one more person?我们能多给一个人腾出空间吗?
    • disk/memory space (= on a computer or device)磁盘/存储空间
    Extra Examples
    • I'm running short of disk space.我的磁盘没有空间了。
    • The app displays faster and takes less memory space.该应用程序显示速度更快,占用的内存空间更少。
    • Clean up your disk to stop unused files from taking up space on your computer.清理磁盘以防止未使用的文件占用计算机空间。
    • You don't have enough free space on your device for the download.您的设备上没有足够的可用空间进行下载。
    • The exhibition takes up most of the available space in the gallery.展览占用了画廊大部份的可用空间。
    • Nearly half the display space is devoted to electronics.近一半的展示空间用于展示电子产品。
    • Supermarkets have started allocating more space to organic products.超市已经开始为有机产品分配更多的空间。
    • The new flat has ample living space.新公寓的居住面积很充裕。
    • You want to avoid your home office encroaching into your living space.你想避免你的家庭办公室侵占你的生活空间。
    • The house has a lot of roof space which is useful for storage.这房子有很多屋顶空间,可以用来储藏东西。
    • The potted plants take up too much space.这些盆栽占据了太多空间。
    • They created space for lorries to turn at the end.他们为卡车最后转弯创造了空间。
    • We'll create more space for the kids to play.我们将为孩子们创造更多的玩耍空间。
    • The bed folds up in the day to save space.这张床白天可以折叠起来,以节省空间。
    • Save shelf space by clever use of storage containers.巧妙使用储物容器,节省货架空间。
    • I saved you some space on the sofa.我在沙发上给你留了些空间。
    • Remember to leave space for coats and shoes.记得给外套和鞋子留出空间。
    • They moved the sofa to make space for the piano.他们把沙发搬走了,好给钢琴腾出地方。
    • a large amount of space很大的空间占用
    • Is there enough space for a table in here?这里有足够的空间放一张桌子吗?
    • There's plenty of space in the new offices.新办公室里有足够的空间。
    • To create more space in your home, get rid of all that clutter.为了给你的家创造更多的空间,扔掉那些杂乱的东西。
    • You'll need a room with sufficient space for you to move around in.你需要一个有足够空间的房间让你四处走动。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • large
    • vast
    • wide-open
    … of space
    • amount
    verb + space
    • fill
    • occupy
    • make use of
    • space between
    • be short of space
    • run short of space
    • time and space
    See full entry
  5. [countable, uncountable] a place, especially a room or a building, that can be used for a particular purpose(某用途的)场所,场地
    • The venue is a great space for music.这地方是开音乐会的绝佳场所。
    • various gallery and exhibition spaces各种画廊和展览空间
    • to rent/lease (a) space 出租/出租(一个)空间
    • He was sharing office space with a lawyer.他和一位律师共用一间办公室。
    • The business began to occupy more space.生意开始占据更大的空间。
    see also safe space
    Extra Examples
    • As well as office and retail space, the three-storey building includes exhibit and event spaces.除了办公和零售空间,这座三层建筑还包括展览和活动空间。
    • The company grew and had to rent more office space.公司发展壮大,不得不租用更多的办公空间。
    • They decided to rent gallery space in Rockport, Mass.他们决定在马萨诸塞州的罗克波特租一个画廊。
    • The store also rents space to a pharmacy and optician.该店还向一家药店和眼镜店出租空间。
    • A game developer leases space in the office building.一个游戏开发商在办公楼里出租空间。
    • Residents on the first two floors share space with support services and a conference room.前两层的居民与支持服务和会议室共享空间。
  6. [uncountable] the quality of being large and empty, allowing you to move freely宽敞;空旷;开阔 synonym spaciousness
    • The room has been furnished and decorated to give a feeling of space.经过装潢和布置,这间屋子给人一种宽敞的感觉。
    • We're enjoying the space here after living in a small flat.住在小公寓后,我们很喜欢这里的空间。
    Extra Examples
    • Those of us who call Alice Springs home love the space and the quality of life here.我们这些以爱丽斯泉为家的人喜欢这里的空间和生活质量。
    • Light, bright colours help give a feeling of space.浅色、亮色有助于给人一种宽敞的感觉。
    • The open plan creates a sense of space.开放式设计营造出空间感。
    • Softer lighting and wall mirrors will give an impression of space.柔和的灯光和墙面镜子会给人一种空间感。
    • There's a marvellous sense of space in this domed hall.这个圆顶大厅有一种奇妙的空间感。
    • There is a tremendous impression of space both inside and outside the school.学校内外都有一种巨大的空间印象。
    • I love high ceilings because I love space.我喜欢高天花板,因为我喜欢空间。
  7. [countable, uncountable] a large area of land that has no buildings on it(无建筑物的)大片空地,开阔地
    • the wide open spaces of the Canadian prairies加拿大一片片广袤的草原
    • protection for our parks and other green spaces保护我们的公园和其他绿地
    • It's a city with fine buildings and plenty of open space.这座城市既有漂亮的建筑又有开阔的空地。
    • Green space is important in the urban environment.绿地在城市环境中很重要。
    Synonyms landland
    • lot
    • ground
    • space
    • plot
    These words all mean an area of land that is used for a particular purpose.
    • land an area of ground, especially one that is used for a particular purpose:
      • agricultural land农业用地
    • lot (North American English) a piece of land that is used or intended for a particular purpose:指作某种用途的一块地、场地:
      • building lots建筑用地
      • a parking lot停车场
    • ground an area of land that is used for a particular purpose :
      • The kids were playing on waste ground near the school.孩子们在学校附近的荒地玩耍。
      • the site of an ancient burial ground古代墓地遗址
    land, lot or ground?用 land、lot 还是 ground?Land is used for large areas of open land in the country, especially when it is used for farming. A lot is often a smaller piece of land in a town or city, especially one intended for building or parking on. Ground is any area of open land; a ground is an area of land designed or used for a particular purpose or activity.
    • space a large area of land that has no buildings on it:
      • The city has plenty of open space.这座城市有很多开阔的空地。
      • the wide open spaces of the Canadian prairies加拿大一片片广袤的草原
    • plot a small piece of land used or intended for a particular purpose:
      • She bought a small plot of land to build a house.她买了一小块地盖房子。
      • a vegetable plot一块菜圃
    lot or plot?用 lot 还是 plot?Either a lot or a plot can be used for building on. Only a plot can also be used for growing vegetables or burying people.Patterns
    • an open space
    • open/​empty/​vacant/​waste/​derelict land/​ground
    • a/​an empty/​vacant lot/​plot
    Extra Examples
    • The inner residential areas don't have many green spaces.市内住宅区没有多少绿地。
    • He liked the wide open spaces of the Australian countryside.他喜欢澳大利亚乡间广袤的开阔地。
    • The animals enjoy wide open spaces and eat natural foods.这些动物喜欢开阔的空间,吃天然食物。
    • The land will be kept as open space for future generations.这片土地将作为开放空间留给后代。
    • They want to return the land to active farming, rather than keep it as lawn or open space.他们想把土地归还给活跃的农业,而不是把它作为草坪或空地。
    • A house may sell better if it is close to green space.靠近绿地的房子可能卖得更好。
    • The business park will incorporate green spaces and open areas.商务公园将包括绿地和开放区域。
    • The job of the soldiers at this outpost is to patrol a space of land stretching almost as far as the eye can see.这个前哨站的士兵的工作是巡逻一片几乎延伸到眼睛所能看到的土地。
    • There are views over the vast space of Salisbury Plain.可以看到索尔兹伯里平原的广阔空间。
    • the vast spaces of the Australian outback澳大利亚内陆的广阔空间
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • large
    • vast
    • wide-open
    … of space
    • amount
    verb + space
    • fill
    • occupy
    • make use of
    • space between
    • be short of space
    • run short of space
    • time and space
    See full entry
  8. period of time一段时间

  9. [countable, usually singular] a period of time一段时间;期间
    • Leave a space of two weeks between appointments.每次约见要间隔两个星期。
    • in the space of something Forty-four people died in the space of five days.五天里死了四十四个人。
    • They had achieved a lot in a short space of time.他们在短时间内取得了很大的成绩。
    Extra Examples
    • The job holder will be on probation for the space of six months.受雇者将有 6 个月的试用期。
    • He fell asleep in the space of a few minutes.没几分钟他就睡着了。
    • They have achieved a great deal in a short space of time.他们在短时间内取得了累累硕果。
    • The recording includes a 5-second space between tracks.录音包括轨道之间的5秒间隔。
    • She returned to top-class tennis after a space of two years.两年后,她又重返网球顶尖赛事。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long
    • brief
    • short
    • for the space of
    • in the space of
    • within the space of
    • a space of time
    See full entry
  10. in writing/printing书写;印刷

  11. [uncountable, countable] the part of a line, page or document that is empty空白;空行;空格
    • Don't waste space by leaving a wide margin.页边不要留太宽浪费版面。
    • There was not enough space to print all the letters we received.版面有限,无法悉数刊载我们收到的所有来信。
    • Leave a space after the comma.逗号后面要留一个空格。
    Extra Examples
    • Fill in the blank spaces in the table.填写表格的空白处。
    • She left a large space empty at the bottom of the page.她在页脚留下了大片空白。
    • The magazine is struggling to fill all its advertising space.该杂志正竭力想办法售出所有的广告版面。
    • The page layout included plenty of white space.页面设计有大量留白。
  12. freedom自由

  13. [uncountable] the freedom and the time to think or do what you want to自我支配的自由;属于自己的空间
    • She was upset and needed space.她心境不佳,需要一片自己的天地。
    • You have to give teenagers plenty of space.必须给青少年充足的自由空间。
    see also breathing space
    Extra Examples
    • The writer lacked the time and space to develop his idea fully.这个作家缺少时间和空间来充实他的构想。
    • She moved out of the house because she wanted her own personal space.她从家里搬了出来,因为她需要拥有自己的个人空间。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long
    • brief
    • short
    • for the space of
    • in the space of
    • within the space of
    • a space of time
    See full entry
  14. where things exist/move空间

  15. [uncountable] the whole area in which all things exist and move空间
    • It is quite possible that space and time are finite.很有可能空间和时间是有限的。
    • the fabric of space and time空间与时间的交织
    Topics Spaceb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • deep
    • outer
    verb + space
    • go into
    space + noun
    • exploration
    • programme/​program
    • research
    • in space
    • the depths of space
    • the edge of space
    • space and time
    See full entry
  16. type of business

  17. [uncountable] (informal, business商业) an area of business in which a person or an organization operates空间:个人或组织在其中开展业务的业务领域
    • His investments have focused on the healthcare space.他的投资集中在医疗保健领域。
    • Right now, the team is primarily at work on products within the mobile space.目前,该团队主要致力于移动领域的产品。
  18. Word OriginMiddle English: shortening of Old French espace, from Latin spatium. Current verb senses date from the late 17th cent.
be in a good, bad, dark, etc. place
(also less frequent be in a good, bad, dark, etc. space)
  1. to be feeling happy, sad, worried, etc. about something; to be in a good, bad, unhappy, etc. state感觉…;处于…的状态
    • I'm happy now. I'm in a good place.我现在很高兴,感觉良好。
    • Me and Ed are in a good space right now.我和艾德现在在一个好地方。
    • The economy is in a better place than it was a year ago.经济状况比一年前要好。
    • He was in a bad place, mentally and emotionally.他的精神和情感都很糟糕。
    • She was in a dark place after her mother's death.她母亲死后,她一直处于黑暗之中。
look/stare/gaze into space
  1. to look straight in front of you without looking at a particular thing, usually because you are thinking about something若有所思地望着前方;出神地凝视前方
    • He sat staring into space, like a man in a trance.他坐在那里凝视着太空,像一个处于恍惚状态的人。
    • She sat there motionless, staring into space.她呆呆地坐在那儿一动不动。
a waste of space
  1. (informal) a person who is not useful or good at anything无用的人;干什么都不行的人;废物;饭桶
    • You are a pathetic waste of space!你就是个废物!
watch this space
  1. (informal) used in orders, to tell somebody to wait for more news about something to be announced(用于命令)等待下面发表的消息
    • I can't tell you any more right now, but watch this space.目前我不能跟你多说,等着听下面发表的消息吧。


[often passive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they space
he / she / it spaces
past simple spaced
past participle spaced
-ing form spacing
Phrasal Verbs
jump to other results
  1. space something (+ adv./prep.) to arrange things so that they have regular spaces between them以一定间隔排列
    • evenly spaced plants间隔均匀的秧苗
    • a row of closely spaced dots一行排列紧密的小点
    • Space the posts about a metre apart.这些杆子之间要间隔一米左右。
    Extra Examples
    • Make sure the posts are spaced evenly apart.确保各哨岗之间距离相等。
    • Telephone boxes are spaced at regular intervals along the motorway.高速公路旁每隔一段距离就有一个电话亭。
    • The nails should be spaced at regular intervals.钉子应均匀间隔开。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • at intervals
    • equally
    • evenly
    • along
    See full entry
    Word OriginMiddle English: shortening of Old French espace, from Latin spatium. Current verb senses date from the late 17th cent.
IELTS BNC: 715 COCA: 521


1empty area空處ADJECTIVE | ... OF SPACE | VERB + SPACE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElarge, vast, wide-open大片空白;廣闊的空間She left a large space empty at the bottom of the page.她在頁腳留下了大片空白。He loved the wide-open spaces of Australia.他喜歡澳大利亞的廣袤與空曠。adequate, ample, enough, sufficient足夠的空間;充裕的空間The new house has ample living space.這座新房子的居住空間很充裕。limited, little, small, tiny有限的空間;狹小的空間narrow狹窄的空間the narrow space between the sofa and the wall沙發與牆之間狹窄的空間open空地confined, enclosed密閉的/封閉的空間Avoid using the cleaner in a confined space.避免在密閉的空間使用這種去污劑。available, free, vacant可利用的/空閒的/閒置的空間The exhibition takes up most of the available space in the gallery.展覽佔用了畫廊大部份的可用空間。I was looking for a free parking space.我正在找免費停車位。blank, empty, white空白處Fill in the blank spaces in the table.填寫表格的空白處。The page layout included plenty of white space.頁面設計有大量留白。storage貯藏空間floor, roof, shelf, wall, etc.地面、屋頂、架子、牆壁等空間crawl (NAmE) (天花板上或地板下可使工人進入維修管道、電線等設備的)爬行空隙the crawl space under my house我的房子下面低矮的設備層living居住空間office, work (usually workspace) 辦公/工作空間an open-plan workspace開敞式工作區interior內部空間parking停車位personal, private個人/私人空間She moved out of the house because she wanted her own personal space.她從家裏搬了出來,因為她需要擁有自己的個人空間。physical物理空間sacred神聖的空間public, social公共/社會空間green綠地The inner residential areas don't have many green spaces.市內住宅區沒有多少綠地。urban都市空間air (usually airspace) 領空The plane strayed into French airspace.飛機偏離航道,進入了法國領空。disk磁盤空間ad (informal) , advertising廣告版面
The magazine is struggling to fill all its advertising space.該雜誌正竭力想辦法售出所有的廣告版面。commercial, retail商用/零售空間exhibition, gallery展覽空間;展位... OF SPACEamount空間佔用量a large amount of space很大的空間佔用VERB + SPACEoccupy佔用/佔據空間make use of, take up, use利用/佔用/使用空間The potted plants take up too much space.這些盆栽佔據了太多空間。share分享空間He was sharing office space with a lawyer.他和一位律師共用一間辦公室。create, make, provide創建/騰出/提供空間They moved the sofa to make space for the piano.他們把沙發搬走了,好給鋼琴騰出地方。waste浪費空間save節約空間clear清理空間We'd better clear a space for the new computer.我們最好清出個地方放新電腦。fill, fill in填充空間compete for, fight for, jostle for爭奪空間;擠佔空間A motley collection of ornaments jostled for space on the crowded shelf.一堆五花八門的裝飾品佔滿了擁擠的架子。stare into, stare off into茫然直視She sat there motionless, staring into space.她呆呆地坐在那兒一動不動。PREPOSITIONspace between⋯之間的空間the space between the bookshelves書架間的空間PHRASESbe short of space, run short of space缺少空間I'm running short of disk space.我的磁盤沒有空間了。time and space時間和空間The writer lacked the time and space to develop his idea fully.這個作家缺少時間和空間來充實他的構想。a waste of space (often figurative) 無用之人You are a pathetic waste of space!你就是個廢物!


2vast area containing planets, stars, etc.太空ADJECTIVE | VERB + SPACE | SPACE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdeep遙遠的太空outer外層空間VERB + SPACEgo into進入太空SPACE + NOUNexploration, programme/program, research, science太空探索;太空計劃;太空研究;空間科學flight, tourism, travel太空飛行;太空之旅agency航天局mission航天任務They intend to begin manned space missions next year.他們打算明年開始執行載人航天任務。capsule, probe, rocket, ship (usually spaceship) , shuttle, station航天艙;空間探測器;空間火箭;宇宙飛船;航天飛機;空間站PREPOSITIONin space在太空the first man in space進入太空的第一人PHRASESthe depths of space, the edge of space太空深處/邊緣these wonderful pictures from the edge of space這些來自太空邊緣的精彩圖片space and time空間和時間the fabric of space and time空間與時間的交織the vacuum of space空間真空the vastness of space廣闊太空


3period of time一段時間ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElong很長一段時間brief, short短暫的時間two-second, ten-minute, etc. * 2 秒鐘、10 分鐘等的時間The recording includes a five-second space between tracks.唱片上每兩首歌之間有 5 秒的間隔。breathing (figurative) 喘息的時間The extension of the deadline gives us a breathing space.截止時間的放寬給了我們喘息的時間。PREPOSITIONfor the space of為時⋯The job holder will be on probation for the space of six months.受雇者將有 6 個月的試用期。in the space of, within the space of在⋯時間之內He fell asleep in the space of a few minutes.沒幾分鐘他就睡着了。space of⋯的時間She returned to top-class tennis after a space of two years.兩年後,她又重返網球頂尖賽事。PHRASESa space of time一段時間They have achieved a great deal in a short space of time.他們在短時間內取得了纍纍碩果。


ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBat intervals, equally, evenly, regularly以一定距離間隔開;均勻分隔開The nails should be spaced at regular intervals.釘子應均勻間隔開。Make sure the posts are spaced evenly apart.確保各哨崗之間距離相等。irregularly分隔不均closely分隔緊密well, widely分隔寬apart, out分隔開The fruits should be well spaced out so that they are not touching each other.水果應該放得開一些,這樣就不會相互碰撞了。PREPOSITIONalong沿⋯分隔開
IELTS BNC: 715 COCA: 521
space noun
space1 (floor/office space) space2 (the first woman in space) hole1 (a parking space) land2 (wide open spaces)


floor/office space; a feeling of space 楼面面积;办公室的空间;宽敞的感觉the first woman in space 第一位进入太空的女性space ♦︎ room ♦︎ headroom ♦︎ legroomThese are all words for the amount of an area or place that is empty or that is available for you to use. 这些词均表示空间或可利用的地方。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配space / room for / between sthspace / room to do sthenough / sufficient space / room / headroomlimited / restricted space / headroomto leave / make / create / save / take up space / room space [uncountable] an amount of an area or place that is empty or available for use; the quality of being large and empty and allowing you to move freely (可利用的)空地,空间;宽敞;开阔office / floor / shelf / disk space办公室的空间;楼面面积;搁架上的空当;磁盘空间There's very little storage space in the department.这个部门存放东西的地方很小。That desk takes up too much space.那张桌子太占地方。Could you make space for another person?你能不能腾个空再让一个人进来?Light, bright colours help give a feeling of space.浅色、亮色有助于给人一种宽敞的感觉。 room [uncountable] empty space that can be used for sth (可利用的)空间Is there enough room for the car?有足够空间停这辆车吗?There's room for one more at the table.这张桌子还可以多坐一个人。You'll have to make room for all those books.你得腾出地方来放那些书。NOTE 辨析 Space or room? Room is usually space that you have or need for some practical purpose; it is more frequent than space in most of these 'practical' examples, but is not usually used after another noun. * room通常指拥有或需要的实际空间,在这些关于实际用途的例证中比space更常用,但通常不用于另一名词之后office/floor/shelf/disk room Space can be sth that you have or need for some practical purpose, or it may be the feeling of space, that you enjoy for its own sake. * space可指拥有或需要的实际空间,或者指宜人的宽敞感觉Light, bright colours help give a feeling of room. headroom ˈhedruːm, ˈhedrʊm [uncountable] the amount of space between the top of a vehicle and sth it drives under; the amount of space between the top of your head and the roof of a vehicle or a ceiling (车顶与其上方建筑之间的)净空;(车内或房间内的)头上空间The sign on the bridge said 'Maximum Headroom 2.5 metres.'桥上的牌子写着“最大净空2.5米”。The new model gives generous headroom for front and rear passengers.这款新车给前后排乘客留出了很大的头上空间。 legroom ˈlegruːm, ˈlegrʊm [uncountable] the amount of space available for your legs when you are sitting in a vehicle, theatre, etc. (车辆、剧院等座位前的)供伸腿的空间,放腿处The seats are comfortable, but there's very little legroom.这些座位很舒适,但放腿处很小。space2


floor/office space; a feeling of space 楼面面积;办公室的空间;宽敞的感觉the first woman in space 第一位进入太空的女性space ♦︎ universe ♦︎ outer space ♦︎ the cosmosThese are all words for the area outside the earth's atmosphere. 这些词均表示外层空间、太空。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配through / in space / the universe / outer space / the cosmosthe entire universe / cosmosto go into space / outer space space [uncountable] the area outside the earth's atmosphere where all the other planets and stars are 外层空间;太空Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space.瓦莲京娜•捷列什科娃是第一位进入太空的女性。The company plays a major role in the European space programme.该公司在欧洲太空计划中发挥了重要作用。 universe [countable, usually singular] the whole of space and everything that exists in it 宇宙;天地万物;万象The Big Bang Theory is a widely accepted theory of how the universe began.大爆炸理论是人们广泛接受的宇宙起源理论。 ˌouter ˈspace [uncountable] the area immediately outside the earth's atmosphere; the relatively empty area between stars and planets 外层空间;太空Radio astronomy works by gathering radio waves from outer space.射电天文学通过收集来自外层空间的无线电波来做研究。NOTE 辨析 Space or outer space?There is very little difference in the range and meaning of these words. Space is used in many compounds such as space station and space travel. Outer space is sometimes used to emphasize that the person is talking about an area either just outside or far outside the earth's atmosphere. 这两个词的使用范围和含义差别很小。space可用于许多复合词中,如space station(太空站)和space travel(航天旅行)。outer space有时用来强调所说的是靠近大气层的外太空或太空深处。 the cosmos ˈkɒzmɒs; NAmE ˈkɑːzmoʊs, ˈkɑːzməs [singular] the universe, especially when it is thought of as an ordered system (尤指被视为有序体系时的)宇宙Galileo made possible a profound new understanding of the structure of the cosmos.伽利略使我们能够对宇宙的结构有深刻的新理解。

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