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    in vehicle車輛

  1. [countable, usually plural] equipment in a vehicle that changes the relation between engine speed (or pedal speed on a bicycle) and the speed of the wheels moving forwards or backwards排擋;齒輪;傳動裝置
    • Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears.離合器使用不慎可能會損壞傳動裝置。
    • The car pulled up with a screech of brakes and a grinding of gears.汽車随着刺耳的刹車聲和齒輪的摩擦聲停了下來。
    Topics Transport by car or lorryc1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bottom
    • top
    • high
    verb + gear
    • engage
    • select
    • change
    gear + noun
    • change
    • lever
    • shift
    • in (a/​the) gear
    • out of gear
    See full entry
  2. [uncountable, countable] a particular position of the gears in a vehicle that gives a particular range of speed and power
    • first/second, etc. gear一擋、二擋等
    • reverse gear倒擋
    • low/high gear低速/高速擋
    • (British English) bottom/top gear最低/最高擋
    • (British English) to change gear換擋
    • (North American English) to shift gear換擋
    • in gear When parking on a hill, leave the car in gear.在斜坡停車時把汽車挂上擋。
    • What gear are you in?你挂的是幾擋?
    • He drove wildly, crashing through the gears like a maniac.他開車很野,發瘋似的啪啦啪啦地換擋。
    Collocations DrivingDriving駕駛Having a car擁有一輛汽車
    • have/​own/(British English) run a car有一輛汽車
    • ride a motorcycle/​motorbike騎摩托車
    • drive/​prefer/​use an automatic/​a manual/(North American English, informal) a stick shift開/喜歡/用自動擋/手動擋汽車
    • have/​get your car serviced/​fixed/​repaired給汽車做一次保養/維修一下/修理一下
    • buy/​sell a used car/(especially British English) a second-hand car買/賣二手車
    • take/​pass/​fail a (British English) driving test/(both North American English) driver’s test/​road test參加/通過/未通過駕照考試/道路考試
    • get/​obtain/​have/​lose/​carry a/​your (British English) driving licence/(North American English) driver’s license得到/擁有/丢失/攜帶駕照
    • put on/​fasten/(North American English) buckle/​wear/​undo your seat belt/​safety belt系上/解開安全帶
    • put/​turn/​leave the key in the ignition把鑰匙插進點火開關;轉動鑰匙點火;把鑰匙留在點火開關
    • start the car/​engine發動汽車/引擎
    • (British English) change/(North American English) shift/​put something into gear換擋;挂上擋
    • press/​put your foot on the brake pedal/​clutch/​accelerator踩刹車/離合器/油門
    • release the clutch/(especially British English) the handbrake/(both North American English) the emergency brake/​the parking brake鬆開離合器/手刹
    • drive/​park/​reverse the car駕車;停車;倒車
    • (British English) indicate left/​right
    • (especially North American English) signal that you are turning left/​right
    • take/​miss (British English) the turning/(especially North American English) the turn拐彎;錯過拐彎處
    • apply/​hit/​slam on the brake(s)踩刹車;猛踩刹車
    • beep/​honk/(especially British English) toot/(British English) sound your horn按喇叭
    Problems and accidents問題及事故
    • a car skids/​crashes (into something)/collides (with something)車打滑/撞上(某物)/(與某物)相撞
    • swerve to avoid an oncoming car/​a pedestrian猛地轉彎以避開迎面來的車/行人
    • crash/​lose control of the car撞車;車失控
    • have/​be in/​be killed in/​survive a car crash/​a car accident/(North American English) a car wreck/​a hit-and-run出車禍/肇事逃逸事故;在車禍/肇事逃逸事故中喪生;幸免於車禍/肇事逃逸事故
    • be run over/​knocked down by a car/​bus/​truck被汽車/公交車/大卡車軋過/撞倒
    • dent/​hit (British English) the bonnet/(North American English) the hood撞凹/撞上引擎蓋
    • break/​crack/​shatter (British English) the windscreen/(North American English) the windshield打碎擋風玻璃
    • blow/(especially British English) burst/​puncture (British English) a tyre/(North American English) a tire爆胎;紮破輪胎
    • get/​have (British English) a flat tyre/​a flat tire/​a puncture胎癟了;輪胎被紮破了
    • inflate/​change/​fit/​replace/​check a tyre/​tire 給輪胎充氣;更換/安裝/更換/檢查輪胎
    Traffic and driving regulations交通法規
    • be caught in/​get stuck in/​sit in a traffic jam遇上堵車
    • cause congestion/​tailbacks/​traffic jams/​gridlock引起交通堵塞
    • experience/​face lengthy delays經歷/面臨長時間的延誤
    • beat/​avoid the traffic/​the rush hour避開交通高峰時段
    • break/​observe/(North American English) drive the speed limit超速行駛;遵守速度限制;限速行駛
    • be caught on (British English) a speed camera被測速攝像機逮住
    • stop somebody for/​pull somebody over for/(British English, informal) be done for speeding因超速被要求停車/停靠路邊/被逮住
    • (both informal) run/(British English) jump a red light/​the lights闖紅燈
    • be arrested for/​charged with (British English) drink-driving/(both US English) driving under the influence (DUI)/driving while intoxicated (DWI)因酒後駕車/醉酒駕車被逮捕/起訴
    • be banned/(British English) disqualified from driving被禁止駕車;被取消駕駛資格
    see also high gear, top gear
    Extra Examples
    • She put the car into first gear and drove off.她挂上一擋,開車走了。
    • I was driving along in third gear.我當時正以三擋行駛。
    • It's difficult to steer and change gear at the same time.駕駛和換擋很難同時進行。
    • She made a smooth gear change.她輕鬆地換了擋。
    • Leave the car out of gear.把車換成空擋。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bottom
    • top
    • high
    verb + gear
    • engage
    • select
    • change
    gear + noun
    • change
    • lever
    • shift
    • in (a/​the) gear
    • out of gear
    See full entry
  3. equipment/clothes設備;衣服

  4. [uncountable] the equipment or clothing needed for a particular activity(某種活動的)設備,用具,衣服
    • climbing/fishing/sports gear登山/釣魚/運動裝備
    see also headgear, riot gear
    Synonyms equipmentequipment
    • material
    • gear
    • kit
    • apparatus
    These are all words for the things that you need for a particular purpose or activity.
    • equipment the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity:
      • camping equipment 野營裝備
      • a piece of equipment 一件設備
    • material things that are needed for a particular activity:
      • household cleaning materials 家用清潔劑
      • teaching material教學材料
    equipment or material?用 equipment 還是 material?Equipment is usually solid things, especially large ones. Materials may be liquids, powders or books, software, etc. containing information, as well as small solid items.
    • gear the equipment or clothes needed for a particular activity:
      • Skiing gear can be expensive.滑雪裝備有時會很昂貴。
    • kit a set of tools or equipment that you use for a particular purpose:
      • a first-aid kit一套急救用品
      • a tool kit一套工具
    • apparatus the tools or other pieces of equipment that are needed for a particular activity or task:
      • breathing apparatus for firefighters消防員用的呼吸器
      • laboratory apparatus實驗室儀器
      Apparatus is used especially for scientific, medical or technical purposes.
    • electrical/​electronic equipment/​gear/​apparatus
    • sports equipment/​gear/​kit
    • camping equipment/​gear
    • a piece of equipment/​apparatus
    Extra Examples
    • She had her running gear on.她穿着一身跑步服。
    • The shop sells various types of outdoor gear.這家商店出售各種類型的戶外用品。
    • The hot weather makes it hard for soldiers in protective gear.炎熱的天氣使穿着防護服的士兵備受煎熬。
    • a group of men in combat gear一群身着戰鬥服的人
    • firemen in breathing gear戴着呼吸器的消防隊員
    • Don't forget to bring your walking gear.别忘了帶上你的行走裝備。
    • Skiing gear can be expensive.滑雪裝備有時會很昂貴。
    • The cooking gear is still in the back of the car.烹飪用具還在車後面。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • camping
    • climbing
    • fishing
    verb + gear
    • be dressed in
    • have on
    • wear
    • in … gear
    See full entry
  5. [uncountable] (informal) clothes衣服
    • Her friends were all wearing the latest gear.她的朋友都穿着最新款的衣服。
    • She was the only one wearing expensive designer gear.她是當時唯一一位穿着昂貴的設計師品牌服裝的人。
    see also riot gear
    Synonyms clothesclothes衣服
    • clothing
    • garment
    • dress
    • wear
    • gear
    These are all words for the things that you wear, such as shirts, jackets, dresses and trousers.
    • clothes [pl.] the things that you wear, such as shirts, jackets, dresses and trousers.
    • clothing [U] (rather formal) clothes, especially a particular type of clothes:
      • warm clothing保暖服
    clothes or clothing?用 clothes 還是 clothing?Clothing is more formal than clothes and is used especially to mean ‘a particular type of clothes’. There is no singular form of clothes or clothing: a piece/​an item/​an article of clothing is used to talk about one thing that you wear such as a dress or shirt.
    • garment (formal) a piece of clothing:指一件衣服:
      • He was wearing a strange shapeless garment.他穿着一件不成形的奇怪衣服。
      Garment should only be used in formal or literary contexts; in everyday contexts use a piece of clothing.
    • dress [U] clothes, especially when worn in a particular style or for a particular occasion:
      • We were allowed to wear casual dress on Fridays.我們在星期五可以穿便服。
    • wear [U] (usually in compounds) clothes for a particular purpose or occasion, especially when they are being sold in shops:
      • the children’s wear department童裝部
    • gear [U] (informal) clothes:
      • Her friends were all wearing the latest designer gear.她的朋友都穿着最新的名牌服裝。
    • casual clothes/​clothing/​dress/​wear/​gear
    • evening/​formal clothes/​dress/​wear
    • designer/​sports clothes/​clothing/​garments/​wear/​gear
    • children’s/​men’s/​women’s clothes/​clothing/​garments/​wear
    • to have on/​be in/​wear …clothes/​garments/​dress/​gear
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • camping
    • climbing
    • fishing
    verb + gear
    • be dressed in
    • have on
    • wear
    • in … gear
    See full entry
  6. possessions所有物

  7. [uncountable] (informal) the things that a person owns所有物;財物
    • I've left all my gear at Dave's house.我把我所有的東西都留在戴夫家了。
  8. machinery機器

  9. [uncountable] (often in compounds常構成複合詞) a machine used for a particular purpose(特定用途的)器械,裝置
    • lifting/towing/winding gear提升/牽引/卷繞裝置
  10. speed/effort速度/努力

  11. [uncountable, countable] used to talk about the speed or effort involved in doing something(做事的)速度,努力
    • (British English) The party organization is moving into top gear as the election approaches.随着選舉的臨近,這個政黨的組織工作正在緊鑼密鼓地進行。
    • (North American English) to move into high gear進入高速發展
    • Coming out of the final bend, the runner stepped up a gear to overtake the rest of the pack.那名賽跑選手繞過最後一個彎道後開始加速,以圖超越同組的其他選手。
    • He found it hard to switch gears when he retired.他發現退休後很難調整好狀態。
  12. drugs毒品

  13. [uncountable] (slang) illegal drugs毒品
  14. Word OriginMiddle English: of Scandinavian origin; compare with Old Norse gervi. Early senses expressed the general meaning ‘equipment or apparatus’, later ‘mechanism’: hence sense (1) (early 19th cent.).
get your ass in gear | move your ass (North American English)
(British English get your arse in gear, move your arse )
  1. (taboo, slang) a rude way of telling somebody to hurry别磨磨蹭蹭的;趕快
    • If you get your ass in gear, we can make it out of here tonight.如果你準備好了,我們今晚就能離開這裏。
get into gear | get something into gear
  1. to start working, or to start something working, in an efficient way(使)開始工作,進入有效工作狀態
(slip/be thrown) out of gear
  1. (of emotions or situations情緒或形勢) (to become) out of control失去控制
    • She said nothing in case her temper slipped out of gear.她什麽都沒說,免得按捺不住情緒。


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they gear
he / she / it gears
past simple geared
past participle geared
-ing form gearing
Phrasal Verbs
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1in a vehicle車輛ADJECTIVE | VERB + GEAR | GEAR + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbottom, top (both BrE) 最低擋;最高擋She was driving along in top gear.她當時正以最高擋行駛。high, low高速擋;低速擋first, second, etc.一擋、二擋等reverse倒車擋VERB + GEARengage, select掛擋;選擋Engage first gear and move off.掛一擋起步。change, shift, switch (usually figurative) 換擋;變擋;變速It's difficult to steer and change / shift gear at the same time.很難一面操作方向盤一面換擋。He found it hard to switch gears when he retired.他發現退休後很難調整好狀態。change into, move into, put sth into, shift into, slam sth into, slip sth into(把車)換到/調到/掛到/放到/猛地換到/滑到⋯擋She put the car into first gear and drove off.她掛上一擋,開車走了。move up, step up (often figurative) 加速行駛;加速前行Coming out of the final bend, the runner stepped up a gear to overtake the rest of the pack.過了最後一個彎道,那個賽跑選手加速要超過其他運動員。crash, grind因猛力掛擋碾壞齒輪He was crashing the gears because he was so nervous.由於太緊張,他掛擋時車發出了咣噹聲。GEAR + NOUNchange換擋She made a smooth gear change.她輕鬆地換了擋。lever, shift, stick (usually gearstick) (BrE) 變速桿PREPOSITIONin (a/the) gear掛⋯擋I was driving along in third gear.我當時正以三擋行駛。Some drivers leave the car in gear when parking on hills.在山上停車時,有些司機讓車掛着擋。out of gear未掛擋Leave the car out of gear.把車換成空擋。


2equipment/clothes設備;服裝ADJECTIVE | VERB + GEAR | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcamping, climbing, fishing, hiking, riding, running, sports, swimming露營裝備;登山用具;漁具;徒步旅行用具;騎馬裝備;跑步裝備;運動裝備;遊泳裝備breathing (especially BrE) 呼吸裝置firemen in breathing gear戴着呼吸器的消防隊員protective保護裝置The hot weather makes it hard for soldiers in protective gear.炎熱的天氣使穿着防護服的士兵備受煎熬。landing起落架the plane's landing gear飛機的起落架battle, combat, riot作戰服;防暴服outdoor戶外運動服designer設計師品牌服裝She was the only one wearing expensive designer gear.她是當時唯一一位穿着昂貴的設計師品牌服裝的人。VERB + GEARbe dressed in, have on, wear穿着服裝;配有裝備She had her running gear on.她穿着一身跑步服。put on, take off穿上服裝;卸下裝備PREPOSITIONin ... gear身着⋯服裝a group of men in combat gear一群身着戰鬥服的人


be geared to sth; be geared towards/toward sth ADVERBprimarily主要適合⋯specifically專門針對⋯Our training sessions are geared specifically to the needs of older workers.我們的培訓課程是專門針對年齡較大的工人的需要而開設的。clearly明顯適合⋯entirely, exclusively完全適合⋯;只適合⋯an economy exclusively geared towards / toward tourism單純發展旅遊業的經濟
gear noun
clothes (designer gear) equipment (skiing gear)
Collections, stores and sets of things: agglomeration, arsenal, assemblage...
General words for clothes: apparel, attire, clobber...
To make plans or arrangements: plan, arrange, organize...

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