- [countable]
a piece of jewellery that you wear on your finger, consisting of a round band of gold, silver, etc., sometimes decorated with precious stones 戒指;指環 a gold ring 金戒指 a diamond ring (= a ring with a diamond on it) 鑽石戒指 He was wearing a ring on his middle finger. 他中指上戴着一枚戒指。 Her mother gave her a beautiful ring. 她媽媽給了她一枚漂亮的戒指。
Extra ExamplesTopics Clothes and Fashiona2, Life stagesa2He slipped the ring on her finger. 他迅速給她戴上戒指。 I pulled the small ring box out of my pocket. 我從口袋中掏出那個小小的戒指盒。 They exchange rings and wedding vows. 他們交換了戒指和結婚誓詞。 She kissed the great ring of the archbishop of Chicago. 她吻了吻芝加哥大主教的大戒指。 He has earned three Super Bowl rings in the last four years. 他在過去的 4 年裏赢得了 3 個超級杯戒指。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- engagement
- eternity
- promise
- …
- have on
- sport
- wear
- …
- finger
- box
- [countable]
an object in the shape of a circle with a large hole in the middle 環狀物;圈形的東西 a key ring 鑰匙環 curtain rings 窗簾環 the rings of Saturn 土星的光環。 The villagers were literally surrounded by a ring of fire. 村民們被一圈火圈團團圍住。
Extra Examplesa plate of onion rings 一盤洋蔥圈 His right ear sported a gold ring. 他的右耳戴着一個金環。 He can blow smoke rings. 他會吐煙圈。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- inner
- innermost
- outer
- …
- form
- stand in
- ring of
- in a/the ring
- [countable]
a round mark or shape 圓形標記;圓形 She had dark rings around her eyes from lack of sleep. 她因爲缺覺,眼圈兒都黑了。 The children sat on the floor in a ring. 孩子們圍成一圈,坐在地板上。 The army formed a protective ring around the presidential palace. 軍隊在總統府周圍形成了一個保護圈。
Extra ExamplesTopics Plants and treesb1The children formed a ring around their teacher. 孩子們圍成一圈站在他們的老師周圍。 The street plan of the city has evolved as a series of concentric rings. 該城市的街道平面圖像一圈圈的同心圓環。 He had dark rings around his eyes. 他有黑眼圈。 She drew a neat blue ring around the phone number. 她在電話號碼周圍畫了一個整潔的藍色圈。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- inner
- innermost
- outer
- …
- form
- stand in
- ring of
- in a/the ring
- [countable]
an area in which animals or people perform or compete, with seats around the outside for the audience 圓形表演場(或競技場) a boxing ring 拳擊場 a circus ring 馬戲場 The next competitor rode into the ring. 下一個參賽者騎着馬進入了拳擊台。
Extra ExamplesTopics Sports: other sportsc1He entered the ring wearing his usual outfit. 他穿着慣常穿的全套賽服上場了。 He was back in the ring only a month after the injury. 他受傷僅一個月後就重返拳擊場。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- boxing
- bull
- circus
- …
- enter
- leave
- in the ring
- into the ring
- retire from the ring
- [countable] (especially British English)
a small flat place on a cooker that is heated by gas or electricity and is used for cooking on synonym burner爐口;竈盤 to turn off the gas ring 關上煤氣竈 I put the saucepan on the ring. 我把炖鍋放在戒指上。
- [countable]
a group of people who are working together, especially in secret or illegally (尤指秘密的或非法的)團夥,幫派,集團 a spy ring 間諜網 a drugs ring 販毒集團
Extra ExamplesTopics Crime and punishmentc2The four men are accused of running a drug smuggling ring. 那四個男人被控操縱毒品走私團夥。 Customs officials have broken up a major drug ring. 海關關員已摧毀了一個主要販毒集團。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- drug
- drugs
- money-laundering
- …
- be involved in
- break up
- bust
- …
for performance/competition表演;比賽
for cooking烹飪
group of people人群
Word OriginOld English hring, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ring, German Ring, also to the noun rank.
the brass ring
- (North American English, informal)
the opportunity to be successful; success that you have worked hard to get Topics Successc2成功的機遇;獲勝良機;(來之不易的)成功
run rings around/round somebody
- (informal)
to be much better at doing something than somebody else 做事遠比某人好;遙遙領先 I used to beat my son at chess but now he runs rings around me. 我以前下棋赢過我兒子,但現在他赢了。
throw your hat into the ring
to announce officially that you are going to compete in an election, a competition, etc. 正式宣布參加競選(或比賽等)