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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 2870 COCA: 2430


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  1. a long narrow piece of leather, cloth, etc. that you wear around the middle part of your body腰带;皮带
    • to do up/fasten/tighten a belt系上/扎牢/扎紧腰带
    • a belt buckle腰带扣
    • a studded leather belt饰钉装饰的皮带
    • Around his waist he wore a belt.他腰间系着一条腰带。
    see also black belt, lifebelt, seat belt, suspender beltTopics Clothes and Fashiona2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • narrow
    • wide
    • thick
    verb + belt
    • buckle
    • do up
    • fasten
    belt + noun
    • buckle
    • loop
    • holster
    See full entry
  2. a continuous band of material that moves round and is used to carry things along or to drive a machine传送带;传动带 see also conveyor belt, fan beltTopics Engineeringc1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • conveyor
    • drive
    • fan
    See full entry
  3. a narrow area or an area around the edge of something that has particular characteristics地带;地区
    • the country’s corn/industrial belt这个国家的产粮区/工业区
    • We live in the commuter belt.我们住在通勤者居住带。
    • a narrow belt of trees狭长的林带
    • a belt of rain moving across the country横穿这个国家的降雨带
    • Towns in the country's industrial belt were particularly affected by the recession.位于该国工业区的城镇受到经济萧条的影响尤其大。
    see also green belt, radiation belt, rust beltTopics Geographyc2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • broad
    • wide
    • narrow
    • belt of
    See full entry
  4. (informal) an act of hitting something/somebody hard狠打;猛击
    • She gave the ball a terrific belt.她猛击了一下球。
  5. Word OriginOld English, of Germanic origin, from Latin balteus ‘girdle’.
below the belt
  1. (of a remark说话) unfair or cruel不公正的;伤人的
    • That was distinctly below the belt!那显然是不公正的!
belt and braces
  1. (informal) taking more actions than are really necessary to make sure that something succeeds or works as it should双管齐下;多重保障
    • a belt-and-braces policy稳妥可靠的政策
    Topics Successc2
have something under your belt
  1. (informal) to have already achieved or obtained something已经获得某物
    • She already has a couple of good wins under her belt.她已大胜两场。
    Topics Successc2
tighten your belt
  1. to spend less money because there is less available勒紧腰带(省吃俭用)
    • With price increases on most goods, everyone is having to tighten their belt.随着大多数商品的价格上涨,每个人都不得不勒紧腰带。
    • There is a need for further belt-tightening.有必要进一步紧缩开支。


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they belt
he / she / it belts
past simple belted
past participle belted
-ing form belting
Phrasal Verbs
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  1. belt somebody/something (informal) to hit somebody/something hard猛击;狠打
    • He belted the ball right out of the park.他用力一击,球径直飞出了球场外。
    • I'll belt you if you do that again.你要是再这样,我就揍你。
  2. [intransitive] + adv./prep. (informal, British English) to move very fast飞奔;飞驰 synonym tear1
    • A truck came belting up behind us.一辆货车从我们后方飞驰而来。
  3. [transitive] belt something to fasten a belt around something用带子系住
    • The dress was belted at the waist.那件连衣裙的裙腰束着条带子。
    • She belted the coat tightly round her.她用带子把大衣紧紧地束在身上。
    • Her jacket was belted loosely at the waist.她的夹克腰部束带宽松。
  4. Word OriginOld English, of Germanic origin, from Latin balteus ‘girdle’.
TOEFL BNC: 2870 COCA: 2430


1narrow piece of leather, etc. worn around the waist腰帶ADJECTIVE | VERB + BELT | BELT + NOUN ADJECTIVEnarrow, wide窄腰帶;寬腰帶thick厚腰帶leather皮腰帶chain, studded腰鏈;鑲嵌飾釘的腰帶a studded leather belt鑲釘皮腰帶matching相配的腰帶pants, trouser (BrE) 褲帶garter, suspender (BrE) 吊襪帶;(褲子的)吊帶She was wearing a garter belt and stockings.她穿着吊襪帶和長筒襪。money, utility (especially NAmE) 錢包腰帶;多功能腰帶ammo (informal, especially NAmE) , ammunition, cartridge, gun彈藥帶;子彈帶;(背槍用的)槍帶bomb, explosive, suicide炸彈帶;炸藥帶;自殺腰帶sword劍帶VERB + BELTbuckle, do up, fasten扣腰帶;繫腰帶;繫緊腰帶unbuckle, undo, unfasten解腰帶;鬆開腰帶tighten勒緊腰帶loosen鬆腰帶adjust調節腰帶BELT + NOUNbuckle, loop腰帶搭扣/環扣holster繫在腰帶上的手槍皮套clip皮帶扣 topic at clothes


2in a machine機器ADJECTIVEconveyor, drive, fan, timing傳輸帶;驅動帶;風扇皮帶;同步齒型帶


3area of land地區ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbroad, wide寬廣地帶narrow, thin狹長區域central中心地帶coastal, mountain海岸地帶;山嶽帶corn, cotton, wheat穀物帶;產棉區;小麥產區green (= open land around a city where building is strictly controlled) , industrial綠化帶;工業帶New roads are cutting into the green belt.新建道路侵佔了綠化帶。rust (= an area where industries have closed) 工業衰退帶Bible (= where many people have strong Christian beliefs) (in the US) 《聖經》地帶(美國南部主張恪守《聖經》全部文句的基督教基要派流行地帶)hurricane颶風地帶radiation輻射帶The space mission provided new data on the Earth's radiation belts.這次太空任務提供了地球輻射帶的新數據。commuter, stockbroker (both BrE) 通勤居民帶;城市(尤指倫敦)邊緣的富人區PREPOSITIONbelt of⋯帶a narrow belt of trees狹長的林帶
TOEFL BNC: 2870 COCA: 2430
belt noun
area1 (the commuter belt) tighten your belt save verb2
TOEFL BNC: 2870 COCA: 2430
Martial arts: belt, black belt, dan...
Areas of countries: airspace, area, belt...
Long and narrow areas of land: bank, belt, bridge...
To hit a person: hit, smack, bludgeon...
To hit an object: punch, thump, knock...
To move somewhere quickly: fly, hasten, speed...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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