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TOEFL BNC: 2531 COCA: 1956


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they rush
he / she / it rushes
past simple rushed
past participle rushed
-ing form rushing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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    move fast快速移動

  1. [intransitive, transitive] to move or to do something with great speed, often too fast迅速移動;急促
    • We've got plenty of time; there's no need to rush.我們還有很多時間,用不着太急促。
    • the sound of rushing water湍急的水聲
    • + adv./prep. Don't rush off, I haven't finished.别急着走哇,我還沒說完呢。
    • I've been rushing around all day trying to get everything done.我一整天都四下忙活,想把所有的事都做完。
    • The children rushed out of school.孩子們飛快跑出學校。
    • Firefighters rushed to the scene and extinguished the blaze. 消防隊員趕到現場,撲滅了大火。
    • When I fell forwards onto the ice, Michael came rushing to my aid, helping me up giving me an encouraging smile. 當我摔倒在冰上時,邁克爾跑過來幫助我,給了我一個鼓勵的微笑。
    • His wife immediately rushed to his defence (= defended him against attack or criticism). 他的妻子立即爲他辯護。
    • Beachgoers rushed to the rescue of three boys as they were pulled out to sea in a rip tide.三個男孩在洶湧的潮水中被拖到海裏,海灘遊客急忙去營救他們。
    • My college years seemed to rush past.我的大學時光似乎匆匆而過。
    • She rushed back upstairs.她跑回樓上。
    • rush to do something People rushed to buy shares in the company.人們爭着搶購該公司的股票。
    • rush something We had to rush our meal.我們只好匆匆忙忙地吃飯。
    Extra Examples
    • She was rushing around madly looking for her bag.她瘋狂地到處尋找自己的手提包。
    • Two men came rushing into the room.兩名男子沖進房間。
    • Whenever her little brother was upset, Jane rushed to the rescue.不論何時她的小弟弟有什麽不高興,簡都會趕緊去安撫他。
    • a train rushing headlong down the track沿着路軌呼嘯而去的火車
    • A surge of joy rushed through her body.她突然感到一陣喜悅。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • headlong
    • madly
    • quickly
    • along
    • from
    • into
    • come rushing
    • go rushing
    • rush to somebody’s rescue
    See full entry
  2. take/send quickly迅速帶走/送出

  3. [transitive] rush somebody/something + adv./prep. to transport or send somebody/something somewhere with great speed快速運輸;速送
    • Ambulances rushed the injured to the hospital.救護車迅速將傷者送往醫院。
    • Relief supplies were rushed in.救援物資很快就運來了。
    • He was rushed home immediately.他被立即趕回家。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • headlong
    • madly
    • quickly
    • along
    • from
    • into
    • come rushing
    • go rushing
    • rush to somebody’s rescue
    See full entry
  4. do something too quickly倉促行事

  5. [intransitive, transitive] to do something or to make somebody do something without thinking about it carefully(使)倉促行事,匆忙行事,做事草率
    • We have to be careful not to rush to judgment.我們必須小心不要急於下判斷。
    • rush into doing something We don't want to rush into having a baby.我們不急着要孩子。
    • rush into something Let us not rush headlong into this crazy project without careful consideration. 讓我們不要未經仔細考慮就輕率地投入這個瘋狂的項目。
    • rush somebody Don't rush me. I need time to think about it.别催我,我需要時間考慮一下。
    • rush somebody into something/into doing something I'm not going to be rushed into anything.我不會受人催促草率地做事。
  6. liquid/air

  7. [intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) (of a liquid or air) to flow strongly(使)倉促行事,匆忙行事,做事草率
    • The water rushed in through the hole in the ship's hull.水從船體上的洞沖了進來。
  8. attack攻擊

  9. [transitive] rush somebody/something to try to attack or capture somebody/something suddenly突襲;突擊抓捕
    • A group of prisoners rushed an officer and managed to break out.一夥囚犯突然襲擊獄警,越獄了。
    • Fans rushed the stage after the concert.音樂會結束後樂迷一下子湧向舞台。
  10. in American football美式足球

  11. [transitive] rush somebody (North American English) to run into somebody who has the ball突襲,沖向(持球人)
  12. [intransitive] (North American English) to move forward and gain ground by carrying the ball and not passing it帶(球)奔跑;跑動帶(球)
  13. in American colleges美國大學

  14. [transitive] rush somebody (North American English) to give a lot of attention to somebody, especially to a student because you want them to join your fraternity or sorority(爲物色、招募目的)特别關注,非常關心
    • He is being rushed by Sigma Nu.ΣN 聯誼會正在拉攏他。
  15. Word Originverb late Middle English: from an Anglo-Norman French variant of Old French ruser ‘drive back’, an early sense of the word in English, perhaps based on Latin rursus ‘backwards’.
be rushed/run off your feet
  1. to be extremely busy; to have too many things to do忙得不可開交;要做太多的事
    • Weekdays are slow in the restaurant, but at weekends the staff are rushed off their feet.餐館裏工作日很慢,但周末工作人員會忙得不可開交。
fools rush in (where angels fear to tread)
  1. (saying) people with little experience try to do the difficult or dangerous things that more experienced people would not consider doing(智者卻步處)愚者獨敢闖


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    fast movement迅速移動

  1. [singular] a sudden strong movement or action猛烈移動;沖
    • rush for something Shoppers made a rush for the exits.購物者沖向出口。
    • in a rush The words came out in a rush.那些話一股腦兒都出來了。
    • in the rush to do something She was trampled in the rush to get out.她在大夥兒往外沖的時候被人踩了。
    • They listened to the rush of the sea below.他們聽着下面洶湧澎湃的海浪聲。
    • The door blew open, letting in a rush of cold air.門被風刮開了,一股冷風吹了進來。
    • He had a rush of blood to the head (= suddenly lost control of himself) and punched the man.他一時沖動,揮拳打了那個男人。
    • rush towards something (figurative) The ancient art is all but lost in the city's headlong rush towards industrialisation. 在這座城市急速走向工業化的過程中,古老的藝術幾乎消失了。
    • an adrenaline/a sugar rush腎上腺素/糖激增
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • headlong
    • sudden
    • adrenalin
    verb + rush
    • experience
    • feel
    • rush for
    • rush of
    See full entry
  2. hurry匆忙

  3. [singular, uncountable] a situation in which you are in a hurry and need to do things quickly匆忙;倉促
    • What's the rush?幹嗎這麽急匆匆的?
    • ‘I'll let you have the book back tomorrow.’ ‘There's no rush.’“我明天就把書還給你。” “不用着急。”
    • in a rush I can't stop—I'm in a rush.我不能停下來,我忙着呢。
    • The note looked like it had been written in a rush.這張紙條看起來像是匆忙寫的。
    • in a rush to do something I’m not in any rush to get back to work.我不急於回去工作。
    • The trip to Paris was all a mad rush.去巴黎的旅行是一次瘋狂的旅行。
    • a rush job (= one that has been done quickly)倉促做完的活兒
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • awful
    • big
    • frantic
    verb + rush
    • avoid
    rush + noun
    • decision
    • job
    • hour
    • in a rush
    • rush for
    • rush of
    • have a rush on
    See full entry
  4. busy situation忙碌

  5. [singular] a situation in which people are very busy and there is a lot of activity忙碌;繁忙
    • Book now and avoid the last-minute rush.現在就預訂吧,免得最後一刻忙亂。
    • The evening rush was just starting.繁忙的夜晚才剛開始。
    • the Christmas rush聖誕節前的忙碌
    • We've had a rush on at the office, dealing with the backlog of orders.我們在辦公室裏一陣忙活,處理積壓的訂單。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • awful
    • big
    • frantic
    verb + rush
    • avoid
    rush + noun
    • decision
    • job
    • hour
    • in a rush
    • rush for
    • rush of
    • have a rush on
    See full entry
  6. of feeling感覺

  7. [singular] rush (of something) a sudden strong emotion or sign of strong emotion迸發的情緒;情緒迸發
    • a sudden rush of excitement/fear/anger突然感到的興奮/恐懼/憤怒
    Extra Examples
    • She experienced a sudden rush of emotion.她突然情緒激動起來。
    • He felt a sudden rush of excitement.他突然感到一陣激動。
    • When she heard his voice it was with a rush of relief.當她聽到他的聲音時,她鬆了一口氣。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • headlong
    • sudden
    • adrenalin
    verb + rush
    • experience
    • feel
    • rush for
    • rush of
    See full entry
  8. [singular] a sudden feeling of extreme pleasure or excitement突如其來的極度愉悅(或興奮)
    • Parachuting will give you the rush of a lifetime.跳傘給你一生難求的刺激感覺。
    • Users of the drug report experiencing a rush that lasts several minutes.服用這種藥的人說有持續幾分鐘的亢奮感覺。
    see also sugar rush
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • headlong
    • sudden
    • adrenalin
    verb + rush
    • experience
    • feel
    • rush for
    • rush of
    See full entry
  9. sudden demand急需

  10. [singular] rush (on/for something) a sudden large demand for goods, etc.大量急需;爭相搶購 synonym run (8)
    • There's been a rush on umbrellas this week.本周出現了搶購雨傘的現象。
    see also gold rush
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • awful
    • big
    • frantic
    verb + rush
    • avoid
    rush + noun
    • decision
    • job
    • hour
    • in a rush
    • rush for
    • rush of
    • have a rush on
    See full entry
  11. plant植物

  12. [countable, usually plural] a tall plant like grass that grows near water. Its long thin stems can be dried and used for making baskets, the seats of chairs, etc.燈芯草(幹燥後可用於編制籃子、坐墊等)
    • rush matting燈芯草編的席子
    Topics Plants and treesc2
  13. of film/movie電影

  14. rushes
    [plural] (specialist) the first prints of a film before they have been edited樣片
  15. in American football美式足球

  16. [countable] an occasion when a player or players run towards a player on the other team who has the ball(向對方持球隊員的)突襲
    • There was a rush on the quarterback.對方球員沖向四分衛。
  17. [countable] an occasion when a player runs forward with the ball跑動帶球
    • Johnson carried the ball an average of 6 yards per rush.約翰遜跑動帶球平均每次行進 6 碼。
  18. in American colleges美國大學

  19. [singular] (North American English) the time when parties are held for students who want to join a fraternity or sorority學生聯誼會納新活動(時間)
    • rush week學生聯誼會納新活動周
    • a rush party學生納新聯誼會
  20. Word Originnoun senses 1 to 6 and noun senses 8 to 10 late Middle English: from an Anglo-Norman French variant of Old French ruser ‘drive back’, an early sense of the word in English, perhaps based on Latin rursus ‘backwards’. noun sense 7 Old English risc, rysc, of Germanic origin.
give somebody/get the bum’s rush
  1. (informal, especially North American English) to force somebody/be forced to leave a place quickly趕走某人;被攆走
    • He was soon given the bum's rush from the club.他很快從俱樂部裏被攆了出來。
TOEFL BNC: 2531 COCA: 1956


1sudden movement or emotion急速移動;迸發的感情ADJECTIVE | VERB + RUSH | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEheadlong, sudden猛衝;急衝adrenalin, sugar(腎上腺素上升引起的)一陣亢奮;(糖攝入過多引起的)一陣亢奮Nothing can beat that adrenalin rush.突發的亢奮無法抑制。VERB + RUSHexperience, feel感到衝動She felt a rush of blood to her face.她感到血往臉上湧。PREPOSITIONrush for向⋯衝The movie ended, and there was a rush for the exits.電影散場了,人們向出口處湧去。rush of⋯的急流A rush of water came from the burst pipe.水從破裂的管子裏射了出來。She experienced a sudden rush of emotion.她突然情緒激動起來。


2busy period繁忙時期ADJECTIVE | VERB + RUSH | RUSH + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEawful, big, frantic, great, mad極繁忙;忙瘋了;忙得不可開交sudden突然的匆忙last-minute最後一刻的匆忙Christmas, holiday (especially NAmE) 聖誕節前的/假日的購物熱潮gold (= rush to find gold in a particular place) 淘金熱VERB + RUSHavoid避免倉促Do your Christmas shopping early and avoid the rush.早點着手聖誕購物,這樣可避免節前的倉促購物。RUSH + NOUNdecision倉促的決定job匆忙完成的工作You can see that the painting was a rush job.可以看得出來這幅畫是倉促之作。hour交通高峰時間During rush hour the drive may take up to twice as long.交通高峰期可能得花兩倍的時間才能開過去。PREPOSITIONin a rush匆忙地I've been in a mad rush all day.我一整天都忙得不可開交。rush for為⋯的匆忙a last-minute rush for tickets最後一分鐘的匆忙購票rush of⋯的高峰a sudden rush of tourist traffic突然的遊客人流高峰PHRASEShave a rush on一陣忙亂We've had a rush on at the office, dealing with the backlog of orders.我們在辦公室裏一陣忙活,處理積壓的訂單。


ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBheadlong, madly猛衝;瘋狂衝撞a train rushing headlong down the track沿着路軌呼嘯而去的火車quickly快速奔跑immediately立即奔跑suddenly突然奔跑downstairs, upstairs衝下樓;衝上樓about, around, back, forward, home, in, off, out, over, past四處亂衝;衝回;向前衝;衝回家;衝進;奔離;衝出;衝過She was rushing around madly looking for her bag.她瘋狂地到處尋找自己的手提包。PREPOSITIONalong, from, into, out of, through, to, etc.沿⋯衝、從⋯衝來、衝進⋯、從⋯衝出去、衝過⋯、衝到⋯等A surge of joy rushed through her body.她突然感到一陣喜悅。He was rushed to hospital.他被急速送進醫院。PHRASEScome rushing, go rushing衝來;衝去Two men came rushing into the room.兩名男子衝進房間。rush to sb's rescue, rush to the rescue趕去救援Whenever her little brother was upset, Jane rushed to the rescue.不論何時她的小弟弟有什麼不高興,簡都會趕緊去安撫他。
TOEFL BNC: 2531 COCA: 1956
rush noun
activity (a last-minute rush) wave2 (a rush of excitement)
rush verb
drag (rush sb to hospital) hurry (Don't rush off.)
TOEFL BNC: 2531 COCA: 1956
To take something somewhere: bring, deliver, take...
What liquids can do: break, burst, cast up...
To move somewhere quickly: fly, hasten, speed...
Sudden and quick movements: dart, start, rush...
Situations in which people hurry: panic, rush, dash...
Feelings of interest: interest, motivation, involvement...
Relating to using illegal drugs: abuse, addiction, addictive...
Feelings of pleasure and excitement: pleasure, excitement, enthusiasm...
Plants that grow in water: algae, duckweed, kelp...

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