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BNC: 7549 COCA: 5617


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  1. [singular] a trick; an act of cheating somebody詭計;騙局;欺騙
    • The so-called bargain was just a big con!這種所謂的減價優惠只不過是個大騙局!
    • (British English) a con trick騙人的花招
    • (North American English) a con game騙局
    • He's a real con artist (= a person who regularly cheats others).他真是個行騙老手。
    compare confidence trick see also conman, mod con
    Extra Examples
    • The scheme was all a big con.這個計劃完全是個大騙局。
    • It was all one big con trick.全是騙人的花招。
    Topics Crime and punishmentc2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    con + noun
    • game
    • trick
    • artist
    See full entry
  2. [countable] a convict (= a person who has been found guilty of a crime and sent to prison)缺點:定罪的人
    • Look, I'm an officer, and cons don't speak to me like that, okay?聽着,我是個軍官,犯人不會那樣跟我說話,好嗎?
  3. Word Originnoun sense 1 late 19th cent. (originally US): abbreviation of confidence, as in confidence trick. noun sense 2 late 19th cent.: abbreviation.
the pros and cons
  1. the advantages and disadvantages of something事物的利與弊;支持與反對
    • We weighed up the pros and cons.我們權衡了利弊得失。


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they con
he / she / it cons
past simple conned
past participle conned
-ing form conning
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  1. to trick somebody, especially in order to get money from them or persuade them to do something for you(尤指爲錢財或使人爲自己做某事而)欺騙,哄騙,詐騙
    • con somebody (into doing something) I was conned into buying a useless car.我上當受騙買了輛不能用的汽車。
    • con somebody (out of something) They had been conned out of £100 000.他們被騙走了 10 萬英鎊。
    • con your way into something He conned his way into the job using false references.他用假的推薦信騙取了那份工作。
    Synonyms cheatcheat
    • fool
    • deceive
    • betray
    • take in
    • trick
    • con
    These words all mean to make somebody believe something that is not true, especially in order to get what you want.
    • cheat to make somebody believe something that is not true, in order to get money or something else from them:
      • She is accused of attempting to cheat the taxman.她被指控企圖蒙騙稅務員。
      • He cheated his way into the job.他騙取了這份工作。
      Cheat also means to act in a dishonest way in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game, competition or exam: You’re not allowed to look at the answers— that’s cheating.
    • fool to make somebody believe something that is not true, especially in order to laugh at them or to get what you want:
      • Just don’t be fooled into investing any money with them.别上當受騙,同他們一起搞什麽投資。
    • deceive to make somebody believe something that is not true, especially somebody who trusts you, in order to get what you want:
      • She deceived him into handing over all his savings.她把他所有的積蓄都騙走了。
    • betray to hurt somebody who trusts you, especially by lying to or about them or telling their secrets to other people:
      • She felt betrayed when she found out the truth about him.她發現他的真實情況時,感到受了欺騙。
    • take somebody in [often passive] to make somebody believe something that is not true, usually in order to get what you want:
      • I was taken in by her story.我被她的花言巧語蒙騙了。
    • trick to make somebody believe something that is not true, especially in a clever way, in order to get what you want.
    • con (informal) to make somebody believe something that is not true, especially in order to get money from them or get them to do something for you:
      • They had been conned out of £100 000.他們被騙走了 10 萬英鎊。
    which word?
    • Many of these words involve making somebody believe something that is not true, but some of them are more disapproving than others. Deceive is probably the worst because people typically deceive friends, relations and others who know and trust them. People may feel cheated/​betrayed by somebody in authority who they trusted to look after their interests. If somebody takes you in, they may do it by acting a part and using words and charm effectively. If somebody cheats/​fools/​tricks/​cons you, they may get something from you and make you feel stupid. However, somebody might fool you just as a joke; and to trick somebody is sometimes seen as a clever thing to do, if the person being tricked is seen as a bad person who deserves it.
    • to cheat/​fool/​trick/​con somebody out of something
    • to cheat/​fool/​deceive/​betray/​trick/​con somebody into doing something
    • to feel cheated/​fooled/​deceived/​betrayed/​tricked/​conned
    • to fool/​deceive yourself
    • to cheat/​trick/​con your way into something
    Topics Crime and punishmentc2
    Word Originverb late 19th cent. (originally US): abbreviation of confidence, as in confidence trick.
BNC: 7549 COCA: 5617


(informal) ADJECTIVE | CON + NOUN ADJECTIVEbig大騙局The seance was just a big con.這場通靈表演不過是一個大騙局。CON + NOUNgame, trick (BrE) 騙局;騙人的花招artist, man騙人的老手;騙子
BNC: 7549 COCA: 5617
con verb
con noun
BNC: 7549 COCA: 5617

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