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TOEFL BNC: 2871 COCA: 1656


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  1. very bad weather with strong winds and rain, and often thunder and lightning暴风雨
    • fierce/heavy/severe/violent storms猛烈的╱猛烈的╱严重的╱猛烈的暴风雨
    • Winter storms swept the coasts.冬季风暴横扫了海滨地区。
    • Her home was hit by two tropical storms. 她的家被两场热带风暴袭击了。
    • A few minutes later the storm broke (= began).不一会儿暴风雨降临了。
    • I think we're in for a storm (= going to have one).我觉得暴风雨要来了。
    • Off on the horizon, dark grey storm clouds gathered.在地平线上,深灰色的风暴云聚集。
    • Insurance companies face hefty payouts for storm damage.保险公司面临对暴风雨造成损害的巨额赔付。
    Vocabulary Building Rain and stormsRain and storms表示雨、下雨和恶劣天气的词Rain
    • Drizzle is fine light rain.drizzle 指毛毛细雨。
    • A shower is a short period of rain.
    • A downpour or a cloudburst is a heavy fall of rain that often starts suddenly.
    • When it is raining very hard you can say that it is pouring. In informal British English you can also say that it is bucketing down or chucking it down. You can also say: The heavens opened.
    • A cyclone and a typhoon are types of violent tropical storms with very strong winds.
    • A hurricane has very strong winds and is usually at sea.
    • A monsoon is a period of very heavy rain in particular countries, or the wind that brings this rain.
    • A squall is a sudden strong, violent wind, usually in a rainstorm or snowstorm.
    • A tornado (or informal twister) has very strong winds which move in a circle, often with a long narrow cloud.
    • A whirlwind moves very fast in circles and causes a lot of damage.
    • A blizzard is a snowstorm with very strong winds.
    • Tempest is used mainly in literary language to describe a violent storm.tempest 主要为文学用语,指暴风雨、风暴、暴风雪。
    Collocations The weatherThe weather天气Good weather好天气
    • be bathed in/​bask in/​be blessed with/​enjoy bright/​brilliant/​glorious sunshine沐浴着/享受着明媚的/灿烂的阳光
    • the sun shines/​warms something/​beats down (on something)
    • the sunshine breaks/​streams through something
    • fluffy/​wispy clouds drift across the sky
    • a gentle/​light/​stiff/​cool/​warm/​sea breeze blows in/​comes in off the sea
    • the snow crunches beneath/​under somebody’s feet/​boots
    Bad weather坏天气
    • thick/​dark/​storm clouds form/​gather/​roll in/​cover the sky/​block out the sun
    • the sky darkens/​turns black
    • a fine mist hangs in the air
    • a dense/​heavy/​thick fog rolls in
    • the rain falls/​comes down (in buckets/​sheets)/pours down
    • snow falls/​comes down/​covers something
    • the wind blows/​whistles/​howls/​picks up/​whips through something/​sweeps across something
    • strong/​gale-force winds blow/​gust (up to 80 mph)
    • a storm is approaching/​is moving inland/​hits/​strikes/​rages
    • thunder rolls/​rumbles/​sounds
    • (forked/​sheet) lightning strikes/​hits/​flashes
    • a (blinding/​snow) blizzard hits/​strikes/​blows/​rages
    • a tornado touches down/​hits/​strikes/​destroys something/​rips through something
    • forecast/​expect/​predict rain/​snow/​a category-four hurricane预报有雨/雪/四级飓风
    • (North American English) pour (down)/ (British English) pour (down) with rain下瓢泼大雨
    • get caught in/​seek shelter from/​escape the rain遇上下雨;寻找避雨处;躲雨
    • be covered/​shrouded in mist/​a blanket of fog笼罩在雾霭之中/厚厚的一层雾中
    • be in for/​brave/​shelter from a/​the storm即将遇到/勇敢面对/躲避暴风雨
    • hear rolling/​distant thunder听到隆隆的/远处的雷声
    • be battered/​buffeted by strong winds遭受强风肆虐;被强风吹得左右摇摆
    • (British English) be blowing a gale在刮大风
    • battle against/​brave the elements与恶劣天气搏斗;冒着风雨
    The weather improves天气好转
    • the sun breaks through the clouds
    • the sky clears/​brightens (up)/lightens (up)
    • the clouds part/​clear
    • the rain stops/​lets up/​holds off
    • the wind dies down
    • the storm passes
    • the mist/​fog lifts/​clears
    Extra Examples
    • A storm blew in off the ocean.一场风暴从海上袭来。
    • A storm had been brewing all day.一场暴风雨已经酝酿一整天了。
    • I took shelter from the storm in the clubhouse.我在俱乐部会所躲过了这场暴风雨。
    • It was the worst storm to hit London this century.这是本世纪伦敦遭受的最严重的一场暴风雨。
    • The east coast of Florida bore the brunt of the storm.佛罗里达东海岸受到了风暴的正面侵袭。
    • The storm blew over after a couple of hours.几个小时之后,风暴平息了。
    • The storm broke while we were on the mountain.我们在山上时,暴风雨突然降临了。
    • The storm lasted for three days.风暴持续了 3 天。
    • The storm raged all night.暴风雨肆虐了整整一夜。
    • We tried to find a safe place to wait out the storm.我们设法找个安全的地方等暴风雨停止。
    • We'll be tracking the storm as it makes its way across the Gulf.当暴风雨横扫海湾时,我们将一路追踪过去。
    • Where were you when the storm struck?暴风雨袭来时你在哪儿?
    • a boat battered by the storm被暴风雨毁坏的小船
    • a tropical storm warning热带风暴警报
    • the dark clouds of an approaching storm暴风雨来临前的乌云
    • Does the insurance policy provide for storm damage?这张保险单承保暴风雨造成的损害吗?
    • Rail services were suspended as fierce storms lashed the country.由于狂风暴雨的袭击,这个国家的铁路运输暂停了。
    Topics Weathera2, The environmenta2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bad
    • big
    • devastating
    verb + storm
    • be in for
    • brave
    • shelter from
    storm + verb
    • hit (something)
    • strike (something)
    • rage
    storm + noun
    • cloud
    • surge
    • water
    • during a/​the storm
    • in a/​the storm
    • at the height of the storm
    • bear the brunt of the storm
    • take the brunt of the storm
    See full entry
  2. (in compounds构成复合词) very bad weather of the type mentioned和风暴有关的恶劣天气
    • She had to brave an ice storm to get to the interview.她不得不顶着冰暴去面试。
    see also dust storm, electrical storm, magnetic storm, rainstorm, sandstorm, snowstorm, thunderstorm
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bad
    • big
    • devastating
    verb + storm
    • be in for
    • brave
    • shelter from
    storm + verb
    • hit (something)
    • strike (something)
    • rage
    storm + noun
    • cloud
    • surge
    • water
    • during a/​the storm
    • in a/​the storm
    • at the height of the storm
    • bear the brunt of the storm
    • take the brunt of the storm
    See full entry
  3. storm (of something) a situation in which a lot of people suddenly express very strong feelings about something(群情迸发的)浪潮
    • His comments created a storm of protest in the media.他的评论在媒体引起了抗议的浪潮。
    • A political storm is brewing over the prime minister's comments.首相的评论即将酝酿出一场政治风暴。
    • The footballer has been at the centre of a media storm after remarks he made on the radio caused controversy.这名足球运动员在电台发表的言论引发争议后,一直处于媒体风暴的中心。
    see also perfect storm
    Extra Examples
    • A storm blew up between Britain and America over Venezuela.在英美之间爆发了一场关于委内瑞拉的风暴。
    • The political storm had blown over at last.这场政治风暴终于平息了。
    • The band toured Ireland amid a storm of controversy.乐队在一片争议浪潮中赴爱尔兰巡回演出。
    • The government is determined to ride out the political storm caused by its new immigration policy.政府打定主意挺过这次由新的移民政策引发的政治风暴。
    • a gathering storm of discontent正在积聚的不满情绪
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • approaching
    • coming
    • gathering
    verb + storm
    • arouse
    • cause
    • create
    storm + verb
    • blow up
    • break
    • erupt
    • amid a/​the storm
    • storm between
    • storm of
    See full entry
  4. storm of something a sudden loud noise that is caused by emotion or excitement(因激动或兴奋而爆发出的)暴风雨般的声音,轰鸣 synonym roar
    • a storm of applause如雷掌声
    see also brainstorm
  5. Word OriginOld English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch storm and German Sturm, probably also to the verb stir. The verb dates from late Middle English.
any port in a storm
  1. (saying) if you are in great trouble, you take any help that is offered慌不择路;饥不择食;有病乱投医
the calm before the storm
  1. a calm time immediately before an expected period of violent activity or argument暴风雨(或大动荡、激烈辩论)前的平静
cook, dance, etc. up a storm
  1. (informal) to do something with great energy and enthusiasm风暴:以极大的精力和热情去做某事
    • Leonie was in the kitchen, cooking up a storm for her friends.利昂尼在厨房里,为她的朋友们准备了一场风暴。
a storm in a teacup (British English)
(North American English a tempest in a teapot)
  1. a lot of anger or worry about something that is not important大惊小怪,小题大做,茶杯里的风暴(小事引起的大风波)
take something/somebody by storm
  1. to be extremely successful very quickly in a particular place or among particular people在某处大获成功;迅速征服观众等
    • The play took London by storm.这部剧很快就风靡伦敦。
    Topics Successc2
  2. to attack a place suddenly and capture it突袭攻占某处


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they storm
he / she / it storms
past simple stormed
past participle stormed
-ing form storming
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  1. [transitive, intransitive] to suddenly attack a place突袭;攻占
    • storm something Police stormed the building and captured the gunman.警察突袭那栋楼房,抓获了持枪歹徒。
    • The embassy was stormed by demonstrators.示威者袭击了大使馆。
    • storm into something Soldiers stormed into the city at dawn.士兵在拂晓时分攻进城里。
    Topics War and conflictc2
  2. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to go somewhere quickly and in an angry, noisy way气呼呼地疾走;闯;冲
    • She stormed into my office waving a newspaper.她挥舞着一张报纸怒气冲冲地闯进我的办公室。
    • He burst into tears and stormed off.他突然大哭起来,气呼呼地跑了。
    Extra Examples
    • Apparently she stormed out of the meeting after only 15 minutes.显然,她在会议开始仅15分钟后就愤然离场。
    • He thumped the table and then stormed off.他猛捶桌子,然后气呼呼地走了。
    • She stormed from the room, slamming the door behind her.她气冲冲地走出房间,砰地关上身后的门。
    Topics Feelingsc2
  3. [transitive] + speech to say something in a loud angry way怒吼;大发雷霆
    • ‘Don't you know who I am?’ she stormed.“你不知道我是谁吗?” 她怒喝道。
    Topics Feelingsc2
  4. Word OriginOld English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch storm and German Sturm, probably also to the verb stir. The verb dates from late Middle English.
TOEFL BNC: 2871 COCA: 1656


1period of bad weather惡劣天氣ADJECTIVE | VERB + STORM | STORM + VERB | STORM + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbad, big, devastating, ferocious, fierce, great, heavy, killer (informal, especially NAmE) , major, monster
(NAmE, informal) , raging, severe, terrible, tremendous, violent惡劣的/大的/毀滅性的/兇猛的/狂暴的/嚴重的/致命的/特大的/可怕的/肆虐的/後果嚴重的/恐怖的/猛烈的/劇烈的暴風雨
perfect (figurative, especially NAmE) 十足的打擊The company was hit by a perfect storm of negative conditions that converged on it.該公司遭受了一系列不利因素互相叠加的嚴重打擊。approaching, gathering, impending即將到來的/醞釀積聚中的/迫近的暴風雨the dark clouds of an approaching storm暴風雨來臨前的烏雲freak反常的暴風雨summer, winter, etc.夏季暴風雨、冬季暴風雪等tropical熱帶風暴monsoon季風暴風雨electric, electrical, lightning, thunder (usually thunderstorm) 雷暴;雷雨hail, rain, snow, wind (usually hailstorm, etc.) 雹暴;暴風雨;暴風雪;風暴ice (especially NAmE) 冰暴dust, sand (usually sandstorm) 塵暴;沙塵暴magnetic, solar磁暴;太陽風暴VERB + STORMbe in for暴風雨即將來臨I think we're in for a storm (= going to have one).我覺得我們躲不過一場暴風雨了。brave頂着暴風雨She had to brave an ice storm to get to the interview.她不得不頂着冰暴去面試。shelter from, wait out (especially NAmE) 躲避暴風雨;等候暴風雨結束We tried to find a safe place to wait out the storm.我們設法找個安全的地方等暴風雨停止。track (especially NAmE) 追踪暴風雨We'll be tracking the storm as it makes its way across the Gulf.當暴風雨橫掃海灣時,我們將一路追踪過去。STORM + VERBhit (sth), strike (sth)暴風雨襲擊(⋯)/侵襲(⋯)It was the worst storm to hit Sri Lanka this century.這是本世紀斯里蘭卡遭受的最嚴重的一場暴風雨。Where were you when the storm struck?暴風雨襲來時你在哪兒?rage暴風雨肆虐The storm raged all night.暴風雨肆虐了整整一夜。be approaching, be brewing, be coming暴風雨將要來臨/正在醞釀/臨近A storm had been brewing all day.一場暴風雨已經醞釀一整天了。blow up, break暴風雨突然降臨The storm broke while we were on the mountain.我們在山上時,暴風雨突然降臨了。blow in, move in風暴來襲;暴風雨來臨A storm blew in off the ocean.一場風暴從海上襲來。move across, over, etc. sth, sweep across, over, etc. sth暴風雨席捲⋯、橫掃⋯等A major winter storm is moving across the country today.今天一場大規模暴風雪正席捲全國。batter sth, lash sth, ravage sth, sweep sth暴風雨拍擊⋯/抽打⋯/毀壞⋯/席捲⋯a boat battered by the storm被暴風雨毀壞的小船Winter storms swept the coasts.冬季風暴橫掃了海濱地區。abate, blow itself out, blow over, clear, clear up, pass, subside風暴減弱;風暴平息;風暴刮過去;風暴退去The storm blew over after a couple of hours.幾個小時之後,風暴平息了。last風暴持續The storm lasted for three days.風暴持續了 3 天。STORM + NOUNcloud (often figurative) 動亂的預兆In 1939 the storm clouds gathered over Europe.1939 年,戰爭的陰雲籠罩着歐洲。surge, water風暴潮;暴雨水We're forecasting 14 to 16 feet of storm surge.我們預測會有 14 到 16 英尺高的風暴潮。damage暴風雨造成的損害Insurance companies face hefty payouts for storm damage.保險公司面臨對暴風雨造成損害的巨額賠付。warning風暴警報a tropical storm warning熱帶風暴警報door, drain, window (NAmE) (防雨雪及風等的)風門,雨水道,防風窗PREPOSITIONduring a/the storm, in a/the storm在暴風雨期間;在暴風雨中PHRASESat the height of the storm在風暴最猛烈時bear the brunt of the storm, take the brunt of the storm受到暴風雨的襲擊The east coast of Florida bore the brunt of the storm.佛羅里達東海岸受到了風暴的正面侵襲。seek shelter from the storm (often figurative) , take shelter from the storm躲避暴風雨;避風頭
I took shelter from the storm in the clubhouse.我在俱樂部會所躲過了這場暴風雨。the calm before the storm (figurative) 風暴前的平靜the eye of the storm (often figurative) 風暴眼;風暴的中心


2violent display of strong feeling強烈感情的爆發ADJECTIVE | VERB + STORM | STORM + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEapproaching, coming, gathering即將到來的風潮;正在積聚的風潮a gathering storm of discontent正在積聚的不滿情緒media, political媒體/政治風暴fire (usually firestorm) (figurative, especially NAmE) 大爆發His comments brought down a firestorm of criticism.他的評論引來了一通狂轟濫炸般的批評。VERB + STORMarouse, cause, create, provoke, raise, spark, unleash引起/造成/製造/挑起/激起/引發/釋放情緒face面對風暴ride out, survive, weather安然渡過風暴The government is determined to ride out the political storm caused by its new immigration policy.政府打定主意挺過這次由新的移民政策引發的政治風暴。STORM + VERBblow up, break, erupt (all especially BrE) 風暴突起/突發/爆發A storm blew up between Britain and the US over Venezuela.在英美之間突發了一場關於委內瑞拉問題的風暴。blow over, pass風暴平息/過去The political storm had blown over at last.這場政治風暴終於平息了。PREPOSITIONamid a/the storm (especially BrE) 在風暴中The band toured Ireland amid a storm of controversy.樂隊在一片爭議浪潮中赴愛爾蘭巡迴演出。storm between⋯之間的風暴storm of⋯的風暴His comments created a storm of protest in the media.他的評論激起了媒體的一陣抗議風潮。
TOEFL BNC: 2871 COCA: 1656
storm noun
storm (storms lash the country) fuss (a storm of protest)
storm verb
attack2 (storm a building) march (storm out of the room)


storm ♦︎ thunderstorm ♦︎ hurricane ♦︎ tornado ♦︎ gale ♦︎ blizzard ♦︎ snowstorm ♦︎ cyclone ♦︎ typhoon ♦︎ twisterThese are all words for extreme weather conditions involving strong winds. 这些词均表示带有大风的恶劣天气状况。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a heavy storm / thunderstorm / snowstorma violent storm / thunderstorm / gale / cyclonea fierce storm / hurricane / gale / blizzarda howling storm / gale / blizzarda storm / hurricane / gale blowsa storm / thunderstorm / hurricane / tornado / gale / blizzard / cyclone / typhoon / twister strikes (sth)a storm / thunderstorm / hurricane / tornado / blizzard / cyclone / typhoon / twister hits stha storm / hurricane / tornado / typhoon sweeps through stha storm / hurricane / tornado / cyclone / typhoon / twister destroys sthstorm / hurricane / tornado / gale / blizzard warningsthe eye of a / the storm / hurricane / cyclone storm [countable] very bad weather with strong winds and rain 暴风雨Rail services were suspended as fierce storms lashed the country.由于狂风暴雨的袭击,这个国家的铁路运输暂停了。A few minutes later the storm broke (= began).不一会儿暴风雨降临了。I think we're in for a storm (= I think there will be one).我觉得我们就要遭遇一场暴风雨了。Does the insurance policy provide for storm damage?这张保险单承保暴风雨造成的损害吗? Storm is often used in compounds meaning a particular type of storm. * storm常用于复合词中,表示某种类型的暴风雨an electrical storm (= with lightning) 雷暴a tropical storm热带风暴a dust storm尘暴a rainstorm暴风雨a sandstorm沙暴a hailstorm雹暴 thunderstorm ˈθʌndəstɔːm; NAmE ˈθʌndərstɔːrm [countable] a storm with thunder and lightning and usually very heavy rain 雷雨;雷暴;雷雨交加The church was struck by lightning during a violent thunderstorm.那座教堂在一次猛烈的雷雨中被闪电击中。 hurricane ˈhʌrɪkən; NAmE ˈhɜːrəkən, ˈhɜːrəkeɪn [countable] a violent storm with very strong winds that move in a circle, especially in the North Atlantic Ocean (尤指北大西洋的)飓风Hurricane-force winds hit the islands.飓风级大风袭击了这些岛屿。Hurricane Rita is now approaching the coast of Florida.飓风丽塔正在逼近佛罗里达海岸。Hurricanes are usually given names of people, such as Hurricane Ana or Hurricane Bill. 飓风通常被冠以人名,如Hurricane Ana(飓风安娜)或Hurricane Bill(飓风比尔)。 tornado tɔːˈneɪdəʊ; NAmE tɔːrˈneɪdoʊ(plural tornadoes or tornados) [countable] a violent storm with very strong winds that move in a circle. There is often also a tall cloud which is narrower at the bottom than at the top. 龙卷风;旋风Tornadoes ripped into the southern United States yesterday.昨天龙卷风袭击了美国南部地区。A tornado is much more local and smaller in size (but not necessarily strength) than a hurricane. It might touch down in one place for just a short time before moving on. 与hurricane相比,tornado更具地域性且规模较小(但强度不一定较小)。它可能会在某地touch down(登陆)然后继续前行The tornado touched down north-west of Hobbs, New Mexico, damaging a barn and a trailer home.龙卷风在新墨西哥的霍布斯西北部登陆,摧毁了一个谷仓和一座拖车式活动房屋。 gale [countable] a very strong wind 大风;飓风The gale blew down hundreds of trees.大风吹倒了数百棵树。 (BrE) It's blowing a gale outside.外面在刮大风。 blizzard ˈblɪzəd; NAmE ˈblɪzərd [countable] a heavy storm with snow and very strong winds 暴风雪;雪暴More than a million lambs died in the worst blizzards to hit New Zealand in 30 years.新西兰遭遇30年来最猛烈的雪暴,死了超过100万只羔羊。 snowstorm ˈsnəʊstɔːm; NAmE ˈsnoʊstɔːrm [countable] a heavy fall of snow, usually with a strong wind 雪暴;暴风雪We fought our way through a raging snowstorm.我们在肆虐的暴风雪中艰难行进。 see also snow snow cyclone ˈsaɪkləʊn; NAmE ˈsaɪkloʊn [countable] a violent storm with strong winds that move in a circle, especially in tropical regions (尤指热带地区的)气旋,旋风The island was hit by a cyclone which caused considerable damage.这座岛遭受了旋风的袭击,损失相当严重。 typhoon taɪˈfuːn [countable] a violent tropical storm with very strong winds that move in a circle, especially in the western Pacific Ocean (尤指西太平洋地区的)台风Earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters are frequent in that part of the Pacific.地震、台风和其他自然灾害在太平洋的那个地区频繁肆虐。NOTE 辨析 Hurricane, cyclone or typhoon? Cyclone is the most general word for a violent storm with strong winds that move in a circle. Tropical cyclones with wind speeds of over 17 metres per second are called tropical storms and given names; if the wind reaches 33 m/s they are called hurricanes (in the North Atlantic Ocean) or typhoons (in the western Pacific Ocean). * cyclone含义最广,泛指伴随旋风的暴风雨。风速超过每秒17米的热带气旋称为tropical storm,并被冠以名字;如果风速达到每秒33米就称作hurricane(北大西洋地区)或typhoon(西太平洋地区)。 twister [countable] (NAmE, rather informal) a tornado 龙卷风;旋风The twister, reported to be about 100 yards wide, caused major damage to the high school.那次龙卷风据报道直径约100码,给这所中学造成了严重损坏。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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