a town in southern England on the Thames, west of London. It is famous for its castle. 温莎: 英格兰南部的一个小镇,位于伦敦以西的泰晤士河上。它以其城堡而闻名。an industrial city and port in Ontario, Canada, located on Lake Erie opposite the US city of Detroit 温莎(加拿大安大略省的工业城市和港口,位于伊利湖畔,在美国底特律市对面) the family name of the British royal family since 1917. It was changed from the German Saxe-Coburg-Gotha by George V because of the strong feelings in Britain against Germany during the First World War. 温莎: 自1917年以来英国王室的姓氏。由于第一次世界大战期间英国对德国怀有强烈的感情,乔治五世将其从德国萨克斯-科堡-哥达改名。