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BNC: 547 COCA: 492


(comparative truer, superlative truest)
Word Family
  • true adjective (≠ untrue)
  • truth noun
  • truthful adjective (≠ untruthful)
  • truthfully adverb
  • truly adverb
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  1. connected with facts rather than things that have been invented or guessed符合事实的;确实的;如实的
    • Indicate whether the following statements are true or false.标出下列说法是对还是错。
    • Can you prove that what you say is true?你能证明你说的是真的吗?
    • All the rumours turned out to be true.所有的传闻结果都确有其事。
    • be true (that)… Is it true she's leaving?她要走是真的吗?
    • It is certainly true that money can't buy you happiness.金钱买不到幸福,这当然是真的。
    • I think it would be true to say that the show was a success.我认为说这个节目成功是真的。
    • That's not strictly (= completely) true.那不完全正确。
    • The novel is based on a true story.这部小说是根据真人真事写成的。
    • true for somebody/something Unfortunately, these findings do not hold true (= are not valid) for women and children.遗憾的是,这些调查结果不适用于妇女和儿童。
    • Exercise can help in the development of social skills, and this is especially true for kids playing team sports.锻炼有助于社交技能的发展,这对参加团队运动的孩子来说尤其如此。
    • true of somebody/something The music is dull and uninspiring, and the same is true of the acting.音乐沉闷枯燥毫不动人,表演也是。
    • You never spoke a truer word (= used to emphasize that you agree with what somebody has just said).你说的一点不假。
    opposite untrue
    Synonyms truetrue
    • right
    • correct
    These words all describe something that cannot be doubted as fact and includes no mistakes.
    • true connected with facts rather than things that have been invented or guessed:
      • Are the following statements true or false?下列说法是对还是错?
      • Is it true (that) she’s leaving?她要走是真的吗?
    • right that is true and cannot be doubted as a fact:
      • I got about half the answers right.我的回答约有一半是正确的。
      • What’s the right time?现在的准确时间是几点?
    • correct right according to the facts and without any mistakes:
      • Only one of the answers is correct.这些答案中只有一个是正确的。
      • Check that all the details are correct.检查所有这些细节是否准确无误。
    right or correct?用 right 还是 correct?Correct is more formal than right and is more likely to be used in official or formal instructions or documents.Patterns
    • right/​correct about somebody/​something
    • the true/​right/​correct answer
    • the right/​correct time
    Extra Examples
    • It is literally true that I never heard of him until I was in my late twenties.实际上,我到二十八九岁才听说过他。
    • That is undoubtedly true.这无疑是正确的。
    • The story is more or less true.这个传闻差不多是真实的。
    • It's hardly true to call cleaning windows a ‘profession’.擦窗户几乎不能称为一种“职业”。
    • This degree of inequality was by no means true of all 19th-century marriages.这种程度的不平等绝不是在所有 19 世纪的婚姻中都有的。
    • This is in fact true in most situations.在多数情况下这的确是真实的。
    • We hope that this will prove true.我们希望此事能被证实。
    • What applies at a local level holds doubly true at a national level.适用于地方的,在全国更为适用。
    • What is true for buyers is equally true for sellers.对买家和卖家同样适用。
    • While technically true, this is unfair.虽然严格说来是这么回事,但这并不公平。
    • While this is certainly true for some, it is not the case for others.对某些人来说当然是这样,对其他人就未必如此。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintya1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • ring
    • seem
    • especially
    • particularly
    • very
    See full entry
  2. real真正

  3. real or exact, especially when this is different from how something seems实质的,真正的(而非表面上的)
    • the true face of war (= what it is really like rather than what people think it is like)战争的真实面目
    • This project demonstrates the true value of teamwork.这个项目展示了团队合作的真正价值。
    • The true cost of these experiments to the environment will not be known for years to come.这些实验对环境造成的确切代价在未来数年内是看不见的。
    • He reveals his true character to very few people.他没有向什么人显露过他的真实性格。
    • I did not realize the true nature of their relationship.我没有意识到他们关系的真实性质。
    • She was unable to hide her true feelings for him.她无法掩饰自己对他的真实感情。
    Extra Examples
    • the true face of socialism社会主义的真实情况
    • She is not the true owner of this house.她不是这所房子的真正主人。
  4. [usually before noun] having the qualities or characteristics of the thing mentioned名副其实的;真正的
    • It was true love between them.他们是真心相爱。
    • He's a true gentleman.他是个正人君子。
    • The painting is a masterpiece in the truest sense of the word.这幅画是名副其实的杰作。
    • He is credited with inventing the first true helicopter.他被认为是发明第一架真正的直升机的人。
  5. admitting fact承认事实

  6. used to admit that a particular fact or statement is correct, although you think that something else is more important(承认事实或说法正确,但有更重要的考虑)确实,的确
    • true (that)… It's true that he could do the job, but would he fit in with the rest of the team?他确实能做这项工作,但他是否能和团队其他人配合得好呢?
    • It's perfectly true that I didn't help much, but I was busy.我的确没有帮什么忙,我太忙了。
    • ‘We could get it cheaper.’ ‘True, but would it be as good?’“我们可以买得再便宜一点儿。” “话是这么说,但是质量是不是一样好呢?”
    • True enough, but that doesn't tell the whole story. 确实如此,但这并不能说明全部情况。
    Language Bank neverthelessneverthelessConceding a point and making a counterargument承认一个观点的正确性,并提出一个对立的观点
      • While the film is undoubtedly too long, it is nevertheless an intriguing piece of cinema.虽然这部电影的确太长了,但它不失为一部有趣的影片。
      • It can be argued that the movie is too long. It is nonetheless an intriguing piece of cinema.可以认为这部电影太长了,但它不失为一部有趣的影片。
      • The film is undoubtedly too long. Still, it is an intriguing piece of cinema.这部电影的确太长了,但它仍不失为一部有趣的影片。
      • Of course, huge chunks of the book have been sacrificed in order to make a two-hour movie, but it is nevertheless a successful piece of storytelling.当然,为了制作一部两小时的电影,该书中的大部分内容都被舍弃了,不过它仍不失为一部成功的故事片。
      • Critics are wrong to argue that the film’s plot is too complicated. Certainly there are a couple of major twists, but audiences will have no difficulty following them.批评家认为这部电影的情节过于复杂,这种观点是不恰当的。影片中确实有几次大的情节变化,但观众还是不难看懂的。
      • It is true that you cannot make a good movie without a good script, but it is equally true that a talented director can make a good script into an excellent film.的确,没有好的剧本不可能拍出好的电影,但有天赋的导演能将较好的剧本制作成非常好的电影,这一点也是没有疑问的。
      • It remains to be seen whether these two movies herald a new era of westerns, but there is no doubt that they represent welcome additions to the genre.这两部电影是否预示着西部片新时代的来临还有待观察。但是毫无疑问,它们作为这一电影类型的新作而受到欢迎。
    Topics Opinion and argumenta2
  7. loyal忠实

  8. showing respect and support for a particular person or belief in a way that does not change, even in different situations忠诚的;忠心耿耿的;忠实的
    • a true friend忠实的朋友
    • true to somebody/something She has always been true to herself (= done what she thought was good, right, etc.).她一贯坚持按自己的信念办事。
    • He was true to his word (= did what he promised to do).他信守诺言。
    • Many were executed for remaining true to their principles.许多人因忠于自己的原则而被处死。
    • Knights swore to be true to their lord.骑士们发誓忠于他们的主。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • feel
    • remain
    • absolutely
    • to
    • true to your word
    See full entry
  9. accurate精确

  10. true (to something) being an accurate version or copy of something精确的;与正本无异的;逼真的
    • The movie is not true to the book.这部电影并非忠于原著。
    • The painting is a true likeness of her.这幅画是她的真迹。
    Extra Examples
    • The article isn't at all true to what I actually said.这篇文章与我实际所说的一点也不真实。
    • True to her prediction, it began snowing later that day.正如她的预测,那天晚些时候开始下雪了。
    • Is it your wish that I should sign these minutes as a true record of that meeting?你希望我在这些会议记录上签字,作为那次会议的真实记录吗?
    • This account is now accepted as a true reflection of what actually happened.这种说法现在被认为是真实反映了实际发生的事情。
  11. [not usually before noun] (old-fashioned or literary) straight and accurate正而准
    • His aim was true (= he hit the target).他瞄得很准。
  12. Word OriginOld English trēowe, trȳwe ‘steadfast, loyal’; related to Dutch getrouw, German treu, also to truce.
come true
  1. (of a hope, wish, etc.希望、愿望等) to become reality实现;成为现实
    • Winning the medal was like a dream come true.获得这枚奖牌好比梦想成真。
    • All her wishes came true.她所有的愿望都实现了。
ring true/hollow/false
  1. to give the impression of being sincere/true or not sincere/true给人以真实(或空洞、虚假)的印象
    • It may seem a strange story but it rings true to me.这个故事也许显得离奇,但我却觉得很真实。
    • His expressions of support rang rather hollow.他支持的表情听起来相当空洞。
    • His promise rang hollow.他的诺言听起来很空洞。
too good to be true
  1. used to say that you cannot believe that something is as good as it seems好得难以令人相信
    • ‘I'm afraid you were quoted the wrong price.’ ‘I thought it was too good to be true.’“很抱歉,给你报错价了。” “我也觉得价格低得令人难以置信。”
tried and true (North American English)
(British English tried and tested/trusted)
  1. that you have used or relied on in the past successfully经过考验的;可靠的;可信赖的
    • a tried and true method for solving the problem解决这个问题的可靠方法
    Topics Successc2
your true colours
  1. (often disapproving) your real character, rather than the one that you usually allow other people to see本性;本来面目
    • It was only after they got married that he showed himself in his true colours.直到他们结婚后,他才露出了原形。
true to form
  1. used to say that somebody is behaving in the way that you expect them to behave, especially when this is annoying跟往常一样;一如既往;合乎本性
    • True to form, she managed to upset everyone before leaving.一如往常,她在离开前设法让每个人都不高兴。
true to life
  1. (of a book, film, etc.) seeming real rather than invented真实的;逼真的;惟妙惟肖;活灵活现
    • I don’t think the characters are very true to life.我觉得这些人物不是很真实。


(old-fashioned or literary)
Word Family
  • true adjective (≠ untrue)
  • truth noun
  • truthful adjective (≠ untruthful)
  • truthfully adverb
  • truly adverb
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  1. in a direct line笔直地;不偏不斜地
    • The arrow flew straight and true to the target.箭不偏不斜地朝靶子飞去。
    • He shot true.他射得很准。
  2. correctly正确地

  3. speak true to tell the truth直言相告;实话实说
    • He had spoken truer than he knew.他说得比他知道的还确切。
  4. Word OriginOld English trēowe, trȳwe ‘steadfast, loyal’; related to Dutch getrouw, German treu, also to truce.


Word Family
  • true adjective (≠ untrue)
  • truth noun
  • truthful adjective (≠ untruthful)
  • truthfully adverb
  • truly adverb
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out of true
  1. if an object is out of true, it is not straight or in the correct position歪七扭八;位置不正;偏斜
BNC: 547 COCA: 492


1right or correct對;正確VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, ring, seem, sound真實;聽上去像真的;好像是真的Her explanation doesn't ring quite true.她的解釋聽起來不大像真話。come實現All her wishes came true.她所有的願望都實現了。It was like a dream come true.就像是夢想成真一樣。remain仍然真實hold有效;適用This principle holds true for all states.這項原則對所有的州都適用。prove證明是真實的We hope that this will prove true.我們希望此事能被證實。ADVERBespecially, particularly, very尤為符合事實;十分真實This is particularly true of older women.年紀大一些的婦女尤其如此。absolutely, completely, perfectly, quite, totally千真萬確It's perfectly true that I didn't help much, but I was busy.我的確沒有幫什麼忙,我太忙了。certainly, clearly, demonstrably, indisputably, obviously, undeniably, unquestionably肯定/明顯/確實/無可爭議地/顯然/無可否認地/毫無疑問地真實While this is certainly true for some, it is not the case for others.對某些人來說當然是這樣,對其他人就未必如此。definitely, surely, undoubtedly絕對/肯定/無疑正確That is undoubtedly true.這無疑是正確的。actually, indeed, in fact, really實際上/確實/事實上/的確是真的This is in fact true in most situations.在多數情況下這的確是真實的。by no means, far from, not at all一點兒也不真實;完全不真實This degree of inequality was by no means true of all 19th-century marriages.這種程度的不平等絕不是在所有 19 世紀的婚姻中都有的。'That's not true at all,' he said firmly.“事實完全不是那樣。” 他十分確定地說。hardly, not completely, not entirely, not exactly, not necessarily, not quite, not really, not strictly很不真實;不完全真實;嚴格說來不真實;不見得真實It's hardly true to call your job a 'profession'.你的工作幾乎不能稱為一種“職業”。That's not strictly true, I'm afraid.恐怕嚴格說來不是那樣。almost, basically, essentially, generally, largely, more or less, partially, partly, pretty much幾乎/基本上/本質上/總的來說/大體上/或多或少/部份/在一定程度上/在很大程度上是真的The story is more or less true.這個故事多少有些真實成分。factually, objectively事實上真的;符合客觀事實literally的確是真實的It is literally true that I never heard of him until I was in my late twenties.實際上,我到二十八九歲才聽說過他。technically嚴格意義上真實的While technically true, this is unfair.雖然嚴格說來是這麼回事,但這並不公平。doubly, equally加倍/同樣真實What applies at a local level holds doubly true at a national level.適用於地方的,在全國更為適用。What is true for buyers is equally true for sellers.對買家和賣家同樣適用。


2faithful忠實VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERBSbe忠誠feel覺得真實I have never felt more true to myself.我感到我從未如此聽從過自己的心聲。remain, stay始終忠誠;保持忠心He has stayed true to his word.他一直說話算數。ADVERBabsolutely絕對忠誠PREPOSITIONto對⋯忠誠She stayed true to her principles.她信守自己的原則。PHRASEStrue to your word履行諾言He was true to his word, and turned up on time.他信守諾言,準時到場。
BNC: 547 COCA: 492
true adj.
true (a true story) real (true love) reliable1 (true to his word)


 See also the entry for reliable 2 另见reliable条第2义true ♦︎ right ♦︎ correctThese words all describe sth that cannot be doubted as fact. 这些词均表示属实的、真确的、真实的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配right / correct about sb / sththe true / right / correct answerthe right / correct timequite / absolutely / more or less true / right / correct true connected with facts rather than things that have been invented or guessed 符合事实的;确实的;如实的That's not strictly true (= completely true).那不完全正确。Indicate whether the following statements are true or false.标出下列说法是对还是错。Is it true (that) she's leaving?她真的要走吗?The novel is based on a true story.这部小说是根据真人真事写成的。 True can be used to admit that a particular fact or statement is true, although you think that sth else is more important. * true可用于承认某事属实或说法无误,尽管你觉得别的方面更重要'We could get it cheaper.' 'True, but would it be as good?'“这东西我们能买到更便宜的。”“没错,但质量是不是一样好呢?” A true version or copy of sth is the same as the original in its details and/or its spirit. * true指某物的版本或副本在细节或神韵上与原版或原物相同The movie isn't really true to the book.这部电影不太忠于原著。 OPP untrue , false wrong 1 see also the truth fact right that is true and cannot be doubted as a fact 正确的;真正的;真实的I got about half the answers right.我答对了约一半的题目。What's the right time?现在的准确时间是几点? (spoken) 'David, isn't it?' 'Yes, that's right.'“是戴维吗?”“对,没错。”It was Monday you went to see Angie, right?(= is that right?) 你是星期一去看望安吉的,对不对?OPP wrong wrong 1 right


You guessed right.你猜对了。
correct (rather formal) right according to the facts and without any mistakes 准确无误的;精确的;正确的Only one of the answers is correct.只有一个答案是正确的。Check that all the details are correct.检查所有这些细节是否准确无误。'Are you in charge here?' 'That's correct.'“你是这里的负责人吗?”“是的。”OPP incorrect wrong 1 correctly


Have you spelled it correctly?你把它拼写对了吗?
NOTE 辨析 Right or correct? Correct is more formal than right and is more likely to be used in official or formal instructions or documents. * correct比right正式,更可能用在官方或正式的说明或文件中。
BNC: 547 COCA: 492
True, definite and based on facts: true, certain, objective...
Ways of admitting something: true, admittedly, sure...
Real and seeming real: real, true, genuine...
Reliable and trustworthy: reliable, trustworthy, consistent...
Loyal: loyal, faithful, committed...
Straight, upright and level: straight, upright, level...

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