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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL IELTS BNC: 14388 COCA: 12145


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  1. not straight弯曲的
    • a piece of bent wire一段弯曲的金属丝
    • Do this exercise with your knees bent (= not with your legs straight).做这个动作要双膝弯曲。
    • The lamp post got bent in the crash.路灯柱在事故中撞弯了。
    • Lock your elbows in a slightly bent position.将手肘锁定在稍微弯曲的位置。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • become
    • slightly
    • bent double
    See full entry
  2. (of a person) not able to stand up straight, usually as a result of being old or ill(因年老或生病)驼背的,弯腰的
    • a small bent old woman一个矮小驼背的老太太
    • He was bent double with laughter.他笑弯了腰。
  3. (British English, informal) (of a person in authority当权者) dishonest不诚实的;不正派的
bent on (doing) something
  1. determined to do something (usually something bad)决心要做,一心想做(通常指坏事)
    • She seems bent on making life difficult for me.她似乎铁了心要和我过不去。
    • to be bent on destruction/revenge一心想要毁灭/复仇
    • He's your typical supervillain, bent on world domination.他是你典型的超级恶棍,一心想要统治世界。
    see also hell-bent
get bent out of shape (about/over something)
  1. (North American English, informal) to become angry, anxious or upset(为某事)生气,焦虑,烦躁
    • Don't get bent out of shape about it. It was just a mistake!不要为这事烦恼了,那只是一个错误而已!


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  1. past tense, past participle of bend


[usually singular]
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  1. bent (for something) a natural skill or interest in something(某方面的)天赋,爱好
    • She has a bent for mathematics.她有数学天赋。
    • people of a philosophical bent有哲学倾向的人
    Extra Examples
    • He showed a literary bent from a young age.他从小就表现出对文学的喜爱。
    • Some students have no natural bent for literature at all.有些学生一点儿文学天赋都没有。
    • She has an artistic bent.她爱好艺术。
    • a child with a scientific bent爱好科学的孩子
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • natural
    • artistic
    • intellectual
    verb + bent
    • have
    • show
    • with bent
    • bent for
    See full entry
TOEFL IELTS BNC: 14388 COCA: 12145


ADJECTIVE | VERB + BENT | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEnatural天賦artistic, intellectual, literary, philosophical, political, scientific對藝術/知識/文學/哲學/政治/科學的愛好VERB + BENThave有愛好She has an artistic bent.她愛好藝術。show表現出愛好He showed a literary bent from a young age.他從小就表現出對文學的喜愛。PREPOSITIONwith bent有⋯愛好a child with a scientific bent愛好科學的孩子bent for對⋯的天賦a natural bent for languages語言天賦


VERBS | ADVERB | PHRASES VERBSbe, look彎曲;看上去彎曲become, get變彎The post got bent in the crash.那根柱子在事故中被撞彎了。ADVERBslightly稍微彎曲He stood with knees slightly bent.他站着,雙膝略略彎曲。PHRASESbent double弓着身子The man shuffled back a few paces, bent almost double.那人拖着腳退了幾步,腰深深地彎着。
TOEFL IELTS BNC: 14388 COCA: 12145
bent noun


bent ♦︎ twisted ♦︎ deformed ♦︎ crooked ♦︎ gnarledThese words all describe sth that is not straight or normal in shape. 这些词均表示弯曲的或畸形的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配gnarled / twisted roots / branchesdeformed / gnarled handsa twisted / crooked smileto become bent / twisted / deformedto get bent / twistedslightly bent / twisted / deformed / crookedbadly twisted / deformed bent not straight; (of a person) not able to stand up straight, usually because of old age or disease 弯曲的;(因年老或生病)驼背的,弯腰的He tried to pick the lock with a piece of bent wire.他尝试用一段弯曲的金属丝捅开锁。Do this exercise with your knees bent (= not with your legs straight).做这动作时要双膝弯曲。She whirled around to see a small, bent old woman leaning on a cane.她猛地转过身,看到一个矮小驼背、拄着手杖的老太太。He was bent double with laughter.他笑得前仰后合。 see also bend twist verb twisted turned or bent so that the original shape is lost 扭曲的;弯曲的;变形的After the crash the car was a mass of twisted metal.那辆车撞成了一堆扭曲的废铁。She gave a small twisted smile.她不自然地微微一笑。 see also twist twist verb deformed dɪˈfɔːmd; NAmE dɪˈfɔːrmd(of a person or part of the body) having a shape that is not normal because it has grown wrongly (人或身体部位)畸形的,变形的She was born with deformed hands.她的双手先天畸形。 see also deform twist verb deformity dɪˈfɔːməti; NAmE dɪˈfɔːrməti


[countable, uncountable] Drugs taken during pregnancy may cause physical deformity in babies.妊娠期服用的药物可能导致婴儿畸形。
crooked ˈkrʊkɪd not in a straight line; bent or twisted 不直的;弯曲的;扭曲的She had prim lips and, above them, a slightly crooked nose.她有一张端庄紧抿的嘴唇,上面是略呈鹰钩形的鼻子。The old part of the city is a maze of crooked streets and small alleys.老城区是一片由弯弯曲曲的大街小巷组成的迷宫。Your glasses are on crooked.你的眼镜歪了。 crookedly


He grinned crookedly.他不自然地咧嘴笑了。
gnarled nɑːld; NAmE nɑːrld(of trees) twisted and rough; covered with hard lumps; (of a person or part of the body) bent and twisted because of age or illness (树木)扭曲的,多节瘤的;(人或身体部位因年老或疾病)弯曲的,扭曲的I stood against the oak, gazing up at its gnarled branches.我背靠橡树站着,仰头注视长满节瘤的树枝。His hands were gnarled with age and arthritis.他的双手因年老和关节炎而变得扭曲。
TOEFL IELTS BNC: 14388 COCA: 12145

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