- a small group of people in a society, etc. who are powerful and have a lot of influence, because they are rich, intelligent, etc.上層集團;(統稱)掌權人物,社會精英
- a member of the ruling/intellectual elite上層統治集團的成員;知識界的精英
- Public opinion is influenced by the small elite who control the media.輿論爲少數控制着新聞媒介的上層人士所左右。
- In these countries, only the elite can afford an education for their children.在這些國家,只有上層人士才供得起子女上學。
Extra Examples- He was an influential member of the ruling elite.他是統治集團中的權勢人物。
- These people form an elite who have the power to make decisions.這些人構成了有決定權的精英集團。
- a club for members of the business elite商界精英俱樂部
- the European Union's technocratic elites歐盟技術官僚精英
- Cultural centres should not just be for the use of a social elite.文化中心不應該只是供社會精英使用。
- He came from the country's intellectual elite.他屬於這個國家的知識界精英。
- The global elite has held meetings there since 1873.自1873年以來,全球精英一直在那裏舉行會議。
- The election result was seen as a backlash of the working class against the metropolitan liberal elite.選舉結果被視爲工人階級對都市自由精英的強烈反對。
Topics Social issuesc1Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjectiveverb + elitephrasesSee full entry - a group of people with the greatest ability at the highest level of competition, especially in sport精英:一群在最高水平的比賽中擁有最強能力的人,尤其是在體育運動中
- The club has returned to the elite of European football.該俱樂部已回歸歐洲足球的精英階層。
Word Originlate 18th cent.: from French élite ‘selection, choice’, from élire ‘to elect’, from a variant of Latin eligere, from e- (variant of ex-) ‘out’ + legere ‘to pick’.