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/eɪˈliːt/, /ɪˈliːt/
/eɪˈliːt/, /ɪˈliːt/
[only before noun]
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  1. belonging to a group of people in society that is small in number but powerful and with a lot of influence, because they are rich, intelligent, etc.精英:屬於社會上人數不多,但權勢很大,影響力很大的群體,因爲他們很有錢,很有智慧等等。
    • an elite group of senior officials一批出類拔萃的高級官員
    • an elite military academy精英軍事學院
    Topics Social issuesc1
  2. (especially in sport尤用於體育運動) having or showing the greatest ability at the highest level of competition精英:在最高水平的比賽中擁有或表現出最大的能力
    • an elite athlete/swimmer/runner優秀運動員/遊泳運動員/賽跑運動員
    • the world of elite sports精英運動的世界


/eɪˈliːt/, /ɪˈliːt/
/eɪˈliːt/, /ɪˈliːt/
[countable + singular or plural verb]
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  1. a small group of people in a society, etc. who are powerful and have a lot of influence, because they are rich, intelligent, etc.上層集團;(統稱)掌權人物,社會精英
    • a member of the ruling/intellectual elite上層統治集團的成員;知識界的精英
    • Public opinion is influenced by the small elite who control the media.輿論爲少數控制着新聞媒介的上層人士所左右。
    • In these countries, only the elite can afford an education for their children.在這些國家,只有上層人士才供得起子女上學。
    Extra Examples
    • He was an influential member of the ruling elite.他是統治集團中的權勢人物。
    • These people form an elite who have the power to make decisions.這些人構成了有決定權的精英集團。
    • a club for members of the business elite商界精英俱樂部
    • the European Union's technocratic elites歐盟技術官僚精英
    • Cultural centres should not just be for the use of a social elite.文化中心不應該只是供社會精英使用。
    • He came from the country's intellectual elite.他屬於這個國家的知識界精英。
    • The global elite has held meetings there since 1873.自1873年以來,全球精英一直在那裏舉行會議。
    • The election result was seen as a backlash of the working class against the metropolitan liberal elite.選舉結果被視爲工人階級對都市自由精英的強烈反對。
    Topics Social issuesc1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • governing
    • power
    • ruling
    verb + elite
    • create
    • form
    • join
    • a member of an elite
    See full entry
  2. a group of people with the greatest ability at the highest level of competition, especially in sport精英:一群在最高水平的比賽中擁有最強能力的人,尤其是在體育運動中
    • The club has returned to the elite of European football.該俱樂部已回歸歐洲足球的精英階層。
  3. Word Originlate 18th cent.: from French élite ‘selection, choice’, from élire ‘to elect’, from a variant of Latin eligere, from e- (variant of ex-) ‘out’ + legere ‘to pick’.


ADJECTIVE | VERB + ELITE | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgoverning, power, ruling執政/權利/統治集團He was an influential member of the ruling elite.他是統治集團中的權勢人物。powerful, privileged權力/特權階層corrupt腐敗的上層精英educated受過良好教育的精英landed, moneyed, wealthy地主/有錢的/富有的精英階層metropolitan, urban大都會/城市精英local, national地方/國家精英foreign國外精英Western西方精英black, white黑人/白人精英conservative, liberal保守派/自由派精英technocratic技術官僚精英the European Union's technocratic elites歐盟技術官僚精英business, corporate, cultural, economic, intellectual, media, military, political, professional, secular, social商界/企業/文化/經濟/知識分子/傳媒界/軍界/政界/職業/世俗化/社會精英VERB + ELITEcreate, form創建精英集團;構成精英集團These people form an elite who have the power to make decisions.這些人構成了有決定權的精英集團。join加入精英集團PHRASESa member of an elite精英集團的一員a club for members of the business elite商界精英俱樂部
elite adj.


elite ♦︎ society ♦︎ the nobility ♦︎ the aristocracy ♦︎ the gentry ♦︎ the upper classThese are all words for the group of people in a society who belong to a high social class and/or have a lot of power, money or influence. 這些詞均表示上層社會、掌權階級。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配among the elite / nobility / aristocracy / gentry / upper classthe local elite / nobility / aristocracy / gentrythe British / French, etc. elite / nobility / aristocracy / gentry / upper classthe landed / landowning / minor / lesser nobility / aristocracy / gentryto belong to an elite / the nobility / the aristocracy / the gentry / the upper classes elite eɪˈliːt, ɪˈliːt [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of people in a society or area of activity who are powerful and have a lot of influence, because they are rich and/or educated 上層集團;掌權階層;社會精英In these countries, only the elite can afford an education for their children.在這些國家,只有上層人士才供得起子女上學。He came from the country's intellectual elite.他屬於這個國家的知識界精英。 see also elite top adj. , elitist exclusive society [uncountable] a group of people in a country or area who are fashionable, rich and powerful 上流社會She was a poor Irish girl who married into New York society.她本是愛爾蘭窮人家的女兒,嫁到了紐約上流社會。She moved in high society and had many literary friends.她進入了上流社會,結識了很多文學界的朋友。The revelations have outraged polite society.披露的真相激怒了上流社會。He was a popular photographer for society weddings.他是個有名氣的攝影師,專爲上層社會婚禮提供服務。 the nobility [singular + singular or plural verb](in some countries) people of the highest social class, who have special titles such as Duke or Duchess (某些國家的)貴族She had some influential supporters, including members of the nobility.她有一些影響力很大的支持者,其中包括貴族成員。 see also noble lord noun , noble aristocratic adj. the aristocracy ˌærɪˈstɒkrəsi; NAmE ˌærɪˈstɑːkrəsi [countable + singular or plural verb](in some countries) people of the highest social class, who have special titles such as Duke or Duchess (某些國家的)貴族He claimed to be a member of the minor aristocracy (= with a lower title).他自稱是有低等爵位的貴族。 see also aristocrat lord , aristocratic aristocratic the gentry [plural](used to talk about the past) people belonging to a high social class (舊時的)紳士階層,上流社會人士The influence of the Church and the landed gentry (= those owning a lot of land) at that time cannot be overemphasized.當時教會和鄉紳的影響力非常之大。NOTE 辨析 Nobility, aristocracy or Gentry? The nobility or the aristocracy are the group of people in some countries, especially in the past, who were born in the highest social class, below royalty. They have special titles such as Duke, Duchess, Count or Earl. They are usually rich and powerful, and often own land. In the past, the gentry were people with a high social class, just below the nobility in rank, who were usually rich and owned land, but did not always have special titles, and were usually powerful at a local level rather than at a national level. 在一些國家,the nobility或the aristocracy尤指舊時出身僅在皇族之下的貴族。這些人擁有諸如公爵、女公爵或伯爵等封號,通常有財有勢,還常擁有土地。在過去,the gentry指社會地位僅次於貴族的上層人士,這些人通常很富有且擁有土地,但不一定有封號,在當地通常非常有權勢,但其影響力未達全國範圍。 the ˌupper ˈclass [singular + singular or plural verb] (especially NAmE) ( the ˌupper ˈclasses [plural]) the group of people in a society that are considered to have the highest social status and that have more money and/or power than other people 上流社會;上等階層They produced luxury furniture for the middle and upper classes.他們爲中上等階層生産豪華家具。 The upper class is sometimes used to refer just to the aristocracy, but is often used with a wider meaning, including the gentry and sometimes also business and professional people with enough money to buy the property, education and culture needed to enable them to mix socially with other members of the upper class. * the upper class有時專指貴族,但其含義常比較寬泛,涵蓋紳士階層,有時甚至包括那些有經濟實力的商人和專業人士,他們購置房産、接受高等教育和文化熏陶,進而能融入到上流社會中Wealthy industrialists joined the upper class by virtue of their newly acquired spending power.富有的實業家憑借他們剛獲得的高消費能力步入了上層社會。 see also class class 4 , the middle class middle class noun , the working class general public , upper class aristocratic

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