verbVerb Forms
Idioms Phrasal Verbspresent simple I / you / we / they close | |
he / she / it closes | |
past simple closed | |
past participle closed | |
-ing form closing |
- [transitive, intransitive] close (something)
to put something into a position so that it covers an opening; to get into this position synonym shut關;關閉;閉上 He closed the door firmly. 他緊緊地關上了門。 Would anyone mind if I closed the window? 我關上窗戶會有人介意嗎? She closed the gate behind her. 她關上了身後的大門。 It's dark now—let's close the curtains. 天黑了,咱們拉上窗簾吧。 I closed my eyes against the bright light. 我閉上眼睛以防強光的照射。 The doors open and close automatically. 這些門自動開關。
Extra ExamplesShe gently closed the door behind her. 她輕輕關上了身後的門。 She closed her eyes and fell asleep immediately. 她閉上眼睛,立刻就睡着了。 He closed his ears to the noise. 他對噪音充耳不聞。 The gates can be opened and closed at the touch of a button. 只要按一下按鈕,大門就可以打開和關閉。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb- firmly
- tightly
- gently
- …
- [transitive] close something
to move the parts of something together so that it is no longer open synonym shut合上;合攏 to close a book/an umbrella 合上書;收起傘 He ate greedily, without closing his mouth. 他貪婪地吃着,沒有閉上嘴。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb- firmly
- tightly
- gently
- …
- [transitive, often passive, intransitive]
to make the work of a shop, etc. stop for a period of time; to not be open for people to use (使)關門,關閉(一段時間);不開放 - be closed
The school was closed because of the heavy snow. 因爲大雪,學校關閉了。 - be closed for something
The museum has been closed for renovation. 博物館已閉館整修。 - be closed to somebody/something
The road was closed to traffic for two days. 這條路封閉了兩天。 The castle has been closed to visitors because of the royal wedding. 由於皇家婚禮,城堡對遊客關閉了。 What time does the bank close? 那家銀行什麽時候關門? - close for something
We close for lunch between twelve and two. 十二點至兩點是我們的午餐歇業時間。
Extra ExamplesTopics Shoppinga1Tomorrow college officially closes for the vacation. 明天學院就正式放假了。 The museum has been temporarily closed to the public. 博物館暫停向公衆開放。 On Friday, all the offices were closed for the parade. 周五,所有辦公室都因遊行而關閉。 The shops don't close until 10pm. 商店直到晚上10點才關門。 She urged them not to close their borders to refugees. 她敦促他們不要對難民關閉邊境。 The canal is rarely closed for repair work. 運河很少因維修而關閉。 They have closed two stations for repairs. 他們關閉了兩個加油站進行維修。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb- permanently
- temporarily
- officially
- …
- to
- be closed
- [transitive, intransitive] (also close down, close something down)
if a company, shop, etc. closes, or if you close it, it stops operating as a business 停業;關閉;歇業;倒閉 The hospital closed at the end of last year. 這所醫院去年年底關閉。 The play closed after just three nights. 這部劇僅上演了三個晚上就停演了。 - close something
The club was closed by the police. 那家夜總會被警察查封了。 All the steelworks around here were closed down in the 1980s. 這一帶的所有鋼鐵廠都在 20 世紀 80 年代關閉了。
Extra ExamplesIt was a pity the business closed. 很遺憾生意結束了。 They are closing their Liverpool factory. 他們將關閉利物浦的工廠。 That factory's been closed down now. 那家工廠現在已經倒閉了。 The plant will be closed in February with the loss of almost 400 jobs. 該工廠將於2月份關閉,損失近400個工作崗位。 The program may be forced to close due to a dramatic rent increase. 由於租金大幅上漲,該項目可能被迫關閉。 The decision to close a business can be challenging. 關閉一家企業的決定可能具有挑戰性。 The company has announced plans to close three factories and lay off 600 workers. 該公司宣布計劃關閉三家工廠,並解僱600名工人。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb- permanently
- temporarily
- officially
- …
- to
- [intransitive, transitive]
to end or make something end (使)結束,終止 The meeting will close at 10.00 p.m. 會議將在晚上 10 點結束。 The offer closes at the end of the week. 優惠將在本周末截止。 I will close with a few words about future events. 我將以幾句關於未來事件的話結束。 - close something
to close a meeting/debate 結束會議/辯論 to close a case/an investigation 結案;結束調查 to close an account (= to stop keeping money in a bank account) 注銷賬戶 The subject is now closed (= we will not discuss it again). 這個話題的討論現在已告結束。
Which Word? close / shutclose / shutopposite openYou can close and shut doors, windows, your eyes, mouth, etc. - Shut can suggest more noise and is often found in phrases such as slammed shut, banged shut, snapped shut.
shut 可含發出較大聲音之義,常見於 slammed shut、banged shut、snapped shut(砰的一聲關上)等短語中。 - Shut is also usually used for containers such as boxes, suitcases, etc.
關上盒子、手提箱等亦常用 shut。 - To talk about the time when shops, offices, etc. are not open, use close or shut:
商店、辦事處等停業或不辦公用 close 或 shut 均可: What time do the banks close/shut? 銀行什麽時候關門? A strike has shut the factory. 罷工使工廠停業。
亦可用 closed 或 shut(美式英語常用 closed)表示: The store is closed/shut today. 這家商店今天不營業。
- Closed is used in front of a noun, but shut is not:
a closed window. 關着的窗戶
- We usually use closed about roads, airports, etc:
道路封閉、機場關閉等常用 closed: The road is closed because of the snow. 這條路因下雪而封閉。
- Close is also used in formal English to talk about ending a meeting or conversation.
close 亦用於正式英語中,表示結束會議或談話。
關門、關窗、閉眼、閉嘴等用 close 或 shut 均可。 Express Yourself Wrapping up a discussionWrapping up a discussion 結束討論 In a formal meeting or conference, you may have to bring the session to a close. Here are some ways to get people to stop speaking: 以下是一些在正式會議結束時請求與會人員終止發言的方式: I’m afraid time is running out/we’re running out of time, so we'll have to make this the final question. 恐怕時間不多了,所以這將是我們最後一個問題了。
We've only got a couple of minutes left, so can we summarize what we've agreed? 我們只剩下幾分鐘了,所以概括一下已經達成一致的意見好嗎?
I'd like to close the session with a few final remarks… 我想最後說幾句來結束這次會議…
We'll have to leave it there, but thank you all very much for your input. 我們就到這兒吧,非常感謝大家的參與。
Well, that's all we have time for today, but we'll meet again on Tuesday. 好了,我們今天沒有時間了,但星期二我們將再次開會。
I'd like to thank you all for coming and for a very productive meeting. 感謝大家出席這次會議,以及爲這次富有成效的會議付出的努力。
Extra ExamplesA police spokesman said that the case was now closed. 警方發言人稱現在已經結案。 Mr Hunt then closed the debate for the government. 亨特先生於是替政府出面結束了這場爭辯。 The festival closed with a rousing chorus of 'Jerusalem'. 節日以振奮人心的“耶路撒冷”合唱結束。 The police have now closed the file on him. 警方現已結案。 Counting of votes will begin when the polls close. 投票結束後將開始計票。 She felt she had closed that chapter in her life. 她覺得她已經結束了生命中的那一章。
- [transitive] close something
to arrange and settle a business deal 收盤 Right now we are trying to close the deal with our sponsors. 現在我們正試圖與贊助商達成交易。
- [transitive] close something
to put an end to a mistake in something that causes a security risk or gives somebody an unfair advantage (使)結束,終止 The company acted quickly to close a security hole in its online systems. 該公司迅速采取行動,關閉了在線系統中的一個安全漏洞。 Congressional leaders have agreed to close a loophole that gave small businesses a big tax break for buying SUVs. 國會領導人同意堵塞一個漏洞,該漏洞給小企業購買越野車提供了很大的稅收優惠。
- [transitive] close something (
computing )計算機 to stop using a computer program or file and put it away 停業;歇業;關閉 Once I got a few apps closed, it started working again. 一旦我關閉了幾個應用程序,它就開始工作了。
- [intransitive] close (at something)
to be worth a particular amount at the end of the day’s business 收盤 - [transitive, intransitive] close (something)
to make the distance or difference between two people or things smaller; to become smaller or narrower (使)縮小,接近;變小;變窄 - [transitive, intransitive] close (something) about/around/over somebody/something
to cover somebody/something and hold them/it, or to make something do this (使)結束,終止 - [transitive] close something
to make an electrical circuit continuous (對…)充耳不聞,置之不理 When a finger touches the panel, it closes the circuit. 當手指觸摸面板時,電路就閉合了。
window/door, etc.窗、門等
book/umbrella, etc.書、傘等
shop/store/business, etc.店鋪、商店、公司等
cover and hold
electrical circuit
Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French clos-, stem of clore, from Latin claudere ‘to shut’.
close the book on something
close/shut the door on something
close its doors | close shop
close your mind to something
to refuse to think about something as a possibility 對…拒不考慮(或置之不理、置若罔聞)
close ranks
if a group of people close ranks, they work closely together to defend themselves, especially when they are being criticized (尤指受到批評時)抱團,攜手合作 It's not unusual for the police to close ranks when one of their officers is being investigated. 在一位警員受到調查時,警察抱團的事並不罕見。
if soldiers close ranks, they move closer together in order to defend themselves (士兵)成密集隊形,相互靠攏
shut/close your ears to something
shut/close your eyes to something
to pretend that you have not noticed something so that you do not have to deal with it (對…)視而不見,熟視無睹,置若罔聞 You can't just close your eyes to his violence. 你不能對他的暴力視而不見。 They seem intent on shutting their eyes to the problems of pollution. 他們似乎一心想對污染問題視而不見。
with your eyes shut/closed