verb- [intransitive, transitive]
(of liquid or flames )液體或火焰 to burst out or pour out suddenly; to produce sudden, powerful streams of liquid or flames 噴出;冒出 - spurt (from something)
Blood was spurting from her nose. 血從她鼻子裏汩汩流出來。 - spurt out (of/from something)
Red and yellow flames spurted out of the fire. 爐火吐出紅色黃色的火焰。 - spurt something
Her nose was spurting blood. 她鼻子汩汩冒着血。 - spurt something + adv./prep.
The volcano spurted clouds of steam and ash high into the air. 火山把團團熱氣和灰塵噴向高空。
- spurt (from something)
- [intransitive] + adv./prep.
to increase your speed for a short time to get somewhere faster (短暫地)加速前進;沖刺
Word Originmid 16th cent.: of unknown origin.