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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 38054 COCA: 0


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  1. an amount of money nett is the amount that remains when nothing more is to be taken away淨額:金額淨額是指什麽都沒有要拿走時剩餘的金額
    • a salary of £50 000 nett50,0 00英鎊的淨收入
    • Interest on the investment will be paid nett (= tax will already have been taken away).投資的利息將按淨值支付。
    compare gross


(British English)
(also net British and North American English)
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  1. [usually before noun] a nett amount of money is the amount that remains when nothing more is to be taken away淨額:淨額是當沒有其他東西要被拿走時剩餘的金額
    • a nett profit of £500500英鎊的淨利潤
    • nett income/earnings (= after tax has been paid)淨收入/收益
    • nett of something What do you earn nett of tax?扣除稅款,你賺多少?
  2. [only before noun] the nett weight of something is the weight without its container or the material it is wrapped in淨的
    • 450 gms nett weight450 gms淨重
  3. [only before noun] final, after all the important facts have been included最後的;最終的
    • The nett result is that small shopkeepers are being forced out of business.最終結果是小店主們被迫停業。
    • Canada is now a substantial nett importer of medicines (= it imports more than it exports).加拿大現在是一個很大的藥品淨進口國。
    • a nett gain淨收益
BNC: 38054 COCA: 0
BNC: 38054 COCA: 0
BNC: 38054 COCA: 0
As a result of something and describing effects and results: therefore, consequently, accordingly...
Weight and describing weight: counterpoise, counterpoise, counterweight...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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