- [countable]
a plan, thought or suggestion, especially about what to do in a particular situation 想法;構思;主意 It would be a good idea to call before we leave. 我們離開之前打個電話是個好主意。 That's a great idea! 我對去蘇格蘭度假的想法已不感興趣了。 I’ve had a brilliant idea! 我有一個絕妙的主意! I knew this was a bad idea. 我知道這不是個好主意。 The latest big idea is to make women more interested in sport. 最近的流行思想是促進婦女對體育的興趣。 The surprise party was Jane's idea. 那次驚喜聚會是簡的主意。 - idea for something
He already had an idea for his next novel. 他已經構思好了下一部小說。 We’re having a meeting to try to come up with ideas for fund-raising. 我們正在開會,試圖提出籌資的想法。 - idea of something
The idea of a new museum was first discussed two years ago. 新博物館的想法是兩年前首次討論的。 - idea of doing something
I like the idea of living on a boat. 我喜歡在船上居住的主意。 We've been toying with the idea of (= thinking about) getting a dog. 我們一直有意無意地想着養條狗。 Her family expected her to go to college, but she had other ideas. 她的家人希望她上大學,但她另有打算。 I don't know what to do, but I'm open to ideas. 我不知道該幹什麽,不過我想聽聽大家的建議。 It might be an idea (= it would be sensible) to try again later. 稍後再試或許是明智的。 It seemed like a good idea at the time, and then it all went horribly wrong. 那在當時似乎是個好主意,但後來卻鑄成大錯。 Ben is the ideas man and the others do the day-to-day work. 本是創意人,其他人負責日常工作。 - (North American English usually)
Ben is the idea man. 本是創意人。
Extra ExamplesTopics Suggestions and advicea1Brainstorming is a good way of generating ideas. 集思廣益是出主意的好辦法。 We're always looking for new ideas. 我們總是在尋找新的想法。 Do you have any ideas for a present for Lara? 你想好要給拉臘什麽禮物了嗎? Family therapy is used as an alternative idea to medication. 家庭療法被用作藥物治療的替代方案。 Give careful thought to how to structure your ideas in the essay. 要認真思考在文章中如何謀篇布局。 Group counselling is used as an alternative idea to punishment. 以集體輔導作爲懲罰以外的另一種方案。 He joined the company as an office assistant with big ideas. 他進這家公司做辦公室助理時胸懷大志。 He kept turning the idea of resigning over in his mind. 他心裏反複掂量着辭職的事。 He's obsessed with the idea of getting a motorbike. 他一門心思想買一輛摩托車。 Her ideas are drawn mainly from Chinese art. 她的靈感主要是來源於中國藝術。 His ideas flowed faster than he could express them. 他的點子不斷湧現,讓他根本來不及表達。 How could we translate the idea into business reality? 我們怎樣才能把這個構想轉化爲實際業務呢? I have an idea about how to tackle the problem. 我有一個解決問題的思路。 I hope he's not still harbouring ideas about asking me out. 我希望他别再想着約我外出。 I met up with a designer to bounce a few ideas around. 我見了一位設計師,聊了幾個想法。 I think the whole idea is ridiculous. 我覺得這整個想法荒誕可笑。 I wanted to put the idea out there. 我想把這個想法公布出來。 I wanted to take the week off, but my boss had other ideas. 我想這周休假,可老板另有安排。 I'm toying with the idea of leaving my job. 我正在考慮要不要辭掉工作。 It might be an idea to leave a note on the door for Marcos. 在門上給馬科斯留張便條也許是個不錯的主意。 It was a struggle to get our ideas across. 費了很大力氣才算講明白了我們的想法。 It's useful to have someone to bounce ideas off. 能有個人談談想法很有用。 Most employees welcome the idea of a ban on smoking. 大多數員工贊成禁煙。 She accused the company of stealing her idea. 她指控公司剽竊了她的創意。 She had the idea of advertising on the internet. 她有了在因特網上做廣告的念頭。 Some people started recycling, and the idea caught on. 一些人開始循環使用物品,接着這一理念就流行開來了。 Some students started wearing denim, and the idea caught on. 幾個學生率先穿起了粗棉布,接着就流行起來。 That idea didn't work out so well. 那個方案不太成功。 The book introduces the key ideas of sociology. 該書介紹了社會學的關鍵概念。 The book puts across complex ideas in a way anyone can understand. 這本書將複雜的觀點闡述得清楚明了。 The germ of his idea came from watching a bird make a nest. 他的想法萌發自觀察小鳥築巢。 The idea behind the ceremony is to keep the gods happy to ensure a good crop. 這種儀式的本意是博取衆神的歡心,以確保莊稼豐收。 The idea eventually led to the invention of the telephone. 這個想法最終導致了電話的發明。 The idea for the Olympics originated with Pierre de Coubertin. 舉辦奧運會的想法是由皮埃爾・德・顧拜旦首先提出來的。 The idea for the invention came to him in the bath. 這個發明是他洗澡的時候靈機一動想到的。 The idea had long been mooted but nothing had been done to put it into practice. 這個想法提出很長時間了,但是還沒采取任何措施去付諸實踐。 The idea has now blossomed into a successful mail-order business. 這個設想現已發展成一項成功的郵購業務。 The movie is based on a simple idea, but a powerful one. 這部電影是根據一個簡單但很有創意的想法拍出來的。 They managed to push the idea of expanding through the committee. 他們設法讓委員會通過了擴展規劃。 We were asked to suggest ideas for improving efficiency. 我們被要求提交提高效率的方案。 What gave you the idea to go freelance? 你怎麽會産生做自由職業者的念頭? a system of decision-making that stifles original ideas 扼殺創見的決策體制 He's definitely an ideas person. 他絕對是個有想法的人。 I'd like to explore this idea in a bit more detail. 我想更詳細地探討一下這個想法。 I've got a good idea. 我有一個好主意。 It seemed like a good idea at the time. 當時這主意好像不錯。 My original idea was to use amateur actors. 我原本打算用業餘演員。 She's always full of bright ideas. 她總是滿腦子聰明的想法。 That's a brilliant idea! 那是個絕妙的主意! The basic idea is that we all meet up in London. 基本設想是我們都到倫敦會合。 We need to have a meeting in order to bounce a few ideas around. 我們需要開個會,以便交流一些想法。 Who on earth came up with that idea? 到底是誰想出這個主意的? It's a great forum for sharing ideas. 這是一個分享想法的好論壇。 You need to support your ideas with concrete examples. 你需要用具體的例子來支持你的想法。 Let's develop this idea a little further. 讓我們進一步發展這個想法。 The conference is an opportunity for an exchange of ideas. 這次會議是一個交流思想的機會。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- bright
- brilliant
- clever
- …
- have
- come up with
- dream up
- …
- come into somebody’s brain
- come into somebody’s head
- come into somebody’s mind
- …
- idea about
- idea for
- idea of
- …
- be open to ideas
- the germ of an idea
- have other ideas
- …
- [uncountable, singular] idea (of something)
a picture or an impression in your mind of what somebody/something is like 印象;概念 The brochure should give you a good idea of the hotel. 這本小冊子詳細介紹這家旅館。 I had some idea of what the job would be like. 我對於這份工作有了一些了解。 This film changed the very idea of what an outer space movie could be. 這部電影改變了外太空電影的概念。 She doesn't seem to have any idea of what I'm talking about. 她對我所說的似乎一點也不懂。 An evening at home watching TV is not my idea of a good time. 晚上待在家裏看電視,我不認爲是什麽賞心樂事。 If this is your idea of a joke, then I don’t find it very funny. 如果你覺得這是開玩笑,那我覺得這一點也不好笑。 I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea (= getting the wrong impression about something). 我不希望任何人有所誤會。
Extra ExamplesI had an idea of where it might be. 我想到了它可能在哪兒。 He gave me a rough idea of what was wanted. 他大致告訴我需要的是什麽。 Swimming in an icy river is not my idea of fun. 在冰冷的河裏遊泳我可不覺得有什麽樂趣。 The idea of going to his rescue amused her. 她一想到要去解救他就覺得好笑。 They seem to have got the idea that we will be giving them a lift. 他們似乎覺得我們會讓他們搭順風車。 I don't relish the idea of sharing an office with Tony. 我可不願意和托尼共用一間辦公室。 People have a romantic idea of the police force. 人們對警察存有幻想。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- clear
- concrete
- precise
- …
- get
- espouse
- have
- …
- amuse somebody
- appeal to somebody
- please somebody
- …
- idea about
- idea behind
- idea of
- …
- [countable]
an opinion or a belief about something 意見;看法;信念 the experiences that shaped her ideas 塑造她思想的經歷 - ideas about something
He has some very strange ideas about education. 他對教育有些非常奇怪的看法。 - ideas on something
Her ideas on the family are pretty old-fashioned. 她對家庭的看法相當過時。 - ideas of something
These photographs challenge conventional ideas of beauty. 這些攝影作品挑戰了傳統的審美觀念。 - idea that…
She rejects the idea that product quality has suffered. 她拒絕接受産品質量受到影響的觀點。
Extra ExamplesTopics Opinion and argumenta2They had to reconsider their ideas in the light of new evidence. 他們只得根據新證據重新調整思路。 She has some funny ideas about how to motivate staff. 關於如何調動員工的積極性,她有些有趣的想法。 She has very definite ideas about what kind of a job she wants. 她很清楚自己想要什麽樣的工作。 He holds very different ideas to mine about discipline. 他對紀律的看法和我大相徑庭。 She always tries to impose her own ideas on the rest of the team. 她總想把自己的想法強加給團隊其他成員。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- clear
- concrete
- precise
- …
- get
- espouse
- have
- …
- amuse somebody
- appeal to somebody
- please somebody
- …
- idea about
- idea behind
- idea of
- …
- [singular]
a feeling that something is possible or is true (認爲某事可能發生的)感覺 Where on earth did you get that idea? 你到底是從哪裏得到這個想法的? - idea that…
What gave you the idea that he'd be here? 是什麽讓你想到他會來這裏? - idea where, who, etc…
I have a pretty good idea where I left it—I hope I'm right. 我記得很清楚把它落在哪兒了,但願我是對的。
Extra ExamplesI have a pretty good idea who might have said that. 我心裏很明白說那話的人可能是誰。 The idea never crossed my mind. 我從沒起過這個念頭。 The idea that I was only interested in making money is ludicrous. 認爲我只對賺錢感興趣是荒謬的。 The idea that she was involved in any way is absolutely ridiculous. 她以任何方式卷入其中的想法都是絕對荒謬的。 Whatever gave you that idea? 你怎麽會那樣想!
- the idea[singular]
the aim or purpose of something 目標;意圖 You'll soon get the idea (= understand). 你很快就會明白的。 - idea of something
What's the idea of the game? 這個遊戲的目的是什麽? - idea of doing something
The whole idea of going was so that we could meet her new boyfriend. 我們去的唯一目的就是要見她的新男朋友。 - with the idea of doing something
They buy other people's tickets with the idea of reselling them. 他們買别人的票是想倒賣。
Synonyms purposepurpose- aim
- intention
- plan
- point
- idea
- purpose what something is supposed to achieve; what somebody is trying to achieve:
Our campaign’s main purpose is to raise money. 我們這次活動的主要目的是募款。
- aim what somebody is trying to achieve; what something is supposed to achieve:
She went to London with the aim of finding a job. 她去倫敦是爲了找工作。 Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe. 我們的主要目標是增加在歐洲的銷售量。
purpose or aim? Your purpose for doing something is your reason for doing it; your aim is what you want to achieve. Aim can suggest that you are only trying to achieve something; purpose gives a stronger sense of achievement being certain. Aim can be somebody’s aim or the aim of something. Purpose is more usually the purpose of something: you can talk about somebody’s purpose but that is more formal.用 purpose 還是 aim? - intention what you intend to do:
I have no intention of going to the wedding. 我無意去參加婚禮。 She’s full of good intentions but they rarely work out. 她雖然處處出於善意,卻很少行的通。
- plan what you intend to do or achieve:
There are no plans to build new offices. 現在沒有建新辦公樓的計劃。
intention or plan? Your intentions are what you want to do, especially in the near future; your plans are what you have decided or arranged to do, often, but not always, in the longer term.用 intention 還是 plan? - point (rather informal
) the purpose or aim of something: 指意圖、目的、理由: What’s the point of all this violence? 這些暴行的意圖何在? The point of the lesson is to compare the two countries. 本課的目的是比較這兩個國家。
- idea (rather informal
) the purpose of something; somebody’s aim: 指目的、意圖: The whole idea of going was so that we could meet her new boyfriend. 我們去的唯一目的就是要見她的新男朋友。 What’s the idea behind this? 這背後的意圖是什麽?
point or idea? Point is a more negative word than idea. If you say What’s the point…? you are suggesting that there is no point; if you say What’s the idea…? you are genuinely asking a question. Point, but not idea, is used to talk about things you feel annoyed or unhappy about: There’s no idea in… • I don’t see the idea of…. Patterns用 point 還是 idea? - with the purpose/aim/intention/idea of doing something
- somebody’s intention/plan to do something
- to have a(n) purpose/aim/intention/plan/point
- to achieve/fulfil a(n) purpose/aim
Word Originlate Middle English (as a term in Platonic philosophy): via Latin from Greek idea ‘form, pattern’, from the base of idein ‘to see’.
buck your ideas up
- (British English, informal)
to start behaving in a more acceptable way, so that work gets done better, etc. 振作起來
give somebody ideas | put ideas into somebody’s head
have no idea | not have the faintest, first, etc. idea
- (informal)
used to emphasize that you do not know something 絲毫不知道 ‘What's she talking about?’ ‘I've no idea.’ “她在講什麽?” “我一點也不了解。” He hasn't the faintest idea how to manage people. 他根本不懂得人事管理。 I had no idea she’d had such a difficult life. 我不知道她的生活如此艱難。 I don’t have any idea where he is. 我不知道他在哪裏。 I haven't got the faintest idea what she meant. 我一點兒也不明白她的意思。 He hadn't had the slightest idea about what had been going on. 他對所發生的事情毫不知情。
have the right idea
to have found a very good or successful way of living, doing something, etc. 找到好的(或成功的)方式;找對路 He's certainly got the right idea—retiring at 55. 他真的想通了,打算在 55 歲時退休。 The party had the right idea, but failed to win over the voters. 這個黨派的想法對路,但沒能赢得選民。
that’s an idea!
that’s the idea!
you have no idea…