a curved piece of metal, plastic or wire for hanging things on, catching fish with, etc. 鈎;釣鈎;挂鈎;魚鈎 a picture/curtain/coat hook 挂圖鈎;窗簾鈎;挂衣鈎 a fish hook 魚鈎 Hang your towel on the hook. 把你的毛巾挂在鈎上。 The key was hanging from a hook. 鑰匙挂在鈎子上。 Your coat’s hanging on a hook behind the door. 你的外套挂在門後的挂鈎上。
(in boxing )拳擊運動 a short hard hit that is made with the elbow bent 鈎拳 a left hook to the jaw 擊向下颌的一記左鈎拳
(in cricket and golf )板球及高爾夫球 a way of hitting the ball so that it curves to the side instead of going straight ahead (usually by mistake in golf, but deliberately in cricket) Topics Sports: ball and racket sportsc2曲線球 a thing that is used to make people interested in something 吸引人的事物;誘餌 The images are used as a hook to get children interested in science. 這些圖像用以吸引孩子們對科學産生興趣。 Well-chosen quotations can serve as a hook to catch the reader’s interest. 精心選擇的引語可以吸引讀者的興趣。
Word OriginOld English hōc, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hoek ‘corner, angle, projecting piece of land’, also to German Haken ‘hook’.
by hook or by crook
using any method you can, even a dishonest one 想方設法;不擇手段
hook, line and sinker
off the hook
having got free from a difficult situation or a punishment (使)擺脫困境,逃避懲罰 I lied to get him off the hook. 爲了讓他擺脫麻煩我撒了謊。 No way will she let you off the hook this time. 這次她絕不會放過你。 I was finally off the hook. 我終於擺脫了困境。
- (becoming old-fashioned)
if you leave or take a landline phone off the hook, you take the receiver (= the part that you pick up) off the place where it usually rests, so that nobody can call you Topics Phones, email and the internetc2(爲防止電話打進來而使聽筒)不挂上
on the hook for something
- (North American English, informal)
responsible for paying for something 鈎子: 負責支付某些東西Citizens are increasingly on the hook for more of their own medical costs. 公民們越來越多地爲自己的醫療費用買單。
ring off the hook
sling your hook
- (British English, informal)
(used especially in orders )尤用於命令 to go away 走開;滾蛋