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(plural majorities)
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  1. [singular + singular or plural verb] the largest part of a group of people or things大部分;大多数
    • majority (of somebody/something) The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.大多数接受采访的人都喜欢看电视多于听收音机。
    • The majority was/were in favour of banning smoking.大多数人支持禁烟。
    • This treatment is not available in the vast majority of hospitals.绝大部分医院都不提供这种治疗。
    • The overwhelming majority of participants were men.绝大多数参与者是男性。
    • to represent/form/constitute/comprise the majority of somebody/something代表/形成/构成/包含某人/某物的大多数
    • in a/the majority (of something) In the nursing profession, women are in the majority.在护理行业,女性占大多数。
    • The drug provided significant pain relief in a majority of cases.这种药物在大多数情况下都能显著缓解疼痛。
    • a majority decision (= one that is decided by what most people want)根据大多数人的意见作出的决定
    • We make decisions by majority vote.我们通过多数票做出决定。
    • the majority opinion/view大多数人的意见/观点
    opposite minority see also moral majority, silent majority
    Extra Examples
    • English speakers form the majority of the population.讲英语的人占总人口的大多数。
    • He joined the majority in criticizing the government's reforms.他加入到批评政府改革的大多数之中。
    • In the general population, right-handed people are in the majority.一般人群中,惯用右手的人占大多数。
    • Opinion polls show that a majority supports a change in the law.民意测验显示大多数人支持修改法律。
    • The French company holds a majority stake in the retail chain.这家法国公司持有该零售连锁店半数以上的股权。
    • The leader of the majority party in the assembly serves as the prime minister.议会中多数党的领袖担任总理。
    Topics Social issuesb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • great
    • huge
    verb + majority
    • compose
    • constitute
    • form
    majority + noun
    • community
    • culture
    • group
    • in the majority
    • in the majority of cases
    See full entry
  2. [countable] the number of votes by which one political party wins an election; the number of votes by which one side in a discussion, etc. wins(获胜的)票数;多数票
    • by/with a majority of something She was elected by a majority of 749.她以749票的多数当选。
    • The resolution was carried by a huge majority.这项决议以绝大多数票赞成而获得通过。
    • majority over somebody They had a large majority over their nearest rivals.他们所得的票数远远超出名次仅次于他们的对手。
    • They have a clear majority (= large majority) in Parliament.他们在议会中占绝对多数。
    • to win/get/gain/secure a majority赢得/获得/获得/获得多数票
    In British politics, a majority is the difference between the number of votes for the winning candidate and the number of votes for the second-placed candidate. In American politics, a majority is the difference between the number of votes for the winning candidate and the combined number of votes for all the other candidates. In American politics, if the winning candidate has less than half of all the votes, this is not called a majority, but a plurality. see also absolute majority, overall majority
    Collocations Voting in electionsVoting in elections在选举中投票Running for election参加选举
    • conduct/​hold an election/​a referendum举行选举/全民公决
    • (especially North American English) run for office/​election/​governor/​mayor/​president/​the White House
    • (especially British English) stand for election/​office/​Parliament/​the Labour Party/​a second term
    • hold/​call/​contest a general/​national election举行/要求/角逐大选/全国选举
    • launch/​run a presidential election campaign开始总统竞选活动
    • support/​back a candidate支持候选人
    • sway/​convince/​persuade voters/​the electorate说服选民/全体选民
    • appeal to/​attract/​woo/​target (North American English) swing voters/(British English) floating voters吸引游离选民;寻求游离选民的支持;瞄准游离选民
    • fix/​rig/​steal an election/​the vote操纵选举;暗中舞弊获取选票
    • go to/​be turned away from (especially British English) a polling station/(North American English) a polling place去/被拒绝进入投票站投票
    • cast a/​your vote/​ballot (for somebody)投(某人)一票
    • vote for the Conservative candidate/​the Democratic party投票给保守党候选人/民主党
    • mark/​spoil your ballot paper在选票上做标记;投废票
    • count (British English) the postal votes/(especially North American English) the absentee ballots清点邮寄选票数
    • go to/​be defeated at the ballot box去投票箱投票;竞选失败
    • get/​win/​receive/​lose votes赢得/失去选票
    • get/​win (60% of) the popular/​black/​Hispanic/​Latino/​Muslim vote赢得大众/黑人/拉美裔/穆斯林 (60%) 的选票
    • win the election/(in the US) the primaries/​a seat in Parliament/​a majority/​power赢得大选/(美国的)初选/议会中的一个席位/多数票/权力
    • lose an election/​the vote/​your majority/​your seat在选举中失败;失去多数人的支持/席位
    • win/​come to power in a landslide (victory) (= with many more votes than any other party)以压倒多数的选票获胜/掌权
    • elect/​re-elect somebody (as) mayor/​president/​an MP/​senator/​congressman/​congresswoman选举/再度选举某人为市长/总统/议员/参议员/国会议员/国会女议员
    Taking power掌权
    • be sworn into office/​in as president宣誓就职/就任总统
    • take/​administer (in the US) the oath of office(美国)宣誓就职;听取就职宣誓
    • swear/​take (in the UK) an/​the oath of allegiance(英国)宣誓效忠
    • give/​deliver (in the US) the president’s inaugural address发表(美国)总统就职演说
    • take/​enter/​hold/​leave office就职;任职;离职
    • appoint somebody (as) ambassador/​governor/​judge/​minister任命某人为大使/州长/法官/部长
    • form a government/​a cabinet组建政府/内阁
    • serve two terms as prime minister/​in office任两届总理;两届任职
    Extra Examples
    • Republicans increased their majority in both the House and the Senate.共和党在参众两院都扩大了优势。
    • They failed to win the requisite two-thirds majority.他们未能赢得所必需的三分之二多数票。
    • To govern effectively, he will need a working majority in Congress.为了有效地管理,他需要在国会中获得足够多数票。
    Topics Politicsb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • huge
    • large
    verb + majority
    • carry
    • command
    • have
    majority + noun
    • government
    • rule
    • leader
    • by a majority
    • majority against
    • majority in
    See full entry
  3. [countable] (North American English) the difference between the number of votes given to the candidate who wins the election and the total number of votes of all the other candidates超出其余各方票数总和的票数
    • Without this shift, Kerry would have had a popular majority of a million votes.如果没有这一转变,克里将获得100万张选票的多数。
    see also plurality
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • huge
    • large
    verb + majority
    • carry
    • command
    • have
    majority + noun
    • government
    • rule
    • leader
    • by a majority
    • majority against
    • majority in
    See full entry
  4. [uncountable] (law法律) the age at which you are legally considered to be an adult成年的法定年龄
    • The age of majority in Britain was reduced from 21 to 18 in 1970.英国的成年年龄在1970年从21岁降低到18岁。
  5. Word Originmid 16th cent. (denoting superiority): from French majorité, from medieval Latin majoritas, from Latin major, comparative of magnus ‘great’.


1most大多數ADJECTIVE | VERB + MAJORITY | MAJORITY + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, great, huge, large, overwhelming, significant, sizeable, solid, strong, substantial, vast絕大多數;壓倒性多數silent沉默的大多數The march was by the silent majority who oppose terrorism.參加遊行的是那些反對恐怖主義的沉默的大多數。moral道德多數派black, white黑人佔/白人佔大多數countries which have an English-speaking white majority以講英語的白人佔人口多數的國家ethnic多數民族VERB + MAJORITYcompose, constitute, form, make up構成多數;形成多數;佔多數English speakers form the majority of the population.講英語的人佔總人口的大多數。join加入大多數He joined the majority in criticizing the government's reforms.他加入到批評政府改革的大多數之中。MAJORITY + NOUNcommunity, culture, group, population主流社會;主流文化;多數群體;佔多數的人口language, religion大語種;主流宗教opinion, view多數人的意見/觀點decision多數人的決定owner, shareholder主要所有權人;控股股東ownership過半數的所有權interest, share, stake半數以上的權益/股份/股權The French company holds a majority stake in the retail chain.這家法國公司持有該零售連鎖店半數以上的股權。PREPOSITIONin the majority佔多數In the general population, right-handed people are in the majority.一般人群中,慣用右手的人佔大多數。PHRASESin the majority of cases在大多數情況下In the vast majority of cases, customers get their money back.在絕大多數情況下,顧客都獲得退款。


2in an election選舉ADJECTIVE | VERB + MAJORITY | MAJORITY + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbig, huge, large, massive, overwhelming, solid, strong, substantial絕大多數票;壓倒性的多數票clear, comfortable, decisive (especially BrE) 明顯的/遠遠超過對手的/確定的多數票bare, narrow, slender, slight, slim, small, tiny (especially BrE) 微弱的多數票razor-thin, wafer-thin (BrE) 極微弱的多數票160-seat, etc. * 160 席等的優勢two-to-one, two-thirds, etc. * 2 比 1、三分之二等的多數票absolute, outright, overall絕對多數票Although they are the biggest single party, they don't have an outright majority.儘管他們的政黨擁有最多議席,但他們並未贏得絕對多數票。popular普選的多數票simple簡單多數票working (especially BrE) (議會票數的)足夠多數To govern effectively, he will need a working majority in Congress.為了有效地管理,他需要在國會中獲得足夠多數票。the first Labour government with a clear working majority in the House第一屆在下議院獲得明顯有效多數席位的工黨政府electoral選舉中的多數票legislative (especially NAmE) 立法機構的多數票parliamentary議會多數席位government (BrE) 支持政府的多數席位Labour, Republican, etc.工黨、共和黨等所佔的多數席位necessary必要的多數票VERB + MAJORITYcarry, command, have, hold擁有多數票achieve, capture, gain, garner, get, obtain, secure, win取得多數票;獲得多數票;贏得多數票They failed to win the requisite two-thirds majority.他們未能贏得所必需的三分之二多數票。build確立多數票If the Republicans want to build a majority, they need the north-east.如果共和黨想確立多數票,則需要東北部選區的支持。increase增加優勢Republicans increased their majority in both the House and the Senate.共和黨在參眾兩院都擴大了優勢。defend, maintain, retain捍衞多數席位;保持多數票lose失去多數票overturn (especially BrE) 擊敗前次的多數票得主100/AmE 7 - espbr added:pooler-->indicate, show顯示獲得多數票MAJORITY + NOUNgovernment, rule多數黨政府;多數裁定原則leader, whip多數黨領袖/黨鞭party多數黨decision多數票的決議vote, voting (especially BrE) 多數票support多數票的支持position, status多數黨地位control多數派控制權PREPOSITIONby a majority以多數票They won by a huge majority.他們以壓倒性多數票獲勝。majority against反對⋯的多數票Latest opinion polls have a comfortable majority against the reform.最新民意調查表明,反對此項改革的人遠遠佔多數。majority in在⋯中的多數票a majority in the Senate參議院中的多數票majority in favour/favor of支持⋯的多數票Opinion polls indicated a two-thirds majority in favour / favor of ratification of the treaty.民意調查表明三分之二的多數支持批准該條約。majority over超過⋯的多數票He has a decisive majority over his main rivals.他以明顯的多數票贏了他的主要競爭對手。

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