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  1. [countable] an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire, that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage灾难;灾祸;灾害 synonym catastrophe
    • the world's worst humanitarian disaster世界上最严重的人道主义灾难
    • an environmental/ecological disaster环境/生态灾难
    • a rail/mining/tsunami disaster铁路/采矿/海啸灾难
    • in a disaster Thousands died in the disaster.数千人在这场灾祸中丧生。
    • They provided more than $2.3 billion in disaster relief. 他们提供了超过23亿美元的救灾援助。
    • a disaster area/zone灾区/灾区
    • It was taking years for disaster victims to settle and rebuild. 灾难受害者需要数年时间来安顿和重建。
    • Given the threat of earthquake, we recognized the need for disaster recovery centres. 鉴于地震的威胁,我们认识到需要灾难恢复中心。
    see also natural disaster
    Extra Examples
    • Europe's worst environmental disaster is unfolding at this very moment.欧洲最严重的环境灾难此时正愈演愈烈。
    • He called for a full investigation to help prevent future disasters.他要求展开全面调查,以防止未来可能发生的灾难。
    • In a disaster everyone needs to keep calm.灾难中每个人都需要保持镇静。
    • In the aftermath of the disaster people were too shocked to give a clear picture of what had happened.灾难过后人们心有余悸,无法清晰地描述所发生的一切。
    • It was a miracle any of the passengers or crew survived the disaster.在这场灾难中若有任何乘客或机组人员生还,那简直就是个奇迹。
    • No government could have handled a disaster of this magnitude effectively.当时无论哪个政府,都无法有效地处理如此大的灾难。
    • Only rescue workers are allowed into the disaster area.只允许救援人员进入灾难现场。
    • The area has been declared a disaster zone.该地区被宣布为受灾地区。
    • the need for a disaster management plan 灾难管理计划的必要性
    • The disaster relief operation will continue over the summer.救灾援助整个夏天都将继续。
    • The majority of enterprises aren't spending very much on disaster recovery at all.多数企业没有在灾后重建上投入很多资金。
    • They had no real experience in disaster management.他们没有实际的灾害管理经验。
    • This morning I signed a disaster declaration for the state.今天上午我签署了宣布该州进入灾难状态的公告。
    • We have a disaster plan in place before every mission.每次执行任务前我们都会预先制订灾难应急方案。
    • Will we ever find out why the disaster occurred?我们会找出灾难发生的原因吗?
    • a Hollywood disaster movie一部好莱坞灾难片
    • an organization which provides help for the victims of the disaster向灾民提供帮助的组织
    • attempts to find out what caused the disaster寻找灾难原因的努力
    • communities affected by disasters受灾的社区
    • counties eligible for federal disaster assistance有资格接受联邦救灾援助的县
    • fears of a nuclear disaster对核灾难的恐惧
    • finding out why the disaster occurred查找灾难发生的原因
    • providing help for the victims of the disaster向灾民提供帮助
    • the biggest disaster in British mining history英国采矿史上最大的灾难
    • the governor's disaster fund州长的救灾资金
    • the planning and implementation of disaster preparedness防灾方案及其实施
    • the unfolding storm disaster in the South南方愈演愈烈的暴风雨灾害
    • Such environmental disasters will become increasingly frequent.这样的环境灾难会越来越频繁。
    • They were involved in the 2001 ferry disaster.他们被牵扯到2001年的渡船灾难事件。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • awful
    • big
    • catastrophic
    verb + disaster
    • bring
    • cause
    • create
    disaster + verb
    • happen
    • occur
    • strike
    disaster + noun
    • area
    • scene
    • site
    • in a/​the disaster
    • a disaster waiting to happen
    • in the aftermath of a disaster
    • a recipe for disaster
    See full entry
  2. [countable, uncountable] a very bad situation that causes problems不幸;祸患
    • Losing your job doesn't have to be such a disaster.丢了工作不一定就是大难临头。
    • Disaster struck when the wheel came off.车轮脱落,灾难就来了。
    • Archie has to act quickly to avert disaster. 阿奇必须迅速行动以避免灾难。
    • They could think of no way to avoid the impending disaster. 他们想不出任何办法来避免即将到来的灾难。
    • Many business partnerships end in disaster. 许多商业伙伴关系以灾难告终。
    • disaster for somebody The discovery of the disease among sheep spells financial disaster for farmers.这种疾病在绵羊中的发现给农民带来了财政灾难。
    • Letting her organize the party is a recipe for disaster (= something that is likely to go badly wrong).让她来组织这次聚会非坏事不可。
    Extra Examples
    • Buying that house turned out to be a financial disaster.买那座房子结果证明是理财上的失败。
    • The festival ended up being a financial disaster for the promoters. 节日最终对筹办者而言是财务上的失败。
    • Everyone had the feeling that disaster was imminent.每个人都感觉到灾难在逼近。
    • Everything was going fine. Then, without warning, disaster struck.一切进展顺利。然后,在没有任何警示的情况下,灾难降临了。
    • High-rise buildings proved a social disaster.高层建筑证明是个社会灾难。
    • His prediction was not heeded, and disaster ensued.没人理会他的预测,结果灾难发生了。
    • In the last match of the series England were facing disaster.在系列赛的最后一场比赛中,英格兰队面对的是灾难。
    • Independent analysts in the market predicted disaster.市场中的独立分析师预测会有灾难。
    • It become a financial disaster scenario.这变成了一场金融灾难。
    • It seemed that nothing could prevent the impending disaster.似乎没有什么可以阻止这场迫在眉睫的灾难。
    • It would spell certain economic disaster for our local community.这会给我们当地社区带来某种经济灾难。
    • Just one mistake can mean disaster.一个错误便会引发一场灾难。
    • It's courting disaster to go into the mountains without proper weatherproof clothing.进山却不携带些防风雨的衣物,简直是自找苦吃。
    • One person's mistakes can bring disaster to someone else.一个人的错误可能祸及他人。
    • The drought spelled economic disaster for the country.干旱在该国引发了经济灾难。
    • The festival ended up being a financial disaster for the promoters.节日最终对筹办者而言是财务上的失败。
    • The show ended in disaster when the tent collapsed.帐篷倒塌,演出以灾难收场。
    • Their departure spells social disaster for the region.他们的离开给这一地区带来了社会灾难。
    • There are many who have suffered personal disasters but managed to rebuild their lives.有许多人遭受过个人不幸,但仍重建了自己的生活。
    • We could all see that disaster loomed for the company.我们都看得出来灾难正向该公司逼近。
    • a near disaster in the city centre市中心一件近乎灾难的事
    • his firm belief that the whole world was heading for disaster他坚信整个世界正走向灾难
    • the greatest electoral disaster of the century本世纪最失败的选举
    • the unforeseen disaster that has just been thrust upon us落在我们头上的始料未及的灾难
    • What can be done to ward off environmental disaster?如何避免环境灾难?
    • Although there was always the possibility of flooding, the Nile seldom brought disaster to Egypt.尽管总是有可能发生洪水,尼罗河却很少给埃及带来灾难。
    • A disaster recovery plan allows a business to continue as usual in the event of system failures. 灾难恢复计划允许企业在系统出现故障时照常运营。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • awful
    • big
    • catastrophic
    verb + disaster
    • bring
    • cause
    • create
    disaster + verb
    • happen
    • occur
    • strike
    disaster + noun
    • area
    • scene
    • site
    • in a/​the disaster
    • a disaster waiting to happen
    • in the aftermath of a disaster
    • a recipe for disaster
    See full entry
  3. [countable] (informal) a complete failure彻底失败的人(或事)
    • As a teacher, he's a disaster.他当老师压根儿就不称职。
    • The play's first night was a total disaster.这出戏头一晚就彻底演砸了。
    • a complete/total/absolute/unmitigated disaster彻底的/全面的/绝对的/彻底的灾难
    Extra Examples
    • I am a walking disaster when it comes to paperwork.我做文书工作总是搞得一塌糊涂。
    • I can already foresee the night turning into a total disaster.现在我就可以预知这将是一个彻头彻尾的失败之夜。
    • The play was a complete disaster from beginning to end.这部戏自始至终都很失败。
    • The shirt was a definite fashion disaster.这件衬衫毫无时尚可言。
    • He was a competent accountant, but as a manager he's a disaster.他是个称职的会计师,可作为经理他是个彻底的失败者。
    Topics Difficulty and failurea2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • absolute
    • complete
    • real
    verb + disaster
    • prove
    • turn out to be
    • become
    • a disaster for somebody/​something
    See full entry
  4. Word Originlate 16th cent.: from Italian disastro ‘ill-starred event’, from dis- (expressing negation) + astro ‘star’ (from Latin astrum).
an accident/a disaster waiting to happen
  1. a thing or person that is very likely to cause danger or a problem in the future because of the condition it is in or the way they behave隐患
    • Any one of these nuclear plants may be a disaster waiting to happen.这些核电厂中的任何一个都可能会成为灾难隐患。
    Topics Dangerc2


1bad event/situation災難ADJECTIVE | VERB + DISASTER | DISASTER + VERB | DISASTER + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEawful, big, catastrophic, devastating, enormous, great, horrible, huge, large-scale, major, massive, terrible, worst可怕的災難;大災禍;毀滅性的災難;最嚴重的災難the biggest disaster in the history of the industry該行業歷史上最大的災難deadly (NAmE) 致命的災難the deadliest natural disaster in US history美國歷史上最致命的自然災害imminent, impending, looming即將來臨的/近在眼前的/正在逼近的災難Everyone had the feeling that disaster was imminent.每個人都感覺到災難在逼近。It seemed that nothing could prevent the impending disaster.似乎沒有什麼可以阻止這場迫在眉睫的災難。possible, potential可能的/潛在的災難certain某種災難It would spell certain economic disaster for our local community.這會給我們當地社區帶來某種經濟災難。coming, future即將來臨的/未來可能發生的災難He called for a full investigation to help prevent future disasters.他要求展開全面調查,以防止未來可能發生的災難。unforeseen始料未及的災難the unforeseen disaster that has just been thrust upon us落在我們頭上的始料未及的災難unprecedented空前的災難This is an unprecedented natural disaster.這是一場空前的自然災害。global, national全球性災難;國家的災難natural自然災害earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters地震、洪水及其他自然災害man-made人禍air, ecological, environmental, flood, flooding, hurricane, military, mine, mining, nuclear, rail, tsunami空難;生態災難;環境災難;洪災;颶風災難;軍事災難;礦難;核災難;鐵路事故;海嘯災難fears of a nuclear disaster對核災難的恐懼human, humanitarian人類的/人道主義災難the world's worst humanitarian disaster世界上最嚴重的人道主義災難economic, financial, social經濟/金融/社會災難Their departure spells social disaster for the region.他們的離開給這一地區帶來了社會災難。personal個人災難unfolding愈演愈烈的災難the unfolding storm disaster in the South南方愈演愈烈的暴風雨災害costly代價高昂的災難Hurricane Katrina was the costliest natural disaster in history.卡特里娜颶風是有史以來代價最為慘重的自然災害。VERB + DISASTERbring, cause, create, lead to導致災禍;釀成災難;引發災難One person's mistakes can bring disaster to someone else.一個人的錯誤可能禍及他人。attempts to find out what caused the disaster尋找災難原因的努力mean, spell意味着/招致災難Just one mistake can mean disaster.一個錯誤便會引發一場災難。The drought spelled economic disaster for the country.乾旱在該國引發了經濟災難。avert, avoid, prevent, save sb/sth from, stave off, ward off避免災難;防止災難;使⋯免於遭災A major disaster was averted only just in time.一場大災難被及時避免了。What can be done to ward off environmental disaster?如何避免環境災難?anticipate, foresee, predict預測/預見/預言災難Independent analysts in the market predicted disaster.市場中的獨立分析師預測會有災難。court, invite招致災難It's courting disaster to go into the mountains without proper weatherproof clothing.進山卻不攜帶些防風雨的衣物,簡直是自找苦吃。be heading for走向災難his firm belief that the whole world was heading for disaster他堅信整個世界正走向災難face面臨災難In the last match of the series England were facing disaster.在系列賽的最後一場比賽中,英格蘭隊面對的是災難。experience, suffer遭受災難There are many who have suffered personal disasters but managed to rebuild their lives.有許多人遭受過個人不幸,但仍重建了自己的生活。handle處理災難No government could have handled a disaster of this magnitude effectively.當時無論哪個政府,都無法有效地處理如此大的災難。overcome, survive克服災難;從災難中幸存It was a miracle any of the passengers or crew survived the disaster.在這場災難中若有任何乘客或機組人員生還,那簡直就是個奇跡。end in, result in以災難告終The show ended in disaster when the tent collapsed.帳篷倒塌,演出以災難收場。DISASTER + VERBhappen, occur, strike, take place災難發生;災難降臨Will we ever find out why the disaster occurred?我們會找出災難發生的原因嗎?Everything was going fine. Then, without warning, disaster struck.一切進展順利。然後,在沒有任何警示的情況下,災難降臨了。When disaster struck, no one was prepared.災難來臨時,人們都手足無措。unfold災難愈演愈烈Europe's worst environmental disaster is unfolding at this very moment.歐洲最嚴重的環境災難此時正愈演愈烈。befall sb/sth, hit sb/sth, strike (sb/sth)災難降臨到⋯;災難襲擊⋯the economic disaster that befell the country整個國家遭遇的經濟災難affect sb/sth災難影響到⋯communities affected by disasters受災的社區loom, threaten災難逼近/威脅We could all see that disaster loomed for the company.我們都看得出來災難正向該公司逼近。ensue災難隨之發生His prediction was not heeded, and disaster ensued.沒人理會他的預測,結果災難發生了。DISASTER + NOUNarea, scene, site, zone災區Only rescue workers are allowed into the disaster area.只允許救援人員進入災難現場。The area has been declared a disaster zone.該地區被宣佈為受災地區。aid, assistance, relief, response救災援助;救災物資;災害應對counties eligible for federal disaster assistance有資格接受聯邦救災援助的縣The disaster relief operation will continue over the summer.救災援助整個夏天都將繼續。recovery (especially NAmE) 災後重建The majority of enterprises aren't spending very much on disaster recovery at all.多數企業沒有在災後重建上投入很多資金。plan, planning (both especially NAmE) 災難應急方案We have a disaster plan in place before every mission.每次執行任務前我們都會預先制訂災難應急方案。preparation, preparedness (both especially NAmE) 防災準備the planning and implementation of disaster preparedness防災方案及其實施management災害管理They had no real experience in disaster management.他們沒有實際的災害管理經驗。declaration (NAmE) 宣佈處於災難狀態This morning I signed a disaster declaration for the state.今天上午我簽署了宣佈該州進入災難狀態的公告。fund救災資金the governor's disaster fund州長的救災資金victim災民scenario災難場景It has become a financial disaster scenario.這成了一個金融災難預案。film, flick (informal) , movie (especially NAmE) 災難影片
a Hollywood disaster movie一部好萊塢災難片PREPOSITIONin a/the disaster在災難中In a disaster everyone needs to keep calm.災難中每個人都需要保持鎮靜。PHRASESa disaster waiting to happen潛藏的災禍Any one of these nuclear plants may be a disaster waiting to happen.這些核電廠中的任何一個都可能會成為災難隱患。in the aftermath of a disaster災難之後In the aftermath of the disaster people were too shocked to give a clear picture of what had happened.災難過後人們心有餘悸,無法清晰地描述所發生的一切。a recipe for disaster禍患Letting her organize the party is a recipe for disaster (= sth that is likely to go badly wrong).讓她來組織聚會只會把事情搞砸。a walking disaster, a walking disaster area (both figurative, especially BrE) 活脫脫像場災難;活脫脫像個災區I am a walking disaster when it comes to paperwork.我做文書工作總是搞得一塌糊塗。a victim of a disaster災難受害者an organization which provides help for the victims of the disaster向災民提供幫助的組織


2a failure失敗ADJECTIVE | VERB + DISASTER | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEabsolute, complete, real, total, unmitigated, utter完全的失敗;徹頭徹尾的失敗The play was a complete disaster from beginning to end.這部戲自始至終都很失敗。business, economic, electoral, fashion, financial, political, public relations (abbreviated to PR) , social生意上的/經濟上的/選舉的/時尚方面的/財務上的/政治上的/公共關係上的/社會方面的失敗
the greatest electoral disaster of the century本世紀最失敗的選舉The shirt was a definite fashion disaster.這件襯衫毫無時尚可言。Buying that house turned out to be a financial disaster.買那座房子結果證明是理財上的失敗。VERB + DISASTERprove, turn out to be證明是失敗;結果表明是失敗High-rise buildings proved a social disaster.高層建築證明是個社會災難。become, turn into成為/轉為失敗I can already foresee the night turning into a total disaster.現在我就可以預知這將是一個徹頭徹尾的失敗之夜。PREPOSITIONa disaster for sb/sth對⋯而言是失敗The festival ended up being a financial disaster for the promoters.節日最終對籌辦者而言是財務上的失敗。
disaster noun
disaster (Losing your job doesn't have to be a disaster.) crisis (a nuclear disaster) loser2 (a disaster as a manager)


 See also the entry for disappointment 另见disappointment条disaster ♦︎ failure ♦︎ catastrophe ♦︎ fiasco ♦︎ debacle ♦︎ flop ♦︎ washoutThese are all words for sth that is very unsuccessful, causes a lot of problems or is disappointing. 这些词均表示失败、糟糕的境况或灾难。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a disaster / failure / catastrophe for sba fiasco / debacle over stha total disaster / failure / catastrophe / fiasco / flop / washouta complete disaster / failure / catastrophe / fiasco / flopa financial disaster / failure / fiasco / debaclean economic disaster / failure / catastropheto prove a disaster / failure / fiasco / flop disaster [countable, uncountable] a very bad situation that causes problems; sth that is very unsuccessful 不幸;祸患;彻底失败的事Losing your job doesn't have to be such a disaster.丢了工作不一定就是大难临头。Disaster struck when the wheel came off.车轮脱落,灾祸就来了。Letting her organize the party is a recipe for disaster (= sth that is likely to go badly wrong).让她来组织这次聚会非坏事不可。The play's first night was a total disaster.这出戏头一晚上就彻底演砸了。 see also disaster crisis failure [countable] something that is not successful 失败The whole thing was a complete failure.整个事情彻底失败了。A team learns from experience, both successes and failures.一个团体应该从成功与失败的经验中学习。The venture proved to be a costly failure.那个经营项目结果证明是一次损失惨重的失败。OPP success success see also failure failure catastrophe kəˈtæstrəfi [countable] an event that causes sb suffering or that causes problems 不幸事件;麻烦The attempt to expand the business was a catastrophe for the firm.拓展业务的尝试使这家公司陷入困境。We've had a few catastrophes with the food for the party.我们为聚会准备食物时遇到了一些困难。 see also catastrophe crisis fiasco fiˈæskəʊ; NAmE fiˈæskoʊ [countable] (rather informal) something that is a complete failure especially because it is badly planned or organized, often in a way that causes embarrassment 难堪的失败,尴尬的结局(尤指筹划不周或组织不力所致)What a fiasco!这结果真丢脸!After the fiasco over the brochures, I decided to take charge of the marketing.经历了广告手册的难堪失败之后,我决定负责市场营销工作。 debacle deɪˈbɑːkl, dɪˈbɑːkl [countable] something that is a complete failure, especially because of disagreements between those involved, in a way that causes embarrassment (尤指内部分歧造成的)彻底失败,崩溃,垮台He should take responsibility for the debacle and resign.他应该对这次惨败负责并辞职。 flop [countable] (informal) something such as a film, party or product, that is not successful, especially because it is not popular or is not bought by many people (电影、聚会或产品等)失败,砸锅The film has been labelled the year's biggest box-office flop.这部电影被称为本年度票房收益最差的影片。The share sale has been a flop with investors.这次股份销售并不受投资者青睐。 OPP hit success see also flop close verb 2 washout ˈwɒʃaʊt; NAmE ˈwɑːʃaʊt, ˈwɔːʃaʊt [countable, usually singular] (informal) an event that is a complete failure, especially because of rain 因雨取消的事;彻底失败的事;泡汤They feared that the wedding was going to be a washout after torrential rain.他们担心倾盆大雨过后这次婚礼将会取消。
Accidents: accident, mishap, calamity...
General words meaning natural disaster: violence, disaster, catastrophe...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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