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TOEFL BNC: 1168 COCA: 2036


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  1. [countable] (grammar语法) a set of words expressing a statement, a question or an order, usually containing a subject and a verb. In written English sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop/period (.), a question mark (?) or an exclamation mark (!).句子
    • Does the sentence contain an adverb?这个句子中有副词吗?
    • I was too stunned to finish my sentence.我惊呆了,没说完我的话。
    • There are mistakes in grammar, sentence structure and punctuation.语法,句子结构,标点都有错误。
    • Let's take that paragraph apart sentence by sentence.让我们一句一句地把那一段拆开。
    see also cleft sentence, run-on sentence
    Extra Examples
    • Complete the following sentence: ‘I love dictionaries because…’.请完成下面的句子:“我喜爱词典是因为⋯。”
    • Cooke was so nervous he could barely string a sentence together.库克紧张得结结巴巴,话不成句。
    • He can barely form a grammatical sentence.他几乎造不出合乎语法的句子。
    • He tells her not to end her sentences with prepositions.他告诉她句尾不要用介词。
    • I kept reading the same sentence over and over again.我一遍又一遍地读同一个句子。
    • Peter finished Jane's sentence for her.彼得替简说完了那句话。
    • The argument can be distilled into a single sentence.这个论点可以用一句话概括。
    • Troy uttered one last sentence.特洛伊说了最后一句话。
    • Try to keep your sentences short.设法把你的句子写得简短些。
    • the opening sentence of the novel小说开首句
    Topics Languagea1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long
    • short
    • complete
    verb + sentence
    • begin
    • finish
    • complete
    sentence + verb
    • contain something
    • have something
    sentence + noun
    • structure
    See full entry
  2. [countable, uncountable] the punishment given by a court判决;宣判;判刑
    • a jail/prison sentence判处监禁
    • a custodial sentence予以监禁的判决。
    • a harsh/stiff/heavy/lengthy sentence严厉/严厉/沉重/冗长的判决
    • a light/lenient sentence从轻/从轻判决
    • The court will impose an appropriate sentence.法院将做出适当的判决。
    • The judge passed sentence (= said what the punishment would be).法官宣布了判决。
    • The prisoner has served (= completed) his sentence and will be released tomorrow.犯人已服刑期满,明天将获释。
    • sentence of something a maximum/minimum sentence of five years五年的最高/最低刑期
    • a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment终身监禁的强制性判决
    • The charges carry a sentence of up to ten years.这些指控最高可判十年徒刑。
    • She could face a sentence of between seven and ten years in jail.她可能面临7到10年的监禁。
    • sentence for something He received an 18-year sentence for attempted murder.他因谋杀未遂被判18年徒刑。
    • under sentence (of something) to be under sentence of death被判处死刑
    Collocations Criminal justiceCriminal justice刑事审判Breaking the law犯法
    • break/​violate/​obey/​uphold the law违反/违背/遵守/维护法律
    • be investigated/​arrested/​tried for a crime/​a robbery/​fraud因犯罪/抢劫/诈骗而被调查/逮捕/审判
    • be arrested/ (especially North American English) indicted/​convicted on charges of rape/​fraud/(especially US English) felony charges因被控犯强奸罪/诈骗罪/重型罪遭逮捕/起诉/定罪
    • be arrested on suspicion of arson/​robbery/​shoplifting因涉嫌纵火/抢劫/在商店行窃而被逮捕
    • be accused of/​be charged with murder/(especially North American English) homicide/​four counts of fraud被指控犯有谋杀罪/杀人罪/四项诈骗罪
    • face two charges of indecent assault面临两项猥亵罪的指控
    • admit your guilt/​liability/​responsibility (for something)承认(对某事的)罪责/责任
    • deny the allegations/​claims/​charges否认指控
    • confess to a crime坦白罪行
    • grant/​be refused/​be released on/​skip/​jump bail准许/不准保释;交保释金获释;弃保潜逃
    The legal process法律程序
    • stand/​await/​bring somebody to/​come to/​be on trial受审;候审;把某人送交法院审判;开庭审理;受到审判
    • take somebody to/​come to/​settle something out of court把某人告上法庭;被法庭受理;庭外和解某事
    • face/​avoid/​escape prosecution面临/免于/逃脱起诉
    • seek/​retain/​have the right to/​be denied access to legal counsel寻求/聘请/有权聘用/无权聘用律师
    • hold/​conduct/​attend/​adjourn a hearing/​trial开庭;出庭;休庭
    • sit on/​influence/​persuade/​convince the jury担任/影响/说服陪审团
    • sit/​stand/​appear/​be put/​place somebody in the dock坐在/站在/出现在/被送上/将某人送上被告席
    • plead guilty/​not guilty to a crime认罪;不认罪
    • be called to/​enter (British English) the witness box被召唤进入/进入证人席
    • take/​put somebody on the stand/(North American English) the witness stand出庭作证;让某人出庭作证
    • call/​subpoena/​question/​cross-examine a witness传唤/以传票传唤/讯问/盘问证人
    • give/​hear the evidence against/​on behalf of somebody提供/听取对某人不利/有利的证据
    • raise/​withdraw/​overrule an objection提出/撤销/否决异议
    • reach a unanimous/​majority verdict作出一致的/多数人赞同的裁决
    • return/​deliver/​record a verdict of not guilty/​unlawful killing/​accidental death作出/宣布无罪/非法杀人/意外死亡的裁决
    • convict/​acquit the defendant of the crime宣判被告有罪/无罪
    • secure a conviction/​your acquittal获得有罪/无罪判决
    • lodge/​file an appeal提出上诉
    • appeal (against)/challenge/​uphold/​overturn a conviction/​verdict对判决/裁决提出上诉/质疑;维持/撤销判决/裁决
    Sentencing and punishment判刑与惩罚
    • pass sentence on somebody宣布对某人的判决
    • carry/​face/​serve a seven-year/​life sentence会被判处/面临/服七年徒刑/无期徒刑
    • receive/​be given the death penalty被判死刑
    • be sentenced to ten years (in prison/​jail)被判十年(监禁)
    • carry/​impose/​pay a fine (of $3 000)/a penalty (of 14 years imprisonment)会被判处/处以/缴纳(3 000 美元的)罚金/(14 年的)监禁
    • be imprisoned/​jailed for drug possession/​fraud/​murder因持有毒品罪/诈骗罪/谋杀罪被监禁
    • do/​serve time/​ten years服刑;服十年徒刑
    • be sent to/​put somebody in/​be released from jail/​prison被送进监狱;把某人送进监狱;被释放出狱
    • be/​put somebody/​spend X years on death row在/把某人关在死囚牢房;在死囚牢房度过…年
    • be granted/​be denied/​break (your) parole获准假释;假释遭拒;违反假释规定
    see also community sentence, death sentence, life sentence, suspended sentence
    • He spent a week in custody awaiting sentence.等候判决期间他被拘押了一个星期。
    • He turned state's evidence in return for a reduced sentence.他供出了同案犯的犯罪证据以求获得减刑。
    • She could face a long prison sentence.她可能会被判长期监禁。
    • The US Supreme Court recently upheld both of these sentences.美国最高法院最近宣布维持这两项判决。
    • The judge imposed the mandatory sentence for murder.法官对谋杀罪作出了强制性判决。
    • The offence carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison.这种罪行最高可判两年监禁。
    • an eight-year sentence for burglary因入室盗窃被判 8 年徒刑
    • ex-felons who have completed their sentences刑期已满的重罪犯
    Topics Crime and punishmentb2, Law and justiceb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • maximum
    • minimum
    • average
    verb + sentence
    • hand down
    • impose
    • pass
    • sentence for
    • under sentence of death
    See full entry
  3. Word OriginMiddle English (in the senses ‘way of thinking, opinion’, ‘court's declaration of punishment’, and ‘gist (of a piece of writing)’): via Old French from Latin sententia ‘opinion’, from sentire ‘feel, be of the opinion’.


[often passive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they sentence
he / she / it sentences
past simple sentenced
past participle sentenced
-ing form sentencing
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  1. to say officially in court that somebody is to receive a particular punishment判决;宣判;判刑
    • sentence somebody to something He sentenced the defendant to life in prison.他判处被告终身监禁。
    • to be sentenced to death/life imprisonment被判死刑/无期徒刑
    • He was convicted and sentenced to a four-year jail term.他被判有罪,并被判处四年监禁。
    • sentence somebody to do something The judge sentenced him to hang.法官判他绞刑。
    • The court sentenced him to serve nine months for the assault.法院以袭击罪判处他9个月监禁。
    • She was sentenced to do 30 hours of community service.她被判做30小时的社区服务。
    • sentence somebody for something The same judge had previously sentenced him for burglary.同一个法官此前曾以入室行窃罪判处他死刑。
    • sentence somebody to something for something A court sentenced them to nine-year jail terms for fraud and tax evasion.法院以欺诈和逃税罪判处他们九年监禁。
    • sentence somebody It was argued that judges should have discretion in sentencing first-time offenders.有人认为,法官在判决初犯时应该有酌处权。
    Extra Examples
    • The judge sentenced her to life imprisonment.法官判处她终身监禁。
    • They had been sentenced for murder.他们因谋杀罪被判刑。
    Topics Crime and punishmentb2, Law and justiceb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • hereby
    • in absentia
    • for
    • to
    See full entry
    Word OriginMiddle English (in the senses ‘way of thinking, opinion’, ‘court's declaration of punishment’, and ‘gist (of a piece of writing)’): via Old French from Latin sententia ‘opinion’, from sentire ‘feel, be of the opinion’.
TOEFL BNC: 1168 COCA: 2036


1group of words一組詞ADJECTIVE | VERB + SENTENCE | SENTENCE + VERB | SENTENCE + NOUN ADJECTIVElong, short長句;短句Try to keep your sentences short.盡量使用短句。complete, whole完整句子;整句broken, incomplete支離破碎的/不完整的句子full整句She was a gifted child and could speak in full sentences at a very young age.她是個有天賦的孩子,很小的時候就能說完整的句子了。single一個句子The argument can be distilled into a single sentence.這個論點可以用一句話概括。grammatical, ungrammatical符合語法的/不符合語法的句子coherent連貫的句子affirmative, declarative, negative肯定句;陳述句;否定句complex, simple複合句;簡單句run-on (NAmE) 連寫句opening開首語the opening sentence of the novel小說開首句'Once upon a time...'-the opening sentence to some of our very best-loved fairy tales“從前⋯” - 我們最喜歡的一些童話的開場白following接下來的句子I came across the following sentence in a paper recently...最近我在報紙上看到了下面的話⋯VERB + SENTENCEbegin開始句子finish結束句子Peter finished Jane's sentence for her.彼得替簡說完了那句話。complete完成句子Complete the following sentence: 'I love dictionaries because...'.請完成下面的句子:“我喜愛詞典是因為⋯。”end結束句子He tells her not to end her sentences with prepositions.他告訴她句尾不要用介詞。speak, utter說出/講出句子Troy uttered one last sentence.特洛伊說了最後一句話。The last sentence was spoken considerably more softly than the others.最後一句話說得比其他話輕柔得多。construct, form, formulate, string together, write造句;連成句子;寫句子He can barely form a grammatical sentence.他幾乎造不出合乎語法的句子。Cooke was so nervous he could barely string a sentence together.庫克緊張得結結巴巴,話不成句。parse對句子作句法分析punctuate (usually figurative) 斷句She punctuated her sentence with a well-aimed kick at his right shin.她說着停了下來,對準他的右腿脛部狠踢了一腳。read讀句子I kept reading the same sentence over and over again.我一遍又一遍地讀同一個句子。SENTENCE + VERBcontain sth, have sth句子中包含⋯Does the sentence contain an adverb?這個句子中有副詞嗎?SENTENCE + NOUNstructure句子結構


2punishment given by a judge判刑ADJECTIVE | VERB + SENTENCE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEmaximum, minimum最重/最輕刑罰the mandatory minimum sentence (NAmE) 法定最低量刑average平均刑期long, short長期/短期徒刑harsh, heavy, severe, stiff苛刻的處罰;重判;嚴厲的刑罰lenient, light寬大的判決;輕判reduced減刑He turned state's evidence in return for a reduced sentence.他供出了同案犯的犯罪證據以求獲得減刑。indeterminate (especially BrE) 不定期刑appropriate適當的刑罰mandatory強制性判決The judge imposed the mandatory sentence for murder.法官對謀殺罪作出了強制性判決。suspended緩刑jail, prison徒刑;監禁criminal刑事判決He suggested doubling the criminal sentences for company executives.他建議對公司高管的刑事判決刑期加倍。custodial, non-custodial (both BrE) 監禁/非監禁判決death死刑life無期徒刑;終身監禁VERB + SENTENCEhand down, impose, pass, pronounce作出判決;宣佈判決;宣判The judge will pass sentence on the accused this afternoon.法官將於今天下午宣佈對被告的判決。be given, get, receive被判刑begin (especially BrE) 開始服刑He has begun a life sentence for Carol's murder.他因謀殺卡蘿爾被判無期徒刑,已開始服刑。serve服刑He will have to serve a life sentence.他得服無期徒刑。carry out, complete執行判決;服滿刑期ex-felons who have completed their sentences刑期已滿的重罪犯await (especially BrE) 等候判決He spent a week in custody awaiting sentence.等候判決期間他被拘押了一個星期。face面臨判決She could face a long prison sentence.她可能會被判長期監禁。suspend暫緩執行判決appeal, appeal against (BrE) 對判決提起上訴review對判決進行複審commute, reduce減刑The death sentence may be commuted to life imprisonment.死刑可能減為無期徒刑。overturn, quash (BrE) 推翻/撤銷判決uphold維持原判The US Supreme Court recently upheld both of these sentences.美國最高法院最近宣佈維持這兩項判決。carry受⋯刑罰This type of assault carries a maximum sentence of six months in prison.這類人身侵犯罪最長可判 6 個月監禁。PREPOSITIONsentence for因⋯判處的刑罰an eight-year sentence for burglary因入室盜竊被判 8 年徒刑PHRASESunder sentence of death被判死刑He was imprisoned under sentence of death.他被判死刑,身陷囚牢。He has been in prison for two months under sentence of death.被判死刑以來他已經入獄兩個月。


ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBhereby特此判決I hereby sentence you to death by hanging (= as spoken by a judge).本人特此宣佈對你判處絞刑。in absentia缺席判決He has been convicted and sentenced in absentia (= he was not present at the trial).他被缺席定罪並判決。PREPOSITIONfor因⋯判罰They had been sentenced for murder.他們因謀殺罪被判刑。to判處He was sentenced to two years in prison.他被判處兩年監禁。The judge sentenced her to life imprisonment.法官判處她終身監禁。
TOEFL BNC: 1168 COCA: 2036
sentence verb
sentence noun
TOEFL BNC: 1168 COCA: 2036
Types and forms of word, clause or sentence: accusative, adjunct, allomorph...
To punish someone: punish, discipline, penalize...

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