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Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they stretch
he / she / it stretches
past simple stretched
past participle stretched
-ing form stretching
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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    make/become bigger/looser

  1. [transitive, intransitive] stretch (something) to make something longer, wider or looser, for example by pulling it; to become longer, etc. in this way拉长;拽宽;撑大;抻松
    • Is there any way of stretching shoes?有什么办法能把鞋撑大吗?
    • Stop stretching your sleeves like that!别一个劲地抻袖子了!
    • This sweater has stretched.这件毛衣给撑得变形了。
    Topics Physics and chemistryb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • taut
    • tautly
    • tight
    • across
    • between
    • over
    See full entry
  2. [intransitive] (of cloth织物) to become bigger or longer when you pull it and return to its original shape when you stop有弹性(或弹力)
    • The jeans stretch to provide a perfect fit.这条牛仔裤有弹性,可以完全贴身。
  3. pull tight拉紧

  4. [transitive] to pull something so that it is smooth and tight拉紧;拉直;绷紧
    • stretch something (+ adv./prep.) Stretch the fabric tightly over the frame.把布在架子上绷紧。
    • Striped awnings had been stretched across the courtyard.条纹雨篷被撑开架在院子上方。
    • stretch something + adj. Make sure that the rope is stretched tight.务必要把绳子拉紧。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • taut
    • tautly
    • tight
    • across
    • between
    • over
    See full entry
  5. your body身体

  6. [intransitive, transitive] to put your arms or legs out straight and contract your muscles 伸展;舒展
    • He stretched and yawned lazily.他伸了伸懒腰,打了个哈欠。
    • Andrea turned out the light and stretched full-length on the bed.安德烈亚关了灯,舒展全身躺到了床上。
    • stretch something The exercises are designed to stretch and tone your leg muscles.这些活动目的在于伸展和增强你的腿部肌肉。
    • It was impossible to bend or stretch my legs.我的腿不可能弯曲或伸展。
    Topics Health and Fitnessb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • gently
    • lazily
    • luxuriously
    • on
    • stretch and yawn
    • yawn and stretch
    See full entry
  7. reach with arm伸手够着

  8. [intransitive, transitive] to put out an arm or a leg in order to reach something伸出,伸长(胳膊、腿)
    • + adv./prep. She stretched across the table for the butter.她伸手到桌子那头去拿黄油。
    • She stretched up to reach the top shelf.她伸手向上去够顶层架子。
    • stretch something + adv./prep. I stretched out a hand and picked up the book.我伸出一只手,把书捡起来。
  9. over area覆盖地域

  10. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to spread over an area of land延伸;绵延 synonym extend
    • Fields and hills stretched out as far as we could see.放眼望去,田野山丘绵延不绝。
    • The traffic jam seemed to stretch for miles.交通堵塞似乎持续了几英里。
    • A line of cars stretched into the distance.车子的长龙一直排到很远。
    • The flat landscape stretched to the horizon.平坦的风景一直延伸到地平线。
    • Beyond the mountains stretches a vast desert.山峦后面是一片辽阔的沙漠。
    Extra Examples
    • The beach seemed to stretch endlessly.海滩好像长得没有尽头。
    • The road stretched ahead.路向前方延伸。
    • The wood does not stretch very far.这片树林不算太大。
    • an area which stretches from London to the north伦敦以北地区
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • far
    • endlessly
    • forever
    verb + stretch
    • seem to
    • along
    • beyond
    • from
    See full entry
  11. over time时间

  12. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to continue over a period of time延续
    • The town's history stretches back to before 1500.该镇的历史可以上溯到公元 1500 年以前。
    • to stretch back years/decades/generations/centuries追溯到几年/几十年/几代人/几个世纪前
    • The training stretches over a period of 16 months.培训持续了16个月。
    • Endless summer days stretched out before us.无尽的夏日在等待着我们。
    • The talks look set to stretch into a second week.看来谈判十有八九要延续到下个星期了。
    • The future stretched out endlessly in front of me.未来我前面的路还有很长很长。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • endlessly
    • back
    • out
    • before
    • into
    See full entry
  13. money/supplies/time钱;物资;时间

  14. [intransitive] stretch (to something) (used in negative sentences and questions about an amount of money用于否定句和疑问句,指一笔钱) to be enough to buy or pay for something足够买(或支付)
    • I need a new car, but my savings won't stretch to it.我需要一辆新车,但我的积蓄不够。
    • There are lots of things I’d like to buy, but our budget just won’t stretch that far.有很多东西我想买,但我们的预算不会超出那么多。
  15. [transitive] stretch somebody/something to make use of a lot of your money, supplies, time, etc.(大量地)使用,消耗
    • The influx of refugees has stretched the country's resources to the limit.难民的大量涌入把这个国家的资源消耗殆尽。
    • We can't take on any more work—we're fully stretched as it is.我们不能再接受其他工作了,现在我们已经满负荷了。
    • The budget is already stretched to breaking point.预算已经捉襟见肘。
    Extra Examples
    • Our forces are too thinly stretched to control the chaos.我们的部队人员不足,已无力控制混乱状况了。
    • The increase in demand has severely stretched our resources.需求的增加极大地消耗了我们的资源。
    • Don't stretch yourself too thin financially.不要在财务方面搞得力不从心。
    • This department is stretched to its limit.这个部门已达到运转极限。
  16. the lead

  17. [transitive] stretch the lead (to something) to increase your lead over somebody in a game or competition延伸;绵延
    • A minute later, Kelly stretched their lead to eight points.一分钟后,凯利将他们的领先优势扩大到了8分。
  18. somebody’s skill/intelligence技能;智力

  19. [transitive] stretch somebody/something to make use of all somebody’s skill, intelligence, etc.使竭尽所能;使全力以赴;使发挥出全部本领
    • I need a job that will stretch me.我需要一份能让我充分发挥才智的工作。
    • She was never really stretched at school.她在学校从来没有真正紧张过。
    • The book really stretches your imagination.这本书真的扩展了你的想象力。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • really
    • severely
    • fully
    • to
    See full entry
  20. truth/belief实情;信条

  21. [transitive] stretch something to use something in a way that would not normally be considered fair, acceptable, etc.滥用;随意歪曲
    • He admitted that he had maybe stretched the truth a little (= not been completely honest).他承认可能有点言过其实了。
    • The play's plot stretches credulity to the limit.这出戏的剧情简直就是胡编滥造。
  22. Word OriginOld English streccan, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch strekken and German strecken. The noun dates from the late 16th cent.
bend/stretch the rules
  1. to change the rules to suit a particular person or situation根据具体情况改变规则;通融
    • Couldn't they just bend the rules and let us in without a ticket?难道他们就不能通融一下,让我们没票也进去吗?
    Topics Permission and obligationc2
stretch your legs
  1. (informal) to go for a short walk after sitting for some time(久坐之后)散散步,活动活动腿脚
    • It was good to get out of the car and stretch our legs.我们下了车活动活动腿脚,真不错。
stretch a point
  1. to allow or do something that is not usually acceptable, especially because of a particular situation破例;通融
    • I was hoping they would stretch a point and let me stay on for a while.我希望他们能延长一个点,让我呆一会儿。


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    area of land/water土地;水域

  1. [countable] stretch (of something) an area of land or water, especially a long one一片;一泓;一段
    • a particularly dangerous stretch of road特别危险的路段
    • There are tailbacks along a 10-mile stretch of the motorway.在高速公路上车子排成了10 英里的长龙。
    • an unspoilt stretch of coastline一段未破坏原貌的海岸线
    • You rarely see boats on this stretch of the river.这一河段船只罕见。
    Extra Examples
    • The festival is being held on a stretch of parkland near the river.庆祝活动在河边一片公共绿地上举行。
    • A narrow stretch of water separates the island from the mainland.一片狭窄的水域把这个岛跟大陆分开了。
    • She looked at the long stretches of white sands.她看着长长的白沙。
    • a straight stretch of road一段笔直的路
    • a wild uninhabited coastal stretch一段荒无人迹的海岸
    • an empty stretch of beach一片空旷的海滩
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • huge
    • large
    • along a/​the stretch
    • on a/​the stretch
    • stretch of
    • the home stretch
    See full entry
  2. period of time一段时间

  3. [countable] a continuous period of time(连续的)一段时间 synonym spell
    • They worked in four-hour stretches.他们工作四小时一班。
    • at a stretch She used to read for hours at a stretch (= without stopping).她以前看书常常连看几小时。
    Extra Examples
    • He went through a tough stretch last year but things are better now.去年他经历了一段艰难时期,现在情况好多了。
    • She had been unhappy for long stretches of her life.她一生中很多时间生活得并不快乐。
    • The summer vacation can seem like an awfully long stretch of time.暑假似乎是一段非常长的时间。
    Topics Timec2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long
    • short
    • final
    • stretch of
    • at a stretch
    See full entry
  4. [countable, usually singular] (informal) a period of time that somebody spends in prison服刑期
    • He did a ten-year stretch for fraud.他因欺诈罪服刑十年。
  5. of body身体

  6. [countable, uncountable] an act of stretching out your arms or legs or your body and pulling the muscles tight; the state of being stretched伸展;舒展
    • We got out of the car and had a good stretch.我们下车好好舒展了一下身体。
    • Only do these more difficult stretches when you are warmed up.要做了准备活动以后再做这些较难的伸展运动。
    • Stay in this position and feel the stretch in your legs.保持这个姿势,体会腿部绷紧的感觉。
    Extra Examples
    • First let's warm up by doing some stretches.咱们先做一些伸展运动热热身。
    • Have a good stretch from time to time to prevent yourself getting stiff.不时充分伸展一下筋骨,以防身体变僵。
    • Hold the stretch for a count of ten.保持伸展姿势,一直数到 10。
    • Her arms were at full stretch (= extended as far as possible).她双臂完全伸开。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • good
    • gentle
    verb + stretch
    • do
    • have
    • hold
    • at full stretch
    See full entry
  7. of fabric织物

  8. [uncountable] the ability to be made longer or wider without breaking or tearing弹性;伸缩性
    • You need a material with plenty of stretch in it.你需要一种弹性很大的布料。
    • stretch jeans弹力牛仔裤
  9. on racetrack跑道

  10. [countable, usually singular] a straight part at the end of a racing track(终点)直道 synonym straight
    • the finishing stretch收尾阶段
    • (figurative) The campaign has entered its final stretch.竞选已进入最后冲刺阶段。
    see also home stretch
    Extra Examples
    • She felt a renewed burst of energy for the final stretch.在最后一段,她感到能量重新爆发了出来。
    • (figurative) The students have now entered the final stretch of their course.学生现已进入课程的最后阶段。
  11. Word OriginOld English streccan, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch strekken and German strecken. The noun dates from the late 16th cent.
at full stretch
  1. using as much energy as possible, or the greatest possible amount of supplies竭尽全力;以最大财力物力
    • Fire crews have been operating at full stretch.各消防队一直在全力以赴。
not by any stretch of the imagination | by no stretch of the imagination
  1. used to say strongly that something is not true, even if you try to imagine or believe it任凭怎么想也不;再怎么说也不
    • She could not, by any stretch of the imagination, be called beautiful.再怎么说,她也称不上漂亮。
    • By no stretch of the imagination could the trip be described as relaxing.无论怎么想象,这次旅行都称不上是放松。


1area of land or water陸地;水域ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgreat, huge, large, long, open, vast, wide很大的一片;一大片;開闊的一片;遼闊的一片A great stretch of ocean lay beneath them.他們下方是一大片遼闊的海洋。15-mile, half-mile, etc. * 15 英里、半英里等的一片narrow, short, small狹窄的一片;短短的一片;一小片straight筆直的一段a straight stretch of road一段筆直的路continuous, unbroken連綿的/連續的一片beautiful, lovely美麗的/可愛的一片deserted, empty, lonely荒蕪的/空曠的/冷清的一片an empty stretch of beach一片空曠的海灘fast易於快行的一段dangerous, hazardous危險的/險象環生的一段coastal一段海岸a wild uninhabited coastal stretch一段荒無人跡的海岸final最後一段She felt a renewed burst of energy for the final stretch.在最後一段,她感到能量重新爆發了出來。PREPOSITIONalong a/the stretch沿着一段⋯There are tailbacks along a ten-mile stretch of the road.公路上,車子排起了 10 英里的長龍。on a/the stretch在一片⋯上The festival is being held on a stretch of parkland near the river.慶祝活動在河邊一片公共綠地上舉行。stretch of一片⋯PHRASESthe home stretch (especially NAmE) (賽跑等的)最後一程;衝刺階段The presidential race has now entered the home stretch. (figurative) 總統競選現已進入衝刺階段。


2period of time一段時間ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElong長時間short短時間final最後階段The students have now entered the final stretch of their course.學生現已進入課程的最後階段。three-year, two-week, etc. * 3 年、兩週等的時間rough, tough (both NAmE) 困難/艱苦時期He went through a tough stretch last year but things are better now.去年他經歷了一段艱難時期,現在情況好多了。PREPOSITIONstretch of一段⋯時期She had been unhappy for long stretches of her life.她一生中很多時間生活得並不快樂。PHRASESat a stretch一口氣He worked for three days and nights at a stretch.他連續工作了三天三夜。


3stretching伸展ADJECTIVE | VERB + STRETCH | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgood充分伸展gentle輕柔的伸展VERB + STRETCHdo伸展First let's warm up by doing some stretches.咱們先做一些伸展運動熱熱身。have伸展Have a good stretch from time to time to prevent yourself getting stiff.不時充分伸展一下筋骨,以防身體變僵。hold保持伸展姿勢Hold the stretch for a count of ten.保持伸展姿勢,一直數到 10。PHRASESat full stretch完全伸展Her arms were at full stretch.她雙臂完全伸開。


1pull sth tight拉緊ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBtaut, tautly, tight, tightly拉緊;繃緊Make sure that the rope is stretched tight.一定要確保繩子拉緊。Stretch the fabric tightly over the frame.把布緊繃在架子上。PREPOSITIONacross, between, over跨過⋯拉緊;在⋯之間拉緊;在⋯上方拉緊Striped awnings had been stretched across the courtyard.條紋雨篷被撑開架在院子上方。


2your body/part of the body身體;身體部位ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBgently輕輕地伸展lazily, luxuriously慵懶地/舒服地伸展He stirred and stretched lazily.他移動了一下,伸了個懶腰。full-length完全地伸展Andrea turned out the light and stretched full-length on the bed.安德烈亞關了燈,舒展全身躺到了牀上。down, forward, out, up, upwards/upward向下/向前/向外/向上/朝上伸展She stretched up to reach the top shelf.她伸手向上去夠頂層架子。PREPOSITIONon在⋯上伸展He stretched out on the couch and watched TV.他四肢伸開躺在沙發上看電視。PHRASESstretch and yawn, yawn and stretch四肢伸開打哈欠She sat up, yawning and stretching.她坐起身來,打着哈欠伸懶腰。


3cover a large area大面積覆蓋ADVERB | VERB + STRETCH | PREPOSITION ADVERBfar延伸得很遠The wood does not stretch very far.這片樹林不算太大。endlessly, forever無限/一直延伸The fields stretched forever into the distance.田地一直延伸到遠方。ahead, away向前/向遠方延伸The road stretched ahead.路向前方延伸。VERB + STRETCHseem to好像在延伸The beach seemed to stretch endlessly.海灘好像長得沒有盡頭。PREPOSITIONalong沿着⋯延伸beyond延伸過⋯from, to從⋯延伸;延伸到⋯an area which stretches from London to the north倫敦以北地區for綿延長達⋯The beach stretches for five miles.海灘綿延 5 英里。into延伸進⋯A line of cars stretched into the distance.車子的長龍一直排到很遠。


4continue over a period of time時間延續ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBendlessly無盡地延續The future stretched out endlessly in front of me.未來我前面的路還有很長很長。back, out追溯;持續The town's history stretches back to before 1700.該鎮的歷史可以追溯到 1700 年以前。PREPOSITIONbefore在⋯面前延續Endless summer days stretched out before us.無盡的夏日在等待着我們。into延續到⋯The talks look set to stretch into a second week.看來會談肯定要延續到第二週了。


5your ability/intelligence能力;智慧ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBreally竭盡所能severely竭盡全力The increase in demand has severely stretched our resources.需求的增加極大地消耗了我們的資源。fully全力以赴We can't take on any more work-we're fully stretched as it is.我們不能再接別的工作了,我們已經是在拚命了。thin, thinly消耗過度Don't stretch yourself too thin financially.不要在財務方面搞得力不從心。Our forces are too thinly stretched to control the chaos.我們的部隊人員不足,已無力控制混亂狀況了。financially (especially BrE) 財務上消耗過度Both parties have financially stretched themselves by taking on substantial mortgages.雙方均有巨額抵押貸款,財務方面都有些力不從心。PREPOSITIONto消耗到⋯This department is stretched to its limit.這個部門已達到運轉極限。
stretch verb
expand1 (This sweater has stretched.) lead3 (The road stretches into the distance.)


stretch ♦︎ expanse ♦︎ tract ♦︎ fieldThese are all words for a large open area of land or water. 这些词均表示陆地或水域的一片、一段。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a stretch / an expanse / a tract / a field of stha great / large / huge / vast stretch / expanse / tract / fielda wide / broad / continuous / open / empty / deserted / barren stretch / expanse stretch [countable] an area of land or water (陆地或水域的)一片,一泓,一段This is a largely unspoilt stretch of coastline.这是一段基本上未破坏原貌的海岸线。The car overturned on a particularly dangerous stretch of road.那辆汽车在一段特别危险的路上翻了。A narrow stretch of water separates the island from the mainland.一片狭窄的水域把这个岛跟大陆分开了。You rarely see boats on this stretch of the river.这个河段几乎看不到船只。Stretch is the most general of these words: a stretch may be long or short, wide or narrow, but it usually has a particular character ( unspoilt, dangerous, long, narrow) or you use stretch to refer to a particular part of a place ( this/that stretch of the river). * stretch在本组词中含义最广,它所表示的路段或水域可长可短,可宽可窄,但通常都具有某种特点,如unspoilt、dangerous、long、narrow(未遭破坏的/危险的/长的/窄的),或者用stretch来表示一个地方的某个部分,如this/that stretch of the river(这/那一河段)。 see also stretch lead verb 3 expanse ɪkˈspæns [countable] a wide and open area of sth, especially land or water (尤指陆地或水域的)一大片,广阔的一片He gazed out over the huge expanses of open prairie.他凝视着外面那片辽阔的大草原。Above them was a vast expanse of blue sky.他们的头顶上是广阔无垠的蓝天。 tract [countable] an area of land, especially a large one 大片土地;地带We flew over vast tracts of forest.我们飞过大片大片的森林。Whole tracts of the countryside have been turned into industrial wasteland.成片成片的乡间土地都变成了工业废地。 field [countable] (usually in compounds 通常用于构成复合词) an area of land covered with a particular thing; an area from which a particular thing is obtained (覆盖着⋯的或有⋯的)土地,地方The territory is covered with snow, bare rock and ice fields.那个地方被白雪、裸岩和冰原所覆盖。Prisoners were sent to work in the gas fields in the north.囚犯们被遣送到北方的天然气田去干活。

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