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  1. [countable] a period of 24 hours一天;一日
    • ‘What day is it today?’ ‘Monday.’“今天星期几?” “星期一。”
    • I go to the gym every day.我每天都去健身房。
    • We spent five days in Paris.我们在巴黎呆了五天。
    • I saw Tom three days ago.我三天前见过汤姆。
    • We're going away in a few days.几天后我们就要离开了。
    • The house should be ready in a few days' time.房子应该在几天内准备好。
    • The situation has been deteriorating for the past few days.过去几天局势一直在恶化。
    • within two, 30, etc. days Full payment must be made within 21 days.必须在21天内全额付款。
    • On that day Rosa Parks did something that changed history.那天,罗莎·帕克斯做了一件改变历史的事情。
    • I saw her again the next day.第二天我又见到了她。
    • He called me to apologize three days later.三天后他打电话给我道歉。
    • He resigned the following day.第二天他辞职了。
    • We'd had this big argument the day before.前一天我们大吵了一架。
    • They left the day before yesterday (= two days ago).他们前天就走了。
    • We're meeting the day after tomorrow (= in two days).我们后天要见面。
    • We can't go there today. You can go another day.我们今天不能去那儿。你可以改天去。
    • New Year’s Day元旦
    • a/per day Take the medicine three times a day.每日服药三次。
    • They are producing 1.5 million barrels of oil per day.他们每天生产150万桶石油。
    • The helpline is open 24 hours a day.求助热线一天24小时开放。
    see also all-day, Arbor Day, big day, D-Day, duvet day, feast day, field day, May Day, off day, PD day, pyjama day, red-letter day, sick day, snow day, sports day
    Extra Examples
    • He thought of her less as the days passed.随着时间的流逝,他对她的思念越来越少。
    • He's getting stronger by the day.他一天比一天强壮。
    • I was in your area the other day.几天前我在你那儿。
    • It happened on the very day that Kemp was murdered.事情就发生在肯普被谋杀的那一天。
    • It was the day of the big game.那是大赛之日。
    • It's been one of the worst days of my life.那是我一生中最糟糕的日子之一。
    • On the day of his wedding he was very nervous.结婚那天他非常紧张。
    • The letter arrived the very next day.信就在第二天到了。
    • The restaurant is closed all day Saturday.那家餐厅星期六全天不营业。
    • They stayed for ten days.他们待了 10 天。
    • We hope to finish the job in a few days.我们希望在几天的时间里完成这项工作。
    • We're open every day except Sunday.除星期日外,我们每天都营业。
    • those killed in the hail of bullets fired on that fateful day那个灾难性的日子里在枪林弹雨中丧命的人们
    • When that day comes, I plan to be far away.那一天到来的时候,我打算远走高飞。
    Topics Timea1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • the following
    • (the) next
    • the previous
    day + verb
    • pass
    • come
    • by the day
    • for a/​the day
    • in a/​the day
    • day by day
    See full entry
  2. [countable, uncountable] the time between when it becomes light in the morning and when it becomes dark in the evening白昼;白天
    • What a beautiful day!多么美好的一天啊!
    • The sun was shining all day.白天一直阳光明媚。
    • I could sit and watch the river all day long.我可以整天坐在这里看那条河。
    • We spent the day gardening.我们干了一天的园艺活。
    • during the day He works at night and sleeps during the day.他晚上干活,白天睡觉。
    • by day Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night.夜行动物白天睡觉晚上猎食。
    • on a… day On a sunny day in June…六月的一个晴天…
    Extra Examples
    • As day dawned I found her already hard at work.天亮时,我发现她已在辛勤工作了。
    • The short winter days prevented them from finishing all the work.冬天白昼短,他们没能把工作做完。
    • Memories of happy days on the hills never fade.在山上的那些幸福日子的回忆永远不会淡忘。
    • We preferred to travel at night and rest by day.我们宁可夜里赶路,白天休息。
    • We went to the beach for the day.我们去海边待了一天。
    • a fine summer's day晴朗的夏日
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • beautiful
    • bright
    • fine
    verb + day
    • spend
    • start
    • see
    day + verb
    • break
    • dawn
    • go
    • by day
    • during the day
    • for a/​the day
    • all day (long)
    • at the end of the day
    • day and night
    See full entry
  3. [countable, usually singular] the hours of the day when you are active, working, etc., not sleeping工作日;一天的活动时间
    • a seven-hour working day七小时工作日
    • (especially North American English) Have a nice day!祝你度过愉快的一天!
    • Did you have a good day?你这一天过得顺利吗?
    • Our waiter seemed to be having a bad day.我们的服务员今天似乎过得不好。
    • It's been a long day (= I've been very busy).忙了一整天了。
    • She didn't do a full day's work.她并没干一整天的工作。
    • I took a half day off yesterday.昨天我休假半天。
    see also school day (2), workday
    Extra Examples
    • Why not take a few days off?为什么不休息几天呢?
    • Be sure to start the day with a good breakfast.每天的早饭一定要吃好。
    • How did your day go?你的日子过得怎么样?
    • I am entitled to ten paid sick days a year.我每年可享受 10 天带薪病假。
    • I do a 9-hour day.我每天工作 9 小时。
    • I knew I had a full day's driving ahead of me.我知道我要开整整一天的车。
    • On a bad day chaos reigns and nobody can predict when a plane will leave.那天很倒霉,到处一片混乱,没人能预测飞机什么时候起飞。
    • a hard day at the office办公室里劳累的一天
    • the pattern of the school day典型的学校上课日
    Topics Timea1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • work
    • working
    • bad
    • a good day’s work
    See full entry
  4. [countable, usually plural] a particular period of time or history时期;时代
    • in somebody's day in Queen Victoria’s day在维多利亚女王时代
    • in the days of something in the days of the industrial revolution在工业革命时期
    • back in the early days of computers回到计算机的早期
    • in those days He was the biggest star in Hollywood in those days.他是当年好莱坞最大的明星。
    • (informal) in the old days (= in the past)早先
    see also glory days, heyday, nowadays, present day
    Homophones days | dazedays   daze
    • days noun (plural of day)
      • His glory days in 1970s Hollywood felt long behind him.他在20世纪70年代好莱坞的辉煌岁月已经过去很久了。
    • daze noun
      • The day had passed in a dreamy daze.这一天在恍惚中过去了。
    Extra Examples
    • Gone are the days when you could smoke in restaurants.能在餐厅吸烟的日子一去不复返了。
    • Much has changed since the days of my youth.和我年轻时相比已经有了很大变化。
    • Some players go into management once their playing days are over.一些运动员在结束运动生涯后从事管理工作。
    • That was in the bad old days of rampant inflation.那是在物价飞涨、生活艰难的往昔。
    • the dark days of recession经济衰退时那些灰暗的日子
    • the heady days of the ‘swinging sixties’“摇摆的60 年代”那些令人热血沸腾的时光
    • Dickens gives us a vivid picture of poverty in Queen Victoria's day.狄更斯为我们生动地描绘了维多利亚女王时代贫困潦倒的画面。
    • the government of the day当时的政府
    • I never thought I would see the day when free elections would be held in this country.我从没想过我能亲眼看到国家自由选举的这一天。
    Topics Timeb1, Historyb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • early
    • former
    • old
    • in somebody’s day
    • of the day
    • since the days of
    • gone are the days when…
    • the bad old days
    • the good old days
    See full entry
  5. days
    [plural] (usually in compounds通常构成复合词) a particular period in somebody's life or career时期;时代
    • I have many happy memories from my student days.我有许多学生时代的快乐回忆。
    • in his younger days他年轻的时候
    • She cared for him for the rest of his days (= the rest of his life).她照料他的余生。
  6. Word OriginOld English dæg, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch dag and German Tag.
all in a day’s work
  1. part of your normal working life and not unusual日常工作的一部分;习以为常;不足为奇
    • Swimming with sharks or training a tiger cub—it's all in a day's work for animal wrangler Chris Bolton.与鲨鱼一起游泳或训练一只小老虎——对动物饲养员克里斯·博尔顿来说,这都是一天的工作。
any day (now) | any time now
  1. (informal) very soon很快
    • The letter should arrive any day now.信该很快就到了。
    • We expect more info on this any time now.我们期待更多的信息。
at the end of the day
  1. (informal) used to introduce the most important fact after everything has been considered(考虑到所有情况后引出最重要的事实)最终,到头来
    • At the end of the day, he'll still have to make his own decision.最终,他还得自己拿主意。
back in the day
  1. in the past过去;从前;旧时
    • My dad's always talking about how great everything was back in the day.我爸爸总是讲过去的一切如何如何的好。
back in the days
  1. at a particular time in the past在过去的某个时候
    • I was a fan back in the days when the band wasn't yet famous.在这个乐队还没出名的时候,我就是他们的歌迷。
break of day/dawn
  1. (literary) the moment in the early hours of the morning when it begins to get light破晓;黎明
call it a day
  1. (informal) to decide or agree to stop doing something结束一天的工作;到此为止;停止
    • After forty years in politics I think it's time for me to call it a day (= to retire).从政四十年,我想现在也该退休了。
carry/win the day
  1. (formal) to be successful against somebody/something得胜;占上风;取得成功
    • Despite strong opposition, the ruling party carried the day.尽管遭到强烈反对,执政党还是获胜了。
    • Teamwork and persistence can still win the day.团队合作和坚持仍然可以赢得胜利。
    Topics Successc2
(as) clear as day
  1. easy to see or understand显而易见;容易理解
day after day
  1. each day repeatedly (used especially when something is boring or annoying)日复一日,一天又一天(尤指枯燥无味、令人厌烦)
    • She hates doing the same work day after day.她讨厌日复一日做同样的工作。
day and night
(also night and day)
  1. all the time; continuously日日夜夜;夜以继日;连续不断
    • The store is open day and night.这家商店日夜营业。
    • The machines are kept running night and day.这些机器夜以继日地运转着。
day by day
  1. all the time; a little at a time and gradually一天天;逐日
    • Day by day his condition improved.他的健康状况一天天好转。
    • Morale was sinking day by day.士气一天天消沉下去。
day in, day out
  1. every day for a long period of time日复一日,天天(指不间断)
    • Living on junk food day in day out is not good for you.天天吃垃圾食品对你不好。
    Topics Timec2
a day of reckoning
  1. the time when somebody will have to deal with the result of something that they have done wrong, or be punished for something bad that they have done遭报应的日子;受到惩罚的日子
somebody’s/something’s days are numbered
  1. a person or thing will not continue to live, exist or be successful for much longer(指人)死期不远了,得意的日子屈指可数了;(指物)用不了多久了,寿命不长了
    • His days as leader of the party are numbered.他作为党的领袖的日子已屈指可数了。
    • Whatever the protests, the school’s days are numbered and it will be closed down.不管抗议如何,学校的日子屈指可数了,它将被关闭。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
end your days/life (in something)
  1. to spend the last part of your life in a particular state or place(在某种状态下或某处)度过余生,安度晚年
    • He ended his days in poverty.他在贫穷中度过余生。
every dog has his/its day
  1. (saying) everyone has good luck or success at some point in their life人人皆有得意时Topics Successc2
the evil hour/day
  1. (often humorous) the time when you have to do something difficult or unpleasant倒霉的时候(或日子、时刻)
    • I’d better go and see the dentist—I can’t put off the evil hour any longer.我最好还是去看看牙医吧─可不能再拖了。
    • If you keep on borrowing, you are only postponing the evil day when you have to pay it all back.如果你继续借钱,你只是在推迟你必须偿还的邪恶的一天。
five a day
  1. (especially British English) the amount of fruit or vegetables that some organizations say you should eat in order to be healthy过去;从前;旧时
    • Start your five a day with a banana for breakfast.从早餐吃香蕉开始你的一天。
from day one
  1. (informal) from the beginning从一开始;从第一天
    • It's never worked from day one.这从一开始就行不通。
    • This game makes reading and spelling fun from day one.这个游戏从第一天开始就让阅读和拼写变得有趣。
from day to day
  1. with no thoughts or plans for the future过一天算一天
    • They live from day to day, looking after their sick daughter.他们过一天算一天,日复一日地照顾着生病的女儿。
  2. if a situation changes from day to day, it changes often天天,一天又一天(指经常变化)
    • A baby's need for food can vary from day to day.婴儿对食物的需要天天都在变化。
    Topics Timec2
from one day to the next
  1. if a situation changes from one day to the next, it is uncertain and not likely to stay the same each day一天又一天(表示不知未来如何)
    • I never know what to expect from one day to the next.一天又一天我从不知道会发生什么。
    Topics Timec2
from that day/time forth
  1. (literary) beginning on that day; from that time从那天起;从那时以后
    • From that day forth she gave me endless friendship and encouragement.从那天起,她给了我无尽的友谊和鼓励。
    Topics Timec2
give me something/somebody (any day/time)
  1. (informal) used to say that you prefer a particular thing or person to the one that has just been mentioned我宁愿;我更喜欢;我宁可选择
    • We don't go out much. Give me a quiet night in front of the TV any day!我们不常出去。我宁愿坐在电视机前安安静静地过一夜!
    Topics Preferences and decisionsc2
your good deed for the day
  1. a helpful, kind thing that you do(所做的)好事,善事
    • I took Sarah’s children to school so I’ve done my good deed for the day.我送了萨拉的孩子去上学,所以今天已经做了善事。
    • She felt that she had done her good deed for the day.她当时认为自己做了好事。
the good/bad old days
  1. an earlier period of time in your life or in history that is seen as better/worse than the present往昔的好/苦日子
    • That was in the bad old days of rampant inflation.那是在物价飞涨、生活艰难的往昔。
have had your day
  1. to no longer be successful, powerful, etc.得意之时已过;风光不再;日渐衰败
    • She's had her day as a supermodel.她作为超级模特儿的辉煌日子已一去不复返。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
have a nice day!
  1. (informal, especially North American English) a friendly way of saying goodbye, especially to customers(与顾客道别时常用)再见
have seen/known better days
  1. (humorous) to be in poor condition穷困潦倒;昔盛今衰;曾辉煌过
    • Our car has seen better days!我们的汽车曾辉煌一时!
if he’s, she’s, etc. a day
  1. (informal) (used when talking about somebody’s age) at least(谈论某人年龄)至少
    • He must be 70 if he's a day!他至少 70 岁了!
in all my born days
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) used when you are very surprised at something you have never heard or seen before(表示惊讶)这辈子(未听说,未见)
    • I've never heard such nonsense in all my born days.我这辈子还从没听说过此等废话呢。
in the cold light of day
  1. when you have had time to think calmly about something; in the morning when things are clearer有时间冷静考虑时;在头脑更清醒些的第二天早晨
    • These things always look different in the cold light of day.这些事情在冷静地考虑后总会显得不同。
in somebody’s day
  1. during the part of somebody’s life when they were most successful, famous, etc.(某人的)昔日盛时,鼎盛时期
    • She was a great dancer in her day.她曾是红极一时的舞蹈家。
    • Things were very different in my grandfather's day.祖父的那个年代情况大不一样。
    Topics Successc1
  2. when somebody was young年轻时;当年
    • In my day, there were plenty of jobs when you left school.我年轻时,毕业后就业机会很多。
    • In Grandfather’s day, owning a television was very unusual.在祖父的时代,拥有一台电视机是非常不寻常的。
in the olden days
(also in olden times)
  1. a long time ago in the past过去;从前;旧时
    • What was life like in the olden days, Gran?从前的生活是什么样的,奶奶?
in this day and age
  1. now, in the modern world当代;当今;在今天这个时代
    • Slavery continues to exist, even in this day and age.即使在今天这个时代,奴役的情况依然存在。
    • Why dress so formally in this day and age?都这年月了,怎么还穿得这么正式?
it’s early days (yet) | it's still early days
  1. (British English) used to say that it is too soon to be sure how a situation will develop为时尚早;言之过早
    • It’s early days yet. We don’t know if the play will be a success.现在还为时尚早。我们不知道这出戏是否会成功。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc2
it’s not somebody’s day
  1. (informal) used when several bad or unpleasant things happen on the same day祸不单行;特别倒霉的一天
    • My car broke down and then I locked myself out—it's just not my day!我的汽车抛锚了,我又把钥匙锁到车里,真是祸不单行!
late in the day
(North American English also late in the game)
  1. (disapproving) after the time when an action could be successful为时已晚;已失时机
    • He started working hard much too late in the day—he couldn't possibly catch up.他太晚才开始努力工作,不可能赶上了。
the livelong day
  1. (literary) the whole length of the day一整天
live to fight another day
  1. (saying) used to say that although you have failed or had a bad experience, you will continue(虽已失败或经历很糟但仍要)改日再战,卷土重来
make somebody’s day
  1. to make somebody feel very happy on a particular day使某人一天非常快活
    • The phone call from Mike really made my day.迈克打来电话,真让我高兴了一整天。
    Topics Feelingsc1
make a day/night of it
  1. (informal) to make a particular activity that you enjoy last for a whole day/evening instead of only part of it痛痛快快玩一整天
    • We took a picnic lunch to the river and made a day of it.我们去河边吃了顿野餐,度过了愉快的一天。
    • They decided to make a night of it and went on to a club.他们打算痛痛快快地玩一晚上,就去了俱乐部。
night and day
(also day and night)
  1. all the time; continuously日日夜夜;夜以继日;连续不断
    • The machines are kept running night and day.这些机器夜以继日地运转着。
    • The store is open day and night.这家商店日夜营业。
a nine days’ wonder
  1. a person or thing that makes people excited for a short time but does not last very long昙花一现;轰动一时的人(或事物)
not give somebody the time of day
  1. to refuse to speak to somebody because you do not like or respect them对某人厌弃不睬
    • Since the success of her novel, people shake her hand who once wouldn't have given her the time of day.自从她的小说获得成功之后,曾经懒得答理她的人也跟她握起手来。
not have all day
  1. to not have much time时间不多了
    • Come on! We don't have all day!快一点!我们的时间不多了!
of somebody’s day
  1. during a particular period of time when somebody lived某人生活的时代
    • the best player of his day他那个时代最优秀的运动员
    • Bessie Smith was the Madonna of her day.贝西 · 史密斯是她那个时代的麦当娜。
of the day
  1. of the present time(尤用于拿现在和过去比较)如今,而今
    • the political issues of the day目前的政治问题。
  2. that is served on a particular day in a restaurant(餐馆)当日特别供应
    • soup of the day当日供应的汤
oh my days
  1. used to emphasize what you are saying when you are surprised, shocked or annoyed(吃惊或恼火时加强语气)我的天啊
    • Oh my days! Is that true?我的天啊!那是真的吗?
one day
  1. at some time in the future, or on a particular day in the past有朝一日;(过去)某一天
    • One day, I want to leave the city and move to the country.有朝一日,我要离开城市搬到乡下去。
    • One day, he walked out of the house with a small bag and never came back.一天,他带了个小提包走出家门,再也没有回来。
one of these days
  1. before a long time has passed不久;日内
    • One of these days you'll come back and ask me to forgive you.你很快就会回来请求我原谅的。
one of those days
  1. (informal) a day when there are a lot of mistakes and a lot of things go wrong诸事不顺的日子;倒霉的日子
    • It's been one of those days!这一天真倒霉!
    • It's been one of those days when everything's gone wrong.那天真倒霉,一切都乱了套。
the order of the day
  1. common, popular or suitable at a particular time or for a particular occasion常见的;流行的;适宜的
    • Pessimism seems to be the order of the day.悲观失望似乎是当今司空见惯的情形。
the other day/morning/evening/week
  1. recently那天,那天早上,那天晚上,那个星期(用于指说话前不久的日子)
    • I saw Jack the other day.我前几天看到杰克了。
    • I was in your area the other week.前几周我在你的地盘。
    • I woke up the other morning and just could not get myself out of bed.我前几天早上醒来,就是起不来床。
    • I was watching TV the other evening, when…前几天晚上我在看电视,当…
pass the time of day (with somebody)
  1. to say hello to somebody and have a short conversation with them(与某人)寒暄,打招呼,闲谈一会儿
(as) plain as a pikestaff | (as) plain as day | (as) plain as the nose on your face
  1. very obvious一清二楚;一目了然;显而易见
Rome wasn’t built in a day
  1. (saying) used to say that a complicated task will take a long time and should not be rushed罗马不是一天建成的;复杂的工作不会一蹴而就
your salad days
  1. (old-fashioned) the time when you are young and do not have much experience of life年少不谙世事的岁月;涉世未深的青少年时代
save the day/situation
  1. to prevent failure or defeat, when this seems certain to happen挽回败局;扭转局面
    • Salah's late goal saved the day for Liverpool.萨拉赫最后的进球为利物浦挽回了局面。
    Topics Successc2
save, keep, etc. something for a rainy day
  1. to save something, especially money, for a time when you will really need it有备无患;未雨绸缪
some day
  1. at an unknown time in the future将来有一天;总有一天
    • Some day I'll be famous.总有一天我会成名的。
    • I hope we meet again some day.希望我们将来有一天再见面。
take it/things one day at a time
  1. (informal) to not think about what will happen in the future得过且过;做一天和尚撞一天钟;过一天算一天
    • I don't know if he'll get better. We're just taking it one day at a time.我不知道他还能不能好转,我们只有过一天算一天。
that’ll be the day
  1. (informal, ironic) used when you are saying that something is very unlikely to happen那样的事永远不可能;哪有那样的事
    • Paul? Apologize? That'll be the day!保罗?道歉?那真是太阳从西边出来了!
these days
  1. (informal) used to talk about the present, especially when you are comparing it with the past(尤用于拿现在和过去比较)如今,而今
    • These days kids grow up so quickly.如今孩子们成长得真快。
those were the days
  1. (informal) used to suggest that a time in the past was happier or better than now(指过去)那才是好时光,那才是好年头
to the day
  1. exactly恰好;刚好;一天不差
    • It's been three years to the day since we met.我们整整三年没见面了。
to this day
  1. even now, when a lot of time has passed直到如今;甚至现在
    • To this day, I still don't understand why he did it.我直到今天仍然不明白他当时为什么那样做。


1period of 24 hours一天ADJECTIVE | DAY + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEthe following, (the) next第二天the previous前一天the other前幾天I was in your area the other day (= recently).前幾天我在你們那兒。one, some某一天;將來有一天I hope we meet again some day.希望我們將來有一天再見面。the very就在那一天It happened on the very day (= the same day) that Kemp was murdered.事情就發生在肯普被謀殺的那一天。The letter arrived the very next day.信就在第二天到了。auspicious, big, eventful, historic, memorable, red-letter, special吉日;重大的日子;不平凡的一天;具有歷史意義的一天;值得紀念的一天;喜慶的日子;特別的一天field大幹一番的機會The tabloid press had a field day with the latest government scandal.小報利用最近的政府醜聞大做文章。normal, ordinary普通的一天fateful, sad決定命運的一天;悲傷的日子those killed in the hail of bullets fired on that fateful day那個災難性的日子裏在槍林彈雨中喪命的人們Christmas, Independence, Mother's, Thanksgiving, etc.聖誕節、獨立日、母親節、感恩節等feast, holy宗教節日election, market, opening, pay, polling, visiting, wedding大選日;集市日;開幕日;工資發放日;投票日;訪問日;結婚日sports (BrE) (學校的)運動會日game, match (especially BrE) 比賽日rest, school, study, training休息日;學校上課日;學習日;訓練日the pattern of the school day典型的學校上課日DAY + VERBpass時光流逝He thought of her less as the days passed.隨着時間的流逝,他對她的思念越來越少。come一天到來When that day comes, I plan to be far away.那一天到來的時候,我打算遠走高飛。PREPOSITIONby the day按日He's getting stronger by the day.他一天比一天強壯。for a/the day為時⋯天They stayed for ten days.他們待了 10 天。in a/the day在⋯天之內We hope to finish the job in a few days.我們希望在幾天的時間裏完成這項工作。on the day (of)在⋯之日On the day of his wedding he was very nervous.結婚那天他非常緊張。day of⋯的日子It was the day of the big game.那是大賽之日。PHRASESday by day一天天Morale was sinking day by day.士氣一天天消沉下去。


2time between sunrise and sunset白天ADJECTIVE | VERB + DAY | DAY + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbeautiful, bright, fine, glorious, hot, nice, sunny, warm美好的一天;晴朗的一天;好天氣的日子;風和日麗的一天;炎熱的一天;陽光明媚的一天;暖和天cloudy, cold, grey/gray, rainy, windy多雲天;冷天;陰天;下雨天;颳風天autumn, fall, spring, summer, summer's, winter, winter's秋日;春日;夏日;冬日a fine summer's day晴朗的夏日fun, good, great, happy, lovely, perfect, wonderful愉快的一天;快活的一天;幸福的一天;快樂的一天Memories of happy days on the hills never fade.在山上的那些幸福日子的回憶永遠不會淡忘。bad, terrible倒霉的/糟糕的一天On a bad day chaos reigns and nobody can predict when a plane will leave.那天很倒霉,到處一片混亂,沒人能預測飛機什麼時候起飛。It's been one of the worst days of my life.那是我一生中最糟糕的日子之一。full整整一天I knew I had a full day's driving ahead of me.我知道我要開整整一天的車。VERB + DAYspend度過一天We spent the day gardening.我們幹了一天的園藝活。start開始一天Be sure to start the day with a good breakfast.每天的早飯一定要吃好。see親眼看到一天I never thought I would see the day when free elections would be held in this country.我從沒想過我能親眼看到國家自由選舉的這一天。DAY + VERBbreak, dawn天亮As day dawned I found her already hard at work.天亮時,我發現她已在辛勤工作了。go過日子How did your day go?你的日子過得怎麼樣?PREPOSITIONby day在白天We preferred to travel at night and rest by day.我們寧可夜裏趕路,白天休息。during the day在一天的時間裏for a/the day度過白天We went to the beach for the day.我們去海邊待了一天。PHRASESall day (long)整天at the end of the day到頭來day and night日日夜夜one of those days倒霉的日子It's been one of those days when everything's gone wrong.那天真倒霉,一切都亂了套。


3hours of the day when you work工作日ADJECTIVE | PHRASES ADJECTIVEwork (usually workday) (NAmE) , working (BrE) 工作日
bad, busy, hard, long, tiring倒霉的/忙碌的/辛苦的/漫長的/勞累的一天a hard day at the office辦公室裏勞累的一天good, quiet, slow順利的/安靜的/無聊的一天7-hour, 8-hour, etc. * 7 小時、8 小時等工作日I do a 9-hour day.我每天工作 9 小時。half半天sick病假I am entitled to ten paid sick days a year.我每年可享受 10 天帶薪病假。vacation (NAmE) 假日PHRASESa good day's work足足一天的工作


4(often days) particular period of time時期ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEearly, former, old, olden早期;以前;舊時in the early days of television剛有電視的那些日子school, student, young求學/學生/青年時代in his younger days他年輕的時候glory, golden, happy, heady光榮時代;黃金時代;幸福時光;令人陶醉的時光the heady days of the 'swinging sixties'“多姿多彩的 60 年代”那些令人熱血沸騰的時光dark暗淡日子the dark days of recession經濟衰退時那些灰暗的日子playing運動生涯Some players go into management once their playing days are over.一些運動員在結束運動生涯後從事管理工作。PREPOSITIONin sb's day在某人的時代Things were very different in my grandfather's day.祖父的那個年代情況大不一樣。of the day當時the government of the day當時的政府since the days of自⋯時以來Much has changed since the days of my youth.和我年輕時相比已經有了很大變化。PHRASESgone are the days when...⋯的日子一去不復返Gone are the days when you could smoke in restaurants.能在餐廳吸煙的日子一去不復返了。the bad old days, the good old days過去的糟糕日子/好時光That was in the bad old days of rampant inflation.那是在惡性通貨膨脹的苦日子裏。in this day and age在當今時代in those days在那時候the present day今天這個時代a study of drama from Ibsen to the present day從易卜生到現今的戲劇研究these days現在Kids grow up so quickly these days.現在的孩子長得真快。those were the days (used to suggest that a time in the past was better than now) 那才叫好日子
day noun
day (Did you have a good day?) period (in Queen Victoria's day) in sb's day life2 the old days past make sb's day please verb


day ♦︎ morning ♦︎ afternoon ♦︎ noon ♦︎ midday ♦︎ daytimeThese are all words for times of the day when it is not dark. 这些词均表示一天中夜晚以外的时间。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in / during the day / morning / afternoon / daytimeat / around noon / midday(on) Monday / Tuesday, etc. morning / afternoonthis / tomorrow / yesterday morning / afternoonnoon / midday tomorrow / yesterdayall / every / each / day / morning / afternoona beautiful / hot / nice / warm / cold day / morning / afternoonGood morning / afternoon!to spend the day / morning / afternoon doing sth day [uncountable, countable] the time between when it becomes light in the morning and when it gets dark in the evening; the time when you are awake, working, etc. 白昼;白天I could sit and watch the river all day long.我能坐在那里一整天看着那条河。Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night.夜行动物白天睡觉晚上猎食。The short winter days prevented them from finishing all the work.冬天白昼短,他们没能把工作做完。What a beautiful day!多么美好的一天啊!It's been a long day (= I've been very busy).忙了一整天了。Did you have a good day?你这一天过得顺利吗?She didn't do a full day's work.她并不是整天都在工作。 (BrE) a seven-hour working day七小时工作日OPP night night 1 morning [uncountable, countable] the early part of the day from the time when people wake up until 12 midday or before lunch 早上;上午They left early in the morning.他们在清晨离开了。He's been in a meeting all morning.他一上午都在开会。Our group meets on Friday mornings.我们小组成员每周五上午碰面。It was a beautiful morning, with not a cloud in the sky.那是个美好的早晨,晴空万里。OPP afternoon , evening , night night 2 afternoon [uncountable, countable] the part of the day from 12 midday until about 6 o'clock 下午;午后In the afternoon they went shopping.下午他们购物去了。Come over on Sunday afternoon.星期天下午过来吧。She studies art two afternoons a week.她每周花两个下午学习艺术。We spent a long lazy afternoon by the river.我们在河边懒洋洋地待了一下午。OPP morning noon [uncountable] 12 o'clock in the middle of the day 中午;正午The conference opens at 12 noon on Saturday.会议于星期六中午12点开幕。I'm leaving on the noon train.我坐中午的火车走。 midday [uncountable] noon; the period around noon 中午;正午时分The rain will continue until around midday tomorrow.雨会一直下到明天中午前后。Most people here eat their midday meal in the canteen.这里的人大部分都在食堂里吃午餐。They rode on through the heat of the midday sun.他们顶着中午的炎炎烈日继续骑车前行。OPP midnight night 1 daytime ˈdeɪtaɪm [uncountable] the time between when it becomes light in the morning and when it gets dark in the evening; the time during the day when a lot of people usually work 白天;白昼;日间You don't often see this bird in the daytime.这种鸟白天不常见。Daytime temperatures never fell below 80°F.白天的气温从未低于80华氏度。Please give your name, address and daytime phone number.请留下姓名、地址和日间联系电话。OPP night-time night 1 NOTE 辨析 Day or daytime?A day can either be seen as a completed whole, or as a period of time that is continuing; daytime is a period of time that is continuing, never a completed whole. * day既可看作一整天,也可看作持续的一段时间;daytime表示持续的一段时间,却不表示一整天during the day / daytime在白天I've been busy all day.我整天都在忙。I've been busy all daytime. Did you have a good day?你这一天过得顺利吗?Did you have a good daytime? Daytime is used especially in compounds. * daytime尤用于构成复合词daytime phone number / television / temperatures日间联系电话/电视节目/气温day phone number/television/temperatures

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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