a district of south-east London, on the south bank of the Thames, with many attractive old buildings and parks. The original Royal Observatory was built there in the 17th century. Its buildings now form part of the National Maritime Museum. The Millennium Dome was built in Greenwich as the main centre for Britain's celebrations for the year 2000. Maritime Greenwich was made a World Heritage Site in 1997. 格林威治(Greenwich):伦敦东南部,在泰晤士河南岸,拥有许多迷人的老建筑和公园。最初的皇家天文台建于17世纪。现在,其建筑物已成为国家海事博物馆的一部分。千年穹顶建于格林威治,是英国2000年庆祝活动的主要中心。格林威治海事博物馆于1997年被列为世界遗产。