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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 87 COCA: 92


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they use
he / she / it uses
past simple used
past participle used
-ing form using
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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  1. [transitive] to do something with a machine, a method, an object, etc. for a particular purpose使用;利用;运用
    • use something Can I use the photocopier?我可以用复印机吗?
    • He makes beer using traditional methods.他用传统方法酿造啤酒。
    • The applicator makes the glue easy to use.涂药器使胶水易于使用。
    • Have you ever used this software before?你以前用过这种软件吗?
    • The oven looked as if it had never been used.烤箱看起来好像从未用过。
    • How often do you use (= travel by) the bus?你多长时间坐一次公共汽车?
    • They were able to achieve a settlement without using military force.他们没有诉诸武力就解决了问题。
    • a little-used path through the wood人迹罕至的林间小路
    • a widely used technique for assessing the strength of metals广泛用于测算金属强度的技术
    • I have some information you may be able to use (= to get an advantage from).我有些可能对你有用的信息。
    • use something for something We used a carrot for the snowman’s nose.我们用胡萝卜做雪人的鼻子。
    • use something for doing something chemicals that are used for cleaning用于去污的化学品
    • use something to do something Police used tear gas to disperse the crowds.警察用了催泪瓦斯驱散人群。
    • This tree bark can be used to make a black dye.这种树皮可以用来制作黑色染料。
    • use something as something The building is currently being used as a warehouse.这所房子目前用作仓库。
    • You can't keep using your bad back as an excuse.你不能老拿腰疼当托辞呀。
    • use something in something The drug is also used in the treatment of cancer.这种药物也用于治疗癌症。
    Extra Examples
    • Candidates are not allowed to use dictionaries in the exam.应试者不准在考试时查字典。
    • Credit cards, used appropriately, are a great financial tool.如果使用得当,信用卡是个极好的金融工具。
    • Do you habitually use display screen equipment in your job?你工作中经常使用屏幕显示设备吗?
    • Manufacturers tend to use disks made in the US.制造商都喜欢用美国生产的磁盘。
    • The church is sometimes used as a concert venue.这个教堂有时用作音乐会场地。
    • The tennis court is sometimes used as a car park.这个网球场有时用作停车场。
    • These garden shears are lightweight and easy to use.这些园艺剪刀又轻又好用。
    • a technique that is pimarily used in eye surgery主要用于眼部手术的技术
    • an etching technique used exclusively by Picasso只有毕加索才使用的蚀刻技法
    • Don't keep asking me what to do—just use your common sense!别老是问我该做什么,你也凭常识想想!
    • You should learn to use your time more efficiently.你应该学会更有效地利用时间。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • appropriately
    • correctly
    • properly
    verb + use
    • be easy to
    • be simple to
    • be difficult to
    • as
    • for
    • permission to use something
    See full entry
  2. [transitive] use something to take a particular amount of a liquid, substance, etc. in order to achieve or make something消耗
    • This type of heater uses a lot of electricity.这种加热器耗电量很大。
    • I hope you haven't used all the milk.希望你没有把牛奶都用掉了。
    • This paint is very expensive, so please use it sparingly.这种涂料很贵,请省着点儿用。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • appropriately
    • correctly
    • properly
    verb + use
    • be easy to
    • be simple to
    • be difficult to
    • as
    • for
    • permission to use something
    See full entry
  3. [transitive] to say or write particular words or a particular type of language说,写,使用(词语或语言)
    • use something The poem uses simple language.这首诗用语简单。
    • That's a word I never use.那是我从来不用的字眼。
    • You have to use the past tense.要使用过去时。
    • ‘Ethics’ and ‘morality’ are often used interchangeably.ethics 与 morality 这两个词经常换用。
    • use something to do something ‘Pop art’ is a term used to describe a movement that began in the 1950s.“波普艺术”是一个用来描述始于20世纪50年代的运动的术语。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • appropriately
    • correctly
    • properly
    verb + use
    • be easy to
    • be simple to
    • be difficult to
    • as
    • for
    • permission to use something
    See full entry
  4. [transitive] use somebody (disapproving) to be kind, friendly, etc. to somebody with the intention of getting an advantage for yourself from them(施展手段)利用(别人) synonym exploit
    • Can't you see he's just using you for his own ends?你难道看不出他在利用你谋求私利吗?
    • I felt used.我觉得被人利用了。
  5. [transitive, intransitive] use (something) to take illegal drugs吸(毒);服用(毒品)
    • Most of the inmates have used drugs at some point in their lives.大多数囚犯都在人生的某个阶段服用过毒品。
    • (slang) She's been using since she was 13.她从 13 岁起就吸毒。
    • the factors that make people likely to use heroin使人们更易于吸食海洛因的因素
  6. Word OriginMiddle English: the noun from Old French us, from Latin usus, from uti ‘to use’; the verb from Old French user, based on Latin uti.
I, you, etc. could use something
  1. (informal) used to say that you would like to have something very much恨不得;巴不得;非常想
    • I think we could all use a drink after that!我想我们在事情办完之后都得痛快地喝一杯!
use your head
(British English also use your loaf)
  1. (informal) used to tell somebody to think about something, especially when they have asked for your opinion or said something stupid你动动脑子;你仔细想想
    • ‘Why don't you want to see him again?’ ‘Oh, use your head!’“你为什么不愿再见到他?” “唔,你好好想想吧!”
  1. [uncountable, singular] the act of using something; the state of being used用;使用;得到利用
    • A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons.化学武器已被禁止使用。
    • You can't justify the use of military force.你不能为使用武力辩护。
    • I'm not sure that this is the most valuable use of my time.我不能肯定我的时间这样安排最有价值。
    • for… use These videos are intended for classroom use.这些视频供课堂使用。
    • for use in something The software is designed for use in schools.这个软件是为学校应用设计的。
    • in use The chapel was built in the 12th century and is still in use today. 这座小教堂建于 12 世纪,今天仍在使用。
    • for the use of somebody (formal) The bar is for the use of members only.酒吧仅供会员使用。
    see also point of use
    Extra Examples
    • Drug use in this age group is on the increase.这个年龄段的吸毒人数在上升。
    • Holding a lavish party was not the best use of scarce funds.举行铺张的宴会不是对有限资金的最佳运用。
    • I don't recommend the use of chemicals in home gardens.我不主张在私家花园中使用化学制品。
    • If side effects occur, discontinue use.如果产生副作用就停止使用。
    • Only half the land was fit for immediate use.只有一半的土地能直接使用。
    • The CD is intended for use as background music.这张唱片是用作背景音乐的。
    • The layout of the furniture makes optimum use of the space available.家具的摆放很好地利用了现有的空间。
    • The phone is in constant use.这部电话总是占线。
    • The prints remain on file for future use.这些指纹都会存档,以备将来使用。
    • The study showed that 75% of people favoured the use of ID cards.研究显示,75%的人赞成使用身份证。
    • There is a high risk of developing side effects from prolonged use of the drug.长期使用该药产生副作用的风险很高。
    • This antiseptic is for external use only.这种防腐剂仅供外用。
    • This model has been designed for greater ease of use.这种样式是为使用更方便而设计的。
    • This phone number is only for use in an emergency.这个电话号码只在紧急情况下使用。
    • This room is now ready for use.这个房间现在可以用了。
    • This software is no longer in common use.这种软件已经不常用了。
    • a campaign to encourage wider use of public transport鼓励更多利用公共交通出行的运动
    • a style of writing with an excessive use of metaphor滥用比喻的写作风格
    • an article with a judicious use of examples一篇审慎使用例证的文章
    • an efficient use of resources对资源的有效利用
    • fire extinguishers for home use家用灭火器
    • for the exclusive use of club members仅供俱乐部成员使用
    • lifetime use of cigarettes终生吸烟
    • the daily use of a deodorant一种除臭剂的日常使用
    • the fair use of copyrighted material正当使用有版权的材料
    • the first country to ban the use of antidepressants in children第一个禁止给儿童使用抗抑郁药的国家
    • the sustainable use of natural resources对自然资源的可持续利用
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • considerable
    • extensive
    • great
    verb + use
    • make
    • bring something (back) into
    • come into
    • for use
    • in use
    • ease of use
    • for use as
    • ready for use
    See full entry
  2. [countable, uncountable] a purpose for which something is used; a way in which something is or can be used用途;功能;用法
    • The plant has various medical uses.这种植物有多种医疗用途。
    • This chemical has a wide range of industrial uses.这种化学品在工业上用途广泛。
    • use for something Can you find a use for this old table?你能把这张旧桌子派上用场吗?
    • I'm sure you'll think of a use for it.我相信你会给这东西找到用途的。
    • What use is a mouse without a computer?没有电脑,光有鼠标有什么用?
    see also single-use
    Extra Examples
    • The product has several potential uses.该产品的潜在用途有几种。
    • This herb has a variety of uses.这种药草有许多用途。
    • Water was reserved for drinking or medicinal uses.贮水是为了饮用或者药用。
    • Commercial activity on the site will constitute a change of use.网站上的商业活动将构成用途的改变。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • different
    • new
    • intended
    verb + use
    • have
    • find
    • put something to
    • a variety of uses
    • what use is…?
    • what’s the use of…?
    See full entry
  3. [uncountable] use (of something) the right or opportunity to use something, for example something that belongs to somebody else使用权;使用的机会
    • I have the use of the car this week.这辆汽车本周归我使用。
    see also fair use
    Extra Examples
    • They denied us use of the college library.他们不许我们使用学院图书馆。
    • Guests have free use of the hotel pool.客人可免费使用宾馆的游泳池。
    • We gave them the use of our house while we were away.我们外出时让他们住我们的房子。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • full
    verb + use
    • have
    • give somebody
    • offer (somebody)
    • use of
    See full entry
  4. [uncountable] the ability to use your mind or body运用头脑(或身体)的能力;功能
    • He lost the use of his legs (= became unable to walk) in an accident.他在一次事故中失去了双腿的功能。
    Extra Examples
    • After a while she regained the use of her fingers.过了一会儿,她的手指又重新恢复了知觉。
    • Since his stroke he hasn't had the use of his left hand.自从中风后,他的左手就失去功能了。
    • the full use of your mental faculties思维理解能力的充分发挥
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • full
    verb + use
    • have
    • give somebody
    • offer (somebody)
    • use of
    See full entry
  5. [countable] a particular word or phrase, used with a particular meaning说,写,使用(词语或语言)
    • The phrase ‘all told’ comes from an old use of the verb ‘tell’, meaning ‘to count’.短语“全部告诉”来自动词“告诉”的一个旧用法,意思是“计数”。
  6. Word OriginMiddle English: the noun from Old French us, from Latin usus, from uti ‘to use’; the verb from Old French user, based on Latin uti.
be no use (to somebody)
(also formal be of no use)
  1. to not be useful or helpful无用
    • You can throw those away—they're no use to anyone.那些东西你可以扔了,它们对谁都没用。
    • It's of no practical use to me.这对我没什么实际用途。
be of use (to somebody)
  1. (formal) to be useful有用;有帮助
    • Can I be of any use (= can I help)?有什么要我帮忙的吗?
    • Could this old coat be of use to you?这件旧大衣你用得着吗 ?
    In questions, you can leave out ‘of’: Is it any use to you?
come into/go out of, etc. use
  1. to start/stop being used开始/停止使用
    • When did this word come into common use?这个词是什么时候普遍使用起来的?
    • These pesticides are gradually going out of use.这些杀虫剂正逐渐停止使用。
    Extra Examples
    • The expression went out of use some time ago.这个表达方式不久前已停止使用。
    • a technology which came into use at the end of the last century上个世纪末开始使用的技术
have no use for somebody
  1. to dislike somebody讨厌(或憎恶)…的人
    • I've no use for people who don't make an effort.我厌恶那些不努力的人。
    Topics Preferences and decisionsc2
have no use for something
  1. to not need something不需要;用不着
    • Living underground and having little use for eyes, moles are virtually blind.鼹鼠生活在地下,眼睛用处不大,实际上是瞎的。
    • I have no use for my golf clubs any more.我已不需要我的高尔夫球杆了。
have its/their/your uses
  1. (informal, often humorous) to be useful sometimes有时用得着的;偶尔可派上用场
    • I know you don't like him, but he has his uses.我知道你不喜欢他,但他有时还用得着。
it’s no use (doing something) | what’s the use (of doing something)?
  1. used to say that there is no point in doing something because it will not be successful or have a good result没有意义;没有用处
    • What's the use of worrying about it?为此事操心有什么用呢?
    • It's no use—I can't persuade her.没用,我劝不了她。
    Extra Examples
    • It's no use running—the train has already gone.跑也没用了 - 火车已经开走了。
    • What's the use of denying it?否认它有什么用?
    Topics Difficulty and failurec1
make use of something/somebody
  1. to use something/somebody, especially in order to get an advantage使用;利用(以谋私利等)
    • We could make better use of our resources.我们可以更有效地利用我们的资源。
    • to make effective use of technology有效利用技术
    • You should make use of your contacts.你应该利用你的人际关系。
    Extra Examples
    • We made use of the car while you were away.你不在时,我们用了一下汽车。
    • He made full use of the opportunity to travel.他充分利用了这个机会旅行。
put something to good use
  1. to be able to use something for a purpose, and get an advantage from doing so有效使用(或利用)
    • She'll be able to put her languages to good use in her new job.她在新工作中应该可以好好运用她会的各种语言。
    • Don't throw that box away—I'm sure I could put it to some use.别把那只箱子扔掉,我肯定我还能用得着它。
BNC: 87 COCA: 92


1using; being used使用;應用ADJECTIVE | VERB + USE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable, extensive, great, heavy, liberal大量使用;廣泛使用;自由運用full, maximum充分利用;最大限度的使用He made full use of the opportunity to travel.他充分利用了這個機會旅行。excessive過多的使用a style of writing with an excessive use of metaphor濫用比喻的寫作風格increased, increasing增多的/越來越多的使用constant, continued, daily, everyday, frequent, regular, repeated, routine經常使用;持續使用;日常使用;定期使用;重複利用the daily use of a deodorant一種除臭劑的日常使用long-term, prolonged長期使用There is a high risk of developing side effects from prolonged use of the drug.長期使用該藥產生副作用的風險很高。lifetime終生使用lifetime use of cigarettes終生吸煙future未來使用The prints remain on file for future use.這些指紋都會存檔,以備將來使用。wide, widespread廣泛使用a campaign to encourage wider use of public transport鼓勵更多利用公共交通出行的運動common, current, general, normal, ordinary常用;現今的使用;正常使用;一般的使用This software is no longer in common use.這種軟件已經不常用了。limited有限的使用occasional偶爾使用effective, efficient, good, judicious, optimum有效使用;高效利用;充分使用;審慎使用;最佳利用an efficient use of resources對資源的有效利用Holding a party was not the best use of scarce funds.舉行宴會不是利用短缺資金的最佳方式。an article with a judicious use of examples一篇審慎使用例證的文章The layout of the furniture makes optimum use of the space available.傢具的擺放很好地利用了現有的空間。appropriate, correct, fair, legitimate, proper適當/正確/公平/合法/恰當使用the fair use of copyrighted material正當使用有版權的材料clever, innovative, skilful/skillful聰明的/創造性的/巧妙的運用selective有選擇的使用careful, safe小心/安全使用inappropriate, indiscriminate, poor不恰當的/不加選擇的/不當的使用illegal, illicit, improper, unauthorized非法使用;不合適的使用;未經授權的使用sustainable可持續的使用the sustainable use of natural resources對自然資源的可持續利用personal, private為個人目的的使用external, internal外用;內用This antiseptic is for external use only.這種防腐劑僅供外用。home家用fire extinguishers for home use家用滅火器recreational娛樂用clinical, commercial, industrial, non-commercial臨牀應用;商用;工業應用;非商用official官方使用exclusive專用for the exclusive use of club members僅供俱樂部成員使用free免費使用Guests have free use of the hotel pool.客人可免費使用賓館的游泳池。immediate直接使用Only half the land was fit for immediate use.只有一半的土地能直接使用。alcohol, drug, heroin, substance, etc.飲酒、吸毒、吸食海洛因、服用毒品等Drug use in this age group is on the increase.這個年齡段的吸毒人數在上升。condom, contraceptive避孕套的使用;使用避孕品pesticide殺蟲劑的使用land土地使用language語言的運用energy能源的耗用Internet因特網的使用VERB + USEmakeWe made use of the car while you were away.你不在時,我們用了一下汽車。bring sth (back) into, come into再使用⋯;開始使用a technology which came into use at the end of the last century上個世紀末開始使用的技術go out of不再使用The expression went out of use some time ago.這個表達方式不久前已停止使用。enable使⋯得到應用Advances in battery technology would enable more widespread use of solar energy.電池技術的進步會使太陽能的應用更為廣泛。facilitate方便使用allow, permit允許使用legalize使⋯的使用合法化ban, forbid, outlaw, prohibit禁止⋯的使用;宣佈使用⋯為非法行為the first country to ban the use of antidepressants in children第一個禁止給兒童使用抗抑鬱藥的國家regulate規範⋯的使用preclude杜絕使用curb, curtail, limit, restrict限制使用maximize, minimize最大限度地使用;最低限度地使用increase增加使用decrease, reduce減少使用discontinue中斷使用If side effects occur, discontinue use.如果產生副作用就停止使用。advocate, encourage, promote, recommend倡導/鼓勵/推廣/推薦使用I don't recommend the use of chemicals in home gardens.我不主張在私家花園中使用化學製品。condone, sanction寬恕/批准使用approve, endorse, favour/favor, support同意/認可/贊成/支持使用The study showed that 75% of people favoured / favored the use of ID cards.研究表明,75% 的人贊成使用身分證。discourage, oppose不鼓勵/反對使用pioneer率先使用the company which pioneered the use of screen savers as entertainment率先開發屏保的娛樂用途的公司justify證明使用⋯有道理You can't justify the use of violence.你無法讓人信服使用暴力是合理的。PREPOSITIONfor use為了使用This phone number is only for use in an emergency.這個電話號碼只在緊急情況下使用。in use在⋯使用中The phone is in constant use.這部電話總是佔線。PHRASESease of use使用方便This model has been designed for greater ease of use.這種樣式是為使用更方便而設計的。for use as用作⋯The CD is intended for use as background music.這張唱片是用作背景音樂的。ready for use隨時可用This room is now ready for use.這個房間現在可以用了。


2purpose for which sth is used使用目的ADJECTIVE | VERB + USE | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdifferent不同的用途new新用途intended預期的用途potential潛在的用途The product has several potential uses.該產品的潛在用途有幾種。medicinal藥用Water was reserved for drinking or medicinal uses.貯水是為了飲用或者藥用。VERB + USEhave有⋯用途This herb has a variety of uses.這種藥草有許多用途。find, put sth to找到用途;把⋯派上用場Can you find a use for this old table?你能把這張舊桌子派上用場嗎?Don't throw that box away-I'm sure I could put it to some use.別把那個盒子扔了 - 我肯定能把它派上用場。PHRASESa variety of uses各種各樣的功能what use is...?, what's the use of...?⋯有什麼用?What use is a mouse without a computer?沒有電腦,光有鼠標有什麼用?What's the use of denying it?否認它有什麼用?


3ability/permission to use sth使用能力;使用許可ADJECTIVE | VERB + USE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEfull充分發揮the full use of your mental faculties思維理解能力的充分發揮VERB + USEhave具備能力Since his stroke he hasn't had the use of his left hand.自從中風後,他的左手就失去功能了。give sb, offer (sb)給予(某人)使用權We gave them the use of our house while we were away.我們外出時讓他們住我們的房子。deny sb不許某人使用They denied us use of the college library.他們不許我們使用學院圖書館。lose喪失功能recover, regain恢復/重新使用After a while she regained the use of her fingers.過了一會兒,她的手指又重新恢復了知覺。PREPOSITIONuse of⋯的功能She lost the use of her legs in a car accident.在一次車禍中她的雙腿喪失了功能。


4how useful sth is效用ADJECTIVE | VERB + USE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEpractical實際效用VERB + USEbe of有用Could this old coat be of use to you?這件舊大衣你用得着嗎 ?have用得着I have no use for my golf clubs any more.我已不需要我的高爾夫球杆了。PREPOSITIONof... use有用It's of no practical use to me.這對我沒什麼實際用途。use to對⋯有用處Is it any use to you?這個對你有用嗎?PHRASESbe no use毫無益處It's no use running-the train has already gone.跑也沒用了 - 火車已經開走了。


ADVERB | VERB + USE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBappropriately, correctly, properly恰當使用;正確使用Credit cards, used appropriately, are a great financial tool.如果使用得當,信用卡是個極好的金融工具。effectively, efficiently, successfully有效/高效/成功使用improperly, inappropriately, indiscriminately不當使用;不加選擇地使用carefully, cautiously, judiciously, responsibly, selectively, sparingly小心/謹慎/審慎/負責任地/有選擇地/節省着使用This paint is very expensive, so please use it sparingly.這種塗料很貴,請省着點兒用。safely安全使用interchangeably, synonymously可互換使用;用作同義詞'Ethics' and 'morality' are often used interchangeably.ethics 與 morality 這兩個詞經常換用。concurrently, simultaneously同時使用consistently, frequently, generally, habitually, normally, regularly, routinely, typically, usually一貫使用;經常使用;普遍使用;習慣性使用;通常使用;日常使用;一般使用Do you habitually use display screen equipment in your job?你工作中經常使用屏幕顯示設備嗎?mainly, primarily主要使用a technique that is pimarily used in eye surgery主要用於眼部手術的技術exclusively僅僅使用an etching technique used exclusively by Picasso只有畢加索才使用的蝕刻技法liberally自由使用infrequently, occasionally, rarely不常使用;偶爾使用;罕用originally最初使用conventionally, traditionally傳統上使用commercially商業上應用up用盡The oil had all been used up.油已全部用盡。VERB + USEbe easy to, be simple to易於使用These garden shears are lightweight and easy to use.這些園藝剪刀又輕又好用。be difficult to, be hard to很難用be ready to準備使用be likely to, tend to很可能/傾向於使用the factors that make people likely to use heroin使人們更易於吸食海洛因的因素Manufacturers tend to use disks made in the US.製造商都喜歡用美國生產的磁盤。allow sb to, be entitled to, let sb, permit sb to允許某人使用;有權使用Candidates are not allowed to use dictionaries in the exam.應試者不准在考試時查字典。forbid sb to禁止某人使用teach sb to教某人使用PREPOSITIONas用作The church is sometimes used as a concert venue.這個教堂有時用作音樂會場地。for用於chemicals that are used for cleaning用於去污的化學品PHRASESpermission to use sth使用⋯的許可
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use verb
use1 (use a computer/the bus) use2 (use electricity/all the milk) exploit (I felt used.) take9 (use drugs)
use noun
use (software for use in schools) function (I'm sure you'll think of a use for it.) make use of sb/sth use verb1 of use useful adj.


use ♦︎ application ♦︎ practice ♦︎ exerciseThese are all words for the act of using sth or doing sth. 这些词均表示使用、实践、运用。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配effective / proper / continued / normal use / application / practice / exercisefull / constant use / application / exercisefree use / practice / exercisecommon / current / correct / safe / commercial / industrial / clinical use / application / practicesth has a use / an applicationto limit / regulate / justify the use / practice / exercise of sth use [uncountable, singular] the act of using sth; the state of being used; the right or opportunity to use sth, for example sth that belongs to sb else; the ability to use your mind or body 用;得到利用;使用权;使用的机会;人体机能The software is designed for use in schools.这个软件是为学校应用设计的。The chapel was built in the 12th century and is still in use today.这座小教堂建于12世纪,今天仍在使用。The bar is for the use of members only.该酒吧仅供会员使用。I have the use of the car this week.这辆汽车本周归我使用。He lost the use of his legs (= became unable to walk) in an accident.他在一次事故中双腿失去了功能。 see also use function noun application [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) the practical use of sth, especially a theory, discovery or invention (尤指理论、发现或发明的)应用,运用This essay examines the application of new technology to teaching.这篇文章探讨了新技术在教学上的应用。The new invention would have a wide range of applications in industry.这项新发明将在工业中得到广泛应用。 see also apply apply 1 practice [uncountable] action rather than ideas 实践;实际行动The book is about the theory and practice of teaching.这本书是讲教学理论与实践的。She's determined to put her new ideas into practice.她决心要把自己的新想法付诸实践。 see also put sth into practice apply 1 , practise do 1 exercise [uncountable] (always followed by of 总是后接of) (rather formal) the use of power, a skill, a quality or the right to make sth happen 行使;运用;使用Sovereignty means more than just the exercise of power.主权并不单单意味着权力的行使。One of these powers is the exercise of discretion by police officers.这些权力中有一项是警察酌处权的行使。use1


use a computer/the bus/force/your common sense 用计算机;坐公共汽车;诉诸武力;运用常识use electricity/all the milk 耗电;把牛奶用光 See also the entry for apply 1 另见apply条第1义use ♦︎ exercise ♦︎ employ ♦︎ draw on/upon sth ♦︎ exert ♦︎ make use of sb/sth ♦︎ utilize ♦︎ resort to sth ♦︎ fall back on sb/sthThese words all mean to do sth with a machine, method, object, skill or opportunity for a particular purpose. 这些词均表示使用、利用、运用。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to use / employ / utilize sth as sthto use / employ / draw on / make use of / utilize / resort to / fall back on sth to do sthto use / exercise / employ / draw on / make use of / utilize / fall back on (a) skillto use / employ / make use of / utilize / resort to / fall back on a method / techniqueto use / exercise / employ / resort to violenceto use / exercise / exert your influence / power / authorityto use / employ / draw on / make use of / utilize resourcesto use / make use of / utilize the facilities / a service / an opportunityto often / frequently use / exercise / employ / draw on / make use of / utilize / resort to sb / sthto usually use / exercise / employ / resort to sb / sthto commonly / occasionally use / employ / resort to sb / sthto rarely use / exercise / employ / draw on / resort to sb / sthto use / exercise / employ sb / sth widelyto use / employ / draw on / utilize sb / sth extensivelyto use / draw on / utilize sb / sth heavily use [transitive] to do sth with a machine, method, object, skill or opportunity for a particular purpose 使用,利用,运用(机器、方法、器具、技巧或机会)Can I use your phone?我可以用一下你的电话吗?Have you ever used this software before?你以前用过这种软件吗?How often do you use (= travel by) the bus?你多长时间坐一次公共汽车?The blue files are used for storing old invoices.蓝色卷宗是用来存放旧发票的。Police used tear gas to disperse the crowds.警察使用催泪瓦斯驱散人群。Don't keep asking me what to do-just use your common sense!别老是问我该做什么,你也凭常识想想!Of all the synonyms in this group, use is most frequently used to talk about doing things with objects. 在本组所有同义词中,use最常指使用器具做某事to use a computer / comb / dictionary / fork / pen / pencil / phone / spoon / weapon, etc.使用计算机/梳子/词典/叉子/钢笔/铅笔/电话/勺子/武器等 exercise [transitive] (formal) to use your power, rights or personal qualities in order to achieve sth 行使,使用,运用(权力、权利或个人特质)He was a man who exercised considerable influence over people.他是个对别人有相当影响的人。When she appeared in court she exercised her right to remain silent.她出庭时行使了自己保持沉默的权利。 employ [transitive] (formal) to use sth such as a skill or method for a particular purpose 应用,运用,使用(技巧或方法等)He criticized the repressive methods employed by the country's government.他批评了该国政府所采取的镇压手段。The police had to employ force to enter the building.警察不得不强行进入大楼。 ˈdraw on sth ˈdraw upon sth

phrasal verb

(drew, drawn) (rather formal) to use a supply of sth that is available to you 凭借,利用,动用(可用的资源)I'll have to draw on my savings.我只得动用我的存款了。The novelist draws heavily on her personal experiences.这位小说家在很大程度上是以她的亲身经历为素材。Draw on/upon sth is most often used to talk about people using experience, a range of styles, information, data, a theory, research findings and knowledge in their work. * draw on/upon sth最常表示人们在工作中利用experience、a range of styles、information、data、a theory、research findings和knowledge。
exert ɪgˈzɜːt; NAmE ɪgˈzɜːrt [transitive] (rather formal) to use your power or influence in order to achieve sth; to have a powerful effect on sb/sth 运用,行使,施加(权力或影响力)He exerted all his authority to make them accept the plan.他利用他的一切权势让他们接受这个计划。The moon exerts a force on the earth that causes the tides.月球对地球的吸引力引起潮汐。NOTE 辨析 Exercise or exert?A person or thing can exert power, authority, influence, pressure or force in a way that affects sb/sth. Only a person can exercise sth, but as well as power, authority and influence they can also exercise a right or privilege, or personal qualities such as care, caution, tact, discretion, diplomacy, judgement, discipline, restraint and self-control. * exert的主语是人或事物,搭配词有power、authority、influence、pressure或force。exercise的主语只能是人,其后既可接power、authority和influence,亦可接right或privilege,还可指人运用个人特质,如care、caution、tact、discretion、diplomacy、judgement、discipline、restraint和self-control等。 make ˈuse of sb/sth


(made, made)to use sb/sth, especially in order to get an advantage 使用;利用(以谋私利等)We could make better use of our resources.我们可以更有效地利用我们的资源。You should make use of your contacts.你应该利用你的人际关系。
utilize (BrE also utilise) ˈjuːtəlaɪz [transitive] (formal) to use sth, especially for a practical purpose 使用;利用;应用The Romans were the first to utilize concrete as a building material.罗马人最先使用混凝土作建筑材料。The resources at our disposal could have been better utilized.我们所掌握的资源本来可以利用得更好。 resort to sth

phrasal verb

to make use of sth, especially sth bad, as a means of achieving sth, often because there is no other possible solution (不得不)诉诸,求助于,依靠(尤指不好的东西)They felt obliged to resort to violence.他们觉得有必要诉诸暴力。We may have to resort to using untrained workers.我们也许只能使用未受过训练的员工了。Typical collocates of resort to are bribery, force, terror and violence. * resort to的常见搭配词有bribery、force、terror和violence。
ˌfall ˈback on sb/sth

phrasal verb

(fell, fallen) [no passive] to have sth to use or go to sb for support when you are in difficulty 求助于;借助;转而依靠I have a little money in the bank to fall back on.我在银行还有一点钱,需要时可以动用。She fell back on her usual excuse of having no time.她以她惯用的理由推说没有时间。


use a computer/the bus/force/your common sense 用计算机;坐公共汽车;诉诸武力;运用常识use electricity/all the milk 耗电;把牛奶用光use ♦︎ use sth up ♦︎ consume ♦︎ expend ♦︎ deplete ♦︎ drain ♦︎ absorb ♦︎ exhaust ♦︎ get through sthThese words all mean to take sth for a particular purpose so that there is less or none of it left. 这些词均表示消耗、耗费、耗尽。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to use / use up / consume / expend / deplete / drain / absorb / exhaust resourcesto use / use up / deplete / exhaust a supply / supplies of sthto use / deplete / drain / exhaust reserves of sthto use / use up / consume / expend moneyto use / deplete / drain / exhaust fundsto use / consume / expend / absorb timeto use / use up / consume / expend / drain / absorb / exhaust energyto use / use up / consume / deplete / absorb / exhaust sth quicklyto consume / deplete / absorb / exhaust sth rapidlyto use up / consume / drain / absorb / exhaust sth completely use [transitive] to take a particular amount of time, money, energy or a substance in order to achieve or make sth 消耗(时间、金钱、能量或物料)This type of heater uses a lot of electricity.这种加热器耗电量很大。I hope you haven't used all the milk.我希望你没有把牛奶用光。You should learn to use your time more efficiently.你应该学会更有效地利用时间。 ˌuse sth ˈup

phrasal verb

to use all of sth so that there is none left 用尽;花光;吃光Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables.把剩下的蔬菜全部用来做汤是个好办法。I'm wondering how to arrange the furniture without using up too much space.我正琢磨怎样摆放家具才不占用太多空间。
consume kənˈsjuːm; NAmE kənˈsuːm [transitive] (rather formal, written) to use sth, especially fuel, energy or time 消耗,耗费(尤指燃料、能量或时间)My new car consumes much less fuel.我的新车耗油少很多。The production of new paper from wood pulp consumes vast amounts of energy.用木浆造新纸耗费大量能源。People do not usually consume resources, but things and processes do. * consume表示耗费资源时,主语通常不能是人,而是事物和过程The government has consumed large sums of public money. Bureaucracy consumes money that could have been spent on public services.官僚体制耗费的钱本可以花在公共事业上。 see also consume eat consumption kənˈsʌmpʃn


[uncountable] Gas and oil consumption always increases in cold weather.燃气和燃油的消耗量在天冷时总会增加。
expend ɪkˈspend [transitive] (formal) to use sth, especially time, money, energy or effort 花费,消费,耗费(尤指时间、金钱、能量或精力)The government has expended large sums of public money on a failing project.政府在一个失败的项目上花费了巨额公帑。Unlike most animals, mussels do not expend energy looking for food.与大多数动物不同,蚌不在觅食上花费精力。 see also spend spend 1 expenditure ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)


[uncountable] This study represents a major expenditure of time and effort.这项研究意味着要耗费大量的时间和精力。
deplete dɪˈpliːt [transitive, usually passive] (rather formal) to reduce sth by a large amount so that there is not enough left 大量减少;耗尽;使枯竭Food supplies were severely depleted.食品供应已严重不足。Fossil fuel reserves are being depleted at an alarming rate.矿物燃料的贮藏量正以惊人的速度耗减。 depletion dɪˈpliːʃn


[uncountable] ozone depletion臭氧耗损the depletion of fish stocks鱼类的数量锐减
drain [transitive] to make sb/sth poorer or weaker, by using up their/its money or strength 使(金钱或力气)耗尽My mother's hospital expenses were slowly draining away my income.我母亲的住院开销把我的收入渐渐耗光了。I felt drained of energy.我感到筋疲力尽。The experience left her emotionally drained.这次经历使她心灰意懒。 a drain on sth


[singular] Military spending is a huge drain on the country's resources.军费开支是对国家财力的巨大消耗。
absorb [transitive] to use up a large supply of sth, especially money or time 耗费,耗去(大量金钱、时间等)The new proposals would absorb $80 million of the federal budget.这些新提案将耗费联邦政府8 000万元的预算。 exhaust ɪgˈzɔːst [transitive] (rather formal) to use sth up 用尽;花光;吃光Within three days they had exhausted their supply of food.他们在三天之内就把贮存的食物吃光了。Don't give up until you have exhausted all the possibilities.只要还有可能就别放弃。NOTE 辨析 Use sth up or exhaust? Exhaust is rather formal and is used especially when talking about using up things in large quantities or things which are very important. Use sth up is used especially to talk about smaller quantities of less important things. * exhaust颇为正式,尤指耗尽量大或很重要的东西。use sth up尤指用光量较小且不太重要的东西They had exhausted their food supply.他们把贮存的食物吃光了。They had used up their food supply. Sorry-I've used up the milk.对不起,我把牛奶用光了。Sorry-I've exhausted the milk. ˈget through sth

phrasal verb

(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten)to use a large amount of sth 大量消耗We got through a fortune while we were in New York!我们在纽约时花掉了一大笔钱!We get through a lot of paper in the office.我们办公室的用纸量很大。
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