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TOEFL BNC: 1697 COCA: 2034


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they escape
he / she / it escapes
past simple escaped
past participle escaped
-ing form escaping
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  1. [intransitive, transitive] to get away from a place where you have been kept as a prisoner or not allowed to leave(从监禁或管制中)逃跑,逃走,逃出
    • Two prisoners have escaped.两名犯人逃走了。
    • They were caught trying to escape.他们在试图逃走时被抓了
    • escape from somebody/something He escaped from prison this morning.他今天早上从监狱里逃跑了。
    • She attempted to escaped from the pirates holding her hostage.她试图从劫持她的海盗手中逃脱。
    • escape somebody/something She managed to escape her captors.她设法逃脱了抓她的人。
    • He escaped prison with two other inmates.他和另外两个囚犯一起越狱了。
    Extra Examples
    • Apparently, they had escaped somehow and gotten home.显然,他们想方设法逃回了家里。
    • He got hurt while struggling to escape.他奋力逃脱时受了伤。
    • It was stupid of Lee to let them escape.李真蠢,让他们逃了。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • barely
    • just
    • narrowly
    verb + escape
    • cannot
    • be impossible to
    • be easy to
    • from
    • into
    • to
    • escape alive
    • escape somebody’s clutches
    • escape from it all
    See full entry
  2. [intransitive, transitive] to get away from or avoid something unpleasant or dangerous避开,避免(不愉快或危险的事物)
    • Although he had no idea what life there would be like, he had to take the chance to escape.虽然他不知道那里的生活会是什么样子,但他必须抓住机会逃跑。
    • escape from something She managed to escape from the burning car.她设法从燃烧的汽车里逃了出来。
    • escape into/to something (figurative) As a child he would often escape into a dream world of his own.小时候他常常躲进自己的梦幻世界中。
    • We were able to escape to the countryside during the summer months.在夏天的几个月里,我们得以逃到乡下。
    • escape with something I escaped with only minor injuries.我逃脱了,只受了点轻伤。
    • + adj. Both drivers escaped unhurt.两个驾驶员都幸免于难,安然无恙。
    • to escape unharmed/uninjured/unscathed安然无恙地逃脱
    • escape something She was lucky to escape punishment.她逃脱惩罚真是幸运。
    • They were glad to have escaped the clutches of winter for another year.他们很高兴又一年躲过了寒冬的魔爪。
    • The pilot escaped death by seconds.这名飞行员数秒之内死里逃生。
    • There was no escaping the fact that he was overweight.他身体超重这一事实是无法回避的。
    • escape doing something He narrowly escaped being killed.他险些丧命。
    More Like This Verbs usually followed by -ing formsVerbs usually followed by -ing forms
    Extra Examples
    • I need to escape. I want to go away from here.我得逃出去,我要离开这里。
    • It was easy to escape in the confusion of the besieged city.趁着被围城市的混乱很容易逃脱。
    • The survivors barely escape in whatever ships they can find.幸存者看到不管什么船都上,这才勉强得以逃脱。
    • pilots who successfully escaped while their aircraft was being shot down飞机被击落时成功逃生的飞行员
    • Thieves escaped with property worth over $5 000.窃贼带着价值 5,000 多美元的财产逃走了。
    • We would always go there to escape from it all.我们总是到那里以摆脱这一切。
    • She eventually escaped to the US.她最后逃到了美国。
    • They escaped into the forest.他们逃进了森林。
    • She only just escaped with her life.她好险捡回了自己的命。
    • The driver escaped without injury.司机逃生,毫发无损。
    • Tony may never escape his emotional struggle.或许托尼永远都无法摆脱情感挣扎。
    • a lonely man who wants to escape his lifestyle一个想要摆脱现有生活方式的孤独男人
    • He had managed to escape the clutches of the police yet again.他再次设法摆脱了警察的控制。
    • Scotland seems to have escaped the worst of the recession.苏格兰似乎躲过了最严重的经济衰退。
    • She managed to escape the fate of the other rebels.她总算逃过了其他造反者的厄运。
    • The city largely escaped bombing in the campaign.这次战役中,该市几乎未遭轰炸。
    • So far the robbers have escaped justice.那些抢劫犯至今依然逍遥法外。
    • He fled the country to escape the king's wrath.他逃离了这个国家以避开国王的惩罚。
    • The head of department cannot entirely escape responsibility for this situation.系主任不能完全逃脱造成这种情况的责任。
    • The police will not escape criticism in this affair.在这件事情上,警方免不了会受到批评。
    • No man can escape his destiny.没有人能逃脱自己的宿命。
    Topics Dangerb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • barely
    • just
    • narrowly
    verb + escape
    • cannot
    • be impossible to
    • be easy to
    • from
    • into
    • to
    • escape alive
    • escape somebody’s clutches
    • escape from it all
    See full entry
  3. [transitive, no passive] escape somebody/something to be forgotten or not noticed被忘掉;被忽视;未被注意
    • Her name escapes me (= I can't remember it).我记不起她的名字了。
    • It might have escaped your notice, but I'm very busy at the moment.也许你没注意到,可我此刻忙得不可开交。
    Extra Examples
    • errors that had escaped my notice我没注意到的错误
    • They're so small they can easily escape notice.他们这么矮小,很容易避开他人的注意。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • barely
    • just
    • narrowly
    verb + escape
    • cannot
    • be impossible to
    • be easy to
    • from
    • into
    • to
    • escape alive
    • escape somebody’s clutches
    • escape from it all
    See full entry
  4. [intransitive] (of gases, liquids, etc.气体、液体等) to get out of a container, especially through a hole漏出;泄漏;渗出
    • Put a lid on to prevent heat escaping.盖上盖子,以免热气跑了。
    • escape into something toxic waste escaping into the sea流入大海的有毒废料
    Extra Examples
    • The container is sealed so the gas has no means of escaping into the air.这个容器是密封的,所以气体无法逃逸到空气中。
    • As he twisted the pipe a trickle of water escaped.在他转动管子的时候,一股细细的水流了出来。
  5. [transitive, intransitive] escape (something) (of a sound声音) to come out from your mouth without you intending it to(不自觉地)由…发出
    • A groan escaped her lips.她不由得发出一声呻吟。
  6. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French eschaper, based on medieval Latin ex- ‘out’ + cappa ‘cloak’. Compare with escapade.
close, lock, etc. the barn door after the horse has escaped (North American English)
(British English close, lock, etc. the stable door after the horse has bolted)
  1. to try to prevent or avoid loss or damage when it is already too late to do so马跑了才去关厩门;贼走关门,为时已晚


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  1. [countable, uncountable] the act or a method of escaping from a place or an unpleasant or dangerous situation逃跑;逃脱;逃避
    • I had a narrow escape (= I was lucky to have escaped).我是死里逃生。
    • He had a lucky escape when his car skidded out of control.当他的车失控时,他幸运地逃脱了。
    • As soon as he turned his back, she would make her escape.他一转身,她就逃跑。
    • escape from something an escape from a prisoner of war camp从战俘营中逃出
    • There was no hope of escape from her disastrous marriage.她无望从不幸的婚姻中解脱出来。
    • He took an elaborate escape route from South Africa to Britain.他周密安排了一条路线从南非逃往英国。
    see also fire escape
    Extra Examples
    • A driver had a lucky escape after a brick was dropped on his car from an overhead bridge.司机幸运地躲过了从高架桥掉在车上的砖块。
    • Celine has been plotting her escape for months.数月来塞莉纳一直在密谋逃跑。
    • He had a narrow escape from gunfire.他从炮火中死里逃生。
    • He made his escape through the window.他越窗逃走。
    • He stepped in front of me, blocking my escape.他一步跨到我前面,挡住了我逃脱的去路。
    • I made a hasty escape.我仓促逃跑。
    • She looked around for a means of escape.她环顾四周寻找逃跑方法。
    • The ground became swamped, allowing no escape.地面成了一片泥沼,无法逃脱。
    • There was clearly no possibility of escape.很明显没有逃跑的可能。
    • Together they formulated an escape plan.他们一起制订了一个逃生计划。
    • a group of slaves that attempted an escape一群试图逃跑的奴隶
    • one of the greatest escapes of all time有史以来的最大逃亡之一
    • the daring escape of a Resistance fighter from prison抵抗运动战士的英勇越狱
    Topics Dangerb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • attempted
    • successful
    • great
    verb + escape
    • make
    • make good
    • plan
    escape + noun
    • attempt
    • bid
    • route
    • escape from
    • a means of escape
    • a way of escape
    • a possibility of escape
    See full entry
  2. [singular, uncountable] a way of forgetting something unpleasant or difficult for a short time逃避现实;(暂时的)解脱,消遣
    • Craig finds escape in dreams.克雷格在睡梦中获得解脱。
    • escape from something For her, travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life.对她来说,旅行是为了从乏味的日常生活中暂时解脱出来。
    Extra Examples
    • For many, the ultimate escape is a tranquil beach filled with white sand.对于很多人而言,铺满白沙的宁静海滩是休闲消遣的绝佳去处。
    • This play offered an escape from the everyday.这个游戏让人可以从日常事务中解脱一下。
    • city dwellers seeking escape from stress寻求远离压力的城市居民
    • young people's need for temporary escape from the demanding journey into adulthood年轻人需要暂时避开步入成年的艰辛历程
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • close
    • narrow
    • near
    verb + escape
    • have
    • plan
    • plot
    • escape from
    See full entry
  3. [countable] the fact of a liquid, gas, etc. coming out of a pipe or container by accident; the amount that comes out漏出,溢出,渗出(量)
    • an escape of gas漏气
  4. [uncountable]
    (also escape key [countable])
    (computing计算机) a button on a computer keyboard that you press to stop a particular operation or leave a programEsc 键;退出键
    • Press escape to get back to the menu.按 Esc 键,退回到菜单。
    Topics Computersc2
  5. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French eschaper, based on medieval Latin ex- ‘out’ + cappa ‘cloak’. Compare with escapade.
make good your escape
  1. (formal) to manage to escape completely成功地逃脱
    • He made good his escape from a crowd of journalists by jumping over a barrier.他跳过一个障碍物,躲过了一群记者。
    • I found an open door and made good my escape.我发现有扇门开着,就成功逃走了。
TOEFL BNC: 1697 COCA: 2034


1getting away from a place逃離ADJECTIVE | VERB + ESCAPE | ESCAPE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEattempted逃跑未遂successful成功逃脫great大逃亡one of the greatest escapes of all time有史以來的最大逃亡之一daring勇敢的逃離the daring escape of a Resistance fighter from prison抵抗運動戰士的英勇越獄hasty, quick倉促逃跑;迅速逃脫I made a hasty escape.我倉促逃跑。VERB + ESCAPEmake, make good逃脫;成功逃脫He made his escape through the window.他越窗逃走。I found an open door and made good my escape.我發現有扇門開着,就成功逃走了。plan計劃逃跑attempt企圖逃跑a group of slaves that attempted an escape一群試圖逃跑的奴隸block, prevent挫敗逃跑企圖;阻止逃脫He stepped in front of me, blocking my escape.他一步跨到我前面,擋住了我逃脫的去路。allow可以逃脫The ground became swamped, allowing no escape.地面成了一片泥沼,無法逃脫。ESCAPE + NOUNattempt, bid (especially BrE) 逃脫嘗試route逃跑路線vehicle逃逸飛行器hatch, ladder, tunnel安全艙;應急梯;逃生隧道plan逃離計劃Together they formulated an escape plan.他們一起制訂了一個逃生計劃。PREPOSITIONescape from從⋯逃離his escape from the prison camp他逃離戰俘營PHRASESa means of escape, a way of escape逃跑方法She looked around for a means of escape.她環顧四周尋找逃跑方法。a possibility of escape逃跑的可能性There was clearly no possibility of escape.很明顯沒有逃跑的可能。


2avoiding sth unpleasant or boring避開ADJECTIVE | VERB + ESCAPE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEclose, narrow, near很險的躲過lucky, miraculous, remarkable僥幸躲過;奇跡般躲過A driver had a lucky escape after a brick was dropped on his car from a bridge.司機幸運地躲過了從橋上掉到車上的磚塊。temporary暫時避開young people's need for temporary escape from the demanding journey into adulthood年輕人需要暫時避開步入成年的艱辛歷程perfect, ultimate, welcome放鬆的絕佳去處;受歡迎的消遣For many, the ultimate escape is a tranquil beach filled with white sand.對於很多人而言,鋪滿白沙的寧靜海灘是休閒消遣的絕佳去處。VERB + ESCAPEhave躲過plan, plot計劃逃脫;密謀出逃Celine has been plotting her escape for months.數月來塞莉納一直在密謀逃跑。need, seek需要/尋求避開city dwellers seeking escape from stress尋求遠離壓力的城市居民find獲得解脫Craig finds escape in dreams.克雷格在睡夢中獲得解脫。offer, provide提供解脫This play offered an escape from the everyday.這個遊戲讓人可以從日常事務中解脫一下。PREPOSITIONescape from避開He had a narrow escape from gunfire.他從炮火中死裏逃生。


ADVERB | VERB + ESCAPE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBbarely, just, narrowly很險地逃脫They narrowly escaped being killed in the fire.他們險些在大火中喪生。The survivors barely escape in whatever ships they can find.幸存者看到不管什麼船都上,這才勉強得以逃脫。not completely, not entirely, not fully沒完全逃脫The head of department cannot entirely escape responsibility for this situation.系主任不能完全逃脫造成這種情況的責任。somehow以某種方式逃脫Apparently, they had escaped somehow and gotten home.顯然,他們想方設法逃回了家裏。largely在很大程度上避開The city largely escaped bombing in the campaign.這次戰役中,該市幾乎未遭轟炸。eventually, finally最終逃脫She eventually escaped to the US.她最後逃到了美國。never永遠無法逃脫Tony may never escape his emotional struggle.或許托尼永遠都無法擺脫情感掙紮。easily輕易避開They're so small they can easily escape notice.他們這麼矮小,很容易避開他人的注意。safely, successfully安全逃脫;成功逃離pilots who successfully escaped while their aircraft was being shot down飛機被擊落時成功逃生的飛行員VERB + ESCAPEcannot不能逃脫be impossible to不可能逃脫be easy to容易逃脫It was easy to escape in the confusion of the besieged city.趁着被圍城市的混亂很容易逃脫。attempt to, seek to, try to企圖逃脫struggle to奮力逃脫He got hurt while struggling to escape.他奮力逃脫時受了傷。hope to, want to, wish to希望逃脫;想要擺脫a lonely man who wants to escape his lifestyle一個想要擺脫現有生活方式的孤獨男人need to需要逃脫I need to escape. I want to go away from here.我得逃出去,我要離開這裏。manage to設法逃脫let sb讓某人逃走It was stupid of Lee to let them escape.李真蠢,讓他們逃了。help sb (to)幫助某人逃走PREPOSITIONfrom從⋯逃走to escape from prison越獄into逃進They escaped into the forest.他們逃進了森林。to逃到The family escaped to the West.那家人逃到了西部。with帶着⋯逃走Thieves escaped with property worth over $5 000.竊賊帶着價值 5,000 多美元的財產逃走了。without未⋯而逃脫The driver escaped without injury.司機逃生,毫髮無損。PHRASESescape alive成功逃生Only two of the men escaped alive.只有兩人成功逃生。escape sb's clutches擺脫某人的控制He had managed to escape the clutches of the police yet again.他再次設法擺脫了警察的控制。escape from it all擺脫這一切We would always go there to escape from it all.我們總是到那裏以擺脫這一切。escape (sb's) notice避開 ( 某人的 ) 注意errors that had escaped my notice我沒注意到的錯誤escape unharmed, escape unhurt, escape uninjured, escape unscathed未受傷害地逃脫escape with your life大難不死She was very lucky to escape with her life.她很幸運地逃脫了,撿了一命。
TOEFL BNC: 1697 COCA: 2034
escape verb
escape (escape death) leak (prevent heat escaping)


escape ♦︎ get away ♦︎ elude ♦︎ evade ♦︎ loseThese words all mean to get away from sb who is chasing you or a dangerous situation that threatens you. 这些词均表示摆脱、逃走。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to escape / get away from sb / sthto escape / evade being captured, hit, killed, etc.to escape / get away from / elude / evade / lose your pursuersto escape / elude / evade capture / detection / the policeto escape / evade arrestto manage to escape sb / get away from sb / elude sb / evade sb escape [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to get away from or avoid an unpleasant or dangerous situation or event; to suffer no harm or less harm than you would expect 摆脱;逃离;逃脱;幸免于难She managed to escape from the burning car.她好不容易从燃烧的汽车里逃了出来。 (figurative) As a child he would often escape into a dream world of his own.小时候他常常躲进自己的梦幻世界。There was no escaping the fact that he was overweight.他体重超标这一事实是无法回避了。The police will not escape criticism in this affair.在这件事情上,警方免不了会受到批评。She managed to escape the fate of the other rebels.她总算逃过了其他造反者的厄运。The pilot escaped death by seconds.这名飞行员在生死瞬间逃出生天。He narrowly escaped being killed.他险些丧命。She only just escaped with her life.她好险捡回了自己的命。Both drivers escaped unhurt.两名司机都幸免于难,安然无恙。You can escape being caught or punished. * escape可以指躲避抓捕或逃避惩罚to escape detection / capture / arrest / justice / prosecution / conviction / punishment / prison逃避侦查;躲避抓捕;躲避逮捕;逃避正义;险些被起诉;险些被定罪;摆脱惩罚;险些被送监Note that to escape prison means to avoid being sent to prison; to get out of prison once you have been sent there is to escape from prison. You can also escape being killed or injured. 注意escape prison指险些被送进监狱,表示越狱时用escape from prison。escape还可以表示险些丧命或受伤to escape death / assassination / the massacre / drowning / injury / being hit / the fighting死里逃生;差点被暗杀;在大屠杀中幸免遇难;险些溺水而死;险些受伤;差点被击中;躲过了那一战You can escape being blamed for sth * escape还表示免于受指责to escape blame / censure / criticism / sb's wrath免遭指责;免受审查;免遭批评;免于承受某人的怒火or you can escape your fate or destiny or other serious problems such as bankruptcy or a recession. People are often lucky to escape sth, especially if they only just or narrowly escape. * escape亦指规避严重问题,如与fate、destiny搭配表示逃避厄运、天命,与bankruptcy、recession搭配表示免于破产、经济衰退。因运气好逃过一劫用be lucky to escape sth,表示好险逃过可加上副词only just或narrowly。 escape


[countable, uncountable] I had a narrow escape (= I was lucky to have escaped).我侥幸脱险。There was no hope of escape from her disastrous marriage.她无望从不幸的婚姻中解脱出来。As soon as he turned his back, she would make her escape.他只要一转身,她就会逃走。
ˌget aˈway

phrasal verb

(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten)to escape from a person, place or situation 摆脱(某人或某种处境);逃离(某地)He felt that he had to get away from home, away from his parents and their efforts to rule his life.他觉得必须要逃离他的家,逃离他的父母,逃离父母对他人生的掌控。You'd better get away-the soldiers are coming.你赶快逃吧,那些士兵马上就要来了。 getaway


[countable, usually singular] We'll have to make a quick getaway.我们得赶快逃走。a getaway car逃跑用的汽车
elude iˈluːd [transitive] (rather formal) to avoid or escape from sb/sth, especially in a clever way (尤指机敏地)避开,逃避,躲避The two men managed to elude the police for six weeks.这两个男人想方设法避过了警方追捕达六个星期之久。How did the killer elude detection for so long?杀手怎么能躲过侦缉这么久? evade ɪˈveɪd [transitive] (rather formal) to avoid or escape from sb/sth 避开;逃避;躲避For two weeks they evaded the press.他们有两个星期一直躲着记者。He managed to evade capture.他设法逃脱了抓捕。NOTE 辨析 Elude or evade?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用to elude / evade detection / capture / the police / your pursuers躲避侦查;逃脱追捕;躲避警察/追捕者 Elude emphasizes the skill or cleverness required to avoid being caught; evade simply emphasizes the fact of not being caught. * elude强调躲避追捕时的机智灵敏,evade仅强调没有被抓到的事实。 lose (lost, lost) [transitive] to escape from sb/sth who is following or chasing you 摆脱,逃脱(尾随或追赶的人)We managed to lose our pursuers in the darkness.我们总算在黑暗中摆脱了追赶者。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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