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    something burning燃烧的东西

  1. [uncountable] the flames, light and heat, and often smoke, that are produced when something burns
    • Most animals are afraid of fire.大多数动物怕火。
    • When did people start to cook with fire?人们是什么时候开始用火做饭的?
    Extra Examples
    • The sky was filled with fire and smoke.天空充满了火和烟。
    • She takes the theme of the four elements: earth, air, fire and water.她以土、气、火、水四大元素为主题。
    • The sun is a ball of fire.太阳是一个火球。
    • a column of fire一列火
    • Things changed forever when our early ancestors discovered fire.当我们的早期祖先发现火时,事情就永远改变了。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • huge
    • fierce
    verb + fire
    • be on
    • catch
    • cause
    fire + verb
    • occur
    • break out
    • erupt
    fire + noun
    • safety
    • hazard
    • risk
    • bring a fire under control
    • set fire to something
    See full entry
  2. [uncountable, countable] flames that are out of control and destroy buildings, trees, etc.失火;火灾
    • Several youths had set fire to the police car (= had made it start burning).几个年轻人纵火焚烧警车。
    • on fire The car was on fire.汽车着火了。
    • A candle had set the curtains on fire.蜡烛把窗帘燃起来了。
    • These thatched roofs frequently catch fire (= start to burn).这些茅草屋顶屡屡着火。
    • Forest fires raged all over Australia.森林大火肆虐整个澳大利亚。
    • Five people died in a house fire.五个人死于一场房屋火灾。
    • Fires were breaking out everywhere.到处都在发生火灾。
    • A fire had started in the kitchen.厨房着火了。
    • He was accused of deliberately starting a fire.他被指控故意纵火。
    • Fire can spread very quickly.火会蔓延得很快。
    • The fire burned for three days before it was finally contained.大火烧了 3 天才最终得到控制。
    • The warehouse was destroyed by fire.仓库被大火烧毁了。
    • It took two hours to put out the fire (= stop it burning).用了两小时才把火扑灭。
    • Fire crews arrived and began to fight the flames.消防人员赶到,开始救火。
    • We have to comply with fire safety regulations.我们必须遵守消防安全规定。
    see also bush fire
    Extra Examples
    • It took several days to bring the forest fires under control.花了好几天才控制住森林大火。
    • The sprinkler system came on and doused the fire.自动喷洒灭火设备启动后把火浇灭了。
    • The fire licked the roof of the house.大火烧到房顶了。
    • The fire gutted the building, leaving just a charred shell.大火烧毁了整幢楼,只剩下一副焦壳。
    • the ruins of an old factory, gutted by fire被大火烧毁的旧工厂的废墟
    • The fire had spread to the east wing of the house.火势已经蔓延到房子的东翼。
    • Fire engulfed the building.大火吞没了大楼。
    • Fire ripped through the tower block.大火烧穿了塔楼。
    • In 1925 a disastrous fire swept through the museum.1925 年一场灾难性的大火席卷了博物馆。
    • The entire village was consumed by fire.整个村庄都被大火烧毁了。
    • The factory was destroyed in a fire started by arsonists.工厂被纵火犯放火烧毁了。
    • Investigators are trying to establish the cause of the fire.调查人员正试图确定火灾的原因。
    • The building suffered extensive fire damage.这座大楼在火灾中遭受了大面积的损坏。
    • Strong winds fanned the fire.狂风使火势愈猛。
    • Someone had set fire to her car.有人放火烧了她的汽车。
    • In 2017, the fire season started with a huge fire in New Mexico.2017年,火灾季节始于新墨西哥州的一场大火。
    • Firefighters battled the fire for several hours.消防队员与大火搏斗了几个小时。
    • He joined the crowds of men and women fighting the fire.他加入了救火的人群。
    • Groups of rioters attacked and set the police headquarters on fire.成群结队的暴徒袭击并放火焚烧了警察总局。
    • A missile ignited a fire that burned for three days.一枚导弹引发了大火,烧了 3 天。
    • A lantern was knocked over and the barn caught fire.灯笼被打翻了,随即谷仓着了火。
    • A fire broke out in the mail room.邮件处理间发生了火灾。
    • Fire erupted in the laundry room.洗衣房着火了。
    • Foam-filled couches are a serious fire hazard.泡沫填料沙发是火灾的一大隐患。
    • fire code violations违犯防火规章的做法
    • legislation related to fire safety与防火相关的法律
    • We had to evacuate the building for a fire drill.我们不得不疏散大楼进行消防演习。
    • information about fire prevention防火信息
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • huge
    • fierce
    verb + fire
    • be on
    • catch
    • cause
    fire + verb
    • occur
    • break out
    • erupt
    fire + noun
    • safety
    • hazard
    • risk
    • bring a fire under control
    • set fire to something
    See full entry
  3. for heating/cooking取暖;烹饪

  4. [countable] a pile of burning fuel, such as wood or coal, used for cooking food or heating a room炉火;灶火
    • They cook on an open fire.他们在明火上做饭。
    • a log/coal/wood fire原木/煤/木材火灾
    • Sam had lit a fire to welcome us home.萨姆点燃炉火欢迎我们回家。
    • to make/build a fire生火
    • Come and get warm by the fire.到炉火边来取暖。
    • We sat in front of a roaring fire.我们坐在熊熊的炉火面前。
    see also bonfire, campfire
    Extra Examples
    • A fire roaring in the hearth added warmth to the room.火炉里的火烧得劈啪作响,给房间里增添了暖意。
    • We sat round the fire and told stories.我们围坐在火边讲故事。
    • The cat was curled up near the fire.那只猫蜷缩在炉火旁。
    • Although it was summer a fire burned in the great stone hearth.虽然时值夏天,大石头火炉却依然烧着 。
    • The fire was blazing merrily.炉火欢快地燃烧着。
    • Kim had managed to kindle a little fire of dry grass.金想办法用干草生了一小堆火。
    • On cold nights we stoked up the fire to a blaze.寒夜里我们把火添旺。
    • Put some more wood on the fire.往火里多加点儿木柴。
    • She fed the fire with the branches next to her.她把身旁的树枝添加到火里。
    • The fire smoked instead of burning properly.炉火没有烧起来,而是冒着烟。
    • The fire was beginning to die down.炉火开始渐渐熄灭。
    • The interior was only lit by the golden glow of the fire.里面只有金色的炉火照明。
    • We had plenty of dry wood, so the fire lit easily.我们有很多干木柴,生火很容易。
    • When we go on safari we like to cook on an open fire.我们远行狩猎时,喜欢露天生火做饭。
    • Who's going to build the fire?谁来生火?
    • Do you know how to make a fire?你知道怎么生火吗?
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • blazing
    • crackling
    • hot
    verb + fire
    • build
    • make
    • kindle
    fire + verb
    • burn
    • roar
    • kindle
    • the glow from a fire
    • the glow of a fire
    See full entry
  5. [countable] (especially British English) a piece of equipment for heating a room取暖器;暖气装置
    • a gas/an electric fire 煤气╱电暖炉
    • Shall I put the fire on?我打开暖气好吗?
    see also heater
    Extra Examples
    • There's a small gas fire under the mantelpiece.壁炉下有一个小型燃气取暖器。
    • She used a match to light the gas fire.她用一根火柴点燃煤气。
    • He had a fire plugged in next to his desk.他在桌子旁边插上了火。
    • Is the fire still on?取暖器还开着吗?
    • Don't forget to turn the fire off before you come to bed.睡觉前别忘了关火。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • electric
    • gas
    verb + fire
    • light
    • put on
    • switch on
    fire + verb
    • be off
    • be on
    See full entry
  6. from guns枪支

  7. [uncountable] shots from guns射击;火力
    • The gunmen opened fire on (= started shooting at) the police.持枪歹徒向警察开火。
    • under fire Their vehicle came under fire (= was being shot at).他们的车遭到射击。
    • The men were under heavy fire (= being shot at many times).这些人遭到猛烈射击。
    • He was hit by enemy fire.他被敌人的炮火击中了。
    • a burst of machine-gun fire 一阵机枪射击
    • artillery/rocket/mortar fire炮兵/火箭/迫击炮火力
    • to return fire (= to fire back at somebody who is shooting at you)用枪炮还击
    • He ordered his men to hold their fire (= not to shoot).他命令士兵停止射击。
    • Protesters exchanged fire with the guards (= they shot at each another).抗议者与卫兵交火。
    • A young girl was in the line of fire (= between the person shooting and what he/she was shooting at).有一个女孩处于射程之内。
    • I’ll give you covering fire while you try to escape.当你试图逃跑时,我会给你火力掩护。
    see also friendly fire
    Extra Examples
    • A few soldiers were sent out to draw (= attract ) the enemy's fire.几名士兵被派出去吸引敌方火力。
    • Enemy fire continued to rain down.敌军的火力不断地如弹雨般倾泻而来。
    • As they ran, they heard artiillery fire.他们一边跑,一边听到了枪声。
    • The vehicle was full of holes from small arms fire.这辆车布满了小武器射击留下的洞。
    • We came under heavy anti-aircraft fire.我们遭到了猛烈的防空炮火。
    • He ordered his men to cease fire.他命令手下停止射击。
    • The commandos pushed forward under the covering fire of their artillery.突击队在炮兵的火力掩护下向前推进。
    • The troops opened fire on the crowd.军队向人群开火了。
    • They were told to hold their fire until the enemy came closer.他们被告知等敌军逼近点儿再开枪。
    • Unfortunately he was in the line of fire and got shot.不幸的是他处在射程之内,结果中弹了。
    • We were under constant fire from enemy snipers.我们不断遭遇敌军狙击手的射击。
    • She returned fire from behind the low wall.她从矮墙后面开枪回击。
    Topics War and conflictb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • heavy
    • withering
    • anti-aircraft
    … of fire
    • burst
    verb + fire
    • open
    • return
    • exchange
    fire + verb
    • rain down
    • hit somebody/​something
    • be in the line of fire
    See full entry
  8. criticism批评

  9. [uncountable] strong criticism受到严厉批评;遭到猛烈批判
    • She directed her fire against the new education policy. 她猛烈抨击新的教育政策。
    • under fire The health minister has come under fire from all sides.卫生部长受到来自各方的责难。
    Extra Examples
    • The EU came under fire from the US over its biotech policy.欧盟在生物技术政策上受到美国的抨击。
    • The minister of transport came under fire for forcing increases in rail fares.交通部长因强行提高铁路票价而受到抨击。
  10. anger/enthusiasm愤怒;热情

  11. [uncountable] very strong emotion, especially anger or enthusiasm激情;愤怒;热情
    • Her eyes were full of fire.她的双眼充满激情的火花。
    • The fire seemed to die in him when his wife died.妻子去世后,他的热情似乎熄灭了。
    Extra Examples
    • Something of the old fire had returned to their rivalry.他们的竞争又重新激起了旧恨。
    • Frustrated ambitions can fuel the fire of anger and resentment.志向受挫会加剧一个人的怨怒之火。
  12. Word OriginOld English fȳr (noun), fȳrian ‘supply with material for a fire’, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch vuur and German Feuer.
a ball of energy/fire
  1. (informal) a person who is full of energy and enthusiasm充满活力和热情的人;生龙活虎的人;朝气蓬勃的人
a baptism of fire
  1. a difficult introduction to a new job or activity重大的考验;战火的洗礼
draw somebody’s fire
  1. to make somebody direct their anger, criticism, etc. at you, so that others do not have to face it(为掩护他人)吸引…的火力,转移…的视线
fight fire with fire
  1. to use similar methods in a fight or an argument to those your opponent is using以眼还眼,以牙还牙Topics Opinion and argumentc2
fire in the/your belly
  1. a very strong desire to achieve something激情;愤怒;热情
    • You need fire in your belly if you want to make it in the music business.如果你想在音乐行业取得成功,你需要有勇气。
get on like a house on fire (British English)
(North American English get along like a house on fire)
  1. (informal) (of people) to become friends quickly and have a very friendly relationship很快就打得火热;一见如故;一拍即合Topics Family and relationshipsc2
hang/hold fire
  1. to delay or be delayed in taking action(使行动)延迟;(使)迟缓
    • The project had hung fire for several years for lack of funds.这个项目因缺少资金耽搁了好几年。
have several, etc. irons in the fire
  1. to be involved in several activities or areas of business at the same time, hoping that at least one will be successful分散活动(或经营);广泛撒网
(there is) no smoke without fire (British English)
(North American English where there’s smoke, there’s fire)
  1. (saying) if something bad is being said about somebody/something, it usually has some truth in it无火不生烟;无风不起浪
on fire
  1. giving you a painful burning feeling火辣辣;火烧火燎的
    • He couldn't breathe. His chest was on fire.他无法呼吸。他的胸部火辣辣地疼痛。
out of the frying pan into the fire
  1. (saying) from a bad situation to one that is worse跳出油锅又落火坑;逃出虎口又入狼窝;每况愈下
play with fire
  1. to act in a way that is not sensible and take dangerous risks玩火;冒险Topics Dangerc2
set the world on fire
(British English also set the world alight)
  1. (informal) (usually used in negative sentences通常用于否定句) to be very successful and admired by other people大获成功;引起轰动
    • He's never going to set the world on fire with his paintings.他的绘画永远不会引起轰动。
    Topics Successc2


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they fire
he / she / it fires
past simple fired
past participle fired
-ing form firing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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  1. [intransitive, transitive] to shoot bullets, etc. from a gun or other weapon射击;开火;开枪
    • The officer ordered his men to fire.军官下令士兵射击。
    • fire on somebody/something Soldiers fired on the crowd.军人朝人群开枪。
    • fire something to fire missiles/rockets/bullets发射导弹/火箭/子弹
    • They ran away as soon as the first shot was fired.第一枪刚响他们就跑了。
    • fire something into something He fired the gun into the air.他朝天鸣枪。
    • fire into something He fired into the air.他向空中开枪。
    • fire at somebody/something She fired at her attacker.她向袭击她的人开枪。
    • fire something at somebody/something She fired an arrow at the target.她瞄准靶子射箭。
    • Missiles were fired at the enemy.向敌人发射了导弹。
    Collocations War and peaceWar and peace战争与和平Starting a war开战
    • declare/​make/​wage war (on somebody/​something)(向…)宣战/挑起战争/发动战争
    • go to war (against/​with somebody)(向…)开战
    • cause/​spark/​provoke/​foment/​quell unrest引起/平息骚乱
    • incite/​lead/​crush/​suppress a revolt/​rebellion煽动/领导/镇压起义/叛乱
    • launch/​mount/​carry out a surprise/​terrorist attack发起/实施突然/恐怖袭击
    • prevent/​halt/​represent an escalation of the conflict防止/阻止/表明冲突升级
    • be torn apart by/​be on the brink of civil war被内战搞得四分五裂;濒于内战
    • enter/​invade/​occupy somebody’s territory进入/侵略/占领某人的领土
    • lead/​launch/​resist/​repel an invasion领导/发起/抵制/击退武装入侵
    Military operations军事行动
    • adopt/​develop/​implement/​pursue a military strategy采用/发展/实施/执行军事战略
    • carry out/​execute/​perform military operations/​manoeuvres
    • send/​deploy/​station/​pull back/​withdraw troops派遣/部署/派驻/撤回部队
    • go on/​fly/​carry out a reconnaissance/​rescue mission进行/驾机执行/执行侦察/营救任务
    • train/​equip/​deploy army/​military/​combat units训练/装备/部署陆军/军事/作战分队
    • lead/​launch/​conduct a raid/​a surprise attack/​an (air/​airborne/​amphibious) assault (on somebody)领导/发起/实施(对某人的)突然袭击/(空中/空投部队/登陆)攻击
    • employ/​use guerrilla tactics采用游击战术
    • conduct/​wage biological/​guerrilla warfare进行/发动生物战/游击战
    • fight/​crush/​defeat the rebels/​the insurgency设法战胜/镇压/挫败叛乱者/叛乱
    • suffer/​inflict a crushing defeat遭受惨败;大获全胜
    • achieve/​win a decisive victory赢得决定性的胜利
    • halt/​stop the British/​German/​Russian advance阻止英国/德国/俄罗斯的前进
    • order/​force a retreat命令/强迫撤退
    • join/​serve in the army/​navy/​air force加入陆军/海军/空军;在陆军/海军/空军部队服役
    • be/​go/​remain/​serve on active duty在服现役
    • serve/​complete/​return from a tour of duty在服役;服役完毕;服役归来
    • be sent to the front (line)被派往前线
    • attack/​strike/​engage/​defeat/​kill/​destroy the enemy袭击/攻击敌人;与敌人交战;击败/杀死/消灭敌人
    • see/​report/​be engaged in heavy fighting目睹/报道/参与激战
    • call for/​be met with armed resistance要求/遭遇武装抵抗
    • come under heavy/​machine-gun/​mortar fire冒着激烈的/机关枪的/迫击炮的射击
    • fire a machine-gun/​mortar shells/​rockets (at somebody/​something)(对…)发射机关枪/迫击炮弹/火箭弹
    • shoot a rifle/​a pistol/​bullets/​missiles步枪/手枪射击;发射子弹/导弹
    • launch/​fire a cruise/​ballistic/​anti-tank missile发射巡航/弹道/反坦克导弹
    • use biological/​chemical/​nuclear weapons使用生物/化学/核武器
    • inflict/​suffer/​sustain heavy losses/​casualties遭受惨重损失/伤亡
    • be hit/​killed by enemy/​friendly/​artillery fire被敌军/友军/炮火击中/射死
    • become/​be held as a prisoner of war成为战俘;作为战俘被监禁
    Civilians in war战争中的平民
    • harm/​kill/​target/​protect innocent/​unarmed civilians伤害/杀死/瞄准/保护无辜的/手无寸铁的平民
    • cause/​avoid/​limit/​minimize civilian casualties/​collateral damage导致/避免/限制/最大限度减少平民伤亡/附带性破坏
    • impose/​enforce/​lift a curfew强制实行/解除宵禁
    • engage in/​be a victim of ethnic cleansing参与种族清洗;成为种族清洗的受害者
    • be sent to an internment/​a concentration camp被送到俘虏拘留营/集中营
    • accept/​house/​resettle refugees fleeing from war接受/收容/安置战争难民
    • fear/​threaten military/​violent reprisals害怕/扬言要军事/暴力报复
    • commit/​be accused of war crimes/​crimes against humanity/​genocide犯/被指控犯战争罪/反人类罪/种族灭绝罪
    Making peace和解
    • make/​bring/​win/​achieve/​maintain/​promote peace促使/带来/赢得/实现/保持/促进和平
    • call for/​negotiate/​broker/​declare a ceasefire/​a temporary truce要求/商谈/协商/宣布停战/暂时休战
    • sign a ceasefire agreement签署停战协议
    • call for/​bring/​put an end to hostilities要求发动/引发/结束战争
    • demand/​negotiate/​accept the surrender of somebody/​something强烈要求/商讨/接受…投降
    • establish/​send (in) a peacekeeping force建立/派遣维和部队
    • negotiate/​conclude/​ratify/​sign/​accept/​reject/​break/​violate a peace treaty商讨/达成/正式批准/签署/接受/拒绝/破坏/违反和平协定
    Extra Examples
    • A dense volley of missiles was fired directly at the ship.一排密集的导弹直接射向那艘轮船。
    • He grabbed the shotgun, ready to fire if anyone entered.他抓起猎枪,准备好有人进来就随时开枪。
    • He ordered the troops to fire over the heads of the crowd.他命令部队向人群上方开枪。
    • She fired a revolver at her attacker.她用左轮手枪向袭击她的人射击。
    • She fired blindly into the mass of shadows.她对着大片阴影胡乱射击。
    • The police fired on protesters in the city centre.警察在市中心向抗议者开枪。
    • Whitlock purposely fired wide.惠特洛克故意射偏了。
    • Soldiers fired on the crowd, killing several people.士兵们向人群开枪,打死了几个人。
    • The soldiers appeared to fire indiscriminately into the crowd.士兵们似乎不分青红皂白地向人群开枪。
    Topics War and conflictb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • blindly
    • indiscriminately
    • randomly
    verb + fire
    • be ready to
    • order somebody to
    • at
    • into
    • on
    See full entry
  2. [intransitive, transitive] (of a gun) to shoot bullets out射出(子弹)
    • We heard the sound of guns firing.我们听见枪炮射击声。
    • fire something A starter's pistol fires only blanks.初学者的手枪发射的只是空弹。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • blindly
    • indiscriminately
    • randomly
    verb + fire
    • be ready to
    • order somebody to
    • at
    • into
    • on
    See full entry
  3. from job工作

  4. [transitive] to force somebody to leave their job解雇;开除 synonym sack
    • fire somebody We had to fire him for dishonesty.他不诚实,我们不得不开除他。
    • He was responsible for hiring and firing staff.他负责招聘和解雇职员。
    • fire somebody from something She got fired from her first job.她第一份工作是被解雇的。
    Collocations UnemploymentUnemployment失业Losing your job失业
    • lose your job失业
    • (British English) become/​be made redundant被裁减
    • be offered/​take voluntary redundancy/​early retirement被要求/选择自愿裁退/提前退休
    • face/​be threatened with dismissal/(British English) the sack/(British English) compulsory redundancy面临被解职/被裁/强制裁员;受到解职/被裁/强制裁员的威胁
    • dismiss/​fire/ (especially British English) sack an employee/​a worker/​a manager解雇雇员/工人/经理
    • lay off staff/​workers/​employees解雇员工/工人/雇员
    • (Australian English, New Zealand English, South African English) retrench workers缩减人员
    • cut/​reduce/​downsize/​slash the workforce裁减员工
    • (British English) make staff/​workers/​employees redundant裁员
    Being unemployed失业;待业;下岗
    • be unemployed/​out of work/​out of a job失业
    • seek/​look for work/​employment找工作
    • be on/​collect/​draw/​get/​receive (both British English) unemployment benefit/​jobseeker’s allowance领取失业补助金
    • be/​go/​live/​sign (British English, informal) on the dole领取失业救济金
    • claim/​draw/​get (British English, informal) the dole领取失业救济金
    • be on/​qualify for (North American English) unemployment (compensation)领取/有资格领取失业补偿金
    • be/​go/​live/​depend (North American English) on welfare靠社会保障金过活
    • collect/​receive (North American English) welfare领取社会保障金
    • combat/​tackle/​cut/​reduce unemployment防止/解决/减少失业
    Topics Social issuesb1
  5. make somebody enthusiastic使充满激情

  6. [transitive] to make somebody feel very excited about something or interested in something激励;激起热情;使充满热情
    • fire somebody with something The talk had fired her with enthusiasm for the project.这次谈话激起了她对这个项目的热情。
    • fire something The stories fired his imagination这些故事激发了他的想象力
    Extra Examples
    • The speaker knew how to fire the blood.演讲者知道如何放血。
    • His imagination had been fired by the film.这部电影激发了他的想象力。
    Topics Feelingsc2
  7. of engine发动机

  8. [intransitive] when an engine fires, an electrical spark is produced that makes the fuel burn and the engine start to work点火;发动
  9. -fired燃…的

  10. (in adjectives构成形容词) using the fuel mentioned in order to operate以…为燃料的
    • gas-fired central heating煤气集中供暖
  11. clay objects陶器

  12. [transitive] fire something to heat a clay object to make it hard and strong烧制(陶器、砖等)
    • to fire pottery烧制陶器
    • to fire bricks in a kiln在窑内烧砖
    Topics Artc2
  13. Word OriginOld English fȳr (noun), fȳrian ‘supply with material for a fire’, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch vuur and German Feuer.
fire questions, insults, etc. at somebody
  1. to ask somebody a lot of questions one after another or make a lot of comments very quickly对某人发出连珠炮似的问题(或辱骂等)
    • The room was full of journalists, all firing questions at them.满屋的记者向他们接二连三地提问题。
working/firing on all cylinders
  1. (informal) using all your energy to do something; working as well as possible竭尽全力;尽力干好;开足马力
IELTS BNC: 693 COCA: 653


1destructive flames火災ADJECTIVE | VERB + FIRE | FIRE + VERB | FIRE + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, huge大火fierce, raging烈火;迅速蔓延的火serious嚴重的火災catastrophic, devastating, disastrous災難性的/毀滅性的/損失慘重的大火house, kitchen房屋/廚房失火bush, forest, wild-land (NAmE) 叢林大火;森林火災;荒地火災electrical電氣火災VERB + FIREbe on起火The house is on fire!房子着火了!catch着火A lantern was knocked over and the barn caught fire.燈籠被打翻了,隨即穀倉着了火。cause, set sth on, start引起火災;使⋯着火;點火Groups of rioters attacked and set the police headquarters on fire.成群結隊的暴徒襲擊並放火焚燒了警察總局。ignite, spark點火A missile ignited a fire that burned for three days.一枚導彈引發了大火,燒了 3 天。fan煽火Strong winds fanned the fire.狂風使火勢愈猛。add fuel to, fuel (both figurative) 火上澆油Frustrated ambitions can fuel the fire of anger and resentment.志向受挫會加劇一個人的怨怒之火。extinguish, put out撲滅火douse, smother把火澆滅/悶熄The sprinkler system came on and doused the fire.自動噴灑滅火設備啟動後把火澆滅了。fight救火He joined the crowds of men and women fighting the fire.他加入了救火的人群。contain, control控制火勢Firefighters struggled to control the fire.消防隊員奮力控制火勢。prevent預防火災be damaged by, be damaged in, be destroyed by, be destroyed in在火災中遭破壞;被大火摧毀The factory was destroyed in a fire started by arsonists.工廠被縱火犯放火燒燬了。be killed by, be killed in, die in死於火災survive在火災中幸免於難FIRE + VERBoccur火災發生break out, erupt, start火災突然發生/爆發/出現A fire broke out in the mail room.郵件處理間發生了火災。go out火熄滅blaze, burn, rage大火熊熊燃燒/燃燒/肆虐The fire burned for three days before it was finally contained.大火燒了 3 天才最終得到控制。engulf sb/sth, spread, sweep through sth大火吞噬⋯;火勢蔓延;大火席捲⋯In 1925 a disastrous fire swept through the museum.1925 年一場災難性的大火席捲了博物館。lick sth, lick at sth大火燒着某物/吞捲某物The fire licked the roof of the house.大火燒到房頂了。damage sth火災損壞某物consume sth, destroy sth, gut sth大火吞沒⋯/燒燬⋯/摧毀⋯內部The fire gutted the building, leaving just a charred shell.大火燒燬了整幢樓,只剩下一副焦殼。FIRE + NOUNsafety防火legislation related to fire safety與防火相關的法律hazard, risk火災隱患Foam-filled couches are a serious fire hazard.泡沫填料沙發是火災的一大隱患。drill, practice (BrE) 消防演習;防火演習We have regular fire drills.我們定期進行消防演習。 (see also fire alarm) brigade, department, service (BrE) 消防隊;消防部門;消防署Call the fire brigade / department!快給消防隊/消防部門打電話!crew消防人員Fire crews arrived and began to fight the flames.消防人員趕到,開始救火。chief, commissioner, marshal, officer, official消防隊長/委員會主席/局長/人員/官員station消防站engine, truck (NAmE) 消防車hydrant消防栓hose, sprinkler消防水帶/噴嘴extinguisher滅火器escape太平梯The thief got away down the fire escape.小偷順着太平梯下來逃走了。door防火門damage火災造成的損害The building suffered extensive fire damage.這座大樓在火災中遭受了大面積的損壞。code (NAmE) 防火規章fire code violations違犯防火規章的做法prevention火災預防season (especially NAmE) 火災易發季節In 2008, the fire season started with a huge fire in New Mexico.2008 年的火險季節是以新墨西哥的一場大火開始的。PHRASESbring a fire under control控制住火勢Firefighters have now managed to bring the fire under control.消防隊員現已設法控制住了火勢。set fire to sth放火燒⋯Someone had set fire to her car.有人放火燒了她的汽車。


2burning fuel for cooking/heating爐火ADJECTIVE | VERB + FIRE | FIRE + VERB | PHRASES ADJECTIVEblazing, crackling, hot, roaring, warm熊熊爐火;劈啪作響的爐火;炙熱的灶火;溫熱的灶火dying, smouldering/smoldering快熄滅的/悶燃的爐火flickering搖曳的爐火little小火open露天的爐火charcoal, coal, log, oil, wood炭火;煤火;柴火;石油燃燒的火;燒木頭的火camp (usually campfire) 篝火cooking烹飪用火VERB + FIREbuild, make生火kindle, light點火Kim had managed to kindle a little fire of dry grass.金想辦法用乾草生了一小堆火。feed, poke, stir, stoke, stoke up, tend往火中加⋯;捅火;攪動火;添加燃料撥旺火;照看火She fed the fire with the branches next to her.她把身旁的樹枝添加到火裏。On cold nights we stoked up the fire to a blaze.寒夜裏我們把火添旺。put sth on往火裏添放⋯Put some more wood on the fire.往火裏多加點兒木柴。cook on, cook over生火做飯When we go on safari we like to cook on an open fire.我們遠行狩獵時,喜歡露天生火做飯。FIRE + VERBburn爐火燃燒Although it was summer a fire burned in the hearth.雖然時值夏天,火爐裏依然燒着火。roar火燒得劈啪作響A fire roaring in the hearth added warmth to the room.火爐裏的火燒得劈啪作響,給房間裏增添了暖意。kindle, light爐火點燃We had plenty of dry wood, so the fire lit easily.我們有很多乾木柴,生火很容易。die, die down爐火熄滅;爐火漸漸熄滅The fire was beginning to die down.爐火開始漸漸熄滅。burn itself out, burn out, go out爐火燃盡;爐火熄滅crackle爐火劈啪作響glow爐火發光flicker爐火搖曳smoke爐火冒煙The fire smoked instead of burning properly.爐火沒有燒起來,而是冒着煙。PHRASESthe glow from a fire, the glow of a fire火光The interior was only lit by the golden glow of the fire.裏面只有金色的爐火照明。


3 (especially BrE) apparatus for heating rooms取暖裝置ADJECTIVE | VERB + FIRE | FIRE + VERB ADJECTIVEelectric, gas電暖氣;煤氣取暖裝置VERB + FIRElight, put on, switch on, turn on點燃暖氣;打開暖氣Use a match to light the gas fire.劃根火柴點燃煤氣取暖器。switch off, turn off關掉取暖器FIRE + VERBbe off, be on取暖器關了/開着Is the fire still on?取暖器還開着嗎?


4shots from guns射擊ADJECTIVE | ... OF FIRE | VERB + FIRE | FIRE + VERB | PHRASES ADJECTIVEheavy, withering (especially NAmE) 密集的/逐漸變弱的火力anti-aircraft, covering, friendly防空火力;掩護火力;友軍炮火The commandos pushed forward under the covering fire of their artillery.突擊隊在炮兵的火力掩護下向前推進。Several soldiers were killed in friendly fire due to a mistake by allied forces.由於盟軍的失誤,幾名士兵在友軍炮火中喪生。enemy, hostile敵軍的/敵意的射擊direct, indirect直接/間接射擊incoming飛來的子彈automatic自動射擊rapid速射artillery, sniper炮火;狙擊火力cannon, machine-gun, mortar, rifle炮轟;機槍火力;迫擊炮火力;步槍火力... OF FIREburst連發射擊a burst of machine-gun fire機槍連發射擊VERB + FIREopen開火The troops opened fire on the crowd.軍隊向人群開火了。return開槍還擊She returned fire from behind the low wall.她從矮牆後面開槍回擊。exchange互相射擊cease, hold停止射擊'Cease fire!' He yelled.“停止射擊!”他大叫道。They were told to hold their fire until the enemy came closer.他們被告知等敵軍逼近點兒再開槍。be under, come under遭到射擊;受到攻擊We were under constant fire from enemy snipers.我們不斷遭遇敵軍狙擊手的射擊。The EU came under fire from the US over its biotech policy. (figurative) 歐盟在生物技術政策上受到美國的抨擊。draw吸引火力A few soldiers were sent out to draw (= attract) the enemy's fire.幾名士兵被派出去吸引敵方火力。avoid, dodge躲避/躲閃射擊FIRE + VERBrain down彈雨傾瀉而下Enemy fire continued to rain down.敵軍的火力不斷地如彈雨般傾瀉而來。hit sb/sth射擊擊中⋯PHRASESbe in the line of fire處於射程之內Unfortunately he was in the line of fire (= between the people shooting and what they were shooting at) and got shot.不幸的是他處在射程之內,結果中彈了。


ADVERB | VERB + FIRE | PREPOSITION ADVERBblindly, indiscriminately, randomly, wildly盲目/任意/漫無目標地/胡亂射擊She fired blindly into the mass of shadows.她對着大片陰影胡亂射擊。directly直接射擊A dense volley of missiles was fired directly at the ship.一排密集的導彈直接射向那艘輪船。rapidly快速射擊continuously, repeatedly連續/重複射擊accidentally意外射擊accurately準確射擊wide偏離目標射擊Whitlock purposely fired wide.惠特洛克故意射偏了。back回射off射出They fired off a volley of shots.他們射出一梭子彈。VERB + FIREbe ready to準備射擊He grabbed the shotgun, ready to fire if anyone entered.他抓起獵槍,準備好有人進來就隨時開槍。order sb to命令某人開槍He ordered the troops to fire over the heads of the crowd.他命令部隊向人群上方開槍。PREPOSITIONat對準⋯射擊She fired a revolver at her attacker.她用左輪手槍向襲擊她的人射擊。into槍炮打向He fired the gun into the air.他朝天鳴槍。on, upon對着⋯射擊The police fired on protesters in the square.警察向廣場上的抗議者開槍。
IELTS BNC: 693 COCA: 653
fire verb
fire (fire sb from their job) shoot (fire a gun)
fire noun
fire1 (destroyed by fire) fire2 (Get warm by the fire.) energy2 (eyes full of fire) heating (a gas fire) be on fire burn verb1 set fire to sth/set sth on fire light verb1 open fire shoot verb


destroyed by fire 毁于火灾Get warm by the fire. 在炉火边取暖。fire ♦︎ flames ♦︎ blaze ♦︎ combustion ♦︎ infernoThese are all words for the flames, light and heat that are produced when sth burns, especially when they are out of control. 这些词均表示火、火灾。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(a) raging fire / flames / infernoto start a fire / blazeto fight / tackle / contain / control / put out / extinguish a fire / the flames / a blazeto bring a fire / blaze under controlto douse a fire / the flamesto escape (from) a fire / the flames / a blaze / an infernoto fan the fire / the flamesa fire / flames / an inferno rages / ragea fire / flames / a blaze spreads / spreada fire / blaze breaks out / startsa fire / flames roars / roar fire [uncountable, countable] the flames, light and heat, and often smoke, that are produced when sth burns; fire that is out of control and destroys buildings, trees or other things 火;失火;火灾Most animals are afraid of fire.大多数动物怕火。The car was now on fire.小轿车着火了。Several youths had set fire to the police car (= had made it start burning).几个年轻人纵火焚烧警车。These thatched roofs frequently catch fire (= start to burn).这些茅草屋顶屡屡着火。It took several days to bring the forest fires under control.花了好几天才控制住森林大火。 flames [plural] the hot bright streams of burning gas that come from sth that is on fire 火焰;火舌The flames were leaping higher and higher.熊熊火焰越蹿越高。The building was in flames (= was burning).大楼失火了。The plane burst into flames (= suddenly began burning).飞机突然燃烧起来。Everything went up in flames (= was destroyed by fire).一切都毁于大火了。 blaze [countable, usually singular] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) a very large fire, especially a dangerous one 烈火;大火Five people died in the blaze.五人葬身火海。Firefighters were called in to tackle the blaze.消防队员奉召前来救火。 Blaze is a dramatic word which is often used in newspapers, especially in headlines, to catch the attention of the reader. * blaze是个感情强烈的词,常用于报章,尤其是标题中,以吸引读者的注意Two die in pub blaze.两人葬身酒吧火海。 see also blaze burn verb 1 combustion kəmˈbʌstʃən [uncountable] (technical 术语) the process of burning; a chemical process in which substances combine with the oxygen in the air to produce heat and light 燃烧;燃烧过程Poisonous gases are produced during fossil fuel combustion.化石燃料在燃烧过程中会产生有毒气体。 inferno ɪnˈfɜːnəʊ; NAmE ɪnˈfɜːrnoʊ(plural infernos) [countable, usually singular] (written, especially journalism 尤用于新闻) a very large dangerous fire that is out of control 无法控制的大火The flames quickly turned the house into a raging inferno.烈焰很快将房子变成了熊熊火海。Inferno is a dramatic word that is often used to make literary texts or newspaper stories seem more powerful. * inferno是个感情强烈的词,常用在文学文本或新闻报道中,使文字更有力度。fire2


destroyed by fire 毁于火灾Get warm by the fire. 在炉火边取暖。fire ♦︎ bonfire ♦︎ campfireThese are all words for a pile of burning fuel such as wood or coal. 这些词均表示炉火、灶火、篝火。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a blazing fire / bonfire / campfireto build / make / light a fire / bonfire / campfireto throw / put sth on a fire / bonfire / campfireto put out a fire / bonfire / campfireto sit / gather round / around a fire / bonfire / campfirea fire / bonfire / campfire burns fire [countable] a pile of burning fuel, such as wood or coal, used for cooking food or heating a room 炉火;灶火Come and get warm by the fire.来,到炉火边来取暖。We sat in front of a roaring fire.我们坐在熊熊的炉火前。A roaring/blazing fire is a large fire that sb has lit in a room in order to make the room warm and comfortable. A raging fire is a fire that has started by accident and is out of control. * roaring/blazing fire指在房间里燃起的熊熊炉火,使房间变得温暖舒适。raging fire指意外失火导致的无法控制的熊熊大火。 bonfire ˈbɒnfaɪə(r); NAmE ˈbɑːnfaɪər [countable] a large outdoor fire for burning waste or as part of a celebration 大火堆;篝火There will be a bonfire and a firework display.将会点燃篝火,还会有烟火表演。What are you doing for Bonfire Night (= a festival in Britain on 5 November)?你在篝火之夜有什么庆祝活动? campfire ˈkæmpfaɪə(r) [countable] an outdoor fire made by people who are sleeping outside or living in a tent 营火;篝火We sat around the campfire telling stories and singing.我们围坐在营火边讲故事、唱歌。fire


fire ♦︎ lay sb off ♦︎ dismiss ♦︎ sack ♦︎ axe ♦︎ make sb redundant ♦︎ let sb go ♦︎ discharge ♦︎ give sb/get the sackThese words all mean to officially remove sb from their job. 这些词均表示解雇、免职、开除。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to fire sb / lay sb off / dismiss sb / sack sb / make sb redundant / discharge sb / get the sack from a jobto fire sb / dismiss sb / sack sb / give sb the sack for sthto fire / lay off / dismiss / sack / axe staff / workers / employeesto make staff / workers / employees redundantto let staff / employees goto make jobs / posts / positions redundantto axe jobs / posts / positionsto get fired / laid off / dismissed / sacked / made redundantto be unfairly / summarily fired / dismissed / sackedto be wrongfully fired / dismissed fire [transitive, often passive] (NAmE or rather informal, BrE) to officially remove sb from their job 解雇;免职;开除We had to fire him for dishonesty.他不诚实,我们不得不开除他。She got fired from her first job.她第一份工作就被解雇了。He was responsible for hiring and firing employees.他负责招聘和辞退员工。 OPP hire employ ˌlay sb ˈoff

phrasal verb

(laid, laid) [often passive] to stop employing sb, often for a temporary period, because there is not enough work for them to do (因工作不多而暂时)解雇200 workers at the factory have been laid off.工厂里已有200个工人下岗。 OPP take sb on employ see also lay-off unemployment
dismiss [transitive, usually passive] (rather formal) to officially remove sb from their job 解雇;免职;开除She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her position.她声称自己被无理解雇。Dismiss is the preferred term used in legal contexts, especially in the phrase unfairly/wrongfully dismissed. 在法律语境中一般用dismiss,尤用于短语unfairly/wrongfully dismissed(无理/非法解雇)。 OPP appoint appoint see also dismissal unemployment sack [transitive, often passive] (especially BrE, informal) to dismiss sb from a job, usually because they have done sth wrong (通常因其过失)解雇,炒鱿鱼She was sacked for refusing to work on Sundays.她因拒绝在星期天上班被炒了鱿鱼。 see also sacking unemployment axe (BrE) (NAmE ax) [transitive, usually passive] (journalism 新闻) to remove sb from their job 解雇;开除300 jobs are to be axed at a local chemical works.当地一家化工厂要削减300个职位。Jones has been axed from the team.琼斯已被开除出队。Axe is used especially in journalism when a large number of people are made redundant at the same time; it is more usual to talk about the jobs being axed, rather than the people. * axe尤用于新闻报道中,指同时解雇大批人员;axe的宾语常常是jobs,而不是人。 ˌmake sb reˈdundant


(made, made) [usually passive] (BrE) to remove sb from their job because there is no more work available for them (因没有工作可做)解雇,裁员She was made redundant from her job.她成为冗员而被解雇。A further five senior posts are to be made redundant.还有五个高级职位要被裁撤。Officially, it is jobs or posts that become redundant, not the people who hold them; in practice it is more common to talk about people being made redundant. 严格来说,变得多余、要被削减的是工作(job)或职位(post),而非任职者;但实际上,这种说法较常用sb作宾语,且多用被动语态的sb be made redundant。 see also redundant unemployed , redundancy unemployment
ˌlet sb ˈgo


(letting, let, let)to make sb have to leave their job 解雇;开除They're having to let 100 employees go because of falling profits.由于利润下降他们将不得不减员100人。Let sb go is used as a gentler way of saying fire, sack or make sb redundant. * let sb go是fire、sack或make sb redundant的较为温和的说法。
discharge dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ; NAmE dɪsˈtʃɑːrdʒ [transitive, usually passive] (rather formal) to give sb official permission to leave a job or a position in the army; to make sb leave a job or a position in the army 准许(某人)退伍;把(某人)从部队开除He was discharged from the army following his injury.他受伤后就退伍了。She was discharged from the police force for bad conduct.她因行为不轨被逐出警察队伍。 see also discharge unemployment noun ˌgive sb the ˈsack ˌget the ˈsack


(gave, given; getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) (especially BrE, informal) to sack sb; to be sacked 让某人卷铺盖;被炒鱿鱼I've never had to give anyone the sack.我从不用解雇人。He got the sack from his last job.他干上一份工作时被炒了鱿鱼。NOTE 辨析 Sack or give sb the sack? Sack can sound more sudden or dramatic than give sb the sack, and is used more by journalists. Give sb the sack is more frequent in everyday spoken English. 与give sb the sack相比,sack听起来较为突然或富有戏剧性,较常为新闻记者所用。give sb the sack多用于日常口语中。

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