verb [often passive] (formal)to formally or officially tell somebody about something synonym inform(正式)通報,通知 - notify somebody
Competition winners will be notified by post. 將發信通知競賽的優勝者。 You must notify us in writing if you wish to cancel your subscription. 如果您想取消訂閱,必須書面通知我們。 - notify somebody of something
The police must be notified of the date of the demonstration. 必須向警方報告遊行示威的日期。 - notify something to somebody
The date of the demonstration must be notified to the police. 遊行示威的日期必須報告警方。 - notify somebody that…
Members have been notified that there will be a small increase in the fee. 會員已經得到通知,費用將有小幅上調。
Extra ExamplesChanges must be notified to the chairman. 一定要將各種變化報告給主席。 If you see anything suspicious you should notify the police immediately. 發現可疑情況應立即報告警方。 The family had been notified of the department's decision. 那家人已被告知部門的決定。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb- forthwith
- immediately
- promptly
- …
- be obliged to
- be required to
- must
- …
- of
- to
Word Originlate Middle English: from Old French notifier, from Latin notificare ‘make known’, from notus ‘known’ (past participle of noscere) + facere ‘make’.- notify somebody