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Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they sweep
he / she / it sweeps
past simple swept
past participle swept
-ing form sweeping
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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    with brush or hand用刷子或手

  1. [transitive, intransitive] to clean a room, surface, etc. using a broom (= a type of brush on a long handle)掃;打掃;清掃
    • sweep (something) to sweep the floor清掃地板
    • Chimneys should be swept regularly.煙囪應該定期清掃。
    • I don't have to sweep and mop every day.我不用每天掃地拖地。
    • sweep up Don't just stand around—grab a broom and sweep up.不要只是站在那裏——拿把掃帚掃一掃。
    • sweep something + adj. The showroom had been emptied and swept clean.陳列室已經清理出來,打掃幹淨了。
    Topics Houses and homesb2
  2. [transitive] sweep something + adv./prep. to remove something from a surface using a brush, your hand, etc.掃去;清除
    • She swept the crumbs into the wastebasket.她把面包屑掃進廢紙簍裏。
    • He swept the leaves up into a pile.他把樹葉掃成一堆。
    • She swept the clothes onto the floor and invited him to sit down.她把衣服掃到地板上,請他坐下。
  3. move quickly/with force快速/猛烈移動

  4. [transitive] sweep somebody/something + adv./prep. to move or push somebody/something suddenly and with a lot of force(迅猛地)推送,吹走,沖走,帶走
    • The little boat was swept out to sea.小船被吹到大海裏去了。
    • Their tent was swept away in the storm.他們的帳篷在暴風雨中被卷走了。
    • She let herself be swept along by the crowd.她任由自己被人流挾裹着前行。
  5. [intransitive, transitive] (of weather, fire, etc.風、雨、雪、火等) to move suddenly and/or with force over an area or in a particular direction猛烈吹過;掠過;席卷;橫掃
    • + adv./prep. Rain swept in through the broken windows.雨水從破窗戶灌進屋内。
    • A fire swept through the store on Tuesday night.周二晚上,一場大火席卷了整個商店。
    • sweep something Strong winds regularly sweep the islands.這些島上經常刮大風。
  6. of a person

  7. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to move quickly and/or smoothly, especially in a way that impresses or is intended to impress other people步態輕盈地走;大模大樣地走
    • Without another word she swept out of the room.她再沒說話,大模大樣地走出房間。
    • Two police motorcycles swept through the village.兩輛警車在村子裏疾馳。
    • A pair of golden eagles swept across the sky.一對金雕掠過天空。
    • She swept past the photographers without a glance.她從攝影師身邊掠過,沒有看一眼。
    • (figurative) He swept into the lead with an almost perfect performance.他以幾近完美的表現跨入領先位置。
  8. [transitive] sweep something + adv./prep. to move something, especially your hand or arm, quickly and smoothly in a particular direction揮動,舞動(手、臂等)
    • He rushed to greet her, sweeping his arms wide.他張開雙臂舞動着,沖過去迎接她。
    Extra Examples
    • She swept a hand through her hair.她用手捋了捋頭發。
    • The traveller swept a hand toward the endless expanse of water.旅行者朝着一望無際的水域揮了揮手。
  9. of feelings感受

  10. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to suddenly affect somebody strongly突然襲來
    • A wave of tiredness swept over her.她感到渾身疲憊。
    • Memories came sweeping back.往事倏地又浮現在腦海中。
  11. of ideas/fashions思想;時尚

  12. [intransitive, transitive] to spread quickly迅速傳播
    • + adv./prep. Rumours of his resignation swept through the company.他辭職的傳言在全公司傳播開了。
    • sweep something the latest craze sweeping the nation席卷全國的最新熱潮
  13. look/move over area掃視;掠過

  14. [intransitive, transitive] to move over an area, especially in order to look for something掃視;掠過;搜索
    • + adv./prep. His eyes swept around the room.他把房間掃視了一遍。
    • The car headlights swept across the front of the building.汽車前燈掃過大樓的正面。
    • sweep something Searchlights swept the sky.探照燈在空中掃來掃去。
    • She swept the crowd with her binoculars.她用雙筒望遠鏡掃視人群。
  15. touch surface輕觸表面

  16. [transitive] sweep something to move, or move something, over a surface, touching it lightly(使)輕輕掠過,輕輕擦過
    • Her dress swept the ground as she walked.她行走時衣裙拖在地上。
  17. hair頭發

  18. [transitive] sweep something + adv./prep. to brush, comb, etc. your hair in a particular direction梳;刷;掠
    • Her hair was swept back from her face.她的頭發是從前邊往後梳的。
    Topics Appearancec2
  19. of landscape地貌

  20. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to form a long, smooth curve蜿蜒;呈緩坡延伸
    • The hotel gardens sweep down to the beach.旅館的花園呈緩坡一直延伸到海灘。
  21. in sport體育運動

  22. [transitive] sweep something (North American English) to win all the games in a series of games against another team or all the parts of a contest(在系列比賽中)獲得全部勝利,囊括各項冠軍
    • The Blue Jays have a chance to sweep the series.藍鳥隊有機會橫掃系列賽。
    • New Jersey swept Detroit last season.在上個賽季,新澤西隊全勝底特律隊。
  23. Word OriginOld English swāpan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to German schweifen ‘sweep in a curve’.
sweep the board
  1. to win all the prizes, etc. in a competition(在比賽中)囊括所有獎項
sweep somebody off their feet
  1. to make somebody fall suddenly and deeply in love with you使某人立刻迷上自己;使某人對自己一見傾心
    • She’s waiting for some hero to come and sweep her off her feet.她在等待某個英雄的到來,讓她神魂颠倒。
    Topics Feelingsc2
sweep (somebody) to power
  1. to win an election by a large number of votes; to make somebody win an election with a large number of votes(使某人)以壓倒性優勢在選舉中獲勝
sweep to victory
  1. to win a contest easily輕易赢得(競賽)
    • Macron swept to victory in 2017.馬克龍在2017年大獲全勝。
sweep something under the carpet
(North American English also sweep something under the rug)
  1. to try to stop people from finding out about something wrong, illegal, embarrassing, etc. that has happened or that you have done掩蓋某事
    • An earlier report, implicating the government, had been conveniently swept under the carpet.早先一份牽連政府的報告被輕易地掩蓋了。


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    with brush用刷子

  1. [countable, usually singular] an act of cleaning a room, surface, etc. using a broom掃;打掃;清掃
    • Give the room a good sweep.把房間好好打掃一下。
  2. curving movement揮動

  3. [countable] a smooth curving movement揮動;掠
    • He indicated the door with a sweep of his arm.他一揮胳膊指向門。
    Extra Examples
    • He dismissed his assistant with a grandiose sweep of his hand.他傲慢地擺了擺手把助手打發走了。
    • (figurative) Thousands of jobs were lost in one broad sweep.一次大範圍的調整使數千人失去了工作。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • long
    • wide
    verb + sweep
    • make
    • take
    • in one sweep
    • with a sweep
    See full entry
  4. landscape地貌

  5. [countable, usually singular] a long, often curved, piece of road, river, coast, etc.(道路、河流、海岸等)一長段,綿延彎曲的地帶,呈緩坡狀的地帶
    • the broad sweep of white cliffs around the bay環繞海灣的一段白色懸崖
    Extra Examples
    • The house overlooks the great sweep of the St Lawrence River.這所房子俯瞰着聖勞倫斯河的遼闊水面。
    • An elegant sweep of lawn led up to the house.一片優雅的草坪通向房子。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • long
    • wide
    verb + sweep
    • make
    • take
    • in one sweep
    • with a sweep
    See full entry
  6. range範圍

  7. [uncountable] the range of an idea, a piece of writing, etc. that considers many different things廣泛性;廣博的範圍;廣度
    • Her book covers the long sweep of the country's history.她的著作涵蓋了該國漫長的歷史。
    • the broad cultural sweep of Flaubert's novel福樓拜小說廣博的文化内涵
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • long
    • wide
    verb + sweep
    • make
    • take
    • in one sweep
    • with a sweep
    See full entry
  8. movement/search over area巡行;搜索

  9. [countable] a movement over an area, for example in order to search for something or attack something巡行;搜索;掃蕩
    • The rescue helicopter made another sweep over the bay.救援直升機在海灣上空又搜索了一遍。
    Extra Examples
    • Her eyes made a comprehensive sweep of the room.她掃視了房間的各個角落。
    • We made a wide sweep south to the River Dee.我們向南進行大範圍搜索,直到迪河。
  10. chimney煙囪

  11. (also chimney sweep)
    [countable] a person whose job is to clean the inside of chimneys煙囪清掃工Topics Jobsc2
  12. gambling賭博

  13. [countable]
    (North American English also sweeps)
    (informal) a sweepstake (= a type of betting in which the winner gets all the money bet by everyone else)賭金全赢制
  14. in sport體育運動

  15. [countable] (North American English) a series of games that a team wins against another team; the fact of winning all the parts of a contest(兩支球隊對賽其中一方)全勝的一系列比賽;囊括冠軍
    • a World Series sweep在世界職業棒球系列賽中囊括冠軍
  16. television電視

  17. the sweeps
    [plural] (North American English) a time when television companies examine their programmes to find out which ones are the most popular, especially in order to calculate advertising rates收視率調查(電視台爲查明節目受歡迎度,尤爲計算廣告費)
    • the May ratings sweeps五月收視率橫掃
  18. Word OriginOld English swāpan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to German schweifen ‘sweep in a curve’.
(make) a clean sweep (of something)
  1. to remove all the people or things from an organization that are thought to be unnecessary or need changing全部撤換;徹底清除
    • The new manager made a clean sweep of the department.新經理清除了部門中的冗員。
  2. to win all the prizes or parts of a game or competition; to win an election completely(比賽或競賽中)大獲全勝,包攬(所有獎項);獲得選舉全勝
    • China made a clean sweep of the medals in the gymnastics events.中國隊在體操比賽中包攬了所有的獎牌。
    • The opinion poll suggests a clean sweep for the Democrats.民意測驗表明民主黨有可能大獲全勝。


ADJECTIVE | VERB + SWEEP | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEgreat, long, wide一大片;一長段;寬闊的一片The house overlooks the great sweep of the St Lawrence River.這所房子俯瞰着聖勞倫斯河的遼闊水面。single掃一眼comprehensive全面的掃視Her eyes made a comprehensive sweep of the room.她掃視了房間的各個角落。elegant, graceful高雅的/優雅的揮動broad, dramatic, epic, grand廣泛的/戲劇性的/史詩般的範圍;高傲的揮動the broad cultural sweep of Flaubert's novel福樓拜小說廣博的文化內涵He dismissed his assistant with a grand sweep of his hand.他傲慢地一揮手把助手打發走了。VERB + SWEEPmake, take進行大面積搜索We made a wide sweep south to the River Dee.我們向南進行大範圍搜索,直到迪河。PREPOSITIONin one sweep (figurative) 一次大規模的事件中Thousands of jobs were lost in one broad sweep.一次大範圍的調整使數千人失去了工作。with a sweep一揮with a sweep of his arm他手臂一揮
sweep verb
brush (sweep the floor) slide (sweep out of the room)

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