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BNC: 1123 COCA: 933


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  1. [uncountable, singular] a situation or a period of time in which there is no war or violence in a country or an area和平;太平
    • world peace 世界和平
    • in peace The two communities live together in peace.这两个社区和平相处。
    • at peace The countries have been at peace for more than a century.这些国家和平共处已有一个多世纪。
    • peace talks/negotiations和平谈判/协商
    • the peace process和平进程
    • a peace treaty/accord/agreement/deal和平条约/协议/协议/交易
    • peace between A and B The negotiators are trying to make peace between the warring factions.谈判者正努力使交战各派议和。
    • The fragile peace between North and South is threatened. 南北之间脆弱的和平受到威胁。
    • He is critical of US efforts to restore peace to the country. 他对美国恢复该国和平的努力持批评态度。
    • to bring/promote/achieve/ensure peace带来/促进/实现/确保和平
    • A UN force has been sent to keep the peace (= to prevent people from fighting).一支联合国部队被派出维护和平。
    • After years of war, the people long for a lasting peace.历经多年战乱之后,人民渴望永久和平。
    • the peace movement (= that tries to prevent war by protesting, persuading politicians, etc.)争取和平运动
    • the Peace of Utrecht, 1713 (= the agreement ending the war)1713 年的乌得勒支和平协议
    Homophones peace | piecepeace   piece
    • peace noun
      • Hopes for peace between the two nations are fading.两国之间和平的希望正在消失。
    • piece noun
      • Here's an interesting piece of information.这里有一条有趣的信息。
    Collocations War and peaceWar and peace战争与和平Starting a war开战
    • declare/​make/​wage war (on somebody/​something)(向…)宣战/挑起战争/发动战争
    • go to war (against/​with somebody)(向…)开战
    • cause/​spark/​provoke/​foment/​quell unrest引起/平息骚乱
    • incite/​lead/​crush/​suppress a revolt/​rebellion煽动/领导/镇压起义/叛乱
    • launch/​mount/​carry out a surprise/​terrorist attack发起/实施突然/恐怖袭击
    • prevent/​halt/​represent an escalation of the conflict防止/阻止/表明冲突升级
    • be torn apart by/​be on the brink of civil war被内战搞得四分五裂;濒于内战
    • enter/​invade/​occupy somebody’s territory进入/侵略/占领某人的领土
    • lead/​launch/​resist/​repel an invasion领导/发起/抵制/击退武装入侵
    Military operations军事行动
    • adopt/​develop/​implement/​pursue a military strategy采用/发展/实施/执行军事战略
    • carry out/​execute/​perform military operations/​manoeuvres
    • send/​deploy/​station/​pull back/​withdraw troops派遣/部署/派驻/撤回部队
    • go on/​fly/​carry out a reconnaissance/​rescue mission进行/驾机执行/执行侦察/营救任务
    • train/​equip/​deploy army/​military/​combat units训练/装备/部署陆军/军事/作战分队
    • lead/​launch/​conduct a raid/​a surprise attack/​an (air/​airborne/​amphibious) assault (on somebody)领导/发起/实施(对某人的)突然袭击/(空中/空投部队/登陆)攻击
    • employ/​use guerrilla tactics采用游击战术
    • conduct/​wage biological/​guerrilla warfare进行/发动生物战/游击战
    • fight/​crush/​defeat the rebels/​the insurgency设法战胜/镇压/挫败叛乱者/叛乱
    • suffer/​inflict a crushing defeat遭受惨败;大获全胜
    • achieve/​win a decisive victory赢得决定性的胜利
    • halt/​stop the British/​German/​Russian advance阻止英国/德国/俄罗斯的前进
    • order/​force a retreat命令/强迫撤退
    • join/​serve in the army/​navy/​air force加入陆军/海军/空军;在陆军/海军/空军部队服役
    • be/​go/​remain/​serve on active duty在服现役
    • serve/​complete/​return from a tour of duty在服役;服役完毕;服役归来
    • be sent to the front (line)被派往前线
    • attack/​strike/​engage/​defeat/​kill/​destroy the enemy袭击/攻击敌人;与敌人交战;击败/杀死/消灭敌人
    • see/​report/​be engaged in heavy fighting目睹/报道/参与激战
    • call for/​be met with armed resistance要求/遭遇武装抵抗
    • come under heavy/​machine-gun/​mortar fire冒着激烈的/机关枪的/迫击炮的射击
    • fire a machine-gun/​mortar shells/​rockets (at somebody/​something)(对…)发射机关枪/迫击炮弹/火箭弹
    • shoot a rifle/​a pistol/​bullets/​missiles步枪/手枪射击;发射子弹/导弹
    • launch/​fire a cruise/​ballistic/​anti-tank missile发射巡航/弹道/反坦克导弹
    • use biological/​chemical/​nuclear weapons使用生物/化学/核武器
    • inflict/​suffer/​sustain heavy losses/​casualties遭受惨重损失/伤亡
    • be hit/​killed by enemy/​friendly/​artillery fire被敌军/友军/炮火击中/射死
    • become/​be held as a prisoner of war成为战俘;作为战俘被监禁
    Civilians in war战争中的平民
    • harm/​kill/​target/​protect innocent/​unarmed civilians伤害/杀死/瞄准/保护无辜的/手无寸铁的平民
    • cause/​avoid/​limit/​minimize civilian casualties/​collateral damage导致/避免/限制/最大限度减少平民伤亡/附带性破坏
    • impose/​enforce/​lift a curfew强制实行/解除宵禁
    • engage in/​be a victim of ethnic cleansing参与种族清洗;成为种族清洗的受害者
    • be sent to an internment/​a concentration camp被送到俘虏拘留营/集中营
    • accept/​house/​resettle refugees fleeing from war接受/收容/安置战争难民
    • fear/​threaten military/​violent reprisals害怕/扬言要军事/暴力报复
    • commit/​be accused of war crimes/​crimes against humanity/​genocide犯/被指控犯战争罪/反人类罪/种族灭绝罪
    Making peace和解
    • make/​bring/​win/​achieve/​maintain/​promote peace促使/带来/赢得/实现/保持/促进和平
    • call for/​negotiate/​broker/​declare a ceasefire/​a temporary truce要求/商谈/协商/宣布停战/暂时休战
    • sign a ceasefire agreement签署停战协议
    • call for/​bring/​put an end to hostilities要求发动/引发/结束战争
    • demand/​negotiate/​accept the surrender of somebody/​something强烈要求/商讨/接受…投降
    • establish/​send (in) a peacekeeping force建立/派遣维和部队
    • negotiate/​conclude/​ratify/​sign/​accept/​reject/​break/​violate a peace treaty商讨/达成/正式批准/签署/接受/拒绝/破坏/违反和平协定
    Extra Examples
    • An uneasy peace prevailed in the first days of the ceasefire.停火的最初几天里处于不稳定的和平状态。
    • The country is in a state of relative peace after ten years of fighting.经历了 10 年的战争之后,该国正处于相对的和平之中。
    • His country's actions threaten peace in the region.他所在国家的行动威胁到该地区的和平。
    • The UN has resumed its efforts to broker peace.联合国已恢复和平斡旋的努力。
    • An uneasy peace settled over the region.该地区出现了不稳定的和平。
    • The regime fell and peace reigned once more.政权倒台了,和平再次占据了统治地位。
    • Any hopes of peace between the two nations seem to have faded.这两国之间的和平希望似乎逐渐渺茫。
    • The president is visiting the country on a peace mission.总统肩负和平使命访问这个国家。
    • Over 20 heads of state attended the peace talks.20多位国家元首参加了和谈。
    • Peace protesters came out in force for the biggest demonstration ever.和平抗议者举行了有史以来最大规模的示威游行。
    • The peace movement grew in strength during the Cold War years.和平运动在冷战时期日益壮大。
    • Ironically the peace settlement was the cause of much future conflict.具有讽刺意味的是,和平解决是未来许多冲突的原因。
    • Their efforts to bring about a peace accord soon failed.他们达成和平协议的努力很快就失败了。
    • He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.他被授予诺贝尔和平奖。
    • Obviously world peace is our ultimate goal.显然世界和平是我们的最终目标。
    • They prayed for peace on earth.他们祈祷地球和平。
    Topics War and conflicta2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • durable
    • lasting
    • permanent
    verb + peace
    • bring (about)
    • establish
    • make
    peace + verb
    • come
    • prevail
    • reign
    peace + noun
    • conference
    • congress
    • negotiations
    • at peace  (with)
    • peace  between
    See full entry
  2. [uncountable] the state of being calm or quiet平静;安静;宁静
    • She lay back and enjoyed the peace of the summer evening.她轻松地躺着享受夏日傍晚的宁静。
    • I would work better if I had some peace and quiet.四周若再安静一些,我会干得更好。
    • I need to check that she is all right, just for my own peace of mind (= so that I do not have to worry).我必须看到她安然无恙,心里才踏实。
    • at peace with yourself He never really felt at peace with himself.他从未真正感到过内心的平静。
    • at peace I felt calm and at peace.我感到平静和安宁。
    • Her father is at peace (= dead) now.她的父亲现在安息了。
    • (law法律) They were charged with disturbing the peace (= behaving in a noisy and violent way).他们被指控扰乱治安。
    • in peace He just wants to be left in peace (= not to be disturbed).他只希望不受打扰。
    Extra Examples
    • Go away and leave me in peace!走开,别打扰我!
    • He was enjoying the peace of his study.他享受着书房的宁静。
    • Peace descended once more on the little town.平静再一次降临小镇。
    • She finally found inner peace and happiness.她终于找到了内心的平静和幸福。
    • The island is a haven of peace and tranquillity.这个岛上极其宁静。
    • The peace of the afternoon was suddenly shattered by a police siren.下午的宁静突然被警笛打破了。
    • She stopped shouting and peace reigned supreme once again.她不再大喊大叫,一切又恢复了平静。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • inner
    • perfect
    • eternal
    verb + peace
    • find
    • seek
    • enjoy
    peace + verb
    • reign
    • descend on something
    • settle over something
    • at peace
    • at peace  with
    • in peace
    • peace and quiet
    • peace and tranquillity
    • peace of mind
    See full entry
  3. [uncountable] the state of living in friendship with somebody without arguing和睦;融洽;和谐
    • in peace with somebody They simply can't seem to live in peace with each other.他们好像就是不能和睦相处。
    • in peace They live together in peace despite their differences.尽管有分歧,他们还是和平地生活在一起。
    • at peace with somebody/something She felt at peace with the world.她感觉与世无争。
    see also breach, Justice of the Peace
    Which Word? peace / peacefulnesspeace / peacefulness
    • The noun peace can be used to talk about a peaceful state or situation:名词 peace 指和平、平静、安宁的状态或形势:
      • world peace世界和平
      • I just need some peace and quiet.我需要的只是平静与安宁。
      Peacefulness is not a common word. It means ‘the quality of being peaceful’.
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • inner
    • perfect
    • eternal
    verb + peace
    • find
    • seek
    • enjoy
    peace + verb
    • reign
    • descend on something
    • settle over something
    • at peace
    • at peace  with
    • in peace
    • peace and quiet
    • peace and tranquillity
    • peace of mind
    See full entry
  4. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French pais, from Latin pax, pac- ‘peace’.
hold your peace/tongue
  1. (old-fashioned) to say nothing although you would like to give your opinion(想说却)保持沉默,缄口不语Topics Opinion and argumentc2
make (your) peace with somebody
  1. to end an argument with somebody, usually by saying you are sorry(经道歉)与人和解,言归于好
    • He made peace with his brother when their father was dying.当他们的父亲快要死的时候,他和他的兄弟和解了。
    Topics Discussion and agreementc2
(there’s) no peace/rest for the wicked
  1. (usually humorous) used when somebody is complaining that they have a lot of work to do(有人抱怨工作太多时说)恶人绝无平安
BNC: 1123 COCA: 933


1not war非戰爭ADJECTIVE | VERB + PEACE | PEACE + VERB | PEACE + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdurable, lasting, permanent持久的和平;永久的和平fragile, uneasy脆弱的/不穩定的和平negotiated通過談判實現的和平A negotiated peace would be preferable to a protracted war.通過談判實現和平要強於長期的戰爭。relative相對的和平The country is in a state of relative peace after ten years of fighting.經歷了 10 年的戰爭之後,該國正處於相對的和平之中。world世界和平obstacles in the way of world peace世界和平道路上的障礙VERB + PEACEbring (about), establish, make, secure帶來和平;建立和平;和解;維護和平England finally made peace with France.英國最終與法國講和了。broker, negotiate通過調解實現/通過談判獲得和平The UN has resumed its efforts to broker peace.聯合國已恢復和平斡旋的努力。keep, maintain, preserve維護和平UN troops are trying to keep the peace in the region.聯合國部隊正在努力維護該地區的和平。restore恢復和平promote促進和平We aim to promote world peace by encouraging links between nations.我們打算通過加深各國之間的聯繫溝通來促進世界和平。threaten威脅和平His country's actions threaten peace in the region.他所在國家的行動威脅到該地區的和平。PEACE + VERBcome和平到來prevail, reign時局太平;和平主宰An uneasy peace prevailed in the first days of the ceasefire.停火的最初幾天裏處於不穩定的和平狀態。PEACE + NOUNconference, congress, negotiations, process, talks和平會議;和平大會;和談;和平進程This must not be allowed to hold up the peace process.一定不能讓這件事阻礙和平進程。efforts, initiative和平努力/倡議plan, proposal和平計劃/建議accord, agreement, deal, pact, settlement, treaty和平協議;和平條約broker, envoy, negotiator和平斡旋人/特使/談判代表mission和平使命The president is visiting the country on a peace mission.總統肩負和平使命訪問這個國家。activist, advocate, campaigner, marcher, protester和平積極分子;和平倡導者;和平運動參加者;和平示威者;爭取和平的抗議者group, movement爭取和平運動團體;爭取和平運動camp, march, protest, rally, vigil和平陣營/遊行/抗議/集會/守夜offering和平禮物The Greeks hid inside a wooden horse left as a peace offering.希臘人隱藏在作為和平祭禮留下的一個木馬中。PREPOSITIONat peace (with)(與⋯)和平相處Although the two countries were officially at peace, fighting continued.儘管兩國公開表示和平共處,但戰鬥仍在繼續。peace between⋯之間的和平peace between the warring factions in the area這個地區交戰派別之間的和平


2state of being calm寧靜ADJECTIVE | VERB + PEACE | PEACE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEinner內心的平靜perfect絕對的安寧eternal永久的安寧VERB + PEACEfind, seek找到平靜;尋求安寧She finally found inner peace and happiness.她終於找到了內心的平靜和幸福。enjoy享受寧靜He was enjoying the peace of his study.他享受着書房的寧靜。disturb, shatter攪擾平靜;打破安寧The peace of the afternoon was suddenly shattered by a police siren.下午的寧靜突然被警笛打破了。leave sb in不打擾某人Go away and leave me in peace!走開,別打擾我!make講和a scene in the movie where Harry tries to make peace with his mother電影裏哈里試圖與母親和解的一個場面PEACE + VERBreign平靜佔支配地位She stopped shouting, and peace reigned supreme once again.她不再大喊大叫,一切又恢復了平靜。descend on sth, settle over sth平靜降臨在⋯/停留在⋯Peace descended once more on the little town.平靜再一次降臨小鎮。PREPOSITIONat peace去世Her father is at peace (= dead) now.她的父親現在安息了。at peace with與⋯無爭For the first time in months, she felt calm and at peace with the world.幾個月來她第一次感到了平靜和與世無爭。in peace安靜地to live in peace and harmony生活在平靜與和諧之中PHRASESpeace and quiet, peace and tranquillity寧靜The island is a haven of peace and tranquillity.這個島上極其寧靜。peace of mind心境平靜The computer comes with a three-year guarantee for peace of mind.這台計算機有 3 年的保修期,消費者可以放心購買。
BNC: 1123 COCA: 933
peace noun
peace (world peace) silence (peace and quiet) at peace dead adj.


peace ♦︎ order ♦︎ law and order ♦︎ the rule of law ♦︎ calmThese are all words for a situation or period of time in which there is no war or violence in a country or area and people obey the law. 这些词均表示和平、太平或治安。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an uneasy peace / calmrelative / comparative peace / calmto maintain / establish / preserve peace / order / law and order / the rule of lawto restore peace / order / law and order / the rule of lawto enforce peace / order / law and order / the rule of lawpeace / order / law and order / the rule of law / calm prevailsorder / law and order / the rule of law breaks downthe breakdown of order / law and order / the rule of law peace [uncountable, singular] a situation or period of time in which there is no war or violence in a country or area 和平;太平Any hopes of peace between the two nations seem to have faded.这两国之间的和平希望似乎逐渐渺茫。The two communities now live together in peace.这两个群落现在和睦相处。England and France were once again at peace with each other.英格兰和法国又一次和平共处,相安无事了。Peace finally returned to the city streets.城市的街道终于恢复了平静。The negotiators are trying to make peace between the warring factions.谈判代表试图让交战各方和解。Troops were brought in to keep the peace.出动了部队来维持和平。Obviously world peace is our ultimate goal.显然世界和平是我们的最终目标。After years of war, the people longed for a lasting peace.经历了多年的战乱之后,人民渴望永久和平。OPP war war order [uncountable] the state that exists when people obey laws, rules or authority 治安;秩序;规矩The army had been brought in to maintain order in the capital.出动了军队来维持首都的治安。Some teachers find it hard to keep order in their classes.有些教师觉得难以维持课堂秩序。Some teachers find it difficult to keep their classes in order.有些教师觉得难以维持课堂秩序。It is our duty to preserve public order.我们的责任是维护公共秩序。OPP disorder trouble 1 ˌlaw and ˈorder


a situation in which people obey the law and behave in a peaceful way 法治;治安;遵纪守法They regarded the forces of law and order (= the police and the courts) as their enemy.他们视法制力量为敌。
the rule of ˈlaw


(rather formal) the situation in which all members of society, including its leaders, accept the authority of the law 法治It is our duty to uphold the rule of law.我们的责任是维护法治。
calm [uncountable, singular] a situation in which there is no violence, angry protests or arguments (没有暴力、抗议或争吵的)平静,宁静(的状态)The police appealed for calm.警方呼吁保持冷静。An uneasy calm descended on the streets.街上有一种令人不安的宁静。 see also calm quiet adj. 1
BNC: 1123 COCA: 933
Pleasant situations: peace, harmony, privilege...
Periods of quiet and calm: quiet, peace, lull...
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...

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