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Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they claim
he / she / it claims
past simple claimed
past participle claimed
-ing form claiming
Phrasal Verbs
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    say something is true/you have done something

  1. [transitive] to say that something is true although it has not been proved and other people may not believe it宣称;声称;断言
    • claim (that)… He claims (that) he was not given a fair hearing.他声称他未得到公正的申诉机会。
    • claim to be/do something I don't claim to be an expert.我不敢自称为专家。
    • She claimed to hate all art.她声称讨厌所有的艺术。
    • claim somebody/something to be/do something She's not the saint that many have claimed her to be.她不是许多人声称的圣人。
    • After disappointing box office results, newspapers claimed the show to be a failure在令人失望的票房成绩之后,报纸声称该节目失败了
    • claim something Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.科学家宣称治疗癌症已有重大的突破。
    • it is claimed that… It was claimed that some doctors were working 80 hours a week.据说有些医生每周工作 80 小时。
    • + speech ‘I did not tell any lies,’ she claimed.“我没有说谎,”她声称。
    Synonyms claimclaim
    • allegation
    • assertion
    These are all words for a statement that something is true, although it has not been proved.以上各词均表示未经证实的说法。
    • claim a statement that something is true, although it has not been proved.指声称、宣称、断言
    • allegation (rather formal) a public statement that is made without giving proof, accusing somebody of doing something that is wrong or illegal.指无证据的说法、指控
    • assertion (rather formal) a statement of something that you strongly believe to be true, although it has not been proved.指明确肯定、断言
    claim or assertion?用 claim 还是 assertion?When the point in doubt is a matter of opinion, not fact, use assertion: 表示坚持观点而非断言属实,用 assertion:She made sweeping claims about the role of women in society. When you are talking about a matter of fact, you can use either word; an assertion may be slightly stronger than a claim and it is a more formal word.表示断言属实,两词可以通用。assertion 比 claim 语气稍强,且更正式。Patterns
    • a(n) claim/​allegation/​assertion that…
    • a(n) claim/​allegation/​assertion about/​of something
    • false/​unfounded/​conflicting claims/​allegations/​assertions
    • to make/​deny a(n) claim/​allegation/​assertion
    • to withdraw a(n) claim/​allegation
    Language Bank argueargueVerbs for reporting an opinion陈述观点的动词
      • Some critics argue that Picasso remained a great master all his life.一些评论家认为毕加索毕生都是一位大师。
      • Others maintain that there is a significant deterioration in quality in his post-war work.其他人坚称他战后的作品质量明显下降。
      • Picasso himself claimed that good art is created, but great art is stolen.毕加索自己声称,好的艺术是创造出来的,伟大的艺术却是偷来的。
      • As Smith has noted, Picasso borrowed imagery from African art.正如史密斯所述,毕加索借用了非洲艺术的意象。
      • As the author points out, Picasso borrowed imagery from African art.正如作者指出的那样,毕加索借用了非洲艺术的意象。
      • The writer challenges the notion that Picasso’s sculpture was secondary to his painting.作者对这种观点表示质疑,即毕加索的雕塑不及他的绘画。
      • It has been suggested that Picasso’s painting was influenced by jazz music.据说毕加索的绘画受到爵士乐的影响。
    Extra Examples
    • He tried to claim that he had acted in self-defence.他极力宣称自己是自卫。
    • The company had falsely claimed that its products were biodegradable.公司谎称其产品可生物降解。
    • He successfully claimed unfair dismissal.他成功地声称不公平解雇。
    • Several collectors are claiming ownership of the paintings.几位收藏家声称对这些画拥有所有权。
    • Some critics claimed that the play was too complicated. 一些评论家声称这出戏太复杂了。
    • The report claims that house prices are still rising.报告声称房价仍在上涨。
    • The book claims to represent all women.这本书声称代表了所有女性。
    • Sources claim the company has now withdrawn from the deal.消息人士称,该公司现已退出交易。
    • He claims to have no interests or hobbies.他声称没有兴趣或爱好。
    Topics Opinion and argumentb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • justifiably
    • legitimately
    • rightfully
    verb + claim
    • attempt to
    • try to
    See full entry
  2. [transitive] claim something to state that you have done, gained or achieved something声称:声明你已经做了、获得了或实现了某事
    • He claimed victory in the presidential elections before all the results were in.在所有的结果出来之前,他声称在总统选举中获胜。
    • Nobody has claimed responsibility for the bombing.没有人声称对爆炸事件负责。
  3. money金钱

  4. [transitive, intransitive] to ask for money from the government or a company because you have a right to it索要;索取
    • claim something He's not entitled to claim housing benefit.他无权要求住房补贴。
    • You might be entitled to claim compensation if you are injured at work.如果受了工伤,你可能有权要求赔偿。
    • claim something from something You could have claimed the cost of the hotel room from your insurance.你本可以从你的保险中索取旅馆住房费。
    • She claimed damages from the company for the injury she had suffered.她因受伤向公司要求获得损害赔偿金。
    • claim (on something) (for something) You can claim on your insurance for that coat you left on the train.你可按你的保险索赔你遗忘在火车上的大衣。
    Extra Examples
    • People who want to claim unemployment benefits must accept any legal job offered to them.想申请失业救济金的人必须接受提供给他们的任何合法工作。
    • She is entitled to claim a deduction for travel costs.她有权要求扣除旅行费用。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • back
    verb + claim
    • be able to
    • be entitled to
    • can
    • on
    See full entry
  5. demand legal right要求合法权利

  6. [transitive] claim something to demand or ask for something because you believe it is your legal right to own or to have it要求(拥有);索取;认领
    • A lot of lost property is never claimed.许多失物从未被认领。
    • The family arrived in the UK in the 1990s and claimed political asylum.这家人20世纪90年代来到英国要求政治避难。
    • He is claiming his right to his family's fortune.他声称有权继承他家的财产。
    Topics Law and justiceb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • back
    verb + claim
    • be able to
    • be entitled to
    • can
    • on
    See full entry
  7. attention/thought注意;思考

  8. [transitive] claim something to get or take somebody’s attention引起注意
    • A most unwelcome event claimed his attention.一件非常讨厌的事情需要他去考虑。
  9. gain/win获得;赢得

  10. [transitive] claim something to gain, win or achieve something获得;赢得;取得
    • She has finally claimed a place on the team.她终于成了那支队的队员。
    Topics Successc1
  11. cause death导致死亡

  12. [transitive] claim something (of a disaster, an accident, etc.灾难、事故等) to cause somebody’s death夺走,夺去(生命)
    • The car crash claimed three lives.那次撞车事故导致三人死亡。
  13. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French claime (noun), clamer (verb), from Latin clamare ‘call out’.

    saying something is true表示真实

  1. [countable] a statement that something is true although it has not been proved and other people may not agree with or believe it声称;宣称;断言
    • claim about somebody/something The company had made false claims about its products.公司对其产品的表述不实。
    • claim of something to reject/dismiss/deny claims of discrimination拒绝/驳回/否认歧视指控
    • a report examining claims of corrupt links between politicians一份调查政客之间腐败联系的报告
    • claim that… The singer has denied the magazine's claim that she is leaving the band.这名歌手已否认那家杂志有关她要离开乐队的说法。
    Extra Examples
    • Claims of corruption within the police force were denied.警察内部腐败的说法遭到了否认。
    • There are conflicting claims about the cause of the fire.关于起火原因的说法相互矛盾。
    • They accepted her claim that she had been ill-treated.他们相信了她受过虐待的说法。
    • They were able to produce witnesses to support their claim.他们能够提供证人来支持自己的说法。
    • We have heard claims like this many times before.我们以前听到过很多次这样的说法。
    • the central claim of the book该书的中心论断
    • to investigate claims about appalling prison conditions调查有关监狱条件极端恶劣的说法
    • There have been many claims and counterclaims about the relationship.关于这种关系,已经有许多索赔和反诉。
    • He refuted both claims.他驳斥了这两种说法。
    • It is difficult to substantiate claims by officials that he was responsible for the attack.很难证实官员们关于他应对袭击负责的说法。
    • She is innocent, despite any claims to the contrary. 尽管有任何相反的说法,她是无辜的。
    • She resigned her position amid claims of bullying at the college.她因被指控在大学里受欺凌而辞职。
    • There are several claims of responsibility being made for the attacks.有人声称对这些袭击负责。
    Topics Opinion and argumentb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • dubious
    • false
    • unfounded
    verb + claim
    • make
    • hear
    • accept
    claim + verb
    • be true
    • stand up
    • claim about
    • claim of
    • base a claim on something
    See full entry
  2. for money钱款

  3. [countable] a request for a sum of money that you believe you have a right to, especially from a company, the government, etc.(尤指向公司、政府等)索款,索赔
    • You can make a claim on your insurance policy.你可按保险单索赔。
    • claim for something to put in a claim for an allowance提出领取津贴的要求
    • a claim for £2 000要求 2 000 英镑的索赔
    • Make sure your claims for expenses are submitted by the end of the month.你的费用一定要在月底以前办理报销。
    • a 3 per cent pay claim3%的工资要求
    • Complete a claim form (= an official document which you must use in order to request money from an organization).填写索赔表格。
    Extra Examples
    • claims arising out of accidents at work工作事故导致的索赔
    • claims against the company for breach of contract因公司违反合同而对其提出的索赔
    • competing claims for public money竞相申用公款的请求
    • excessive wage claims过高的工资要求
    • to file a civil claim for damages提出民事索赔
    • to stake a claim to some of the prize money索要部份奖金
    • Nurses have put in a three per cent pay claim.护士已提出加薪3%的要求。
    • His claim for compensation was upheld in court.他的索赔要求得到了法庭支持。
    • She brought a claim for damages against the company.她向公司提出赔偿损失的要求。
    • The police are investigating fraudulent claims for fire damage.警方正在调查欺诈性的火灾索赔。
    • We will need extra funds to meet all the insurance claims.我们需要更多资金来支付所有保险索赔。
    • The claim failed because the company had not been misled.索赔主张没有得到支持,因为公司并没有受到误导。
    • The court denied their claim for compensation.法院驳回了他们的赔偿要求。
    • The contamination crisis might result in big compensation claims.污染危机可能导致巨额索赔。
    • Some expense claims were disputed.一些费用索赔有争议。
    • The company has paid billions to settle claims against it.该公司已支付数十亿美元来解决对其的索赔。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • large
    • small
    • excessive
    verb + claim
    • bring
    • file
    • lodge
    claim + verb
    • arise
    • fail
    claim + noun
    • form
    • claims adjuster
    • claims payment
    • claim against
    • claim for
    • claim on
    See full entry
  4. legal right合法权利

  5. [countable, uncountable] a right that somebody believes they have to something, especially property, land, etc.(尤指对财产、土地等要求拥有的)所有权
    • nineteenth-century land claims十九世纪的土地主张
    • claim on something They had no claim on the land.他们无权索要那块土地。
    • claim to something She has more claim to the campaign's success than anybody (= she is responsible for it).她比任何人都更能宣称竞选成功。
    Extra Examples
    • He has a good claim to the land.他有充分的理由拥有这块土地。
    • His children have a claim on his estate.他的子女对他的地产拥有所有权。
    • She renounced her claim to the property.她放弃了对这套房产的拥有权。
    • You will have to prove your claim to the property in a court of law.你必须在法庭上证明你对这项财产拥有所有权。
    • Adams staked his claim for a place in the Olympic team with his easy win yesterday.亚当斯昨天轻松获胜,这无异于告诉人们奥运代表队中应有他的位置。
    • The court ruled that they had no claim on the land.法院裁定他们无权索要那片土地。
    • The princess was forced to renounce her claim to the throne.公主被迫放弃对王位的要求。
    • She has made a claim for asylum.她已经申请庇护。
    Topics Law and justiceb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • good
    • strong
    • competing
    verb + claim
    • have
    • assert
    • lay
    • claim on
    • claim to
    See full entry
  6. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French claime (noun), clamer (verb), from Latin clamare ‘call out’.
claim to fame
  1. (often humorous) one thing that makes a person or place important or interesting一举出名的事;成名的一件事
    • His main claim to fame is that he went to school with the prime minister.他出名主要是因为他曾经是首相的中学同学。
    • The town’s only claim to fame is the castle.这座城镇唯一出名的地方是城堡。
have a claim on somebody/something
  1. to have the right to demand time, attention, etc. from somebody对某人有…的要求权
    • You have no claim on me any more.你不再对我有任何要求。
    • I have many claims on my time.我繁务缠身。
    • She had a prior claim on his affections.她有权优先得到他的疼爱。
lay claim to something
  1. to state that you have a right to own something声称对…的拥有权;提出对…的所有权
    • He laid claim to the property.他声称对财产拥有所有权。
    Extra Examples
    • Four men laid claim to leadership of the country.4 人声称有权领导这个国家。
    • He went back to lay claim to his inheritance.他回来主张他的继承权。
make no claim
  1. used when you are saying that you cannot do something(表示不能做某事)自认为不
    • I make no claim to understand modern art.我自认为不懂现代艺术。
stake (out) a/your claim (to/for/on something)
  1. to say or show publicly that you think something should be yours公开宣布自己(对某物)的所有权;向公众表示某物应属于自己
    • Adams staked his claim for a place in the Olympic team with his easy win yesterday.亚当斯昨天轻松获胜,这无异于告诉人们奥运代表队中应有他的位置。


1statement saying that sth is true斷言ADJECTIVE | VERB + CLAIM | CLAIM + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdubious, false, unfounded, unsubstantiated可疑的論斷;虛假表述;無根據的斷言;未經證明的說法conflicting矛盾的說法There are conflicting claims about the cause of the fire.關於失火的原因有一些矛盾的說法。absurd, astonishing, bold, exaggerated, extraordinary, extravagant, grandiose, outrageous, ridiculous荒謬的/驚人的/大膽的/言過其實的/不尋常的/浮誇的/不切實際的/聳人聽聞的/荒唐可笑的論斷central中心論斷the central claim of the book該書的中心論斷health (= a claim that a product has health benefits) (NAmE) (宣稱產品對身體健康有某方面益處的)健康聲明VERB + CLAIMmake聲稱The company had made false claims about its products.公司對其產品的表述不實。I make no claim to understand modern art.我沒有說過自己理解現代藝術。hear聽見⋯說法We have heard claims like this many times before.我們以前聽到過很多次這樣的說法。accept, believe接受/相信⋯的說法They accepted her claim that she had been ill-treated.他們相信了她受過虐待的說法。challenge質疑⋯說法deny, dismiss, dispute, refute, reject否認⋯說法;駁回⋯說法;對⋯說法有爭議;駁斥⋯說法;拒絕接受⋯說法Claims of a cover-up were dismissed.聲稱有人掩蓋真相的種種說法未被採納。debunk, disprove揭穿論斷;證明論斷錯誤back up, bolster, substantiate, support贊同/支持/證實/聲援論斷They were able to produce witnesses to support their claim.他們能夠提供證人來支持自己的說法。prove, validate, verify證明/確認/證實說法evaluate, investigate評估/調查說法CLAIM + VERBbe true, stand up說法屬實/站得住腳PREPOSITIONclaim about關於⋯的說法to investigate claims about appalling prison conditions調查有關監獄條件極端惡劣的說法claim of⋯的說法Claims of corruption within the police force were denied.警察內部腐敗的說法遭到了否認。PHRASESbase a claim on sth使說法以⋯為根據


2demand for sth要求ADJECTIVE | VERB + CLAIM | CLAIM + VERB | CLAIM + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVElarge, small大額/小額索賠excessive過分要求excessive wage claims過高的工資要求legal, legitimate法律/合法訴求bogus, fraudulent虛假/欺詐性索賠The police are investigating fraudulent claims for fire damage.警方正在調查欺詐性的火災索賠。accident, compensation, damage, damages, insurance, medical, pay, wage (especially BrE) 事故索賠;賠償要求;損失索賠;保險索賠;醫療費索賠;報酬要求;工資要求discrimination, harassment, malpractice (especially NAmE) 歧視/騷擾/瀆職索賠civil民事索賠to file a civil claim for damages提出民事索賠VERB + CLAIMbring, file, lodge, make, put forward, put in, submit提出索賠She brought a claim for damages against the company.她向公司提出賠償損失的要求。drop, waive, withdraw放棄索賠;撤銷索賠investigate調查索賠請求review審查索賠請求allow, uphold認可/支持索賠請求His claim for compensation was upheld in court.他的索賠要求得到了法庭支持。dismiss駁回索賠請求win贏得索賠請求meet, pay, settle滿足索賠請求;支付索賠We will need extra funds to meet all the insurance claims.我們需要更多資金來支付所有保險索賠。CLAIM + VERBarise索賠請求產生claims arising out of accidents at work工作事故導致的索賠fail索賠主張未獲支持The claim failed because the company had not been misled.索賠主張沒有得到支持,因為公司並沒有受到誤導。CLAIM + NOUNform索賠單claims adjuster (= sb whose job is to settle claims against an insurance company) (NAmE) 理賠員claims payment索賠支付款PREPOSITIONclaim against對⋯提出的主張claims against the company for breach of contract因公司違反合同而對其提出的索賠claim for⋯的要求a claim for compensation賠償損失的主張claim on依據⋯提出的主張to make a claim on your insurance policy依據保險單提出的索賠主張I have many claims on my time.我繁務纏身。


3right to have sth所有權ADJECTIVE | VERB + CLAIM | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEgood, strong合理的/有力的權利訴求competing, rival競爭性/對立的權利訴求competing claims for public money競相申用公款的請求prior優先權She had a prior claim on his affections.她有權優先得到他的疼愛。moral道德上的權利訴求land, territorial土地/領土要求VERB + CLAIMhave擁有所有權He has a good claim to the land.他有充分的理由擁有這塊土地。assert, lay, press, stake提出有權擁有⋯Four men laid claim to leadership of the country.4 人聲稱有權領導這個國家。to stake a claim to some of the prize money索要部份獎金establish, prove確定/證明所有權You will have to prove your claim to the property in a court of law.你必須在法庭上證明你對這項財產擁有所有權。forfeit, relinquish, renounce, withdraw喪失所有權;放棄所有權PREPOSITIONclaim on對⋯的所有權His children have a claim on his estate.他的子女對他的地產擁有所有權。claim to對⋯的擁有權She renounced her claim to the property.她放棄了對這套房產的擁有權。


1say that sth is true斷定ADVERB | VERB + CLAIM ADVERBjustifiably, legitimately, rightfully, rightly有理由宣稱;有權宣稱;正當地斷言falsely, wrongly謊稱;錯誤地宣稱The company had falsely claimed that its products were biodegradable.公司謊稱其產品可生物降解。plausibly頭頭是道地宣稱frequently, repeatedly頻繁/反複宣稱publicly公開宣稱VERB + CLAIMattempt to, try to試圖/極力宣稱He tried to claim that he had acted in self-defence.他極力宣稱自己是自衞。


2ask for sth you think you have a right to have依權索要ADVERB | VERB + CLAIM | PREPOSITION ADVERBback要回;追索You can claim back some of the cost of your treatment.你可以追索部份治療費用。VERB + CLAIMbe able to, be entitled to, can能夠要求;有資格索要;可以索要You might be entitled to claim compensation if you are injured at work.如果受了工傷,你可能有權要求賠償。attempt to, try to試圖追索;極力索要PREPOSITIONon依據⋯索賠Can't you claim on your insurance?你不能要求保險賠償嗎?
claim noun
claim (conflicting claims) request (a pay claim) right (sb's claim to the throne)
claim verb
claim (claim that sth is true) ask2 (claim compensation)


claim ♦︎ allegation ♦︎ assertion ♦︎ contentionThese are all words for a statement that sth is true, although it has not been proved. 这些词均表示未经证实的说法。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a claim / an allegation / an assertion / a contention that...a claim / an allegation / an assertion about / of sthfalse / unfounded / unsubstantiated claims / allegations / assertionsto make / deny a claim / an allegation / an assertionto support a claim / an allegation / an assertion / a contentionto investigate / withdraw a claim / an allegationto reject a claim / an assertion / a contentionto question a claim / an assertionto dispute a claim / contention claim [countable] a statement that sth is true, although it has not been proved 声明;宣称;断言There are conflicting claims about the cause of the fire.关于起火原因的说法相互矛盾。The report examines claims of corrupt links between politicians.这份报告调查了政治人物之间互相勾结的说法。OPP denial denial allegation ˌæləˈgeɪʃn [countable] (rather formal) a public statement that is made without giving proof, accusing sb of doing sth that is wrong or illegal (无证据的)声明,指控He has made serious allegations against the company.他对那家公司提出严重的指控。He has resigned amid corruption allegations.面对腐败指控,他已辞职。 assertion əˈsɜːʃn; NAmE əˈsɜːrʃn [countable] (rather formal) a statement of sth that you strongly believe to be true, although it has not been proved 认定;断言She made sweeping assertions about the role of women in society.她对妇女在社会中的角色给出了笼统的说法。He was correct in his assertion that the minister had been lying.他认定部长之前在说谎,事实果然如此。NOTE 辨析 Claim or assertion?When the point in doubt is a matter of opinion, not fact, use assertion. 如果对所谈问题存疑是因为看法不同,而非与事实不符,用assertionShe made sweeping claims about the role of women in society. When you are talking about a matter of fact you can use either word; an assertion may be slightly stronger than a claim and it is a more formal word. 如果谈论的是事实,两词可以通用。assertion比claim语气稍强,且更正式。 contention kənˈtenʃn [countable] (formal) a belief or opinion that you express, especially in an argument (尤指争论时的)看法,观点It is our client's contention that the fire was an accident.我们当事人的看法是这场火灾属于意外。 claim


claim ♦︎ argue ♦︎ insist ♦︎ allege ♦︎ contend ♦︎ maintain ♦︎ assert ♦︎ protest ♦︎ affirmThese words all mean to say that sth is true. 这些词均表示宣称、断言、主张。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to claim / argue / insist / allege / contend / maintain / assert / protest / affirm that...It is claimed / argued / alleged / contended / maintained / asserted / affirmed that...to insist on / maintain / assert / protest your innocenceto argue / insist / protest / assert sth strongly claim [transitive] to state sth as a fact, but without giving proof 宣称;声称;断言He claims (that) he was not given a fair hearing.他声称他未得到公正的申诉机会。I don't claim to be an expert.我不敢自称为专家。Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.科学家宣称治疗癌症已有重大突破。It was claimed that some doctors were working 80 hours a week.据说有些医生每周工作80小时。 argue [intransitive, transitive] to give reasons why you think that sth is right or wrong, true or not true, especially to persuade people that you are right 论证;说理;争辩They argued for the right to strike.他们据理力争罢工的权利。He was too tired to argue the point (= discuss the matter).他太累了,不想讨论这个问题。She argued that they needed more time to finish the project.她提出理由说明他们需要更多时间来完成该项目。 see also argument argument 2 insist ɪnˈsɪst [intransitive, transitive] to say very firmly and often repeatedly that sth is true, especially when other people do not believe you 坚持说;一再重申;固执己见He insisted on his innocence.他坚持说自己是无辜的。He insisted (that) he was innocent.他坚持说自己是无辜的。 insistence


[uncountable] No one was convinced by her insistence that she was not to blame.她坚持说不是自己的错,但没有人相信。
allege əˈledʒ [transitive, often passive] (formal) to claim sth, especially in the context of a legal dispute (尤指法律辩论时)断言,指称,声称It is alleged that he mistreated the prisoners.据称他虐待囚犯。He is alleged to have mistreated the prisoners.他被指控虐待囚犯。This procedure should be followed in cases where dishonesty has been alleged.指控欺诈的案件应遵循本诉讼程序。 see also alleged supposed contend kənˈtend [transitive] (formal) to say that sth is true, especially in an argument (尤指在争论中)声称,主张,认为I would contend that the prime minister's thinking is flawed on this point.我认为首相的想法在这一点上有漏洞。 maintain meɪnˈteɪn [transitive] (rather formal) to continue to say that sth is true, even though other people do not agree or do not believe it 坚持(意见);对⋯固执己见The men maintained (that) they were out of the country when the crime was committed.这几个男人坚持说案发时他们在国外。She has always maintained her innocence.她一直坚持说自己是无辜的。 assert əˈsɜːt; NAmE əˈsɜːrt [transitive] (formal) to state clearly and firmly that sth is true 明确表示;断言She continued to assert her innocence.她仍然坚称自己无辜。She continued to assert that she was innocent.她仍然坚称自己无辜。 protest [transitive] to say firmly that sth is true, especially when you have been accused of sth or when other people do not believe you 坚决表示;申辩She has always protested her innocence.她一直坚持说自己是无辜的。He protested that the journey was too far by car.他坚持说路途太远,不宜开汽车去。'That's not what you said earlier!' Jane protested.“你当初不是这么说的!”简争辩说。 affirm əˈfɜːm; NAmE əˈfɜːrm [transitive] (formal) to state firmly or publicly that sth is true or that you support sth strongly 申明;断言;公开支持I can affirm that no one will lose their job.我可以肯定,谁都不会丢掉工作。Both sides affirmed their commitment to the ceasefire.双方均申明答应停火。NOTE 辨析 Assert or affirm?You assert sth when you want other people to believe and support you. You affirm sth in order to reassure people that it is true. 如果想让别人相信并支持你,用assert。如果目的是向别人保证某事属实,用affirm。

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