verb- [transitive, intransitive]
to record your/somebody’s/something’s name on an official list 登记;注册 You can also register online. 也可以在线注册。 to register a birth/marriage/death 登记出生/结婚/死亡 to register a company/trademark 注册公司/商标 - register somebody/something
The site has 114 million registered users. 该网站拥有1.14亿注册用户。 a registered charity 注册慈善团体。 We expect about 50 per cent of registered voters to vote in the election. 我们预计大约50%的登记选民将在选举中投票。 The police has registered a case against the company. 警方已立案起诉该公司。 The regulations require doctors and patients to register in a database. 这些规定要求医生和病人在数据库中注册。 The ship was registered in Panama. 这艘船是在巴拿马注册的。 Six other families were also registered at the same address. 另外六个家庭也在同一地址登记。 to register at a hotel 在旅馆登记 - register somebody + adj.
She is officially registered disabled. 她正式登记为伤残者。 - register as something
They encouraged all eligible citizens to register as voters. 他们鼓励所有符合条件的公民登记为选民。 - register somebody/something as something
He then registered the name as a trademark. 然后他把这个名字注册为商标。 - register with somebody/something
to register with a doctor/dentist 向医生/牙医登记 - register somebody/something with somebody/something
All childminders should be registered with the local authority. 所有保育员都应该在地方当局登记。 - register for something
About 700 people registered for the conference. 大约有700人报名参加了会议。 - register somebody/something for something
The drug has not been registered for use in Australia. 该药物尚未在澳大利亚注册使用。 - register to do something
More than 5 000 people registered to take part in the contest. 5 000多人报名参加了比赛。 - register somebody to do something
78 per cent reported that they were registered to vote. 78%的人报告说,他们登记投票。
WordfinderExtra ExamplesAbout 68 per cent of illegitimate births were jointly registered by both parents. 大约有68% 的私生子是由父母双方共同登记的。 As I reached my eighteenth birthday I duly registered for military service. 到我 18 岁生日那天,我按时进行了兵役登记。 He registered at his local university. 他在当地大学注册了。 On completion of the preregistration year, graduates become fully registered by the General Medical Council. 预先登记期满一年,毕业生就会成为医学总会的正式注册成员。 Players must register online before playing the game. 玩游戏之前玩家必须先进行网上注册。 Students living away from home are required to register with a local doctor. 离家上学的学生须到当地医生那里注册。 There is still time to register for English classes. 还有时间可以报名选修英语课。 They had not properly registered as required by state law. 他们没有按照州法律要求进行正确的登记。 You must register the death within three days. 必须在死者死亡 3 日内登记。 the number of people officially registering as unemployed 正式登记的失业人数 the preferences of newly registered voters 新近注册的投票人的偏好 All students must be registered with a local doctor. 所有学生必须向本地医生登记。 Many older people have registered for a postal vote. 许多年长者已登记办理邮寄投票。 Not all firms are registered for VAT. 并非所有公司都注册了增值税。 Only 2% of the workforce was registered as unemployed. 只有2%的劳动力登记失业。 The company's logo has not yet been registered as a trademark. 这家公司的标识还没有注册为商标。 Visitors to the country had to register with the police. 到这个国家的游客必须向警方登记。 You need to go to the Registrar's Office to register the death. 你需要去登记处登记死亡。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb- formally
- officially
- properly
- …
- be required to
- have to
- must
- …
- as
- at
- for
- …
- newly registered
- [transitive] register something (formal)
to make your opinion known officially or publicly Topics Opinion and argumentc2(正式地或公开地)发表意见,提出主张 - [intransitive] + noun
if a measuring instrument registers an amount or something registers an amount on a measuring instrument, the instrument shows or records that amount 显示(读数);记录 - + noun
The thermometer registered 32°C. 温度计显示读数为 32 摄氏度。 The earthquake registered 3 on the Richter scale. 地震震级为里氏 3 级。 - register something
The stock exchange has registered huge losses this week. 本周证券交易遭到重创。
- + noun
- [transitive, no passive, intransitive] register (something) (formal)
to show or express a feeling 流露出;显得;表达出 - [transitive, no passive, intransitive]
(often used in negative sentences )常用于否定句 to notice something and remember it; to be noticed 注意到;记住;受到注意 - register (something)
He barely registered our presence. 他几乎没有注意到我们在场。 I told her my name, but it obviously didn't register. 我把名字告诉了她,但她显然没有在意。 - register that…
He vaguely registered that the women had gone. 他模糊地记得那几名妇人已经走了。 - register where, what, etc…
Slowly, my mind began to register where I was: in the hospital. 慢慢地,我开始注意到我待的地方竟是一家医院。
Extra ExamplesThe pain that stung her hand did not seem to register. 她似乎没注意到手上的蜇痛。 The words registered slowly in her mind. 这些话慢慢地留在了她脑海里。 His eyes failed to register Meredith's surprise. 他没注意到梅雷迪思吃惊的样子。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb- barely
- hardly
- dimly
- …
- fail to
- not seem to
- begin to
- …
- register (something)
- [transitive, usually passive] register something
to send something by mail, paying extra money to protect it against loss or damage 把…挂号邮寄
put name on list登记姓名
give opinion publicly公开发表意见
on measuring instrument测量仪器
show feeling表达情感
notice something注意到
Word Originlate Middle English: from Old French regestre or medieval Latin regestrum, registrum, alteration of regestum, singular of late Latin regesta ‘things recorded’, from regerere ‘enter, record’.