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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 241 COCA: 338


  1. [countable, uncountable] the height of something in relation to the ground or to what it used to be(与地面或过去位置相对的)高度
    • The cables are buried one metre below ground level.电缆埋在地平面下一米深的地方。
    • The floodwater nearly reached roof level.洪水几乎涨到屋顶。
    • The river has fallen to its lowest level since 2012.这条河已经降到了2012年以来的最低水平。
    • the level rose/dropped/decreased/increased水位上升/下降/下降/上升
    • on a level with something On the second floor you are on a level with (= at the same height as) the treetops.二楼和树梢同高。
    • on a level The tables are not on a level (= the same height).这些桌子高矮不一。
    see also eye level, sea level, water level
    Extra Examples
    • the level of water in the bottle瓶中的水位
    • The plane was flying at a very low level.飞机正在超低空飞行。
    • The water rose to the level of the ground floor windows.水涨到了一楼的窗户那么高。
    • They are going to raise the level of the banks to prevent flooding.他们要加高堤岸以防洪水。
    • below the level of the cloud在云层之下
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • high
    • low
    • ground
    verb + level
    • adjust
    • change
    • lower
    • above a/​the level
    • at a/​the level
    • below a/​the level
    • a change in level
    • a change of level
    See full entry
  2. floor/layer楼层;层面

  3. [countable] a floor of a building; a layer of ground楼层;地层
    • a multi-level parking lot多层停车场
    • Take the elevator to Level Four.乘电梯到四层。
    • on a level The restaurant is on the level below this one.餐馆在这个下面一层。
    • The library is all on one level.图书馆全部在同一层楼上。
    • Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site.考古学家在挖掘现场的最下层发现了陶器。
    see also split-level
    Extra Examples
    • Are we on the right level for the restaurant?我们是在餐厅所处的楼层吗?
    • Remember that we parked on level 5.记住我们的车停在第5层。
    Topics Houses and homesa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • ground
    • lower
    • higher
    • on a/​the level
    • to a/​the level
    See full entry
  4. amount数量

  5. [countable] the amount of something that exists in a particular situation at a particular time(某时某情况下存在的)数量,程度,浓度
    • a low level of support for the proposed changes对提议的变革的支持度很低
    • Increase your level of activity to burn more calories.增加你的活动量来燃烧更多的卡路里。
    • to raise/reduce the level of something提高/降低某物的水平
    • They have achieved higher levels of efficiency.他们已经达到较高的效率水平。
    • A change of course may be needed if the current level of violence continues.如果目前的暴力水平继续下去,可能需要改变路线。
    • low/high/elevated blood cholesterol levels低/高/升高的血液胆固醇水平
    • a reduction/a rise/a decrease/an increase/a change in energy levels能量水平的降低/升高/降低/增加/变化
    • at a/the… level Profits were at the same level as the year before.利润和前一年持平。
    Extra Examples
    • a test that checks the level of alcohol in the blood对血液中酒精含量的测试
    • Crime has reached its highest level ever.犯罪率已达到有史以来最高水平。
    • Emissions are well below the levels set by the WHO.排放量远远低于世卫组织规定的标准。
    • Excessive levels of lead were found in the water.水里发现过量的铅。
    • Her blood pressure has returned to its normal level.她的血压已经恢复到正常水平。
    • Industrial output has reached record levels.工业产量已创纪录新高。
    • Mortgage rates were 10% above their current level.当时的抵押借款利率比现有水平高出 10%。
    • Radiation is well below the permitted level.辐射量远远低于规定水平。
    • Rents will be kept at this level for another year.租金在来年仍将保持这个水平。
    • She predicts that fuel prices will remain at current levels.她预计燃料价格会保持现有水平。
    • There will be stiff penalties if companies exceed these levels of pollution.公司污染超标将会受到严厉的处罚。
    • They were asked to indicate the level of distress they experienced as a result of their experiences.他们需要说明曾经经历的事给他们造成了多大的压力。
    • a generous level of financial support for the arts对艺术的慷慨解囊
    • an acceptable level of risk可接受的风险水平
    • permitted levels of chemical pollutants化学污染物的准许含量
    • the worst level of business failure since 1997自 1997 年以来企业破产的最严重程度
    • Another cause for concern is the rising level of crime.另一个令人担忧的原因是犯罪率的上升。
    • High stress levels will affect employees' productivity.精神压力大会影响雇员的工作效率。
    • The aim is to reduce pollution levels in the city.目标是降低城市的污染水平。
    • These cities have relatively low levels of unemployment.这些城市的失业率相对较低。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • elevated
    • high
    • significant
    verb + level
    • achieve
    • attain
    • reach
    level + verb
    • go up
    • rise
    • soar
    • above a/​the level
    • at a/​the level
    • below a/​the level
    See full entry
  6. standard标准

  7. [countable, uncountable] a particular standard or quality标准;水平;质量;品级
    • The hotel's level of service is consistently high.这家酒店的服务水平一直很高。
    • The participants had different levels of education.参与者受教育程度不同。
    • He studied French to degree level.他的法语学到了拿学位的水平。
    • What is the level of this course?这门课程是什么程度?
    • It is difficult to maintain this level of performance.很难保持这种水平的性能。
    • at a… level She has played tennis at a high level.她的网球技术已经很高。
    • on a level Both players are on a level (= of the same standard).两位选手的水平不相上下。
    • I refuse to sink to their level (= behave as badly as them).我不愿堕落到他们那种地步。
    see also A level, entry-level, O level
    Extra Examples
    • students who have reached the intermediate level达到中等水平的学生
    • students at intermediate level中等水平的学生
    • language students at different levels of proficiency不同熟练程度的语言学习者
    • They work hard, but with varying levels of success.他们工作努力,不过成功程度不一。
    • He has reached an advanced level in his studies.他的学习达到了高级水平。
    • Standards of hygiene are at a fairly low level.卫生标准相当低。
    • a sport suitable for people of all fitness levels适合不同身体状况的人的运动
    • Most of these students have a high level of language ability.这些学生大多语言能力很强。
    • She studied psychology at degree level.她修读了心理学的学位课程。
    • She reached a very high level at a very young age.她在很年轻时就晋升到非常高的级别。
    • The school offers classes at all levels from beginner to advanced.这所学校提供从初级到高级的各级课程。
    • He's reading at grade level.他的阅读处在年级平均水平。
    • His English is way above the level of the other students.他的英语比其他同学要好很多。
    • The book is not suitable for students below degree level.这本书不适合没有达到学位水平的学生。
    • The difficulty level of the exercises in the book varies widely.这本书中练习题的难度相差很大。
    • The teaching is at quite a basic level.教学处于相当基础的水平。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • basic
    • elementary
    • low
    verb + level
    • attain
    • reach
    • complete
    • above a/​the level
    • at a/​the level
    • below a/​the level
    • somebody’s comfort level
    • take somebody/​something to the next level
    See full entry
  8. rank in scale级别

  9. [uncountable, countable] a position or rank in a scale of size or importance层次;级别
    • the upper levels of government政府的高层
    • at (a) … level Discussions are currently being held at national level.目前讨论正在全国进行。
    • at local/international level 在地方/国际一级
    see also high-level, top-level
    Extra Examples
    • The decision is being made at top level.最高层正在做决策。
    • There is a lot of corruption at a local level.地方上有很多腐败现象。
    • The thing has got to be organized on an international level.这件事情需由国际机构出面组织。
    • At the local level there's a lot to be said for the plan.关于这个计划,还有许多要向地方基层解释。
    • The party needs to win support at grass-roots level.该党需要赢得基层民众的支持。
    • These decisions are made at board level.这些决定由董事会作出。
    • He promised reforms at all levels of government.他承诺对各级政府进行改革。
    • It's people at the lower levels within the company that will lose their jobs.公司里的低层人员会失业。
    • He rose to the level of general manager.他升到了总经理的级别。
    • You need to do all three levels to qualify as a canteen supervisor.成为一名合格的餐厅主管你需要满足这3 项要求。
    • It's time to take my career to the next level.是让我的事业提升一个层次的时候了。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • high
    • upper
    • low
    verb + level
    • reach
    • rise to
    • at a/​the level
    • on a/​the level
    See full entry
  10. point of view观察的角度

  11. [countable] a particular way of looking at, reacting to or understanding something看待(或应对、理解)事物的方式
    • on a… level On a more personal level, I would like to thank Jean for all the help she has given me.从较为个人的角度我要感谢琼所给予我的一切帮助。
    • Fables can be understood on various levels.寓言可从不同的角度去理解。
    • at a… level At a conscious level, I was quite satisfied with my life.在意识层面,我对生活颇满意。
    Extra Examples
    • On a superficial level everything appears to be in order, but at a deeper level you an see that there's a lot wrong.从表面上看,一切似乎都井井有条,但在更深的层面上,你会发现有很多错误。
    • We probably need to look at this problem at a more detailed level.我们或许需要更细致地考虑这个问题。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • conscious
    • subconscious
    • unconscious
    • at a/​the level
    • on a/​the level
    See full entry
  12. in computer games

  13. [countable] one of a series of stages in a computer game. Players progress from easy to more advanced levels within the game.电脑游戏中的一系列阶段之一。玩家在游戏中从简单到更高级。
    • a computer game with 15 levels15 级的电脑游戏
    • Players advance to the next level by collecting all the pieces and constructing the spaceship.玩家通过收集所有的碎片和建造宇宙飞船来进入下一个阶段。
    • Each level is randomly generated so each game is different.每个关卡都是随机生成的,所以每个游戏都是不同的。
    Topics Games and toysb1
  14. tool工具

  15. (also spirit level)
    [countable] a device used to test whether a surface is level, consisting of a glass tube partly filled with liquid with a bubble of air inside. The position of the bubble indicates whether the surface is level.一种用来测试表面是否水平的装置,由一根玻璃管组成,玻璃管中部分充满液体,内部有气泡。气泡的位置表示表面是否水平。
  16. Word OriginMiddle English (denoting an instrument to determine whether a surface is horizontal): from Old French livel, based on Latin libella, diminutive of libra ‘scales, balance’.
on the level
(North American English also on the up and up)
  1. (informal) honest; legal诚实;诚恳;合法;正当 synonym above board
    • I'm not convinced he's on the level.我不相信他是真诚的。
    • Are you sure this deal is on the level?你确信这笔交易合法吗?
on a level/par with somebody/something
  1. as good, bad, important, etc. as somebody/something else等高的;地位相同的;价值相等的
    • This place is on a level with the best French restaurants.这个地方和最好的法国餐馆在同一水平线上。
on a par/level with somebody/something
  1. as good, bad, important, etc. as somebody/something else等高的;地位相同的;价值相等的
    • This place is on a par with the best French restaurants.这个地方和最好的法国餐馆不相上下。


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  1. having a flat surface that does not slope平的;平坦的
    • Pitch the tent on level ground.把帐篷搭建在平地上。
    • Add a level tablespoon of flour (= enough to fill the spoon but not so much that it goes above the level of the edge of the spoon).加一平匙面粉。
    compare heaped
    Extra Examples
    • Keep the pot level, or you'll spill the coffee.把壶端平,否则会把咖啡洒出来。
    • Make sure you get the shelf level before screwing it in.拧螺丝之前一定要将架子放平。
    • The floor has got to be absolutely level.地板必须完全平整。
    Topics Buildingsb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • seem
    • absolutely
    • completely
    • approximately
    See full entry
  2. equal相等

  3. having the same height, position, value, etc. as something等高的;地位相同的;价值相等的
    • Are these pictures level?这些画挂得一样高吗?
    • The unemployment rate remained level in November.失业率在11月份保持不变。
    • level with something This latest rise is intended to keep wages level with inflation.最近这次加薪目的是使工资与通货膨胀保持相同的水平。
    • He bent down so that his eyes were nearly level with hers.他弯下腰,以便他的眼睛几乎和她的眼睛平齐。
    • She drew level with (= came beside) the police car.她开车赶上来和警车并排行驶。
    • The water came level with the top of her boots.水和她靴子的顶部齐平。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • come
    • draw
    • almost
    • nearly
    • with
    See full entry
  4. level (with somebody) (especially British English, sport体育) having the same score as somebody得分相同
    • A good second round brought him level with the tournament leader.他第二轮发挥良好,与锦标赛领先选手得分持平。
    • England fought well to stay on level terms.英格兰打得很好,以保持水平。
    • France took an early lead but Wales soon drew level (= scored the same number of points).法国队开始领先,但很快就被威尔士队把比分扳平。
    Extra Examples
    • The score was level at 5 points each.比分是5比5平。
    • The clubs are level on points.各俱乐部得分相同。
    • He went into the last match on level points with Jones.他在最后一场比赛中与琼斯平起平坐。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • come
    • draw
    • almost
    • nearly
    • with
    See full entry
  5. voice/look声音;目光

  6. not showing any emotion; steady平静的;冷静的;平稳的 synonym even
    • a level gaze目光平静的凝视
    see also levelly
  7. Word OriginMiddle English (denoting an instrument to determine whether a surface is horizontal): from Old French livel, based on Latin libella, diminutive of libra ‘scales, balance’.
be level pegging
  1. (British English) to have an equal or even score势均力敌;不分胜负
    • The contestants were level pegging after round 3.参赛选手在第 3 轮以后成绩不相上下。
    • Five minutes later it was level pegging when Kane banged in the equalizer五分钟后,凯恩砰的一声扳平了比分
do/try your level best (to do something)
  1. to do as much as you can to try to achieve something尽自己最大的努力;竭尽全力;全力以赴Topics Successc2
a level playing field
  1. a situation in which everyone has the same opportunities人人机会均等


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they level
he / she / it levels
past simple levelled
past participle levelled
(US English) past simple leveled
(US English) past participle leveled
-ing form levelling
(US English) -ing form leveling
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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    make flat使平坦

  1. [transitive] to make something flat or smooth使平坦;使平整
    • level something out The first coat of plaster levels out the surface of the wall.第一层灰泥平整了墙面。
    • level something off Use a palette knife to level off the top.用调色刀平整顶部。
    • level something If you're laying tiles, the floor will need to be levelled first.你如果要铺瓷砖,得先整平地面。
    Topics Buildingsb2
  2. make equal使相等

  3. [transitive, intransitive] level (something) to make something, especially a score in sport, equal or similar使相等;使平等;使相似
    • Davies levelled the score at 2 all.戴维斯把比分拉成 2:2 平。
    • to level the match/game扳平比赛/比赛
    • France levelled with two minutes remaining.法国队在还剩两分钟时扳平了比分。
  4. destroy摧毁

  5. [transitive] level something to destroy a building or a group of trees completely by knocking it down摧毁,夷平(建筑物或树林) synonym raze
    • The blast levelled several buildings in the area.那次爆炸把当地几座建筑物夷为平地。
    • Bulldozers are now waiting to level their home.现在推土机已经准备好,等着把他们的住宅推倒。
    Topics Buildingsb2
  6. point瞄准

  7. [transitive] level something (at somebody) to point something, especially a gun, at somebody(尤指用枪)瞄准,对准
    • I had a gun levelled at my head.有一支枪对准了我的头。
    Extra Examples
    • She brought her right hand from behind her and levelled the pistol.她从背后伸出右手,扳平了手枪。
    • She levelled the gun at his head.她用枪瞄准他的头。
  8. Word OriginMiddle English (denoting an instrument to determine whether a surface is horizontal): from Old French livel, based on Latin libella, diminutive of libra ‘scales, balance’.
level the playing field
  1. to create a situation where everyone has the same opportunities创造人人机会均等的局面
IELTS BNC: 241 COCA: 338


1amount/size/number數量;大小;數目ADJECTIVE | VERB + LEVEL | LEVEL + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEelevated, high, significant, substantial高水平;可觀的數量record新紀錄Industrial output has reached record levels.工業產量已創紀錄新高。increasing, rising日益上升的數值excessive過量Excessive levels of lead were found in the water.水裏發現過量的鉛。low少量decreased, reduced減少了的數量;降低的水平decreasing, falling日益減少的數量moderate中等水平varying不同水平They work hard, but with varying levels of success.他們工作努力,不過成功程度不一。detectable, undetectable可檢出的/檢測不到的水平generous (especially BrE) 很大的數量a generous level of financial support for the arts對藝術的慷慨解囊permitted, recommended, required允許的/推薦的/需要的數量permitted levels of chemical pollutants化學污染物的准許含量acceptable, adequate, necessary, safe可接受的/足夠的/必要的/安全的數量an acceptable level of risk可接受的風險水平normal正常水平Her blood pressure has returned to its normal level.她的血壓已經恢復到正常水平。realistic, reasonable真實/合理水平dangerous, unacceptable危險的/不能接受的水平worst最嚴重的程度the worst level of business failure since 1997自 1997 年以來企業破產的最嚴重程度unprecedented史無前例的水平maximum, minimum最高/最低水平desired, optimal期望的/最佳水平baseline基線水平noise, ozone, pollution, radiation噪聲級;臭氧含量;污染程度;輻射量crime, poverty犯罪率;貧困程度funding, staffing資金量;人員配備水平blood-sugar, cholesterol, hormone, etc.血糖、膽固醇、激素等水平confidence, energy, stress置信級;能量級;壓力水平VERB + LEVELachieve, attain, reach達到⋯水平They have achieved higher levels of efficiency.他們已經達到較高的效率水平。Crime has reached its highest level ever.犯罪率已達到有史以來最高水平。remain at保持在⋯高度She predicts that fuel prices will remain at current levels.她預計燃料價格會保持現有水平。boost, elevate, improve, increase, raise提升水平;增加數量maintain維持水平bring down, decrease, keep down, lower, reduce縮減數量;降低水平control, regulate控制水平adjust, alter, change調節水平;改變數量set規定數量Emissions are well below the levels set by the WHO.排放量遠遠低於世衞組織規定的標準。exceed超過數量There will be stiff penalties if companies exceed these levels of pollution.公司污染超標將會受到嚴厲的處罰。assess, determine, measure, record估計/確定/測量/記錄數目check, monitor檢查/監控水平LEVEL + VERBgo up, rise, soar數量增加;水平提高;水平高漲decrease, drop, fall, go down, plummet數量減少;數量下降;水平驟降change, differ, vary數量變化;水平不同exceed sth水平超過⋯PREPOSITIONabove a/the level在⋯水平之上Mortgage rates were 10% above their current level.當時的抵押借款利率比現有水平高出 10%。at a/the level處於⋯水平Rents will be kept at this level for another year.租金在來年仍將保持這個水平。below a/the level在⋯水平之下Radiation is well below the permitted level.輻射量遠遠低於規定水平。level of⋯的水平They were asked to indicate the level of distress they experienced as a result of their experiences.他們需要說明曾經經歷的事給他們造成了多大的壓力。


2stage of progress/standard程度ADJECTIVE | VERB + LEVEL | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbasic, elementary, low基礎水平;初級階段;低水平The teaching is at quite a basic level.教學處於相當基礎的水平。entry入門水平They have a good range of entry-level computers for beginners.他們有各種供初學者使用的入門級電腦。intermediate中等水平advanced, high高級階段;高水平Her illness has reached an advanced level.她的病已經是晚期。degree拿學位的水平3rd-grade, 11th-grade, etc. (NAmE) 三年級、十一年級等水平grade (NAmE) 年級水平He's reading at grade level (= at the average level for his grade).他的閱讀處在年級平均水平。difficulty難度The difficulty level of the exercises in the book varies widely.這本書中練習題的難度相差很大。fitness健康水平a sport suitable for people of all fitness levels適合不同身體狀況的人的運動educational教育水平VERB + LEVELattain, reach達到水平students who have reached the intermediate level達到中等水平的學生complete, do, take完成⋯水平的學習You need to do all three levels to qualify as a chef.要獲得廚師資格你必須完成全部 3 個級別的學習。PREPOSITIONabove a/the level在⋯水平之上His English is way above the level of the other students.他的英語比其他同學要好很多。at a/the level處於⋯水平students at intermediate level中等水平的學生She has played tennis at a high level.她的網球技術已經很高。below a/the level在⋯水平之下The book is not suitable for students below degree level.這本書不適合沒有達到學位水平的學生。level of⋯的水平language students at different levels of proficiency不同熟練程度的語言學習者PHRASESsb's comfort level (= the level at which someone feels safe and comfortable) 某人的舒適水平take sb/sth to the next level把⋯提升到下一層次It's time to take my career to the next level.是讓我的事業提升一個層次的時候了。


3grade in an organization or structure等級ADJECTIVE | VERB + LEVEL | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEhigh, upper高層;上層the upper levels of the civil service高級公務員low低層senior高級別global, international, local, national, regional全球/國際/地方/國家/地區級別grass-roots基層The party needs to win support at grass-roots level.該黨需要贏得基層民眾的支持。board董事會一級These decisions are made at board level.這些決定由董事會作出。federal, ministerial (BrE) 聯邦一級;部級VERB + LEVELreach, rise to達到/升到某層次He rose to the level of general manager.他升到了總經理的級別。PREPOSITIONat a/the level位於⋯層次At the local level there's a lot to be said for the plan.關於這個計劃,還有許多要向地方基層解釋。on a/the level在⋯層次上The thing has to be organized on an international level.此事必須由國際機構出面組織。


4way of considering sth思考的層次ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEconscious, subconscious, unconscious意識/潛意識/無意識層面At a conscious level, I was satisfied with my life.在意識層面,我對自己的生活是滿意的。deep深層superficial表層detailed詳細的層面We probably need to look at this problem at a more detailed level.我們或許需要更細緻地考慮這個問題。general一般層面practical實際層面theoretical理論層面political政治角度tactical戰術層面macro, micro宏觀/微觀層面PREPOSITIONat a/the level, on a/the level處於⋯層面On a superficial level everything appears to be in order, but at a deeper level you can see that there's a lot wrong.從表面上看一切正常,但進入內裏就會發現許多錯誤。


5height高度ADJECTIVE | VERB + LEVEL | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEhigh, low高;低ground, sea, water地平面;海平面;水位the problem of rising sea levels海平面日益升高的問題eye, knee平視/膝蓋高度a shelf at eye level與眼睛等高的架子VERB + LEVELadjust, change, lower, raise調整/改變/降低/提高高度They are going to raise the level of the banks to prevent flooding.他們要加高堤岸以防洪水。PREPOSITIONabove a/the level在⋯高度之上200 m above sea level海拔 200 米at a/the level在⋯高度The plane was flying at a very low level.飛機正在超低空飛行。below a/the level在⋯高度以下below the level of the clouds在雲層以下on a level with與⋯等高On the second floor you are on a level with the treetops.二樓和樹梢同高。to a/the level到⋯高度The water rose to the level of the ground floor windows.水漲到了一樓的窗戶那麼高。PHRASESa change in level, a change of level高度的變化


6floor in a building樓層ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEground, lower一層;低樓層higher, top, upper高樓層;頂層PREPOSITIONon a/the level在⋯層上Are we on the right level for the restaurant?我們是在餐廳所處的樓層嗎?to a/the level到⋯層Take the elevator to Level Four.乘電梯到四層。


1with no part higher than any other平坦VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, look, seem平坦;看上去很平;似乎平坦get sth, keep sth把⋯弄平;保持⋯平坦Make sure you get the shelf level before screwing it in.擰螺絲之前一定要將架子放平。Keep the pot level, or you'll spill the coffee.把壺端平,否則會把咖啡灑出來。ADVERBabsolutely, completely絕對/完全平坦The floor has to be absolutely level.地板必須絕對平整。approximately, more or less, nearly大體平坦;差不多平坦;幾乎水平


2at the same height/position as sth處於同一高度或位置VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION VERBSbe等高come, draw達到同一水平;拉齊As they reached the final bend, Graham drew level and threatened to overtake him.到最後一個彎道時,格雷厄姆與他追平並大有超越之勢。ADVERBalmost, nearly幾乎等高PREPOSITIONwith與⋯等高The top of the water came level with her chin.水面已經到她的下巴了。
IELTS BNC: 241 COCA: 338
level verb
level (level a floor) demolish (level a building)
level adj.
close (The scores were level.) flat (level ground)
level noun
level (the rising level of crime) attitude (On a personal level, I would like to thank…) floor2 (the lowest level of the site) class4 (the lower levels within a company) quality (a high level of ability)


level ♦︎ degree ♦︎ scale ♦︎ extent ♦︎ size ♦︎ proportions ♦︎ magnitudeThese are all words for the amount or importance of sth, especially if it is very large. 这些词均表示程度、级别、规模或重要性。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the true level / extent / size of sththe full scale / extent / size of sththe sheer scale / extent / size / magnitude of sth(a) manageable level / scale / size / proportions(a) global level / scale / proportionsto assess / judge the level / degree / scale / extent / size / magnitude of sthto realize the level / degree / scale / extent / size of sthto calculate the level / extent of sththe scale / extent / size / magnitude of the problemthe scale / extent of the damage level [countable] the amount of sth that exists in a particular situation at a particular time (某个时间和情况下存在的)数量,程度,浓度These cities have relatively low levels of unemployment.这些城市的失业率相对较低。a test to check the level of alcohol in the blood对血液中酒精含量的测试High stress levels will affect employees' productivity.精神压力大会影响雇员的工作效率。The aim is to reduce pollution levels in the city.目标是降低城市的污染水平。 degree [countable] how far sth is true; the level of a quality that sb/sth has or needs 程度;级别I agree with you to a certain degree.我在某种程度上同意你的观点。To what degree can parents be held responsible for a child's behaviour?父母应在多大程度上对孩子的行为负责呢?Most pop music is influenced, to a greater or lesser degree, by the blues.大多数流行音乐或多或少都受到布鲁斯音乐的影响。Her job demands a high degree of skill.她的工作对技能的要求很高。 scale [uncountable, singular] how large or important sth is, especially when compared with sth else (尤指与其他事物相比较时的)规模,范围,程度It was impossible to comprehend the full scale of the disaster.这场灾难的严重程度当时还无法充分了解。We are striving to achieve economies of scale in production (= to produce many items so the cost of producing each one is reduced).我们正在努力达到规模生产。They entertain on a large scale (= they hold expensive parties with a lot of guests).他们大宴宾客。Here was corruption on a grand scale.这里的腐败曾十分严重。 see also full-scale detailed , large-scale wide 1 extent [uncountable, singular] how large or important sth is; how far sth is true; how great an effect sth has 程度;限度She was exaggerating the true extent of the problem.她夸大了问题的严重性。I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge.他知识之渊博令我感到惊奇。To some extent what she argues is true.她的论证在某种程度上是符合事实的。To what extent is this true of all schools?这在多大程度上符合所有学校的实际情况呢?NOTE 辨析 Scale or extent?The scale of sth is how large it is; its extent is how far it goes. In many cases there is no real difference between the two. * scale指事物的规模,extent指事物的程度。在许多情况下这两个词并无实质差别the scale / extent of the problem / damage问题的严重性;损坏的程度However, you are more likely to try to assess/measure/calculate the extent of sth, while you simply try to comprehend/grasp the scale of sth. Some qualities, such as knowledge, are considered as being wide rather than large, and so have extent rather than scale. 然而,更常说assess/measure/calculate the extent of sth(评估/测量/计算程度),以及comprehend/grasp the scale of sth(认识/理解严重性)。有些特质,如knowledge,一般看成是范围广而非规模大,所以要用extent而非scaleI was amazed at the scale of his knowledge. size [uncountable] the large amount or extent of sth 大量;大规模You should have seen the size of their house!你真该看看他们的房子有多大!We were shocked at the size of his debts.他欠债之多让我们震惊。 proportions prəˈpɔːʃnz; NAmE prəˈpɔːrʃnz [plural] the size and shape of an area; the scale of a task or problem 面积;体积;(任务或问题的)规模,程度The apartment is of generous proportions, with a large kitchen and dining area.这套公寓很宽敞,厨房和餐厅的面积很大。When describing a task or problem, proportions is often used in order to say whether the task/problem can be managed easily or not. 描述任务或问题时,常用proportions来表示它们是否易于操作或解决This method divides the task into more manageable proportions.这个方法把任务分解成一些较易操作的步骤。The food shortage could soon reach crisis proportions.粮食短缺可能很快就会达到危机的程度。The virus has not yet reached epidemic proportions.这种病毒尚未发展成大规模的传染病。 magnitude ˈmægnɪtjuːd; NAmE ˈmægnɪtuːd [uncountable] (formal) how large or important sth is, especially when it is very large or important 巨大;重大;重要性We did not realize the magnitude of the problem.我们当时没有意识到这个问题的重要性。This is a discovery of the first magnitude (= it is very important).这是一项极为重要的发现。We are talking about something of a different order of magnitude (= so much larger or more important that it cannot easily be compared with other examples).我们在谈论一件非同寻常的重大事情。
IELTS BNC: 241 COCA: 338
General words for numbers, amounts and quantities: accumulation, allocation, allowance...
Amounts of liquid in a container: barrel, bath, bottle...
Chemical reactions and processes: action, adsorb, aerate...
Standards used for judging things: standard, quality, performance...
Floors and levels of buildings: basement, downstairs, downstairs...
High and height: height, altitude, elevation...
General words for meaning: meaning, significance, usage...
Straight, upright and level: straight, upright, level...
Hard and smooth: smooth, flat, level...
Words used to describe height: elevated, high, high...
Next to, near to and not far away: local, close, nearly...
Not affected and not having an effect: unaffected, unaltered, immune...
The same: another, equal, equivalent...
Calm and relaxed: calm, relaxed, cool...
To change the shape of something: shape, reshape, form...
To remain the same, or to keep something the same: maintain, withstand, stabilize...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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