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  1. typical, usual or ordinary; what you would expect典型的;正常的;一般的
    • quite/perfectly (= completely) normal相当/完全正常
    • Her temperature is normal.她的体温正常。
    • They are just quiet, normal people.他们只是安静的正常人。
    • it is normal (for somebody) to do something It's normal to feel tired after such a long trip.这样长途旅行之后感到疲劳是正常的。
    • It is now regarded as normal for women to work outside the home.现在女性在外工作被看作很正常的事情。
    • He should be able to lead a perfectly normal life.他应该能够过上完全正常的生活。
    • Divorce is complicated enough in normal circumstances, but this situation is even worse.在一般情况下,离婚已经够复杂了,但这一次情况更糟。
    • Under normal circumstances, I would say ‘yes’.一般情况下,我会说 “行”。
    • In the normal course of events I wouldn't go to that part of town.通常我是不会到那个城区去的。
    • Statistically, in a normal distribution, 68 per cent of the scores fall fairly close.从统计数据来看,在正态分布中,68%的分数相差无几。
    • The unemployment rate was above normal levels.失业率高于正常水平。
    • Temperatures are expected to be in the normal range for May.五月份的气温预计在正常范围内。
    • We are open during normal office hours.我们在正常的办公时间内开放。
    • It is normal practice to inform somebody if you want to leave early.如果你想早点离开,通知别人是正常的做法。
    • My day began in the normal way, and then I received a very strange phone call.我的一天以正常的方式开始,然后我接到了一个非常奇怪的电话。
    • During normal conditions the road is clear of stones and mud.在正常情况下,道路上没有石头和泥土。
    Extra Examples
    • Go for your check-ups in the normal way until you are six months pregnant.怀孕满 6 个月之前做常规检查就可以了。
    • I'd say it was pretty normal to be upset if your house burned down.我认为,如果房子烧毁了,心烦是很正常的。
    • It started out as a perfectly normal day.这一天开始时跟平常没什么两样。
    • Mandy doesn't seem her normal self today.曼迪今天似乎不太正常。
    • The temperature is near normal for spring.这种气温在春天还算正常。
    • Under normal circumstances Martin would probably have gone to college.在正常情况下,马丁很可能已经上大学了。
    • In normal circumstances she would have tested the machine first.在正常情况下,她会先测试机器。
    • In the normal course of events these things take months.在正常情况下,这些事情需要几个月的时间。
    • Slavery was once seen as normal and natural.奴隶制一度被认为是正常和自然的。
    • The help desk is available during normal office hours.在正常上班时间内咨询台可以提供服务。
    • The skin surface is resistant to infection under normal circumstances.一般情况下,皮肤表层对感染有抵抗力。
  2. not suffering from any mental or physical disorder精神正常的;意识健全的
    • People who commit such crimes aren't normal.犯这种罪的人心理不正常。
    • Rebecca was born a normal, healthy baby.丽贝卡出生时是一个正常健康的婴儿。
    Extra Examples
    • She seemed perfectly normal to me.在我看来,她完全正常。
    • People who commit these crimes can't be normal, can they?犯下这种罪行的人心理不可能正常,不是吗?
    • No normal person would do a thing like that.没有一个正常人会做那样的事。
    • I don't see how otherwise normal, sane people can agree with such a policy.我不明白正常的正常人怎么会同意这样的政策。
    • He had been a completely normal, healthy little boy.他曾是个完全正常而又健康的小男孩。
  3. opposite abnormal
    Word Originmid 17th cent. (in the sense ‘right-angled’): from Latin normalis, from norma ‘carpenter's square’. Current senses date from the early 19th cent.
as per normal/usual
  1. (informal) in the way that is normal or usual; as often happens照常;按惯例;一如既往
    • Everyone blamed me as per usual.大家照例是责怪我。


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  1. [uncountable] the usual or average state, level or standard常态;通常标准;一般水平
    • above/below normal The rainfall has been above normal for the time of year.降雨量超过了这个季节的正常水平。
    • Sales to December are well below normal.到 12 月份为止销售额大大低于正常水平。
    • (back) to normal Things soon returned to normal.情况很快恢复了正常。
    • The service will be back to normal next week.这项服务下周就会恢复正常。
    • as normal Life continued as normal.生活照常继续。
    • After the disruption, everyone tried to carry on as normal.中断后,每个人都试图像往常一样继续下去。
    Extra Examples
    • After a week of festivities, life returned to normal.一星期的欢庆之后,生活又恢复了常态。
    • His pulse rate had slowed to somewhere near normal.他的脉搏已减缓到接近正常水平。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + normal
    • be back to
    • go back to
    • return to
    • above normal
    • below normal
    • near normal
    See full entry
  2. [countable] (informal) a person who is ordinary or healthy 典型的;正常的;一般的
    • Loads of people, from celebrities to normals, can be funny on Twitter.很多人,从名人到普通人,在推特上都会很有趣。
    • The risk of disease in these patients is 8  000 times that of normals.这些病人患病的风险是正常人的8 000倍。
  3. Word Originmid 17th cent. (in the sense ‘right-angled’): from Latin normalis, from norma ‘carpenter's square’. Current senses date from the early 19th cent.
the new normal (especially North American English)
  1. a situation that used to be unusual but is now what you should expect典型的;正常的;一般的
    • This is not a temporary blip—this is the new normal.这不是暂时现象——这是新常态。
    • Scientists say these weather patterns could be the new normal for Florida.科学家说,这些天气模式可能是佛罗里达的新常态。


VERB + NORMAL | PREPOSITION VERB + NORMALbe back to, go back to, return to恢復正常;回歸正常After a week of festivities, life returned to normal.一星期的歡慶之後,生活又恢復了常態。PREPOSITIONabove normal超過正常水平The rainfall has been above normal for this time of year.降雨量超過了這個季節的正常水平。below normal低於正常水平Sales to December are well below normal.到 12 月份為止銷售額大大低於正常水平。near normal接近正常水平His pulse rate had slowed to somewhere near normal.他的脈搏已減緩到接近正常水平。


VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERBSbe正常become變得正常feel感覺正常appear, look, seem顯得/看上去/好像正常consider sth, regard sth as, view sth as認為⋯正常;視⋯為正常It is now regarded as normal for women to work outside the home.現在女性在外工作被看作很正常的事情。ADVERBvery很正常completely, entirely, perfectly, quite, totally完全/極為/十分/頗為/一切正常It started out as a perfectly normal day.這一天開始時跟平常沒什麼兩樣。fairly, pretty還算/相當正常I'd say it was pretty normal to be upset if your house burned down.我認為,如果房子燒燬了,心煩是很正常的。relatively比較正常apparently, seemingly表面上/看起來正常PREPOSITIONfor對⋯而言正常The temperature is normal for spring.這種氣溫在春天屬於正常。PHRASESas normal如常First work out the answers as normal.首先像平時一樣做出答案。in the normal way按通常情況Go for your check-ups in the normal way until you are six months pregnant.懷孕滿 6 個月之前做常規檢查就可以了。in normal circumstances, under normal circumstances在一般情況下Under normal circumstances Martin would probably have gone to college.在正常情況下,馬丁很可能已經上大學了。sb's normal self某人的正常狀態Mandy doesn't seem her normal self today.曼迪今天似乎不太正常。
normal adj.
normal (normal office hours) sane (normal people)


normal ♦︎ ordinary ♦︎ average ♦︎ common ♦︎ typicalThese words all describe people, things or events that are not special or different. 这些词均表示普通的、平常的、一般的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be normal / common for sb to do sth / for sth to happenthe normal / ordinary / average / common mana normal / an ordinary / the average personthe normal / ordinary / common sorta normal / an ordinary / an average / a typical working dayin the normal / ordinary course of events / business / thingspretty / fairly normal / ordinary / average / typicalquite normal / ordinary / typical normal what you would expect; happening in most cases 正常的;一般的Her temperature was normal.她体温正常。The help desk is available during normal office hours.在正常上班时间内咨询台可以提供服务。He should be able to lead a perfectly normal life.他应该能够过完全正常的生活。It's normal to feel tired after such a long journey.这样长途旅行之后感到疲劳是正常的。Life continued as normal.生活照常继续。The skin surface is resistant to infection under normal circumstances.一般情况下,皮肤表层对感染有抵抗力。OPP exceptional special , strange , odd , weird strange 1 normality nɔːˈmæləti; NAmE nɔːrˈmæləti


[uncountable] They are hoping for a return to normality now that the war is over.既然战争结束了,他们希望一切都恢复常态。


The exercise normally takes twenty minutes.这项运动一般要花二十分钟。His heart is beating normally.他心跳正常。
ordinary [usually before noun] not unusual or special in any way 普通的;平常的;一般的;平凡的We were an ordinary family.我们是普普通通的一家人。The images can be printed on ordinary paper.这些图像可以印在普通纸张上。It began as an ordinary sort of day.那一天开始时一如平常。This was no ordinary meeting.这次会议非同小可。 (BrE) He was not a nervous person in the ordinary way (= usually).一般而言,他不是个爱紧张的人。 OPP extraordinary remarkable , special special NOTE 辨析 Normal or ordinary?Something that is normal is as it should be or as you would expect. * normal指事物是本来该有的样子或你所期待的样子Her temperature was ordinary. It's ordinary to feel tired after such a long journey. People or things that are abnormal are not as they should be. The word ordinary makes no comment about how things should be, only about how things are, whether you think this is good or bad. People or things that are extraordinary are special or unusual in some way and this also may be a good or a bad thing. * abnormal指人或事物不是本来该有的样子。ordinary这个词对事物应该是什么样子不作评论,只描述实际上是通常的样子,不管你觉得好还是不好。extraordinary指人或事物在某种程度上是特殊的、不一般的,可以是好,也可以是坏。 see also abnormal abnormal , ordinary average average approximately the same as most others 正常的;普通的;一般的An entrance fee of £5 is about average.5英镑的入场费算是正常。The route is for walkers of average ability.这条路线适合能力一般的步行者。 see also average average common [only before noun] not unusual or special in any way; ordinary 普通的;平常的;平凡的I wanted a recording of the common cuckoo.我想要常见的布谷鸟叫声的录音。Oats were the staple food of the common people (= the majority of the population, who are not rich).燕麦是平民百姓的主食。In most people's eyes she was nothing more than a common criminal.在多数人的眼里她只不过是个普通的罪犯。Polite letters of rejection are a matter of common courtesy.写信婉言谢绝属于起码的礼貌。 Common has the same meaning as ordinary, but is mostly used in a fixed number of different ways. It describes animals or plants that are of the most usual type and not rare or unusual in any way * common与ordinary同义,但主要用于几种固定的用法。common可描述最常见的动物或植物,不稀罕,也不特别common gulls / frogs / ragwort常见的海鸥/青蛙/狗舌草it describes people who have no special rank or position 可描述无特殊头衔或职位的人common people / soldiers / criminals平民百姓;普通的士兵/罪犯and it describes good qualities of a sort or level that you expect most people to have. 可描述你期待多数人会有的好品质common courtesy / decency起码的礼貌/礼节 see also common sense wisdom typical happening in the usual way; showing what sth is usually like 一贯的;平常的Each woman was asked to describe a typical working day.每个女性被要求描述一下平常的工作日是什么样子的。Typical interview questions are 'Why do you want to study law?' or 'Why did you choose this college?'通常的面试问题包括“你为什么要攻读法律?”或“你为什么选择这个学院?”OPP atypical unusual typically


The factory typically produces 500 cars a week.这家工厂通常每周生产500辆汽车。Typically, the contracts were for five years.合同的期限一般为五年。
Ordinary and normal: BAU, identikit, normal...

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