- (also musical instrument)
an object used for producing musical sounds, for example a piano or a drum 器械;儀器;器具 to play an instrument 演奏樂器 Is he learning an instrument? 他在學習演奏樂器嗎? percussion/brass/string instruments 打擊樂器/銅管樂器/弦樂器 an instrument maker 儀器制造商
Extra ExamplesTopics Musica2Ensure the instrument is tuned to concert pitch. 一定要把樂器的音調到標準音高。 The instrument sounds like a cello. 這種樂器聽起來像大提琴。 The piece can be played on a keyboard instrument. 這首樂曲可以用鍵盤樂器演奏。 The score was written to be played on a keyboard instrument. 這份總譜是用於鍵盤樂器演奏的。 an instrument made by a violin maker in Canada 一位加拿大小提琴制作師制作的樂器 baroque music played on period instruments 用當時的樂器演奏的巴羅克音樂
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- musical
- beautiful
- fine
- …
- play
- learn
- learn to play
- …
- sound
- maker
- on an/the instrument
a tool or device used for a particular task, especially for specialist or scientific work 器械;儀器;器具 surgical/optical/scientific instruments 外科/光學/科學儀器 Scientists then began using powerful instruments to peer through the planet's dense atmosphere. 然後,科學家們開始使用強大的儀器來觀察這顆行星的致密大氣。 syringes, needles or other sharp instruments 注射器、針頭或其他尖銳器具 medieval instruments of torture such as the rack and the wheel 肢刑架、輪式刑車等中世紀刑具 - instrument for something
Instruments for diagnosis and surgery have become hugely more sophisticated. 用於診斷和手術的儀器已經變得非常複雜。 - instrument for doing something
the world's most powerful instrument for detecting gamma rays 世界上最強大的探測伽馬射線的儀器
Extra ExamplesTopics Scientific researchb2All pupils should learn to use drawing instruments. 所有的小學生都應當學會使用繪圖工具。 All the instruments are made from glass capillary tubing. 所有儀器都是用玻璃細管制成的。 a set of mathematical instruments 一套數學儀器 This pen is the ideal precision instrument for all your graphic needs. 這支筆是理想的精密器具,可滿足您的一切繪圖需要。 The autopsy revealed that the deceased had been hit with a blunt instrument. 屍檢表明死者遭受過鈍器的重擊。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- precision
- sensitive
- sophisticated
- …
- set
- use
- check
- read
- …
- measure something
- check
- maker
- panel
- …
- an instrument of torture
a device used for measuring speed, distance, temperature, etc. in a vehicle or on a machine (車輛、機器的)儀器,儀表 data gathered by instruments aboard the satellite 衛星上儀器收集的數據 the flight instruments 飛行儀表 There was a warning light flashing on the instrument panel. 儀表盤上有一個警示燈在閃爍。
Extra ExamplesTopics Engineeringb2to read the instruments and make a note of the wind speed and direction 讀取儀器數據並記錄風速和風向 an instrument that measures light intensity 測量光強度的儀器 The pilot did his instrument checks in preparation for take-off. 飛行員檢查儀表準備起飛。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- precision
- sensitive
- sophisticated
- …
- set
- use
- check
- read
- …
- measure something
- check
- maker
- panel
- …
- an instrument of torture
- (formal)
something that is used by somebody in order to achieve something; a person or thing that makes something happen 促成某事的人(或事物);手段 - instrument for (doing) something
The law is not the best instrument for dealing with family matters. 法律並不是處理家庭問題的最佳方法。 - instrument of something
an instrument of change 促成變革的措施
Extra ExamplesEven though it was a somewhat blunt instrument (= not very precise), our questionnaire provided us with some interesting ideas. 我們的調查問卷雖然有點兒不夠精確,但仍然爲我們提供了一些有趣的觀點。 Internet polls are considered to be better instruments than telephone polls. 網絡調查被認爲是比電話調查更好的方法。 More effective instruments of oversight are needed. 需要更加有效的監督手段。 They agreed that the UN was the best instrument for reaching agreement. 他們都認爲要達成一致意見最好通過聯合國。 They saw criminal law as an instrument for improving public morals. 他們把刑法視爲提高公衆道德水準的工具。 the use of language as an instrument of power and social control 作爲權力和社會控制工具的語言的應用 Financial aid can become an instrument of control rather than a support. 財政援助有時會成爲實施操控的手段,而非單純的支持。 She was accused of making a public service an instrument of private advantage. 她被控利用公職謀取私利。 Some cynics say that popular music is a mere instrument of capitalist domination. 有些憤世嫉俗的人說流行音樂只不過是資本主義統治的工具而已。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- chief
- key
- main
- …
- regard somebody/something as
- see somebody/something as
- view somebody/something as
- …
- instrument for
- instrument of
- instrument for (doing) something
- instrument of somebody/something (formal)
a person who is used and controlled by somebody/something that is more powerful 受利用(或控制)的人;工具 an instrument of fate 受命運擺布的人 The despot claimed to be the chosen instrument of divine providence. 專制者聲稱自己是上天選定的統治工具。
- (
law )法律 a formal legal document 文據;正式法律文件 credit instruments issued by banks 銀行發行的信用工具
Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French, or from Latin instrumentum ‘equipment, implement’, from the verb instruere ‘construct, equip’.