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BNC: 300 COCA: 343


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  1. [countable] a piece of wood, glass, etc. that is opened and closed so that people can get in and out of a room, building, car, etc.; a similar thing in a cupboard
    • Open the door!开(关)门
    • Close the door behind you, please.请随手关门。
    • The door closed behind him.他一出门,门就关上了。
    • to shut/slam/lock/unlock the door关门/关门/锁门/开门
    • a knock on/at the door敲门声
    • to knock/bang on the door敲门/敲门
    • to answer the door (= to go and open it because somebody has knocked on it or rung the bell)应门(听到敲门或门铃响后去开门)
    • the front/back/side door (= at the entrance at the front/back/side of a building)前门/后门/侧门
    • the bedroom/kitchen/car/garage door卧室/厨房/汽车/车库的门
    • a four-door saloon car四门轿车
    • the fridge door冰箱门
    • the door frame/handle/lock门框/把手/锁
    • door to something There are double doors to the rear garden.后花园有双扇门。
    • The door to his office opened. 他办公室的门开了。
    • door into/onto something Each bedroom has a door onto the balcony. 每个卧室都有一扇门通向阳台。
    see also back-door, cat door, Dutch door, fire door, French door, front door, open door, patio door, revolving door, screen door, sliding door, stable door, stage door, storm door, swing door, trapdoor
    Extra Examples
    • Always put the door chain on.随时把门链扣上。
    • Go along the corridor and through the double doors.沿着走廊一直走,穿过双层门。
    • He arrived home to find the door barred.他到了家,却发现门闩上了。
    • He banged the front door behind him as he left.他走的时候砰的一声关上了前门。
    • He came in the side door.他进了侧门。
    • He flung the door open and caught them stuffing a document back into a briefcase.他猛地推开门,发现他们正把一份文件塞回公文包里。
    • He had left the door ajar.他让门微开着。
    • He leaned against the door jamb.他靠在门的侧柱上。
    • He pulled the door shut.他拉上了门。
    • I banged on the door for ages but still couldn't wake them.我砰砰敲门好长时间,但是仍没能叫醒他们。
    • I left the door on the latch so that I could sneak back in later.我虚掩上门,以便过会儿再溜进去。
    • I stopped at a low oak door set in the stone wall.我在一扇安装在石墙上的橡木矮门边停了下来。
    • I tried the door but it was locked.我试着打开这扇门,然而已被上了锁。
    • I was woken by a door banging in the wind.风吹得门砰砰作响,把我惊醒了。
    • I went through the door marked ‘Enquiries’.我穿过标有“问讯处”字样的门。
    • Parking is helped by wide door mirrors.宽大的后视镜有助于泊车。
    • Remember to bolt the door before you go to bed.记着上床前把门闩上。
    • She had trouble pushing the heavy door open.她推开那扇厚重的门有困难。
    • The car drove off with its rear door flapping open.汽车开走时,后门拍动着打开了。
    • The door bore a notice saying ‘Private’.门上挂着一个牌子,上面写着“私人房屋”。
    • The door burst open and a little boy ran in.门被猛地推开,跑进来一个小男孩。
    • The door connecting the two offices is kept locked.连接两个办公室的门始终锁着。
    • The door opens onto a sunny terrace.门开向阳光充足的阳台。
    • The door stood ajar so I could see a narrow section of the room.门开了一条缝,因此我能看到房间内窄窄的一块地方。
    • The door was half-open when we got there.我们到那儿时,门半开着。
    • The door was jammed shut.门被卡住了。
    • The inner door leads to the safe and is always locked after 5 p.m.里间那扇门通向保险箱,下午 5 点后总是锁着的。
    • They had to break the door down to get into the flat.为了进入公寓,他们不得不把门撞破。
    • This door leads to my bedroom.这个门通往我的卧室。
    • a creaking door hinge一个嘎吱作响的门铰链
    • automatic garage doors自动车库门
    • the door between the laundry room and the garage洗衣房与车库之间的门
    • the door into the back garden通向后花园的门
    • the rear door of a car汽车后门
    • There was a knock on the door.有人敲门。
    Topics Houses and homesa1
  2. [countable] the space when a door is open出入口;门口
    • through a/the door Marc appeared through a door at the far end of the room.马克从房间另一端的门口出现。
    • As we walked through the door, the phone rang. 当我们走进门时,电话响了。
    • (informal) in the door She's just arrived—she's just come in the door她刚到,刚踏进门。
    • (informal) out the door He walked out the door.他出门去了。
    Extra Examples
    • She poked her head through the door to say goodbye.她把头探出门外道别。
    • He stood in the door for several minutes before deciding whether he'd stay.他站在门里边好几分钟才决定是否留下来。
    • He looked through the door to make sure the children were all right.他从门口往里面看,确保孩子们都平安无事。
  3. [countable] the area close to the entrance of a building门边;门旁
    • at the door There's somebody at the door (= at the front door of a house).门口有人。
    • ‘Can I help you?’ asked the man at the door.“我能为您效劳吗?” 门边的男子问道。
    see also doorway
  4. [countable] a house, room, etc. that is a particular number of houses, rooms, etc. away from another栋;住户;人家
    • the family that lives three doors up from us住在与我们相隔三户的那户人家
    • Our other branch is just a few doors down the road.我们的另一家分店沿路过几个门面就到。
    see also next door
  5. [uncountable] (British English) the amount of money made by selling tickets for an event票房收入 synonym gate
    • 50% of the door will go to the Red Cross.50% 的票房收入将捐给红十字会。
    • Performers keep 75% of the door.表演者保留75%的门。
  6. Word OriginOld English duru, dor, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch deur ‘door’ and German Tür ‘door’, Tor ‘gate’; from an Indo-European root shared by Latin foris ‘gate’ and Greek thura ‘door’.
at death’s door
  1. (often humorous) so ill that you may die(因病重)生命危在旦夕;病危
    • I suppose you won’t be coming to the party if you’re at death’s door!我想如果你已经奄奄一息了,你就不会来参加聚会了。
    Topics Illnessc2
beat a path to somebody’s door
  1. if a lot of people beat a path to somebody’s door, they are all interested in something that person has to sell, or can do or tell them使门庭若市;蜂拥而至;使成注意焦点
    • Top theatrical agents are beating a path to the teenager's door.顶尖级演员经纪正纷纷把目光投向那个青少年。
behind closed doors
  1. without the public being allowed to attend or know what is happening; in private与外界隔绝;秘密地;暗地里
    • The meeting was held behind closed doors.会议秘密进行。
be on/work the door
  1. to work at the entrance to a theatre, club, etc., for example collecting tickets from people as they enter把门(在戏院、夜总会等门口做检票等工作)
    • He was working the door at the event.他在此次活动中负责迎门事宜。
by/through the back door
  1. in an unfair or indirect way走后门
    • He used his friends to help him get into the civil service by the back door.他利用朋友帮他开后门当上了公务员。
close/shut the door on something
  1. to make it unlikely that something will happen使不可能;拒…于门外;把…的门堵死
    • She was careful not to close the door on the possibility of further talks.她小心翼翼不让进一步谈判的大门关上。
close its doors | close shop
  1. (of a business, etc.企业等) to stop trading停业;歇业;关闭
    • The factory closed its doors for the last time in 2009.这家工厂最后于 2009 年关闭。
    • The company closed shop and left the US last year.该公司去年关闭了商店并离开了美国。
close, lock, etc. the stable door after the horse has bolted (British English)
(North American English close, lock, etc. the barn door after the horse has escaped)
  1. to try to prevent or avoid loss or damage when it is already too late to do so马跑了才去关厩门;贼走关门,为时已晚
(open) the door to something
  1. (to provide) the means of getting or reaching something; (to create) the opportunity for something(为…提供)达到目的的手段;(为…创造)机会
    • The agreement will open the door to increased international trade.此协议将会提供增长国际贸易的机会。
    • Our courses are the door to success in English.我们的课程是通向掌握英语的成功之路。
(from) door to door
  1. from building to building从一栋房子到另一栋房子;从一处到另一处;挨家挨户
    • The journey takes about an hour door to door.全程大约要花一个小时。
    • a door-to-door salesman走家串户的推销员
early doors
  1. (British English, informal) at an early stage, especially in a game or competition门:在初期,尤其是在比赛或比赛中
    • Suddenly we lost three home matches early doors.突然我们提前输掉了三场主场比赛。
    • The team had the game in the bag early doors after tries from Ellis and Wilkins.在埃利斯和威尔金斯的努力下,该队早早就赢得了比赛。
get/have a/your foot in the door
  1. to manage to enter an organization, a field of business, etc. that could bring you success设法加入,涉足(某组织、行业等)
    • I always wanted to work in TV but it took me two years to get a foot in the door.我一直想做电视工作,但花了两年才进了这个圈子。
    Topics Successc2
keep the wolf from the door
  1. (informal) to have enough money to avoid going hungry; to stop somebody feeling hungry勉强度日;糊口
lay something at somebody’s door
  1. (formal) to say that somebody is responsible for something that has gone wrong把…归咎于某人;认为某人应对…负责
    • The blame for the disaster has been laid firmly at the government’s door.这场灾难的责任被牢牢地归咎于政府。
leave the door open (for something)
  1. to make sure that there is still the possibility of doing something不把门堵死;保留可能性
    • We have left the door open for further talks.我们为进一步会谈敞开了大门。
never darken my door again
  1. (old-fashioned, humorous) used to tell somebody never to come to your home again再不要跨进我的门槛;再不许踏进我的家门
    • Go! And never darken my door again!走吧! 下次不要再到我家来了!
open doors for somebody
  1. to provide opportunities for somebody to do something and be successful为…敞开大门;提供良机Topics Successc2
out of doors
  1. not inside a building在户外;露天
    • You should spend more time out of doors in the fresh air.你应多花点时间在户外呼吸新鲜空气。
show somebody the door
  1. to ask somebody to leave, because they are no longer welcome要某人离开;下逐客令
shut/slam the door in somebody’s face
  1. to shut a door hard when somebody is trying to come in将某人拒之门外;让某人吃闭门羹
  2. to refuse to talk to somebody or meet them, in a rude way拒绝同某人谈话;拒绝见某人
to somebody’s door
  1. directly to somebody’s house直接到某人的家
    • We promise to deliver to your door within 48 hours of you ordering.我们承诺在接到订单后 48 小时内送货上门。
BNC: 300 COCA: 343


ADJECTIVE | VERB + DOOR | DOOR + VERB | DOOR + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEopen敞開的門closed, shut關閉的門locked, unlocked上鎖的門;未鎖的門half-open半開着的門The door was half-open when we got there.我們到那兒時,門半開着。back, front, rear, side後門;前門;側門the back door of a house房子的後門the rear door of a car汽車後門entrance, main入口門;主門inner, internal裏面的門The inner door leads to the safe and is always locked after 5 p.m.裏間那扇門通向保險箱,下午 5 點後總是鎖着的。external, outer外面的門All external doors should be bolted top and bottom.所有外面的門都應該把上下的插銷全部插上。big, great, heavy, huge, massive, solid, thick大門;厚重的門;結實的門She had trouble pushing the heavy door open.她推開那扇厚重的門有困難。narrow, wide窄門;寬門iron, oak, steel, wooden, etc.鐵門、橡木門、鋼門、木門等glazed鑲有玻璃的門double, French, patio雙層門;落地雙扇玻璃門;露台門Go along the corridor and through the double doors.沿着走廊一直走,穿過雙層門。screen (especially NAmE) 紗門automatic, folding, revolving, sliding, swing, swinging (NAmE) 自動門;摺叠門;旋轉門;推拉門;雙開式彈簧門He got stuck in a revolving door.他給旋轉門困住了。She pushed her way through the swing / swinging doors.她推開彈簧門走過去。apartment, bathroom, flat, kitchen, etc.公寓門、浴室門、廚房門等closet, cupboard, fridge, refrigerator壁櫥門;碗櫃門;冰箱門elevator, lift (BrE) 電梯門cubicle, shower, stall (NAmE) 隔間門;淋浴室門barn, Dutch, stable穀倉門;兩截門;馬廐門garage車庫門car車門driver's, passenger駕駛員門;乘客門stage(供演職人員進出的)劇院後門fire (= a heavy door used to prevent a fire from spreading in a building) 防火門trap (usually trapdoor) 地板門;活動天窗magic, mysterious, secret有魔力的門;神秘的門;秘密的門VERB + DOORfling open, open, pull open, push open, throw open猛推開門;打開門;拉開門;推開門He flung the door open and caught them stuffing a document back into a briefcase.他猛地推開門,發現他們正把一份文件塞回公文包裏。try試着開門I tried the door but it was locked.我試着打開這扇門,然而已被上了鎖。bang, close, shut, slam砰的一聲關上門;關門;使勁關門pull closed, pull shut, pull to, push to, slam shut把門拉上;把門推上;猛地關門He pulled the door shut.他拉上了門。bar, bolt, lock閂上門;鎖上門He arrived home to find the door barred.他到了家,卻發現門閂上了。Remember to bolt the door before you go to bed.記着上牀前把門閂上。unbolt, unlatch, unlock移開門閂;開門鎖keep closed, keep shut, leave closed, leave shut讓門關着leave on the latch (BrE) 虛掩上門I left the door on the latch so that I could sneak back in later.我虛掩上門,以便過會兒再溜進去。keep open, leave ajar, leave open, prop open讓門開着;讓門微開着;頂住門使之開着Someone had propped the fire door open with a pile of books.有人用一摞書頂住了防火門,不讓它關上。come in, go in進門He came in the side door.他進了側門。come out, go out, slip out of出門;溜出門approach, head for朝門走去bang on, knock at, knock on砰砰敲門;敲門I banged on the door for several minutes but still couldn't wake them.我使勁敲了好幾分鐘時間門,但是仍沒能叫醒他們。answer應聲開門Go and answer the door.去開門。work (NAmE) 迎門He was working the door at the event.他在此次活動中負責迎門事宜。see sb to把某人送到門口break down, kick down, kick in打破門;踹開門;破門而入They had to break the door down to get into the house.為了進入這幢房子,他們不得不把門撞破。block堵住門DOOR + VERBcreak門嘎吱作響burst open, creak open, fly open, open, slide open, swing open門猛地被推開;門吱吱嘎嘎響着(打開);門突然打開;門打開;門滑開;門轉動着打開The door burst open and a little boy ran in.門被猛地推開,跑進來一個小男孩。swing shut, swing to (BrE) 門轉動着關閉;門開向⋯hang open門開着be ajar, stand ajar門微開着The door stood ajar so I could see a narrow section of the room.門開了一條縫,因此我能看到房間內窄窄的一塊地方。be open, stand open門敞開着be jammed, be stuck門卡住The door was jammed shut.門被卡住了。bang, rattle, shake門砰地(打開/關上);門咯咯作響;門搖晃I was woken by a door banging in the wind.風吹得門砰砰作響,把我驚醒了。The door banged shut.門砰的一聲關上了。click shut, close, shut, slam, slam shut門咔嗒一聲關上;門關上;門砰地關上connect sth門連接⋯The door connecting the two offices is kept locked.連接兩個辦公室的門始終鎖着。face sth門朝向⋯lead to sth, open onto sth門通向⋯;門向⋯開This door leads to my bedroom.這個門通往我的卧室。The door opens onto a sunny terrace.門開向陽光充足的陽台。be set in the wall門安在牆上I stopped at a low oak door set in the stone wall.我在一扇安裝在石牆上的橡木矮門邊停了下來。bear sth, be marked sth門上貼着⋯/標有⋯The door bore a notice saying 'Private'.門上掛着一個牌子,上面寫着“私人房屋”。I went through the door marked 'Waiting Room'.我穿過標有“等候室”字樣的門。DOOR + NOUNhandle, knob (usually doorknob) 門把手;球形門拉手frame, jamb門框;門側柱He leaned against the door jamb.他靠在門的側柱上。furniture, technical術語) , knocker門配件;門環bell (usually doorbell) 門鈴chain, latch, lock門鏈條;門閂;門鎖Always put the door chain on.隨時把門鏈扣上。key門鑰匙mat (usually doormat) 門前擦鞋墊stop (usually doorstop) 門擋This book would make a good doorstop.這本書當門擋用很不錯。opener(車庫等的)開門器automatic garage door openers自動車庫開門器hinge門鉸鏈a creaking door hinge一個嘎吱作響的門鉸鏈mirror, panel (on a car) 車外後視鏡;嵌入式車門面板Parking is helped by wide door mirrors.寬大的後視鏡有助於泊車。man (usually doorman) , staff看門人prize (= a prize for having the winning ticket handed out at the entrance to a social event) (NAmE) 門票對號獎;入場獎PREPOSITIONaround the door, round the door (especially BrE) 在門周圍;圍着門She stuck her head around the door to say goodbye.她把頭伸出門外道別。at the door在門口There's someone at the door.門口有人。in the door在門裏邊He stood in the door for several minutes before deciding whether he'd stay.他站在門裏邊好幾分鐘才決定是否留下來。through the door通過門He looked through the door to make sure the children were all right.他從門口往裏面看,確保孩子們都平安無事。She poked her head through the door to say goodbye.她把頭探出門外道別。door into, door to門通向the door into the backyard通向後花園的門door between⋯與⋯之間的門the door between the laundry room and the garage洗衣房與車庫之間的門PHRASESclose, shut etc. the door behind you隨手關門He banged the front door behind him as he left.他走的時候砰的一聲關上了前門。hold the door for sb, open the door for sb為某人扶住門/開門blow a door off its hinges, pull a door off its hinges, take a door off its hinges把門撞下門鉸鏈;把門從鉸鏈上卸下shut, slam, etc. the door in sb's face關門/摔門拒絕讓某人進屋
BNC: 300 COCA: 343


door ♦︎ gate ♦︎ entrance ♦︎ doorway ♦︎ hatch ♦︎ exit ♦︎ mouth ♦︎ gateway ♦︎ way ♦︎ turnstileThese are all words for the opening where you go into or out of a building, room or place, or the barrier that covers that opening. 这些词均表示建筑物、房间或场所的门或出入口。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配at the door / gate / entrance / exit / mouth / turnstilein the doorway / entrance / gatewaythrough the door / gate / doorway / hatch / gateway / turnstilethe front / back / side door / gate / entrance / exit / waythe main door / gate / entrance / hatch / exitthe rear door / entrance / exitto open / shut / close / slam the door / gate / hatchto lock / bolt the door / gate door [countable] a piece of wood, glass, etc. that is opened and closed so that people can get in and out of a room, building, car, etc.; a similar thing in a cupboard; the space when a door is open; the area close to the entrance of a building 门;门口;门口附近处Shut the door!把门关上!The door closed behind him.他身后的门关上了。There was a knock on the door.有人敲门。Go and answer the door (= go and open it because sb has knocked on it or rung the bell).去应门吧。the bedroom / wardrobe door卧室门;衣柜门the door frame门框a four-door saloon car四门轿车Mark appeared through a door at the far end of the room.马克从房间另一端的门里走了出来。There's somebody at the door (= at the front door of a house).门口有人。 gate [countable] a barrier like a door that is used to close an opening in a fence or wall outside a building; an opening that can be closed by a gate or gates; a way out of an airport through which passengers go to get on their plane 大门;栅栏门;围墙门;大门口;登机口He pushed open the garden gate.他推开了花园的门。A crowd gathered at the factory gates.一群人聚集在工厂大门口。We drove through the palace gates.我们驱车驶过重重宫门。BA flight 726 to Paris is now boarding at gate 16.飞往巴黎的英航726号班机现于16号门登机。 entrance [countable] a door, gate or passage that is used for entering a room, building or place 大门(口);入口(处);通道I'll meet you at the main entrance.我将在正门与你碰面。A lighthouse marks the entrance to the harbour.灯塔是进入海港航道的标志。 OPP exit  See also the entry for hall 2 另见hall条第2义 doorway ˈdɔːweɪ; NAmE ˈdɔːrweɪ [countable] an opening into a building or room, where the door is 出入口;门口;门道She stood in the doorway for a moment before going in.她在门口站了一会儿才进去。 hatch [countable] an opening or door in a floor, ceiling or wall, through which things can be passed or people can climb (地板、天花板或墙壁的)开口,门,盖子She returned her tray to the serving hatch.她把托盘从传递饭菜的窗口递了回去。Karen climbed through the hatch and disappeared from view.卡伦爬进开口处,没了踪影。an escape hatch紧急出口There's a hatch to the attic.有一道通往阁楼的门。Hatch is used especially to talk about an opening in the deck of a ship or the bottom of an aircraft, through which goods can be lowered; or about an opening in a wall between a kitchen and dining room, for passing food through; or about any door in an aircraft or spacecraft. * hatch尤指船甲板上或飞机底部卸货用的舱口,或指厨房与餐厅之间传递食物用的小窗口,或指飞机或宇宙飞船的舱门。 exit ˈeksɪt, ˈegzɪt [countable] (rather formal) a way out of a public building or vehicle 出口;通道;太平门Where's the exit?出口在哪儿?There is a fire exit on each floor of the building.这栋楼每一层都有个消防通道。The emergency exit is at the back of the bus.紧急出口在公共汽车的尾部。 OPP entrance mouth [countable] the entrance or opening of a cave, tunnel, hole, etc. (山洞、隧道或洞穴的)入口,开口They drew nearer to the mouth of the cave.他们离山洞口更近了。 (BrE) Up ahead was the tunnel mouth.再往前走就是隧道入口。 gateway ˈgeɪtweɪ [countable] an opening in a wall or fence that can be closed by a gate 大门口;门道;出入口They turned through the gateway on the left.他们转身从左侧的大门口出去。 way [countable, usually singular] a means of going into or leaving a place, such as a door or gate 出入通道;门口Is this the way in / out?这是入口/出口吗?They escaped out the back way.他们从后门逃走了。 turnstile ˈtɜːnstaɪl; NAmE ˈtɜːrnstaɪl [countable] a gate at the entrance to a public building or stadium that turns in a circle when pushed, allowing one person to go through at a time 旋转栅门(常设于公共建筑、体育场馆等入口处)Fans were already lining up at the turnstiles.仰慕者已经在旋转门口前排起了队。
BNC: 300 COCA: 343

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