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IELTS BNC: 913 COCA: 791


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  1. [countable, uncountable] an act of using violence to try to hurt or kill somebody袭击;攻击
    • Five people were killed in the attacks that took place last night.五个人在昨晚发生的袭击中丧生。
    • attack on/upon somebody/something the recent series of deadly terrorist attacks on European cities最近针对欧洲城市的一系列致命恐怖袭击
    • a violent attack upon a police officer对警察的暴力袭击
    • attack against somebody vicious attacks against pensioners对领取养老金者的恶毒攻击
    • attack by somebody/something A child is recovering in hospital after a serious attack by a stray dog.遭流浪狗猛烈攻击的孩子正在医院中逐渐康复。
    Extra Examples
    • He was subjected to a violent attack.他遭到了猛烈的袭击。
    • Two teenagers carried out a frenzied attack on a local shopkeeper.两名十几岁的少年对当地的一个店主进行了疯狂的袭击。
    • Where did the attack happen?袭击发生在什么地方?
    • an attack by an armed gang由武装团伙发动的一场袭击
    • an increase in knife attacks on police officers持刀袭警案的增加
    Topics Crime and punishmenta2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • brutal
    • frenzied
    • horrific
    … of attacks
    • series
    • spate
    • wave
    verb + attack
    • carry out
    • be subjected to
    • block
    attack + verb
    • happen
    • occur
    • take place
    • attack against
    • attack by
    • attack on
    • a victim of an attack
    See full entry
  2. in war战争

  3. [countable, uncountable] an act of trying to kill or injure the enemy in war, using weapons such as guns and bombs(在战争中使用武器的)进攻,攻击
    • a bomb/rocket/missile attack炸弹/火箭/导弹袭击
    • attack on somebody/something Rebel forces launched an attack on civilian targets.叛军对平民目标发起了攻击。
    • attack against somebody/something Commanders attempted to prevent an attack against the city.指挥官试图阻止对该城的攻击。
    • under attack (from somebody/something) The patrol came under attack from all sides.巡逻队受到四面八方的攻击。
    Collocations War and peaceWar and peace战争与和平Starting a war开战
    • declare/​make/​wage war (on somebody/​something)(向…)宣战/挑起战争/发动战争
    • go to war (against/​with somebody)(向…)开战
    • cause/​spark/​provoke/​foment/​quell unrest引起/平息骚乱
    • incite/​lead/​crush/​suppress a revolt/​rebellion煽动/领导/镇压起义/叛乱
    • launch/​mount/​carry out a surprise/​terrorist attack发起/实施突然/恐怖袭击
    • prevent/​halt/​represent an escalation of the conflict防止/阻止/表明冲突升级
    • be torn apart by/​be on the brink of civil war被内战搞得四分五裂;濒于内战
    • enter/​invade/​occupy somebody’s territory进入/侵略/占领某人的领土
    • lead/​launch/​resist/​repel an invasion领导/发起/抵制/击退武装入侵
    Military operations军事行动
    • adopt/​develop/​implement/​pursue a military strategy采用/发展/实施/执行军事战略
    • carry out/​execute/​perform military operations/​manoeuvres
    • send/​deploy/​station/​pull back/​withdraw troops派遣/部署/派驻/撤回部队
    • go on/​fly/​carry out a reconnaissance/​rescue mission进行/驾机执行/执行侦察/营救任务
    • train/​equip/​deploy army/​military/​combat units训练/装备/部署陆军/军事/作战分队
    • lead/​launch/​conduct a raid/​a surprise attack/​an (air/​airborne/​amphibious) assault (on somebody)领导/发起/实施(对某人的)突然袭击/(空中/空投部队/登陆)攻击
    • employ/​use guerrilla tactics采用游击战术
    • conduct/​wage biological/​guerrilla warfare进行/发动生物战/游击战
    • fight/​crush/​defeat the rebels/​the insurgency设法战胜/镇压/挫败叛乱者/叛乱
    • suffer/​inflict a crushing defeat遭受惨败;大获全胜
    • achieve/​win a decisive victory赢得决定性的胜利
    • halt/​stop the British/​German/​Russian advance阻止英国/德国/俄罗斯的前进
    • order/​force a retreat命令/强迫撤退
    • join/​serve in the army/​navy/​air force加入陆军/海军/空军;在陆军/海军/空军部队服役
    • be/​go/​remain/​serve on active duty在服现役
    • serve/​complete/​return from a tour of duty在服役;服役完毕;服役归来
    • be sent to the front (line)被派往前线
    • attack/​strike/​engage/​defeat/​kill/​destroy the enemy袭击/攻击敌人;与敌人交战;击败/杀死/消灭敌人
    • see/​report/​be engaged in heavy fighting目睹/报道/参与激战
    • call for/​be met with armed resistance要求/遭遇武装抵抗
    • come under heavy/​machine-gun/​mortar fire冒着激烈的/机关枪的/迫击炮的射击
    • fire a machine-gun/​mortar shells/​rockets (at somebody/​something)(对…)发射机关枪/迫击炮弹/火箭弹
    • shoot a rifle/​a pistol/​bullets/​missiles步枪/手枪射击;发射子弹/导弹
    • launch/​fire a cruise/​ballistic/​anti-tank missile发射巡航/弹道/反坦克导弹
    • use biological/​chemical/​nuclear weapons使用生物/化学/核武器
    • inflict/​suffer/​sustain heavy losses/​casualties遭受惨重损失/伤亡
    • be hit/​killed by enemy/​friendly/​artillery fire被敌军/友军/炮火击中/射死
    • become/​be held as a prisoner of war成为战俘;作为战俘被监禁
    Civilians in war战争中的平民
    • harm/​kill/​target/​protect innocent/​unarmed civilians伤害/杀死/瞄准/保护无辜的/手无寸铁的平民
    • cause/​avoid/​limit/​minimize civilian casualties/​collateral damage导致/避免/限制/最大限度减少平民伤亡/附带性破坏
    • impose/​enforce/​lift a curfew强制实行/解除宵禁
    • engage in/​be a victim of ethnic cleansing参与种族清洗;成为种族清洗的受害者
    • be sent to an internment/​a concentration camp被送到俘虏拘留营/集中营
    • accept/​house/​resettle refugees fleeing from war接受/收容/安置战争难民
    • fear/​threaten military/​violent reprisals害怕/扬言要军事/暴力报复
    • commit/​be accused of war crimes/​crimes against humanity/​genocide犯/被指控犯战争罪/反人类罪/种族灭绝罪
    Making peace和解
    • make/​bring/​win/​achieve/​maintain/​promote peace促使/带来/赢得/实现/保持/促进和平
    • call for/​negotiate/​broker/​declare a ceasefire/​a temporary truce要求/商谈/协商/宣布停战/暂时休战
    • sign a ceasefire agreement签署停战协议
    • call for/​bring/​put an end to hostilities要求发动/引发/结束战争
    • demand/​negotiate/​accept the surrender of somebody/​something强烈要求/商讨/接受…投降
    • establish/​send (in) a peacekeeping force建立/派遣维和部队
    • negotiate/​conclude/​ratify/​sign/​accept/​reject/​break/​violate a peace treaty商讨/达成/正式批准/签署/接受/拒绝/破坏/违反和平协定
    see also counter-attack
    Extra Examples
    • Bombers pressed home their attack, causing severe damage to harbour installations.轰炸机击中目标,严重地破坏了港口设施。
    • Most of the population would stand little chance of surviving a nuclear attack.很少有人会从核打击中幸存下来。
    • The administration may launch a pre-emptive attack against terrorist bases.政府也许会对恐怖分子的基地发动先发制人的攻击。
    • The attack took place under cover of darkness.进攻在夜幕的掩护下进行。
    • The border towns have suffered a series of attacks.这些边境城镇遭到了一系列袭击。
    • The soldiers mounted an all-out attack on the town.士兵对该镇发起全面进攻。
    • They came under sustained attack from the air.他们遭到了持续的空袭。
    • an attack on enemy positions对敌军阵地发动的进攻
    Topics War and conflicta2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • all-out
    • full-scale
    • major
    … of attacks
    • series
    verb + attack
    • carry out
    • launch
    • lead
    attack + verb
    • come
    • happen
    • occur
    • under attack
    • attack against
    • attack by
    See full entry
  4. of illness疾病

  5. [countable] a sudden, short period of illness, usually severe(尤指常发疾病的)发作,侵袭
    • to suffer an asthma attack哮喘发作
    • attack of something an attack of fever发热
    see also heart attackTopics Illnessb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • acute
    • sudden
    • bad
    verb + attack
    • experience
    • have
    • suffer
    attack + verb
    • happen
    • occur
    • take place
    • attack of
    See full entry
  6. of emotion情感

  7. [countable] a sudden period of feeling an emotion such as fear(情感的)一阵突发
    • a panic attack一阵恐慌
    • attack of something an attack of nerves突然紧张不安
    • He suffers from attacks of anxiety.他时常感到焦虑。
    • (figurative) an attack of conscience (= a guilty feeling about something you have done or are planning to do)良心的谴责
    • (figurative) an attack of the giggles一阵咯咯傻笑
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • acute
    • sudden
    • bad
    verb + attack
    • experience
    • have
    • suffer
    attack + verb
    • happen
    • occur
    • take place
    • attack of
    See full entry
  8. criticism批评

  9. [countable, uncountable] strong criticism of somebody/something in speech or in writing(口头或书面的)抨击,非难
    • He found himself the victim of an unprovoked attack by the media.他发现自己成了媒体无端攻击的受害者。
    • She has laid herself wide open to attack.她对攻击敞开了大门。
    • attack on somebody/something It was seen as a personal attack on the president.人们认为这是对总统的人身攻击。
    • under attack (from somebody/something) (for something/for doing something) The school has come under attack for failing to encourage bright students.这所学校因未能鼓励聪明的学生而受到非难。
    • Doctors have gone on the attack, accusing the government of incompetence.医生们抨击政府,指责它不称职。
    Extra Examples
    • The government's decision has provoked an attack from leaders of the health service.政府的决定招致了医疗卫生部门领导的指责。
    • The first line of attack is often name-calling.抨击行为往往从辱骂开始。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bitter
    • blistering
    • devastating
    verb + attack
    • deliver
    • go on the
    • launch
    • attack on
    • attack upon
    • a/​the line of attack
    • open to attack
    See full entry
  10. in sport体育运动

  11. [singular] (British English)
    (North American English offense)
    the players in a team whose job is to try to score goals or points进攻队员
    • Germany's attack has been weakened by the loss of some key players through injury.德国队几名主力队员因伤不能上场,削弱了进攻力量。
    compare defence
  12. [countable, uncountable] attack (on something) the actions that players take to try to score a goal or win the game(队员等的)进攻
    • a sustained attack on the Arsenal goal向阿森纳队球门的持续进攻
  13. action to stop something制止

  14. [countable] attack (on something) an action that you take to try to stop or change something that you feel is bad抑制;打击;处理
    • to launch an all-out attack on poverty/unemployment全力抑制贫穷/失业
  15. damage损害

  16. [uncountable, countable] the action of something such as an insect, or a disease, that causes damage to something/somebody(病虫等的)损害,伤害
    • The roof timbers were affected by rot and insect attack.屋顶的木料已经腐朽并遭虫蛀。
  17. Word Originearly 17th cent.: from French attaque (noun), attaquer (verb), from Italian attacco ‘an attack’, attaccare ‘join battle’, based on an element of Germanic origin (see attach).


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they attack
he / she / it attacks
past simple attacked
past participle attacked
-ing form attacking
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    use violence使用暴力

  1. [intransitive, transitive] to use violence to try to hurt or kill somebody袭击;攻击
    • Most dogs will not attack unless provoked.大多数的狗受到挑衅才会攻击。
    • attack somebody/something Terrorists attacked several targets across the city.恐怖分子袭击了这座城市的几个目标。
    • A woman was brutally attacked by a gang of youths.一名妇女遭到一群年轻人的野蛮袭击。
    • attack somebody with something One of the men viciously attacked officers with a home-made weapon. 其中一名男子用自制武器恶意攻击警察。
    • The man attacked him with a knife.那个男人持刀向他行凶。
    Extra Examples
    • It's alleged that the man savagely attacked the pensioner in his home.据说那个人在他家野蛮袭击了那个领养老金的人。
    • They run a helpline for women who have been sexually attacked.他们为遭受性侵犯的妇女开通了一条求助热线。
    Topics Crime and punishmenta2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • brutally
    • savagely
    • viciously
    • with
    See full entry
  2. in war战争

  3. [intransitive, transitive] to use weapons, such as guns and bombs against an enemy in a war, etc.(在战争等中使用武器)进攻,攻击
    • Enemy forces attacked at night.敌军在夜间进攻。
    • attack somebody/something There are fears that the government is planning to attack neighbouring countries.有人担心政府正计划攻击邻国。
    • At dawn the army attacked the town.军队在拂晓时向这座城镇发动攻击。
    Topics War and conflicta2
  4. criticize批评

  5. [transitive] to criticize somebody/something severely抨击;非难
    • attack somebody/something His latest work has been bitterly attacked by the critics. 他的最新作品受到了评论家的猛烈抨击。
    • attack somebody/something for something He was publicly attacked for his political views.他因其政治观点而受到公开攻击。
    • attack somebody/something for doing something The police have been attacked for failing to take immediate action.警方因未能立即采取行动而受到攻击。
    • She has been attacked for ignoring her own party members.她因漠视本党党员而受到非难。
    • attack somebody/something over something The council has been attacked over its lack of investment in public services.该委员会因缺乏对公共服务的投资而受到抨击。
    Extra Examples
    • a newspaper article attacking the England football manager报纸上的一篇抨击英格兰足球队主教练的文章
    • He attacked the idea that the company's practices were bad for the environment.有人说这家企业的做法危害环境,对此他予以抨击。
    • The studio audience repeatedly attacked the minister for her stance.演播室现场的观众因为部长所持的立场而一再诘难她。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • fiercely
    • savagely
    • strongly
    • for
    See full entry
  6. damage损害

  7. [transitive] attack something to have a harmful effect on something侵袭;损害
    • a disease that attacks the brain侵袭大脑的疾病
    • The vines were attacked by mildew.葡萄藤受到了霉菌的侵害。
    Extra Examples
    • Bacteria act on sugars to form acids which attack the tooth surface.细菌作用于糖,形成酸,攻击牙齿表面。
    • The virus attacks different cells in the body.那种病毒侵害体内各种不同的细胞。
  8. in sport体育运动

  9. [intransitive] to go forward in a game in order to try to score goals or points进攻 compare defend
    • Spain attacked more in the second half and deserved a goal.西班牙队在下半场加强攻势,攻进了一球。
    • A period of good attacking play gave Italy the lead.一段时间良好的进攻使意大利队领先。
    Topics Sports: ball and racket sportsb2
  10. do something with energy奋力做

  11. [transitive] attack something to deal with something with a lot of energy and strength of purpose奋力处理;全力对付
    • Let's attack one problem at a time.咱们每次全力处理一个问题。
  12. Word Originearly 17th cent.: from French attaque (noun), attaquer (verb), from Italian attacco ‘an attack’, attaccare ‘join battle’, based on an element of Germanic origin (see attach).
IELTS BNC: 913 COCA: 791


1violence against sb(對人的)攻擊,襲擊ADJECTIVE | ... OF ATTACKS | VERB + ATTACK | ATTACK + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbrutal, frenzied, horrific, savage, serious, vicious, violent殘忍的/瘋狂的/可怕的/野蠻的/嚴重的/惡毒的/猛烈的攻擊unprovoked無緣無故的攻擊Stephen had died in an unprovoked racist attack.斯蒂芬在種族主義者無緣無故發動的一次襲擊中喪生。homophobic, racist對同性戀的攻擊;種族主義者的襲擊arson, gun, knife縱火;槍襲;持刀襲擊an increase in knife attacks on police officers持刀襲警案的增加sexual性侵犯... OF ATTACKSseries, spate, wave一連串的襲擊;接二連三的襲擊;襲擊浪潮VERB + ATTACKcarry out發動襲擊Two teenagers carried out a frenzied attack on a taxi driver.兩名十幾歲的少年對一名出租車司機進行了瘋狂的攻擊。be subjected to遭受襲擊He was subjected to a violent attack.他遭到了猛烈的襲擊。block, dodge抵擋攻擊;躲避襲擊ATTACK + VERBhappen, occur, take place襲擊發生Where did the attack happen?襲擊發生在什麼地方?PREPOSITIONattack against針對⋯的攻擊vicious attacks against senior citizens對老年人的惡毒攻擊attack by⋯發動的襲擊an attack by an armed gang由武裝團夥發動的一場襲擊attack on對⋯的襲擊an attack on a bus driver對公共汽車司機的襲擊PHRASESa victim of an attack襲擊的受害者


2act of violence in war(戰爭中的)進攻,襲擊ADJECTIVE | ... OF ATTACKS | VERB + ATTACK | ATTACK + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEall-out, full-scale, major全面/全力/重大的進攻sustained持續的襲擊deadly, devastating致命的進攻;毀滅性的襲擊horrific可怕的進攻sneak, surprise偷襲;奇襲the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor對珍珠港的偷襲retaliatory報復性進攻pre-emptive先發制人的攻擊The administration may launch a pre-emptive attack against terrorist bases.政府也許會對恐怖分子的基地發動先發制人的攻擊。mock模擬進攻direct, flank, frontal直接/側翼/正面進攻enemy, guerrilla, insurgent, terror, terrorist敵軍的進攻;游擊戰;叛亂士兵發動的攻擊;恐怖襲擊suicide自殺性襲擊air, bomb, missile, mortar, nuclear, rocket空襲;炸彈襲擊;導彈襲擊;迫擊炮炮擊;核打擊;火箭襲擊biological, chemical生物武器/化學武器襲擊... OF ATTACKSseries一系列襲擊The border towns have suffered a series of attacks.這些邊境城鎮遭到了一系列襲擊。VERB + ATTACKcarry out, launch, lead, make, mount, spearhead發動/發起/帶頭/實施/開始/領導進攻The soldiers mounted an all-out attack on the town.士兵對該鎮發起全面進攻。come under, suffer遭受襲擊They came under sustained attack from the air.他們遭到了持續的空襲。repel, repulse, resist打退進攻;抵抗進攻prevent, stop防止襲擊;停止進攻survive, withstand在襲擊中幸存;經受住襲擊Most of the population would stand little chance of surviving a nuclear attack.很少有人會從核打擊中幸存下來。press, press home, renew堅持要進攻;堅持進攻到底;重新發起進攻Bombers renewed their attack, causing severe damage to bridges.轟炸機發起了新一輪襲擊,給橋梁造成嚴重破壞。plan計劃發起進攻ATTACK + VERBcome, happen, occur, take place進攻開始The attack took place under cover of darkness.進攻在夜幕的掩護下進行。continue進攻繼續fail, succeed進攻失敗/成功PREPOSITIONunder attack遭到襲擊The province has been under attack from the rebels.該省遭到了叛亂分子的襲擊。attack against針對⋯的襲擊attacks against civilians針對平民的襲擊attack by⋯發動的進攻an attack by rebel forces叛軍發動的進攻attack on對⋯的進攻an attack on enemy positions對敵軍陣地發動的進攻


3criticism批評ADJECTIVE | VERB + ATTACK | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbitter, blistering, devastating, fierce, outspoken, savage, scathing, scurrilous, stinging, vigorous嚴厲的批評;尖刻的批評;猛烈的批評;激烈的抨擊;坦率的批評;惡言毀謗攻擊;尖酸的批評personal人身攻擊It was seen as a personal attack on the president.人們認為這是對總統的人身攻擊。concerted一致的批評direct直接攻擊verbal口頭批評VERB + ATTACKdeliver, go on the, launch, make, mount, unleash加以抨擊;進行指責;予以批評Doctors have gone on the attack, accusing the government of incompetence.醫生們抨擊政府,指責它不稱職。come under, provoke遭到抨擊;引起非難All politicians come under attack for their views.所有的政治人物都因自己的觀點而遭到抨擊。The government's decision has provoked an attack from leaders of the health service.政府的決定招致了醫療衞生部門領導的指責。PREPOSITIONattack on, attack upon對⋯的批評an attack on my integrity對我的誠實的非難PHRASESa/the line of attack抨擊的一步The first line of attack is often name-calling.抨擊行為往往從辱罵開始。open to attack容易受到非難He has laid himself wide open to attack.他使自己極易受到非難。


4sudden illness突發的疾病ADJECTIVE | VERB + ATTACK | ATTACK + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEacute, sudden急性/突然發作bad, nasty, severe劇烈的發作;嚴重發作fatal致命的發作mild, slight輕微的發作recurrent反複發作asthma, heart, panic哮喘發作;心臟病發作;一陣恐慌a fatal heart attack致命的心臟病發作VERB + ATTACKexperience, have, suffer, suffer from發病;突患疾病;遭受疾病He suffers from attacks of anxiety.他時常感到焦慮。bring on, cause, trigger引發⋯病發作a heart attack brought on by stress壓力引發的心臟病發作ATTACK + VERBhappen, occur, take place病發PREPOSITIONattack of⋯發作a sudden attack of nerves突然一陣緊張


1use violence使用武力ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBbrutally, savagely, viciously, violently殘忍地襲擊;野蠻地進攻;惡意攻擊;猛烈襲擊They were brutally attacked by two men.他們遭到兩名男子的殘忍襲擊。physically進行人身攻擊repeatedly再三攻擊PREPOSITIONwith用⋯襲擊He attacked her with a knife.他用刀襲擊她。


2criticize批評ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBfiercely, savagely, strongly, vigorously激烈地批評;尖銳地批評;猛烈地抨擊repeatedly再三抨擊directly直接批評PREPOSITIONfor因⋯而批評The police have been strongly attacked for not taking immediate action.警方由於沒有立即採取行動而遭到猛烈的批評。
IELTS BNC: 913 COCA: 791
attack noun
attack1 (a bomb attack) attack2 (a vicious knife attack) attack3 (an attack of flu/nerves) criticism (a scathing attack on the government's policies)
attack verb
attack1 (attack sb with a knife) attack2 (attack a city) blame (attack the government) hit3 (The disease attacks the central nervous system.)


a bomb attack 炸弹袭击a vicious knife attack 凶残的持刀袭击事件an attack of flu/nerves 流感爆发;突然紧张不安attack ♦︎ strike ♦︎ invasion ♦︎ raid ♦︎ assault ♦︎ offensive ♦︎ aggression ♦︎ incursionThese are all words for military acts against an enemy. 这些词均表示军事进攻、袭击。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an attack / a strike / a raid / an assault / an offensive / aggression against sb / sthan attack / a strike / an assault / an offensive / an incursion on sb / sthin an attack / a strike / an invasion / a raid / an assault / an offensive / an incursion(a) military attack / strike / invasion / raid / assault / offensive / aggression / incursiona full-scale attack / invasion / assault / offensivea successful attack / strike / invasion / raid / assault / offensivean all-out attack / assault / offensivean air attack / strike / raid / assault / offensiveto plan / launch an attack / a strike / an invasion / a raid / an assault / an offensiveto mount an attack / an assault / an offensiveto make an attack / a raid / an assault / an incursionto resist (an) attack / an invasion / an assault / (an) aggression attack [countable, uncountable](in a war) an aggressive attempt to hurt or defeat the enemy using weapons and violence (战争中的)进攻,攻击He ordered his men to mount an attack on the city.他命令士兵对这座城市发动进攻。The patrol came under attack from all sides.巡逻队受到四面八方的攻击。 strike [countable] a rapid, powerful military attack, especially by aircraft (尤指空中迅猛的)军事袭击The effects of the air strikes had been devastating.这次空袭造成的影响是毁灭性的。They launched a pre-emptive strike (= before the enemy could attack).他们先发制人,发起了进攻。 invasion ɪnˈveɪʒn [countable, uncountable] the act of an army entering another country by force in order to take control of it 武装入侵;侵略;侵犯She left France after the German invasion in 1940.1940年德国武装入侵之后,她离开了法国。The invasion force comprised 3 000-5 000 heavily armed troops.侵略军由3 000到5 000名全副武装的士兵组成。 see also invade invade raid [countable] a short surprise attack on the enemy by soldiers, ships or aircraft (陆、海、空的)突然袭击Hundreds of civilians were killed in the air raids.数百名平民在空袭中丧生。 assault əˈsɔːlt [countable] an attack on a place in order to take control of it 突击,袭击(以占领)An assault on the capital was launched in the early hours of the morning.凌晨时分对首都发起了攻击。 offensive [countable] a planned series of military attacks which sometimes take place over a long period of time (有计划的)系列军事行动;(持续的)攻势The final offensive was launched in the spring.春季发动了最后一次进攻。 aggression [uncountable] a violent attack or threats by one country against another 侵略;侵犯;挑衅Each country agreed to halt all acts of aggression against the other's territory.各国同意停止一切对他国领土的侵略行动。 incursion ɪnˈkɜːʃn; NAmE ɪnˈkɜːrʒn [countable] (formal) a sudden, temporary entry into a place controlled by the enemy, especially across a border (尤指跨越边界的)突然入侵,突然侵犯Border patrols were increased to deter further incursions by foreign forces.增加了边关巡逻以阻止外国军队的进一步入侵行动。attack2


a bomb attack 炸弹袭击a vicious knife attack 凶残的持刀袭击事件an attack of flu/nerves 流感爆发;突然紧张不安attack ♦︎ rape ♦︎ assault ♦︎ attemptThese are all words for an act of using violence to try to hurt or kill sb. 这些词均表示对某人的袭击、攻击。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an attack / a rape / an assault by sban attack / assault on / against sba / an violent / brutal / savage / vicious / alleged attack / rape / assaulta / an serious / unprovoked / racial / sexual / physical attack / assaultan attempted rape / assaultto carry out an attack / assault attack [countable] an act of using violence to try to hurt or kill sb 袭击;攻击Police have reported a series of racist attacks.警方通报了一连串种族主义袭击事件。A child is recovering in hospital after a serious attack by a stray dog.遭流浪狗猛烈攻击的孩子正在医院中逐渐康复。 rape [uncountable, countable] the crime of forcing sb to have sex with you, especially using violence 强暴;强奸罪He was charged with rape.他被控犯了强奸罪。There has been an increase in the number of reported rapes.强奸案报案数字上升了。 see also rape rape verb assault əˈsɔːlt [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) the crime of attacking sb physically 侵犯人身罪Both men were charged with assault.两名男子都被控犯了侵犯人身罪。A significant number of indecent assaults on women go unreported.很多宗猥亵妇女罪都没有举报。 see also assault rape verb attempt [countable] an act of trying to kill sb 杀人企图Someone has made an attempt on the President's life.有人企图刺杀总统。attack3


a bomb attack 炸弹袭击a vicious knife attack 凶残的持刀袭击事件an attack of flu/nerves 流感爆发;突然紧张不安attack ♦︎ burst ♦︎ bout ♦︎ flurry ♦︎ outburst ♦︎ fit ♦︎ spurtThese are all words for a short and often sudden period of a particular activity, an illness or an emotion. 这些词均表示突然发作、突如其来。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an attack / a burst / a bout / a flurry / an outburst / a fit / a spurt of stha sudden attack / burst / bout / flurry / outburst / fit / spurtan occasional attack / burst / bout / flurry / outbursta brief burst / bout / flurry / spurta violent bout / outburst / fita burst / an outburst / a fit of laughtera burst / flurry / spurt of activitya burst / a bout / an outburst / a fit / a spurt of angera burst / an outburst / a fit of temperto suffer (from) / have an attack / a bout / a fit (of sth)to bring on an attack / a bout / a fit (of sth)to trigger an attack / an outburst / a fit (of sth)to cause an attack / a flurry / a fit (of sth) attack [countable] a sudden, short period of illness, usually severe, especially an illness that you have often; a sudden period of feeling an emotion such as fear (尤指常发疾病的)发作;(情感的)一阵突发He died after suffering an asthma attack.他哮喘发作,去世了。He is recovering in hospital after an acute attack of food poisoning.他急性食物中毒后正在医院慢慢康复。An attack of nerves took hold of her.她突然紧张不安起来。Not everyone who has problems with stress and anxiety will have panic attacks.不是所有受压力和焦虑困扰的人都会患恐慌症。Attack is always used to describe negative things. A heart attack is a sudden serious medical condition in which the heart stops working normally, sometimes causing death. * attack总用于描述不好的事情。heart attack指突发性心脏病,有时会致死。 burst [countable] a short period of a particular activity or strong emotion that often starts suddenly 突发;猝发;迸发I had a sudden burst of energy and cleaned the house from top to bottom.我突然觉得浑身是劲,就把整座房子从上到下打扫了一遍。I tend to work in bursts.我的工作劲头往往是一阵一阵的。Her breath was coming in short bursts.她的呼吸急迫短促。There was a spontaneous burst of applause.掌声自发地响起。Burst is usually used to talk about short periods of positive things such as energy, enthusiasm, laughter and applause, but it is also possible to talk about a burst of negative feelings such as pain, jealousy, irritation, impatience and frustration. * burst通常表示正面事物的迸发,搭配的词有energy、enthusiasm、laughter和applause等,但同时也可以表示负面情感的发作,搭配的词有pain、jealousy、irritation、impatience和frustration等。 bout baʊt [countable] a short period of great activity; a short period during which there is a lot of a particular thing, usually sth unpleasant; an attack or period of illness 一场;一阵;(坏事的)一通,一次;(疾病的)发作(期)They had been fighting after a drinking bout.他们一顿狂饮之后一直在打架。Regular exercise is better than occasional bouts of strenuous activity.有规律的运动比偶尔一两次剧烈运动好。He's just recovering from a severe bout of flu.他正从一场重感冒中慢慢恢复。NOTE 辨析 Attack or bout?Both attack and bout can be used to talk about a period of illness. Attack, however, can give an impression of a shorter and more sudden period of illness. * attack和bout都可以指疾病发作。但是attack给人的印象是病情来得更突然,持续时间更短。 flurry ˈflʌri; NAmE ˈflɜːri [countable, usually singular] an occasion when there is a lot of activity, interest or excitement within a short period of time 一阵忙乱(或激动、兴奋)Her arrival caused a flurry of excitement.她的到来引起了一阵轰动。A flurry of shots rang out in the darkness.黑暗中突然响起一阵枪声。You have a(n) attack/burst/bout of sth; a flurry of sth is sth that there is/was, or that is caused or happens in some way. 常用have a(n) attack/burst/bout of sth和there is/was a flurry of sth句式,a flurry of修饰的事物通常是以某种方式引起或发生的。 outburst ˈaʊtbɜːst; NAmE ˈaʊtbɜːrst [countable] a sudden strong expression of an emotion, especially anger; a sudden increase in a particular activity or attitude (尤指愤怒的)迸发,爆发;(活动的)激增;(态度的)激化He was alarmed by her violent outburst.她暴跳如雷,令他惊恐万状。This outburst of racism manifested itself most in the suburbs.这波种族主义情绪的突然高涨在郊区表现得最为突出。 Outburst is used most frequently to talk about negative feelings such as anger, violence, hatred, annoyance and rage. It is also used to describe sudden increases in political or social behaviour. * outburst最常表示负面情绪的爆发,搭配的词有anger、violence、hatred、annoyance和rage等,还用来描述政治或社会行为的激增an outburst of militancy / nationalism / patriotism / racism好战/民族主义/爱国主义/种族主义情绪的高涨 fit [countable] a sudden short period of coughing or laughter, that you cannot control; a sudden strong expression of an emotion 一阵(忍不住的咳嗽或大笑);(强烈感情的)冲动,发作Laughing brought on a terrible fit of coughing.大笑引起一阵剧烈的咳嗽。He had us all in fits (of laughter) with his jokes.他的笑话让我们都笑得前仰后合。The defendant claimed to have acted in a fit of anger.被告称自己是在狂怒之下作出此等行为。 spurt spɜːt; NAmE spɜːrt [countable] a sudden increase in speed, effort, activity or emotion for a short period of time (速度、干劲、活动或感情的)短时激增,迸发You'd better put on a spurt (= hurry up) if you want to finish that work today.你要是想今天完成那个工作,最好多加一把劲。Babies get very hungry during growth spurts.婴儿在猛长时期会很饿。I felt a little spurt of pleasure at the prospect.我对前景突然感到一丝鼓舞。attack1


attack sb with a knife 持刀袭击某人attack a city 进攻一座城市attack ♦︎ assault ♦︎ beat sb up ♦︎ mug ♦︎ strikeThese words all mean to use violence to try to hurt, kill or rob sb. 这些词均表示袭击、攻击。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to attack / assault / beat up sb with sthto get beaten up / muggedto violently attack sb / assault sb / beat sb up attack [transitive, intransitive] to use violence to try to hurt or kill sb 袭击;攻击The man attacked him with a knife.那个男子持刀袭击了他。Most dogs will not attack unless provoked.大多数的狗受到挑衅才会攻击。 assault əˈsɔːlt [transitive] (rather formal) to attack sb violently, especially when this is considered as a crime 猛烈攻击,袭击,侵犯(尤指构成犯罪)He has been charged with assaulting a police officer.他被控袭警。He admitted indecently assaulting the child.他承认猥亵了那个小孩。 ˌbeat sb ˈup

phrasal verb

(beat, beaten)to hit or kick sb hard, many times 痛殴;毒打He was badly beaten up by a gang of thugs.他被一帮暴徒打得遍体鳞伤。
mug (-gg-) [transitive, often passive] to attack sb violently in order to steal their money, especially in a public place (公然)行凶抢劫,打劫She was mugged in the street in broad daylight.光天化日之下,她在街上遭到抢劫。 mugging


[uncountable, countable] Mugging is on the increase in the area, especially after dark.这个地区尤其在天黑之后抢劫犯罪呈上升趋势。Murders, kidnaps and muggings are reported daily in the newspapers.报纸上每天都有谋杀、绑架和抢劫的报道。
strike (struck, struck; NAmE also struck, stricken) [intransitive] to attack sb/sth, especially suddenly 突袭;攻击Police fear that the killer may strike again.警方担心杀人犯可能再次下手。The lion crouched ready to strike.狮子俯下身准备攻击。


attack sb with a knife 持刀袭击某人attack a city 进攻一座城市 See also the entry for invade 另见invade条attack ♦︎ strike ♦︎ storm ♦︎ charge ♦︎ raidThese words all mean to make an aggressive movement against your enemy in a war. 这些词均表示在战争中主动进攻。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to strike / charge at sb / sthto attack / strike / charge the enemyto attack / strike a targetto attack / storm a / an house / building / embassysoldiers / troops / police attack / storm / charge / raid sthaircraft attack / strike / raid sth attack [transitive, intransitive] to use weapons, such as guns and bombs against an enemy in a war or battle (在战争中使用武器)进攻,攻击At dawn the army attacked the town.黎明时分部队开始攻城。The guerrillas usually attack at night.游击队通常在夜间发动袭击。 strike (struck, struck; NAmE also struck, stricken) [intransitive, transitive] to attack sb/sth, especially suddenly 突击;攻击The guerrillas struck with deadly force.游击队发起强势进攻。Warplanes struck several targets in the city.战机轰炸了城市里的几个目标。 storm [transitive, intransitive] to suddenly attack a place, especially in order to capture it 突袭;攻占Police stormed the building and captured the gunman.警方突袭了那座楼,抓获了持枪歹徒。Soldiers stormed into the city at dawn.士兵在拂晓时分攻进城里。 charge [intransitive, transitive] to rush forward and attack sb/sth 猛攻;猛冲We charged at the enemy.我们向敌人发起冲锋。The bull put its head down and charged.公牛低下头猛冲过来。He ordered his troops to charge the enemy lines.他命令部队猛攻敌方战线。 raid [transitive] to attack a place without warning and then leave 突袭;偷袭Villages along the border are regularly raided.边境附近的村庄经常遭受突袭。a raiding party (= a group of soldiers, etc. that attack a place) 突袭小分队
IELTS BNC: 913 COCA: 791
To criticize strongly: attack, damn, savage...
To damage or spoil something: damage, spoil, mark...
An attack on someone: attack, assault, bashing...
Criticisms and accusations: criticism, attack, reproach...
Periods of bad health: illness, bout, attack...

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