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  1. [countable] a cause or an explanation for something that has happened or that somebody has done原因;理由;解释
    • He said no but he didn't give a reason.他说不行,但没有说明原因。
    • reason for something She gave no reasons for her decision.她没有对她的决定作出任何解释。
    • reason for doing something I have no particular reason for doubting him.我没有什么特别的理由怀疑他。
    • reason behind something There were a number of reasons behind her departure.她离开的原因有很多。
    • reason (that)… We aren't going for the simple reason that we can't afford it.我们不去,只是因为我们负担不起。
    • Job satisfaction is the main reason people remain in jobs or careers.工作满意度是人们留在工作或职业中的主要原因。
    • The only reason your parents are doing this is because they care so much for you.你父母这样做的唯一原因是因为他们非常关心你。
    • reason why… Give me one good reason why I should help you.我为什么要帮你?给我一个充分的理由。
    • I'd like to know the reason why you're so late.我想知道你为什么迟到那么长时间。
    • for a reason For some reason (= one that I don't know or don't understand) we all have to come in early tomorrow.出于某种原因,我们大家明天都不得不早点儿来。
    • For this reason, it's important to have friends who will support you.因此,有朋友支持你是很重要的。
    • These rules are there for a very good reason.这些规则是有很好的理由的。
    • The man attacked me for no apparent reason.那个人不知何故攻击我。
    • Sometimes I cry for no reason at all.有时候我会无缘无故的哭。
    • She resigned for personal reasons.她出于个人原因而辞职。
    • For obvious reasons the data is not complete.由于显而易见的原因,数据并不完整。
    • He wants to keep them all in his office for reasons best known to himself.他想把他们都留在他的办公室里,原因只有他自己知道。
    • people who, for whatever reason, are unable to support themselves那些因为种种原因不能自立的人
    • for reasons of something For reasons of security the door is always kept locked.为了保证安全,门总是锁着的。
    • ‘Why do you want to know?’ ‘No reason(= I do not want to say why).“你为什么想知道?” “不为什么。”
    • ‘Why did she do that?’ ‘She must have her reasons(= secret reasons which she does not want to tell).“她为什么那么做?” “她一定有她的理由。”
    • by reason of something (formal) He was excused by reason of (= because of) his age.他因为其年龄而得以免除。
    Synonyms reasonreason
    • explanation
    • grounds
    • basis
    • excuse
    • motive
    • justification
    • pretext
    These are all words for a cause or an explanation for something that has happened or that somebody has done.
    • reason a cause or an explanation for something that has happened or that somebody has done; a fact that makes it right or fair to do something:
      • He said no but he didn’t give a reason.他说不行,但没有说明原因。
    • explanation a statement, fact or situation that tells you why something has happened; a reason given for something:
      • The most likely explanation is that his plane was delayed.最可能的解释是他的飞机晚点了。
      • She left the room abruptly without explanation.她未作解释就突然离开了房间。
    • grounds (rather formal) a good or true reason for saying, doing or believing something:指说、做或相信某事的充分理由、根据:
      • You have no grounds for complaint.你没有理由抱怨。
    • basis (rather formal) the reason why people take a particular action:指原因、缘由:
      • On what basis will this decision be made?将基于何种原因作出这一决定呢?
    • excuse a reason, either true or invented, that you give to explain or defend your behaviour; a good reason that you give for doing something that you want to do for other reasons:
      • Late again! What’s your excuse this time?又迟到了!你这次有什么借口?
      • It gave me an excuse to take the car.这使我有理由开车去了。
    • motive a reason that explains somebody’s behaviour:
      • There seemed to be no motive for the murder.这起谋杀案看不出有什么动机。
    • justification (rather formal) a good reason why something exists or is done:指事物存在或做某事的正当理由:
      • I can see no possible justification for any further tax increases.我看不出还能提出什么理由来加税了。
    grounds or justification?用 grounds 还是 justification?Justification is used to talk about finding or understanding reasons for actions, or trying to explain why it is a good idea to do something. It is often used with words like little, no, some, every, without, and not any. Grounds is used more for talking about reasons that already exist, or that have already been decided, for example by law: moral/​economic grounds.
    • pretext (rather formal) a false reason that you give for doing something, usually something bad, in order to hide the real reason:指为掩盖做某事(通常为不好的事)的真正理由而找的借口、托辞:
      • He left the party early on the pretext of having to work.他借口有事要处理,早早离开了聚会。
    • (a/​an) reason/​explanation/​grounds/​basis/​excuse/​motive/​justification/​pretext for something
    • the reason/​motive behind something
    • on the grounds/​basis/​pretext of/​that…
    • (a) good/​valid reason/​explanation/​grounds/​excuse/​motive/​justification
    Language Bank thereforethereforeWays of saying ‘For this reason…’“因此” 的种种表达方法
      • Today’s children eat more junk food and get less exercise than previous generations of children. It is not surprising, therefore, that rates of childhood obesity are on the increase.当今的孩子比过去几代儿童吃的垃圾食品更多,锻炼更少。因此,肥胖儿童的比例逐渐升高并不奇怪。
      • Children who grow up on a diet of junk food find it difficult to change this habit later in life. It is essential, therefore, that parents encourage healthy eating from an early age.吃垃圾食品长大的孩子发现在日后的生活中很难改变这个习惯。因此,父母从孩子幼年开始就倡导健康饮食非常重要。
      • Children who grow up on a diet of junk food find it difficult to change this habit later in life. For this reason,/This is why it is essential that children eat healthily from an early age.吃垃圾食品长大的孩子在日后的生活中很难改变这个习惯。因此,孩子从幼年开始就健康饮食非常重要。
      • Eating habits formed in childhood tend to continue into adult life. Thus, the best way to prevent heart disease among adults is to encourage healthy eating from an early age.孩童时期形成的饮食习惯往往会延续到成年。因此,预防成年人心脏疾病的最好方法就是从小鼓励健康饮食。
      • Eating habits formed in childhood tend to continue into adult life, hence the importance of encouraging healthy eating from an early age.孩童时期形成的饮食习惯往往会延续到成年。因此,从小鼓励健康饮食尤为重要。
    Express Yourself Giving reasons, justifying a choiceGiving reasons, justifying a choice对选择作出解释In various exams, you are asked to make a choice and give reasons for it. In conversation or in a meeting, you need to explain and justify your decisions:在各种考试中需要作出选择并给出理由,在谈话或会议上需要对决定加以解释,可用以下表达方式:
      • There are two main reasons why I think it’s the best option: first, there's the cost and second, the quality.我认为这是最好的选择,主要原因有两个:第一是成本,第二是质量。
      • I think/​believe it's the right thing to do because it gives everyone a fair chance.我认为这么做是正确的,因为这给予每个人公平的机会。
      • I would choose the newer one on the grounds that it will last longer.我会选择较新的那个,因为它更加耐用。
      • Of the three houses, the largest one seems to me to be the best, because they need the room.这三栋房子中,最大的那栋在我看来是最好的,因为他们需要这么大的空间。
      • My choice would be number 3, simply because it's the clearest design.我的选择是 3 号,原因就在于它的设计最清晰。
    Extra Examples
    • For reasons of security, you are requested to keep your baggage with you at all times.为了安全起见,请随身携带行李。
    • For some odd reason, he found it really funny.由于某种奇怪的原因,他觉得这件事很滑稽。
    • For some unexplained reason the pilot jettisoned all his fuel shortly after take-off.不知何故飞行员在起飞后不久就投弃了所有燃料。
    • For unknown reasons, the ship sank in the middle of the ocean.不知什么原因,这艘船在海中央沉没了。
    • He got angry for no reason.他平白无故地发怒。
    • He married her for all the wrong reasons.他出于不道德的动机娶了她。
    • He saw many reasons to be hopeful.他有诸多理由充满希望。
    • I can think of several reasons why this might happen.我能想出几个原因来解释为什么这件事可能会发生。
    • I don't know why he did that, but I'm sure he had his reasons.我不知道他为什么那么做,但我相信他一定有他的理由。
    • I don't see any reason why you can't come with us.我看不出你有什么理由不跟我们来。
    • I have no reason to believe that she was lying to me.我没有理由相信她在向我撒谎。
    • I was never good at playing the trumpet for the simple reason that I never practised.我小号一直吹得不好的唯一原因就是我从来不练习。
    • In the letter she carefully set out her reasons for leaving.她在信中谨慎地说明了她离开的原因。
    • Isolation and loneliness are common reasons for depression.孤独与寂寞是抑郁的常见原因。
    • It's difficult to pinpoint the reasons for her success.很难准确地指出她成功的原因。
    • People buy things for all sorts of reasons.人们购物的动机多种多样。
    • She did not tell him the real reason for her change of heart.她没有告诉他她变心的真正原因。
    • The company's stated reason for firing him was misconduct.关于为什么开除他,公司给出的理由是玩忽职守。
    • The only reason I didn't become a professional golfer was because of my family commitments.我没有成为职业高尔夫球手的唯一原因就是我要照顾家庭。
    • The reasons for her decision soon became clear.她作此决定的动机很快就清楚了。
    • The underlying reasons for these differences will be explored in depth in the next chapter.这些差异的根本原因会在下一章节中详述。
    • There are obvious reasons against such a move.反对这一行动的理由显而易见。
    • There is an assumption that a state will protect its citizens. That is the very reason for the existence of states.有一个假定就是国家会保护公民。这也正是国家存在的理由。
    • There's one big reason why this won't work: cost.此事行不通的一个主要原因是:成本问题。
    • They didn't give any reason for the delay.他们没有解释延误的原因。
    • This article lists the most common reasons why people pay too much tax.这篇文章列出了人们交税过多最常见的原因。
    • Tom's problem was that he lacked confidence; Ed failed for precisely the opposite reason.汤姆的问题是缺乏信心,而埃德的失败恰恰是因为他太过自信。
    • We are trying to uncover the reasons behind her decision.我们正试图揭开她这个决定的背后动机。
    • You're asking me to help, and that's the exact reason I came.你要我帮忙,这就是我来的原因。
    • dismissal for reasons unconnected with misconduct与行为不当无关的解雇
    • procedures carried out for reasons of national security出于国家安全的原因而采取的步骤
    • Surely there is no earthly reason why you wouldn't want to come with us?你肯定没什么理由拒绝和我们同行吧?
    • We see no reason why this band shouldn't be a huge success.我们看不出这个乐队有任何理由不会大获成功。
    • You don't have any reason to complain.你没有任何理由抱怨。
    Topics Change, cause and effecta1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • cogent
    • good
    • sound
    verb + reason
    • be aware of
    • see
    • have
    • by reason of
    • for a/​the reason
    • for reason of
    • all the more reason
    • all sorts of reasons
    • every reason
    See full entry
  2. [uncountable] a fact that makes it right or fair to do something正当理由;道理;情理
    • reason to do something They have reason to believe she is lying.他们有理由相信她在撒谎。
    • We have every reason (= have very good reasons) to feel optimistic.我们完全有理由感到乐观。
    • You have no reason to accuse him of laziness.你没有理由指责他懒惰。
    • She has good reason to be concerned.她有充分的理由担心。
    • There is no reason at all to doubt it.完全没有理由怀疑。
    • reason why… There is no reason why we should agree to this.我们没有理由同意这点。
    • reason for something This result gives us all the more reason for optimism.这个结果使我们更有理由保持乐观。
    • reason for doing something He has every reason for feeling excited.他完全有理由感到兴奋。
    • with reason She complained, with reason (= rightly), that she had been underpaid.她抱怨给她的报酬太低,是有道理的。
    Extra Examples
    • You have little reason to be pleased with yourself.你没有什么理由自鸣得意。
    • There is ample reason to be optimistic about the economy.完全有理由对经济持乐观的态度。
    • I know you're angry with me, and you have every reason to be.我知道你生我的气,这是合情合理的。
    • They complained about the food, and with good reason.他们抱怨饭食不好,也确实如此。
    • persons in need of care by reason of old age由于年老而需要照顾的人
    • He was found not guilty by reason of insanity.他由于精神失常而被判无罪。
    • If he's unwell, that's all the more reason to go and see him.如果他身体不好,我们就更应该去看他。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • cogent
    • good
    • sound
    verb + reason
    • be aware of
    • see
    • have
    • by reason of
    • for a/​the reason
    • for reason of
    • all the more reason
    • all sorts of reasons
    • every reason
    See full entry
  3. [uncountable] the power of the mind to think in a logical way, to understand and have opinions, etc.思考力;理解力;理性
    • Only human beings are capable of reason (= of thinking in a logical way, etc.).只有人类才有理性思考的能力。
    • to lose your reason (= become mentally ill)神经失常
    • the conflict between faith and reason信仰和理性的冲突
    Extra Examples
    • He seems to have lost all sense and reason.他似乎完全失去了理智。
    • He was beyond all reason.他毫不讲理。
    • We possess the human faculty of reason.我们具有作为人类的推理能力。
    Topics Opinion and argumentb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • human
    verb + reason
    • lose
    • be open to
    • listen to
    • beyond reason
    • within reason
    • an appeal to reason
    • faculty of reason
    • sense of reason
    See full entry
  4. [uncountable] what is possible, practical or right道理;情理;明智
    • I can't get her to listen to reason.我没法跟她讲道理。
    • Why can't they see reason?他们为什么不明事理?
    • Look, you're supposed to be the voice of reason here.听着,你应该是理性的代言人。
    • Keith appears to be open to reason (= to be willing to accept sensible advice).基思似乎乐于接受理性的建议。
    • within reason He's looking for a job and he's willing to do anything within reason.他在找工作,而且只要是正当的事他都愿意做。
    Extra Examples
    • I'm willing to do anything — within reason — to get my case heard.为了使我的案子得到审理,只要是合理的事我都愿意做。
    • I'll lend you the money you need—within reason, of course!你需要的钱我会借给你 - 当然,数额得合理!
    • The residents hope that an appeal to reason will end the rioting.居民们希望可以说服闹事者恢复理智,结束骚乱。
    • Sometimes he does things that defy reason.他有时会做些不理智的事。
    • I tried to persuade her, but she just wouldn't listen to reason.我试图说服她,但她就是听不进去。
    • She was always the voice of reason, persuading him not to buy things they couldn't afford.她总是非常理智,不让他买他们买不起的东西。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • human
    verb + reason
    • lose
    • be open to
    • listen to
    • beyond reason
    • within reason
    • an appeal to reason
    • faculty of reason
    • sense of reason
    See full entry
  5. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French reisun (noun), raisoner (verb), from a variant of Latin ratio(n-), from the verb reri ‘consider’.
it stands to reason
  1. (informal) it must be clear to any sensible person who thinks about it这是人人都清楚的;这是明摆着的
    • It stands to reason that they'll leave if you don't pay them enough.这是明摆着的,你不给他们足够的报酬,他们就走人。
    • It stands to reason that she wouldn't want them to find out about her personal problems.她不想让他们知道她的个人问题,这是自然的。
there’s no rhyme or reason to/for something | without rhyme or reason
  1. if there is no rhyme or reason to something or it happens without rhyme or reason, it happens in a way that cannot be easily explained or understood毫无道理;无规律可循;莫名其妙
    • Suddenly, without rhyme or reason, his mood changed.突然,莫名其妙,他的心情变了。
    • There's no rhyme or reason to the new opening hours.新的营业时间毫无道理。


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they reason
he / she / it reasons
past simple reasoned
past participle reasoned
-ing form reasoning
Phrasal Verbs
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  1. [transitive, intransitive] reason (that…) | + speech to form a judgement about a situation by considering the facts and using your power to think in a logical way推理;推论;推断
    • She reasoned that she must have left her bag on the train.她断定准是把包落在火车上了。
    • They couldn't fire him, he reasoned. He was the only one who knew how the system worked.他推断他们不会解雇他。他是唯一知道这套系统如何运转的人。
    • They reasoned, correctly, that the enemy would not attempt an attack at night.他们作出了正确推断,敌人不会企图发动夜袭。
  2. [intransitive] to use your power to think and understand思考;理解
    • the human ability to reason人的思考能力
  3. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French reisun (noun), raisoner (verb), from a variant of Latin ratio(n-), from the verb reri ‘consider’.


1cause/motive/justification; explanation of sth理由;動機;解釋ADJECTIVE | VERB + REASON | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcogent, good, sound, strong有說服力的理由;合理的原因;強有力的動機compelling, convincing令人信服的理由plausible看似有理的解釋adequate, sufficient充足的理由bona fide, legitimate, valid真實的/合理的/正當的理由wrong不道德的原因He married her for all the wrong reasons.他出於不道德的動機娶了她。opposite相反的原因Tom's problem was that he lacked confidence; Ed failed for precisely the opposite reason.湯姆的問題是缺乏信心,而埃德的失敗恰恰是因為他太過自信。important重要的原因special特別原因big, chief, key, main, major, primary, principal主要原因;主要動機;首要原因There's one big reason why this won't work: cost.此事行不通的一個主要原因是:成本問題。only, simple, sole唯一的原因;簡單的解釋The only reason I didn't become a professional golfer was because of my family commitments.我沒有成為職業高爾夫球手的唯一原因就是我要照顧家庭。I was never good at school for the simple reason that I never studied.我學習一直不好的原因很簡單,就是我從來不學習。several, various幾個/多種原因I can think of several reasons why this might happen.我能想出幾個原因來解釋為什麼這件事可能會發生。common共同的原因Isolation and loneliness are common reasons for depression.孤獨與寂寞是抑鬱的常見原因。real, underlying真正/根本原因She did not tell him the real reason for her change of heart.她沒有告訴他她變心的真正原因。The underlying reasons for these differences will be explored in depth in the next chapter.這些差異的根本原因會在下一章節中詳述。possible可能的理由cited, ostensible, stated列舉的/表面上的/陳述清楚的理由The company's stated reason for firing him was misconduct.關於為什麼開除他,公司給出的理由是玩忽職守。exact, very就是這個原因You're asking me to help, and that's the exact reason I came.你要我幫忙,這就是我來的原因。apparent, particular明顯的原因;特定的理由He was attacked for no apparent reason.他被襲擊的原因不明。no earthly, no possible毫無緣由;沒有可能的理由Surely there is no earthly reason why you wouldn't want to come with us?你肯定沒什麼理由拒絕和我們同行吧?clear, obvious清楚的原因;明顯的動機The reasons for her decision soon became clear.她作此決定的動機很快就清楚了。unclear不清楚的理由logical, rational合乎邏輯的理由;合理的動機understandable可理解的動機justifiable正當的動機unspecified未指明的原因unconnected不相關的原因dismissal for reasons unconnected with misconduct與行為不當無關的解雇personal個人原因sentimental感情的原因selfish自私的動機professional專業的原因commercial, economic, financial, legal, political, social, technical商業/經濟/財政/法律/政治/社會/技術原因practical, pragmatic實際的理由security安全原因health健康原因altruistic, humanitarian利他主義的/人道主義的動機VERB + REASONbe aware of, see知道/明白原因He saw many reasons to be hopeful.他有諸多理由充滿希望。have有理由I don't know why he did that, but I'm sure he had his reasons.我不知道他為什麼那麼做,但我相信他一定有他的理由。I have no reason to believe that she was lying to me.我沒有理由相信她在向我撒謊。cite, give (sb/sth), outline, provide, set out, state列舉理由;給(⋯)理由;陳述理由Give me one good reason why I should help you.給我一個必須幫你的正當理由。In the letter she carefully set out her reasons for leaving.她在信中謹慎地說明了她離開的原因。list列出理由This article lists the most common reasons why people pay too much tax.這篇文章列出了人們交稅過多最常見的原因。offer, suggest給出理由;暗示原因articulate, explain講清/解釋原因cite sth as, give sth as, offer sth as把⋯當作理由discuss, explore討論/探索動機understand理解動機guess猜測原因discover, find, find out, uncover找出原因;揭示原因pinpoint明確指出原因It's difficult to pinpoint the reasons for her success.很難準確地指出她成功的原因。PREPOSITIONby reason of (formal) 由於persons in need of care by reason of (= because of) old age由於年老而需要照顧的人He was found not guilty by reason of insanity. (law法律) 他因精神失常而被判無罪。for a/the reason出於⋯原因procedures carried out for reasons of national security出於國家安全的原因而採取的步驟for reason of (formal) 因為For reasons of security, you are requested to keep your baggage with you at all times.為了安全起見,請隨身攜帶行李。with reason, without reason有理由;無理由They complained about the food, and with good reason (= rightly).他們抱怨飯食不好,也確實如此。reason against反對的理由There are obvious reasons against such a move.反對這一行動的理由顯而易見。reason behind背後的原因We are trying to uncover the reasons behind her decision.我們正試圖揭開她這個決定的背後動機。reason for造成⋯的原因They didn't give any reason for the delay.他們沒有解釋延誤的原因。PHRASESall the more reason更有理由If he's unwell, that's all the more reason to go and see him.如果他身體不好,我們就更應該去看他。all sorts of reasons各種各樣的原因People buy things for all sorts of reasons.人們購物的動機多種多樣。every reason, little reason, some reason充足的/沒什麼/某個理由I know you're angry with me, and you have every reason (= very good reasons) to be.我知道你生我的氣,這是合情合理的。You have little reason to be pleased with yourself.你沒有什麼理由自鳴得意。no reason, not any reason沒有任何理由He got angry for no reason.他平白無故地發怒。You don't have any reason to complain.你沒有任何理由抱怨。for reasons best known to yourself出於唯有自己知道的原因For reasons best known to herself she has turned down the offer.她拒絕了提議,沒有人知道原因。for some inexplicable reason, for some odd reason, for some strange reason, for some unfathomable reason由於某種無法解釋的原因;出於某種奇怪的原因;出於某種難以理解的原因For some odd reason, he found it really funny.由於某種奇怪的原因,他覺得這件事很滑稽。for unexplained reasons, for unknown reasons由於莫名其妙的/由於未知的原因For unknown reasons, the ship sank in the middle of the ocean.不知什麼原因,這艘船在海中央沉沒了。for whatever reason不管出於什麼原因people who, for whatever reason, are unable to support themselves那些由於種種原因而不能自食其力的人a number of reasons, a variety of reasons若干/各種原因rhyme or reason道理There's no rhyme or reason (= logic) to the new opening hours.新的營業時間毫無道理。not see any reason, see no reason看不出任何理由We see no reason why this band shouldn't be a huge success.我們看不出這個樂隊有任何理由不會大獲成功。I don't see any reason why you can't come with us.我看不出你有什麼理由不跟我們來。there is ample reason, there are ample reasons有充分的理由There is ample reason to be optimistic about the economy.完全有理由對經濟持樂觀的態度。


2power to think logically; what is possible/right理性;道理ADJECTIVE | VERB + REASON | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEhuman人的理智VERB + REASONlose失去理智He seems to have lost all sense and reason.他似乎完全失去了理智。be open to, listen to, see明白事理;接受勸告I tried to persuade her, but she just wouldn't listen to reason.我試圖說服她,但她就是聽不進去。defy違背理智Sometimes he does things that defy reason.他有時會做些不理智的事。PREPOSITIONbeyond reason全然無理He was beyond all reason.他毫不講理。within reason合情合理I'll lend you the money you need-within reason, of course!你需要的錢我會借給你 - 當然,數額得合理!PHRASESan appeal to reason訴諸理智The residents hope that an appeal to reason (= asking the rioters to be reasonable) will end the rioting.居民們希望可以說服鬧事者恢復理智,結束騷亂。faculty of reason, sense of reason推理能力;理性We possess the human faculty of reason.我們具有作為人類的推理能力。it stands to reason合情理It stands to reason (= it is logical) that she wouldn't want them to find out about her personal problems.她不想讓他們知道她的個人問題,這是自然的。the voice of reason理智的聲音She was always the voice of reason, persuading him not to buy things they couldn't afford.她總是非常理智,不讓他買他們買不起的東西。
reason noun
reason (the reason why…) logic (listen to/see reason)
reason verb


 See also the entry for argument 2 另见argument条第2义reason ♦︎ explanation ♦︎ grounds ♦︎ basis ♦︎ excuse ♦︎ motive ♦︎ need ♦︎ justification ♦︎ cause ♦︎ pretextThese are all words for why sth has happened or sb has done sth. 这些词均表示原因、理由、理据。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a reason / an explanation / grounds / a basis / an excuse / a motive / a need / justification / cause / a pretext for sththe reason / motive behind sthon the grounds / basis / pretext of / that...the reason / grounds / basis / excuse / justification / pretext that...(an) obvious reason / explanation / grounds / excuse / motive / need / justification / cause / pretext(a) clear / legitimate reason / grounds / excuse / motive / need / justification / cause / pretext(a) logical / personal / no apparent reason / explanation / grounds / excuse / motive / need / justification / cause(a) good / valid reason / explanation / grounds / excuse / motive / justification / cause(a) convincing reason / explanation / grounds / excuse / motive / justification / pretext(a) reasonable explanation / grounds / excuse / motive / need / justification / cause / pretextthe real reason / explanation / grounds / motive / justification / causeto have a reason / an explanation / grounds / an excuse / a motive / a justification / cause / a pretextto give / offer (sb) a reason / an explanation / an excuse / a justification / a pretextto suggest a reason / an explanation / grounds / a motive / a justificationto see / understand / explain (the / sb's) reasons / grounds / motive / justification reason [countable, uncountable] why sth has happened or sb has done sth; a fact that makes it right or fair to do sth (某事发生或做某事的)原因;正当理由;情理I'd like to know the reason why you're so late.我想知道你为什么迟到那么长时间。He said no but he didn't give a reason.他说不行,但没有说明原因。We aren't going for the simple reason that we can't afford it.我们不去,只是因为我们负担不起。For some reason (= one that I don't know or don't understand) we all have to come in early tomorrow.由于某种原因,我们大家明天都得一早就来。For reasons of security the door is always kept locked.为安全起见,门总是锁着的。They have reason to believe that he is lying.他们有理由认为他在撒谎。She complained, with reason (= rightly), that she had been underpaid.她抱怨给她的报酬太低,这是有道理的。 see also reason conclude verb , reasoned rational explanation [countable, uncountable] a statement, fact or situation that tells you why sth has happened; a reason given for sth 解释;说明;阐述The most likely explanation is that his plane was delayed.最可能的解释是他的飞机晚点了。I can't think of any possible explanation for his absence.我想不出他缺席的任何理由。The book opens with an explanation of why some drugs are banned.本书开篇阐述了禁用某些药物的原因。She left the room abruptly without explanation.她未作解释就突然离开了房间。 see also explain explain 2 grounds [plural] (rather formal) a good or true reason for saying, doing or believing sth (说话、做事或相信某事的)充分的理由,根据You have no grounds for complaint.你没有理由抱怨。He retired from the job on health grounds.他因健康原因离职。Employers cannot discriminate on grounds of age.雇主不得有年龄歧视。 basis [singular] (rather formal) the reason why people take a particular action 原因;缘由She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualifications and ideas.她因资质和理念适合而获选担任这一职位。On what basis will this decision be made?作出这个决定的缘由会是什么?Basis is usually used in the phrases on the basis of/that... or On what basis...? * basis通常用于短语on the basis of/that ...或On what basis ...?。 excuse ɪkˈskjuːs [countable] a reason, either true or invented, that you give to explain or defend your behaviour; a good reason that you give for doing sth that you want to do for other reasons 借口;(真实或编造的)原因;(正当的)理由Late again! What's your excuse this time?又迟到了!你这次有什么借口?There's no excuse for such behaviour.这种行为说不过去。You don't have to make excuses for her (= try to think of reasons for her behaviour).你不必为她开脱了。It gave me an excuse to take the car.这使我有理由开车去。 see also excuse forgive verb motive ˈməʊtɪv; NAmE ˈmoʊtɪv [countable] a reason that explains sb's behaviour 动机;(解释某人行为的)原因There seemed to be no motive for the murder.这起谋杀案看似没有动机。I'm suspicious of his motives.我怀疑他的动机。I have an ulterior motive in offering to help you.我主动提出要帮助你是有私心的。 see also motivation incentive need [singular, uncountable] (usually used in negative statements 通常用于否定陈述) a good reason to do sth 需要;必须There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.你明天不必早起。I had no need to open the letter-I knew what it would say.我没必要拆开那封信-我知道里面会说些什么。In this meaning, need is almost always used in the phrases There is/was no need (for sb) to do sth. and have no need to do sth. 表达此义时,need几乎总是用于短语There is/was no need (for sb) to do sth和have no need to do sth。 justification ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃn [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) a good reason why sth exists or is done (某事物存在或做某事的)正当理由I can see no possible justification for any further tax increases.我看不出还有何理由再加税。The government is struggling to find a justification for this war.政府在为这场战争竭力寻找理由。 see also justify explain 2 NOTE 辨析 Grounds or justification? Justification is used to talk about finding or understanding reasons for actions, or trying to explain why it is a good idea to do sth. It is often used with words like little, no, some, every, without, and not any. Grounds is used more for talking about reasons that already exist, or that have already been decided, for example by law. * justification用于表示想知道或想明白为什么会这么做,或力图说明为什么应这么做,常与little、no、some、every、without和not any等词连用。grounds多指现成的理由,或已确定的根据,如法律上的moral / economic / constitutional / environmental / ethical / medical / legal grounds道德/经济/宪法/环境/伦理/医学/法律依据 cause [uncountable] (rather formal) a reason for having particular feelings or behaving in a particular way (有某种感受或做某种行为的)理由,动机,缘故There is no cause for alarm / concern.没有理由惊慌/担忧。If your child is absent without good cause (= without a good reason), you may receive a warning from the school board.如果你的孩子无故缺席,你将收到校董事会的警告。 pretext ˈpriːtekst [countable, usually singular] (rather formal) a false reason that you give for doing sth, usually sth bad, in order to hide the real reason (为了掩盖真实原因的)借口,托词The incident was used as a pretext for intervention in the area.这次事件成了干涉该地区的借口。He left the party early on the pretext of having work to do.他借口有事要处理,早早离开了聚会。
Reasons and excuses: reason, excuse, point...
Sensible and reasonable: practical, sensible, rational...
Intelligence, intuition and ability to understand: intelligence, intuition, intellect...

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