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    something you think所想之事

  1. [countable] something that you think of or remember想法;看法;主意;记忆
    • thought of doing something I couldn't bear the thought of waiting any longer. 我不能忍受再等下去了。
    • thought of something/somebody The very thought of it makes me feel sick.一想到这事就使我恶心。
    • thought of somebody/something doing something I don't like the thought of you walking home alone.我不喜欢你一个人步行回家。
    • thought (that)… She was struck by the sudden thought that he might already have left.她突然想到他可能已经离去。
    • thought on something Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic.感谢大家分享对这个话题的想法。
    • I'd like to hear your thoughts on the subject.我想听听你对这个问题的看法。
    • thought about something He shared his thoughts about the future of technology.他分享了他对技术未来的想法。
    • at the thought of something He shuddered at the thought of going to the dentist.想到要去看牙,他打了一个寒战。
    • He often expresses his thoughts on Twitter.他经常在推特上表达自己的想法。
    • I've just had a thought (= an idea).我刚想到一个主意。
    • Would Mark be able to help? It's just a thought.马克能帮忙吗?仅仅是想到这一点而已。
    • ‘Why don't you try the other key?’ ‘That's a thought!’“你为什么不试试另一把钥匙?” “这倒是个主意!”
    • Just then a worrying thought came to me.就在这时,我想到了一个令人担忧的想法。
    • Suddenly a thought struck him—he didn't even know her name.突然,他产生了一个想法——他甚至不知道她的名字。
    • I must admit, the thought crossed my mind too.我必须承认,这个想法也掠过我的脑海。
    • Negative thoughts can be a symptom of depression.消极的想法可能是抑郁症的症状。
    Extra Examples
    • All kinds of thoughts raced through my mind.各种各样的想法闪过我的脑海。
    • An image of his boss came into his mind, but he brushed the thought aside.老板的形象闯入他的脑海,但他将其拂去。
    • Before going on stage, I breathe deeply and think positive thoughts.上台之前,我会做深呼吸,头脑里只想正面的东西。
    • Do you have any final thoughts?你有什么最终的想法吗?
    • He lay there thinking gloomy thoughts about life and death.他躺在那儿,想着那些与生死有关的阴郁问题。
    • He remained aloof, thinking his own thoughts.他始终落落寡合,一心想着自己的事。
    • The children were overjoyed at the thought of going to the seaside on holiday.孩子们想到去海滩度假都欢呼雀跃。
    • She said she couldn't bear the thought of living alone in the house.她说一想到独自住在这栋房子里,她就受不了。
    • The mere thought of lice makes my head itch.只要想到虱子我就头皮发痒。
    • It was a comforting thought that at least her father hadn't suffered.令人宽慰的是,至少她爸爸没有遭受痛苦。
    • The thought crossed my mind that Jim might know the answer.我脑海中闪过一个想法:吉姆也许知道答案。
    • My immediate thought was that he must be joking.我的第一个念头就是他一定是在开玩笑。
    • Such a thought never entered my head.这样的念头从未进入过我的脑海。
    • This is hardly an original thought.这很难说是一个新颖的想法。
    • patients that are suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts为抑郁和自杀念头所苦的患者
    • She tried to put the thought out of her mind.她尽量把这个想法抛到脑后。
    • This was a very disturbing thought.这是一个非常令人不安的想法。
    • What a horrible thought!多么可怕的想法!
    • Let me share a few random thoughts with you.让我跟你分享一些随机的想法。
    • He's not the kind of man to keep his thoughts to himself.他不是那种把想法闷在自己心里的人。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • comforting
    • good
    • happy
    verb + thought
    • have
    • think
    • have
    thought + verb
    • come into somebody’s head
    • come into somebody’s mind
    • come to somebody
    • thought about
    • thought of
    • thought on
    • just a thought
    • keep your thoughts to yourself
    • the mere thought of something
    See full entry
  2. mind/ideas心思;思想

  3. thoughts
    [plural] a person’s mind and all the ideas that they have in it when they are thinking心思;思想
    • This is the time of year when our thoughts turn to summer holidays.这是一年中我们想到暑假的时候。
    • in somebody's thoughts You are always in my thoughts.你总是在我的心里。
    Extra Examples
    • He shook his head to clear his thoughts.他摇摇头,清理一下自己的思绪。
    • Her thoughts drifted back to that night.她的思绪不知不觉回到了那个夜晚。
    • I tried to turn my thoughts to pleasanter things.我努力让自己想些高兴点儿的事。
    • She occupied all his waking thoughts.他只要醒着满脑子想的都是她。
    • She often seems to know what I'm thinking, as though she can read my thoughts.她经常似乎知道我在想什么,好像她能读懂我的心思一样。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • modern
    • 19th-century
    • etc.
    thought + noun
    • crime
    • police
    • a school of thought
    • a strand of thought
    See full entry
  4. process/act of thinking思维过程;思考

  5. [uncountable] the act of thinking seriously and carefully about something考虑;深思 synonym consideration
    • I've given the matter careful thought.我对这件事认真考虑过了。
    • We need to put some thought into how to solve this problem.我们需要思考如何解决这个问题。
    • Not enough thought has gone into this essay.这篇文章很肤浅。
    • without thought They had acted rashly, without thought.他们未经考虑就轻率行动了。
    Extra Examples
    • After a moment's thought, I accepted his offer.经过短暂的考虑,我接受了他的提议。
    • He gave little thought to the impact of his actions on his family.他很少考虑自己的行为对家人的影响。
    • He was so upset, he was incapable of coherent thought.他心烦意乱,无法有条理地思考问题。
    • I couldn't see what thought processes led him to that conclusion.我不明白什么样的思考过程让他得出那样的结论。
    • My job is so repetitive, it does not require much conscious thought.我的工作重复性很强,不需要多少有意识的思考。
    • The article was intended to provoke thought.这篇文章的用意是引发人们思考。
    • You should give the offer serious thought.你应该认真考虑一下这个提议。
    • I don't think he's given the matter a moment's thought.我认为他没有考虑过这件事。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • careful
    • proper
    • serious
    verb + thought
    • give somebody/​something
    • spare (somebody)
    • direct
    thought + verb
    • go into something
    thought + noun
    • pattern
    • process
    • experiment
    • without thought
    • after a moment’s thought
    • freedom of thought
    • a line of thought
    See full entry
  6. [uncountable] the power or process of thinking思考能力;思维过程;思考;思维
    • A good teacher encourages independence of thought.好的教师鼓励独立思考。
    • She was lost in thought (= concentrating so much on her thoughts that she was not aware of her surroundings).她陷入沉思。
    Extra Examples
    • She is known for her deep thought and intellectual ways.她的深思熟虑和理智处事是出了名的。
    • She was deep in thought and didn't hear me call her.她陷入沉思之中,没有听到我叫她。
    • That line of thought can only lead to one conclusion.那样的思路只能得出一个结论。
    • The constitution guarantees freedom of thought and belief.宪法保障人们有思想和信仰自由。
    • They accused their opponents of being ‘politically correct thought police’.他们指责对手是“政治上正确的思想警察”。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • careful
    • proper
    • serious
    verb + thought
    • give somebody/​something
    • spare (somebody)
    • direct
    thought + verb
    • go into something
    thought + noun
    • pattern
    • process
    • experiment
    • without thought
    • after a moment’s thought
    • freedom of thought
    • a line of thought
    See full entry
  7. care/worry关心;忧虑

  8. [countable] thought (for somebody/something) a feeling of care or worry关心;关怀;顾虑;忧虑
    • Spare a thought for those without enough to eat this winter.请关心一下今冬食不果腹的人。
    • Don't give it another thought (= to tell somebody not to worry after they have said they are sorry).别多想了(让道了歉的人不再担心)。
    • It's the thought that counts (= used to say that somebody has been very kind even if they have only done or given something small or unimportant).有这份心意就好。
    Extra Examples
    • Thank you for the flowers—it was a very kind thought.谢谢你的花——你想得太周到了。
    • Spare a thought for us—we'll be working through the night to finish the report.替我们想想吧 - 我们得干个通宵来完成这份报告。
    • He ran into the burning house with no thought for his own life.他不顾个人安危,冲进着火的房子。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • kind
    • nice
    See full entry
  9. intention意向

  10. [uncountable, countable] an intention or a hope of doing something意图;打算;希望;念头
    • thought (of doing something) She had given up all thought of changing her job.她打消了所有换工作的念头。
    • thought (of something) He acted with no thoughts of personal gain.他这样做根本没有考虑个人得失。
  11. in politics/science, etc.政治、科学等

  12. [uncountable] ideas in politics, science, etc. connected with a particular person, group or period of history思想;思潮
    • feminist thought女权主义思想
    Extra Examples
    • Marxist thought remained at the centre of the country's politics.马克思主义思想仍然是该国政治的核心。
    • Political thought went through some major changes during the 19th century.政治思想在19世纪经历了一些重大变化。
    • There isn't much real evidence relating to early Greek thought.与早期希腊思想有关的真正证据并不多。
    • We're studying the history of scientific thought from the 15th century onward.我们正在研究15世纪以来的科学思想史。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • modern
    • 19th-century
    • etc.
    thought + noun
    • crime
    • police
    • a school of thought
    • a strand of thought
    See full entry
  13. see also think
    Word OriginOld English thōht, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch gedachte, also to think.
collect yourself/your thoughts
  1. to try to control your emotions and become calm(尽力)镇定下来,敛神专注
    • I'm fine—I just need a minute to collect myself.我没事,只是需要稍稍镇定一下。
  2. to prepare yourself mentally for something做好精神准备
    • She paused to collect her thoughts before entering the interview room.她停下来定了定神,才走进面试室。
food for thought
  1. an idea that makes you think seriously and carefully引人深思的想法
    • The programme certainly provides plenty of food for thought.这个节目无疑提供了许多值得思考的问题。
give (somebody) pause for thought
(also give (somebody) pause)
  1. (formal) to make somebody think seriously about something or hesitate before doing something使认真考虑;使犹豫
    • Popular resistance to the measures should give the government pause for thought.公众对这些措施的抵制应该会让政府暂停思考。
have second thoughts
  1. to change your opinion after thinking about something again(经考虑后)改变想法;(转念一想)改变主意
    • You’re not having second thoughts about it, are you?你还没有改变主意,对吗?
    Topics Opinion and argumentc1
on second thoughts (British English)
(North American English on second thought)
  1. used to say that you have changed your opinion(表示已改变想法)又一想,转念一想
    • I'll wait here. No, on second thoughts, I'll come with you.我就在这儿等。不,再一想,我还是跟你一起走。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
a penny for your thoughts | a penny for them
  1. (saying) used to ask somebody what they are thinking about(用于询问别人想什么)你在呆呆地寻思什么呢
perish the thought
  1. (informal or humorous) used to say that you find a suggestion unacceptable or that you hope that something will never happen(用于拒绝一项建议或希望某事永不发生)没门儿,甭想了,下辈子吧
    • Me get married? Perish the thought!我结婚?下辈子再说吧!
school(s) of thought
  1. a way of thinking that a number of people share学派
    • There are two schools of thought about how this illness should be treated.关于如何治疗这种疾病,有两派不同的意见。
    • He belongs to the school of thought that says that competition can be very stimulating for children.他属于一个学派,认为竞争对孩子来说是非常刺激的。
a train of thought
  1. the connected series of thoughts that are in your head at a particular time思路;思绪
    • The phone ringing interrupted my train of thought.电话铃声打断了我的思路。
    • I lose my train of thought when there are distractions.有事情分心时我就不能连续思考。
the wish is father to the thought
  1. (saying) we believe a thing because we want it to be true希望什么就相信什么
without a second thought
  1. immediately; without stopping to think about something further立即;马上;不假思索
    • He dived in after her without a second thought.他不假思索地随她跳入水中。
    • I accepted the offer without a second thought.我没有细想就接受了报价。


1sth that you think想法ADJECTIVE | VERB + THOUGHT | THOUGHT + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcomforting, good, happy, pleasant, positive令人寬慰的想法;好主意;令人高興的想法;積極的想法It was a comforting thought that at least her father hadn't suffered.令人寬慰的是,至少她爸爸沒有遭受痛苦。Before going on stage, I breathe deeply and think positive thoughts.上台之前,我會做深呼吸,頭腦裏只想正面的東西。anxious, awful, bad, black, dark, depressing, disturbing, evil, gloomy, horrible, negative, sad, scary, sobering, terrible不安的/可怕的/不好的/悲觀的/陰鬱的/令人沮喪的/令人煩惱的/邪惡的/憂鬱的/恐怖的/消極的/悲哀的/嚇人的/令人警醒的/駭人的想法A disturbing thought suddenly struck me.我的腦中突然冒出了一個令人不安的念頭。confused, crazy, strange混亂的/瘋狂的/奇怪的想法interesting, intriguing有趣的/令人着迷的想法original新穎的想法This is hardly an original thought.這很難說是一個新穎的想法。first, immediate, initial第一個念頭;最直接的念頭;最初的想法My immediate thought was that he must be joking.我的第一個念頭就是他一定是在開玩笑。final最終的想法Do you have any final thoughts?你有什麼最終的想法嗎?sudden突然的想法random隨機的想法Let me share a few random thoughts with you.讓我跟你分享一些隨機的想法。fleeting, passing一閃而過的想法;閃現的念頭intrusive侵入性思想suicidal自殺念頭patients that are suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts為抑鬱和自殺念頭所苦的患者conscious有意識的思想unspoken未說出口的想法waking清醒時的思想She occupied all his waking thoughts.他只要醒着滿腦子想的都是她。inner, innermost, private內心的/內心最深處的/私下的想法VERB + THOUGHThave, think有想法;想出主意I've just had a thought (= an idea).我剛剛有了個想法。He remained aloof, thinking his own thoughts.他始終落落寡合,一心想着自己的事。have, hear, know聽取/瞭解/知道意見Let me have your thoughts on the report.讓我聽聽你對這份報告的看法。express, share, write down表達/分享/記下想法collect, gather整理想法She paused to collect her thoughts before speaking.她停下來理了理思路,然後才發言。clear理清思路He shook his head to clear his thoughts.他搖搖頭,清理一下自己的思緒。read看穿心思She often seems to know what I'm thinking, as though she can read my thoughts.她經常似乎知道我在想什麼,好像她能讀懂我的心思一樣。interrupt打斷想法brush aside, brush away, push aside, push away, push from your mind, push out of your mind撇開想法;擱置想法;排除想法;驅除想法An image of his boss came into his mind, but he brushed the thought aside.老闆的形象闖入他的腦海,但他將其拂去。dread, not be able to bear, not like, not relish害怕想法;不能忍受想法;不喜歡想法She said she couldn't bear the thought of living alone in the house.她說一想到獨自住在這棟房子裏,她就受不了。I don't like the thought of you walking home alone.我不想讓你獨自步行回家。THOUGHT + VERBcome into sb's head, come into sb's mind, come to sb, cross sb's mind, enter sb's head, enter sb's mind, hit sb, occur to sb, pop into sb's head, pop into sb's mind, strike sb想法進入某人腦海;想法掠過某人腦際;想法閃現在某人腦子裏The thought crossed my mind that Jim might know the answer.我腦海中閃過一個想法:吉姆也許知道答案。Such a thought never entered my head.這樣的念頭從未進入過我的腦海。flash through sb's mind, go through sb's mind, pass through sb's mind, race through sb's mind, run through sb's mind想法閃過某人心頭;想法進入某人腦海All kinds of thoughts raced through my mind.各種各樣的想法閃過我的腦海。sb's thoughts turn to sth某人的思緒轉向⋯My thoughts turned to home.我的思緒轉到了家裏。sb's thoughts drift back to某人的思緒不知不覺回到⋯Her thoughts drifted back to that night.她的思緒不知不覺回到了那個夜晚。PREPOSITIONthought about有關⋯的想法He lay there thinking gloomy thoughts about life and death.他躺在那兒,想着那些與生死有關的陰鬱問題。thought of⋯這個想法He shuddered at the thought of going to the dentist.想到要去看牙,他打了一個寒戰。thought on對⋯的想法They asked him what his thoughts were on the government's announcement.他們問他怎麼看待政府的聲明。PHRASESjust a thought不過一個想法Would Mark be able to help? It's just a thought.馬克能幫忙嗎?就這麼一想而已。keep your thoughts to yourself把想法悶在心裏He's not the kind of man to keep his thoughts to himself.他不是那種把想法悶在自己心裏的人。the mere thought of sth, the very thought of sth只要想到⋯;一想到⋯The mere thought of lice makes my head itch.只要想到虱子我就頭皮發癢。


2process/act of thinking思想活動ADJECTIVE | VERB + THOUGHT | THOUGHT + VERB | THOUGHT + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcareful, proper, serious認真的思考;妥善的考慮You should give the offer serious thought.你應該認真考慮一下這個提議。deep, profound深思;深刻的思考She is known for her deep thought and intellectual ways.她的深思熟慮和理智處事是出了名的。little很少思考He gave little thought to the impact of his actions on his family.他很少考慮自己的行為對家人的影響。coherent條理清晰的思考He was so upset, he was incapable of coherent thought.他心煩意亂,無法有條理地思考問題。logical, rational邏輯/理性思考analytical, critical分析性的/批判性的思考abstract抽象的思考creative創造性的思考free, independent, original自由的/獨立的/有創見的思考conscious有意識的思考My job is so repetitive, it does not require much conscious thought.我的工作重複性很強,不需要多少有意識的思考。fresh新的思考We have to give the matter fresh thought.我們必須重新思考這個問題。second再考慮I accepted the offer without a second thought.我沒有細想就接受了報價。VERB + THOUGHTgive sb/sth, spare (sb)考慮⋯;撥冗考慮(某人)I've given the matter careful thought.我仔細考慮過此事了。Don't give it another thought (= to tell sb not to worry after they have said they are sorry).別多想了。Spare a thought for us-we'll be working through the night to finish the report.替我們想想吧 - 我們得幹個通宵來完成這份報告。direct, turn把思緒轉向⋯I tried to turn my thoughts to pleasanter things.我努力讓自己想些高興點兒的事。provoke引起思考The article was intended to provoke thought.這篇文章的用意是引發人們思考。be deep in, be lost in陷入深思;陷入沉思She was deep in thought and didn't hear me call her.她陷入沉思之中,沒有聽到我叫她。THOUGHT + VERBgo into sth思想投入⋯Not enough thought has gone into this essay.寫這篇文章時思考得不夠。THOUGHT + NOUNpattern, process思維模式;思考過程I couldn't see what thought processes led him to that conclusion.我不明白什麼樣的思考過程讓他得出那樣的結論。experiment思想實驗A simple thought experiment may serve to illustrate my point.一個簡單的思想實驗就可以說明我的觀點。bubble思想泡泡I can see the comic thought bubble forming over your head.我看得到你頭頂冒出漫畫思想泡泡。PREPOSITIONwithout thought未經思考They had acted rashly, without thought.他們未經考慮就輕率行動了。PHRASESafter a moment's thought在短暫的思考後After a moment's thought, I accepted his offer.經過短暫的考慮,我接受了他的提議。freedom of thought思想自由The constitution guarantees freedom of thought and belief.憲法保障人們有思想和信仰自由。a line of thought, a mode of thought, a train of thought思路;思維方式;思考脈絡That line of thought can only lead to one conclusion.那樣的思路只能得出一個結論。He hesitated, as though he had lost his train of thought.他猶豫不決,好像沒了思路。with no thought for sth沒有考慮⋯He ran into the burning house with no thought for his own life.他不顧個人安危,衝進着火的房子。


3ideas觀點ADJECTIVE | THOUGHT + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEmodern現代思想19th-century, etc. * 19 世紀等思想Eastern, Western東方/西方思想intellectual, philosophical, religious, scientific知識/哲學/宗教/科學思想economic, political經濟/政治思想Christian, feminist, liberal, socialist, etc.基督教、女權主義、自由主義、社會主義等思想THOUGHT + NOUNcrime (figurative) 思想罪police (figurative) (鎮壓思想自由的)思想警察They accused their opponents of being 'politically correct thought police'.他們指責對手是“政治上正確的思想警察”。PHRASESa school of thought思想流派They belong to different schools of thought.他們分屬不同的學派。a strand of thought思想分支three different strands of scientific thought科學思想的三個不同分支


4kindness好意ADJECTIVEkind, nice好意;善意Thank you for the flowers-it was a very kind thought.謝謝你送的花 - 你想得太貼心了。
thought noun
consideration (lost in thought) idea1 (I've just had a thought.) reasoning (feminist thought) second thoughts doubt2
Thoughts, ideas and beliefs: thought, idea, belief...
Careful thought: thought, consideration, assessment...
Opinions and attitudes: opinion, attitude, view...
Feelings of want and desire: desire, wish, urge...
Theories and sets of beliefs: theory, culture, philosophy...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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