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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 194 COCA: 137


  1. (also State)
    [countable] a country considered as an organized political community controlled by one government国家
    • the Baltic States波罗的海诸国
    • European Union member states欧盟成员国
    Which Word? country / statecountry / state
    • Country is the most usual, neutral word for a geographical area that has or used to have its own government.country 是指国家的最普通的中性词。
    • State emphasizes the political organization of an area under an independent government. Especially in British English, it can also mean the government:
      • the member states of the EU欧盟成员国
      • The state provides free education.政府提供免费教育。
      In North American English the state usually refers to one of the 50 states of the US, not to the government of the country as a whole.
    see also chief of state, city state, client state, failed state, Gulf States (1), head of state, nation state, police state, welfare state
    Extra Examples
    • In 1949 China became a communist state.1949 年中国成为了一个共产主义国家。
    • member states of the European Union欧洲联盟的成员国
    • rogue states that shelter terrorists为恐怖分子提供庇护的无赖国家
    • Delegates from a number of Arab states attended the meeting.一些阿拉伯国家的代表出席了会议。
    • It has not yet been recognized as an independent sovereign state.它尚未被承认为独立的主权国家。
    • Many Third World countries are one-party states of one type or another.许多第三世界国家是某种类型的一党制国家。
    • The action was opposed by several UN member states.这一行动遭到几个联合国成员国反对。
    • a newly independent state新独立的国家
    • relations between the two states两国之间的关系
    Topics Politicsa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • city
    • nation
    • independent
    verb + state
    • create
    • establish
    • become
    state + noun
    • enterprise
    • monopoly
    • control
    • affairs of state
    • matters of state
    • church and state
    See full entry
  2. part of country国家的一部分

  3. (also State)
    (abbreviation St.)
    an organized political community forming part of a country州;邦
    • the states of Victoria and Western Australia维多利亚州和西澳大利亚州
    • The hurricane swept across the southern states of the US.飓风横扫美国南方各州。
    • Both candidates have been campaigning in key battleground states.两位候选人都一直在竞争激烈的关键州进行竞选宣传。
    • She decided to return to her home state of Ohio.她决定回到她的家乡俄亥俄州。
    see also Gulf States (2), slave state, swing state
    Extra Examples
    • A handful of states have introduced similar legislation.一小部份州出台了类似的法规。
    • George W. Bush won the state of Florida.乔治 •W. 布什赢得了佛罗里达州的选票。
    • He roamed throughout the state.他的足迹遍及州里的各个角落。
    • I was a correctional officer out of Utah state prison.我曾是犹他州监狱外的矫正官。
    • It can be a felony to transport wine across state lines.运送葡萄酒跨越州界可能被判重罪。
    • Most states require all drivers to carry a minimum level of insurance.大多数州要求驾驶员必须有最低标准的保险。
    • She was selected to represent the state of Texas at the conference.她被选为这次会议上得克萨斯州的代表。
    • Thirty states have passed similar legislation.30 个州已经通过了类似的法案。
    • The legislation must work at both the federal and state levels.这项立法必须在联邦和州两个层面上都适用。
    • a farm tucked into the far north-west corner of the state深藏于该州西北角的一个农场
    • opposition to the Civil War in Kansas and the other border states堪萨斯及其他边沿州的反内战势力
    • red states for Republicans支持共和党的红色州
    • The Murray River is the boundary between the states of Victoria and New South Wales.默里河是维多利亚州和新南威尔士的分界线。
    • These data may have importance at the state or national level.这些数据在州或国家一级可能很重要。
    • There are threats of power cuts across the state.全州面临停电的威胁。
    • State legislatures around the country debated these labeling laws.全国各地的州立法机构对这些标签法进行了辩论。
    • State law requires directors to be elected by a majority.州法律要求董事由多数人选举产生。
    • state budget cuts州预算削减
    Topics Politicsa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • battleground
    • swing
    • blue
    … of states
    • handful
    verb + state
    • represent
    • win
    state + verb
    • allow something
    • require something
    • pass something
    state + noun
    • capital
    • line
    • court
    • across the state
    • throughout the state
    • at the state level
    • on the state level
    • a corner of the state
    See full entry
  4. government政府

  5. (also the State)
    [uncountable, singular] the government of a country政府
    • matters/affairs of state国家大事
    • people who are financially dependent on the state依靠国家救济的人
    • a state-owned company国营公司
    • They wish to limit the power of the State.他们希望限制政府权力。
    Extra Examples
    • The president's wife is said to have a powerful hand in affairs of state.据说总统夫人对国家事务染指颇深。
    • the separation of church and state政教分离
    Topics Politicsb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • city
    • nation
    • independent
    verb + state
    • create
    • establish
    • become
    state + noun
    • enterprise
    • monopoly
    • control
    • affairs of state
    • matters of state
    • church and state
    See full entry
  6. condition of somebody/something状态

  7. [countable] the mental, emotional or physical condition that a person or thing is in状态;状况;情况
    • a confused mental state困惑的精神状态
    • state of something a confused state of mind思绪纷乱
    • anxieties about the state of the country’s economy对于国家经济状况的担忧
    • The government has declared a state of emergency in the flooded regions.政府已宣布洪水灾区进入紧急状态。
    • Given the current state of knowledge, it will take years to find a solution.鉴于目前的认识水平,还需数年才能找到答案。
    • A report condemned the state of prisoners' cells.一份报告谴责了囚犯牢房的状况。
    • in a… state water in a liquid state液态水
    • He was in a terrible state by the time he got home.他到家时,状态很糟糕。
    • in a… state of something She was in a state of shock.她震惊不已。
    • The building is in a bad state of repair (= needs to be repaired).那座房子年久失修。
    • He was in a state of permanent depression.他一直处于消沉状态。
    • in a … state to do something You're not in a fit state to drive.你现在的状态不宜开车。
    • (British English, informal) Look at the state of you! You can't go out looking like that.看看你这副样子!你可不能就这么出去。
    Extra Examples
    • Babies can cry themselves into a state of frenzy.婴儿会大哭不止。
    • He goes into a trance-like state when he plays the guitar.弹吉他时他会进入一种如痴如醉的状态。
    • He's concerned about his mother's state of health.他很担心母亲的健康状况。
    • He's not in a fit enough mental state to drive.他现在的精神状况不适合开车。
    • His life seems to be in a constant state of chaos.他的生活好像总是一团糟。
    • Public speaking can produce a state of mind akin to panic.在公开场合讲话可能会造成一种类似恐慌的精神状态。
    • She continues to live in a state of denial.她继续生活在不被他人认可的状态下。
    • She managed to get the company's finances into a healthy state.她设法使公司的财务进入了良性状态。
    • She slipped into a state of unconsciousness.她陷入了昏迷。
    • She uses music to create a particular emotional state.她用音乐营造一种特定的情绪。
    • The brothers' refusal to work together had brought about this sad state of affairs.他们兄弟拒绝合作,造成了这种糟糕的局面。
    • The country is in a perpetual state of anarchy.这个国家长期处于无政府状态。
    • The driver was just sitting there in a state of shock.司机坐在那儿,简直惊呆了。
    • The education system is still in a state of flux following the recent reform.经过最近的改革,教育体制仍然处于不断变化之中。
    • The house was in a poor state of repair when we bought it.我们买下这栋房子时,它已年久失修。
    • The inspectors assess the physical state of schools and equipment.检查人员评估学校和设备的实际状况。
    • His teeth were in an appalling state.他的牙齿情况很糟糕。
    • The soul continues to be reborn until it has reached a state of perfection.心灵进一步得到升华,直至达到完美境界。
    • We were shocked at the run-down state of the hospital.医院破败的状况让我们感到震惊。
    • You can either varnish the wood or leave it in its natural state.你可以给木头涂上清漆,也可以让它保持自然状态。
    • a drug that produces altered states of consciousness可导致意识状态异常的药物
    • an advanced state of dehydration脱水的晚期症状
    • Look at the state of this room!看看这房间这副样子!
    • The business is in a pretty good financial state.这家企业的财务状况相当好。
    • There are serious concerns about the current state of the economy.人们对当前的经济状况非常担忧。
    • We would prefer to keep the garden in its natural state.我们更愿意保持花园的自然状态。
    • What kind of state are the roads in?道路处于什么样的状态?
    • Distilled water is produced by condensing steam from boiled water back into its liquid state.蒸馏水是通过将沸水中的蒸汽冷凝成液态而产生的。
    • I cannot afford it, given the present state of our finances.鉴于我们目前的财政状况,我负担不起。
    • The 18th-century farmhouse is in a state of disrepair. 这座18世纪的农舍年久失修。
    • This work is an artistic statement of all that I feel about the state of the world.这部作品艺术地表达了我对世界现状的所有感受。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • acceptable
    • fit
    • good
    verb + state
    • get into
    • go into
    • reach
    • in a state
    • into a state
    • state of
    • be in a good, bad, etc. state of repair
    • given the state of something
    • a state of affairs
    See full entry
  8. official ceremony正式礼仪

  9. [uncountable] the formal ceremonies connected with high levels of government or with kings and queens(适用于国家元首或政府首脑的)正式礼仪,隆重仪式
    • in state The president was driven in state through the streets.总统乘车隆重地从街上穿过。
    see also lying-in-state
  10. the US美国

  11. the States
    [plural] (informal) the United States of America美国
    • I've never been to the States.我从未去过美国。
  12. Word OriginMiddle English (as a noun): partly a shortening of estate, partly from Latin status ‘manner of standing, condition’, from stare ‘to stand’. The current verb senses date from the mid 17th cent.
be in/get into a state (informal, especially British English)
  1. to be/become excited or anxious兴奋;紧张;焦虑
    • She was in a real state about her exams.她对考试感到很紧张。
    • He made a mistake and got into a terrible state about it.他犯了一个错误,为此陷入了可怕的境地。
    • Jane was in a terrible state after losing her job.失业以后,简情况很糟。
  2. to be dirty or untidy邋遢;凌乱;不整洁
    • What a state this place is in!这地方真够乱的!
    • How did the carpet get into that state?地毯是怎么进入那种状态的?
in a state of grace
  1. (in the Roman Catholic Church) having been forgiven by God for the wrong or evil things you have done(天主教指灵魂上没有大罪的状态)受天主眷爱,蒙受恩宠
    • He died in a state of grace.他死的时候灵魂得到了宽恕。
a state of affairs
  1. a situation事态;情况;形势
    • This state of affairs can no longer be ignored.再不能无视这种情况了。
    Synonyms situationsituation
    • circumstances
    • position
    • conditions
    • things
    • the case
    • state of affairs
    These are all words for the conditions and facts that are connected with and affect the way things are.
    • situation all the things that are happening at a particular time and in a particular place:
      • the present economic situation目前的经济形势
    • circumstances the facts that are connected with and affect a situation, an event or an action; the conditions of a person’s life, especially the money they have:
      • The ship sank in mysterious circumstances.那艘船神秘地沉没了。
    • position the situation that somebody is in, especially when it affects what they can and cannot do:
      • She felt she was in a position of power.她觉得她自己有权力。
    • conditions the circumstances in which people live, work or do things; the physical situation that affects how something happens:
      • We were forced to work outside in freezing conditions.我们被迫在户外天寒地冻的环境下工作。
    circumstances or conditions?用 circumstances 还是 conditions?Circumstances refers to somebody’s financial situation; conditions are things such as the quality and amount of food or shelter they have. The circumstances that affect an event are the facts surrounding it; the conditions that affect it are usually physical ones, such as the weather.
    • things (rather informal) the general situation, as it affects somebody:指形势、局面、情况、事态:
      • Hi, Jane! How are things?喂,简,近来怎么样?
      • Think things over before you decide.先把情况考虑周全再作决定。
    • the case the true situation:
      • If that is the case (= if the situation described is true), we need more staff.如果真是那样,那我们就需要更多的员工了。
    • state of affairs a situation:
      • How did this unhappy state of affairs come about?这种不幸的情况是怎么发生的呢?
    situation or state of affairs?用 situation 还是 state of affairs?State of affairs is mostly used with this. It is also used with adjectives describing how good or bad a situation is, such as happy, sorry, shocking, sad and unhappy, as well as those relating to time, such as present and current. Situation is much more frequent and is used in a wider variety of contexts.Patterns
    • in (a) particular situation/​circumstances/​position/​state of affairs
    • the/​somebody’s economic/​financial/​social situation/​circumstances/​position/​conditions
    • (a/​an) happy/​unhappy situation/​circumstances/​position/​state of affairs
    • to look at/​review the situation/​the circumstances/​the conditions/​things
the state of play
  1. the stage that has been reached in a process, etc. which has not yet been completed进展情况;发展阶段
    • What is the current state of play in the peace talks?和平谈判目前进展得怎么样?
  2. (especially British English) the score in a sports match, especially in cricket(板球等比赛的)比分


(also State)
[only before noun]
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  1. provided or controlled by the government of a country国家提供(或控制)的
    • state officials/agencies国家官员/机构
    • state education公办教育
    • families dependent on state benefits (= in Britain, money given by the government to people who are poor)靠政府救济金生活的家庭
    • state secrets (= information that could be harmful to a country if it were discovered by an enemy)国家机密
    Extra Examples
    • The law applies only to schools within the state system.这条法规只适用于公办学校。
    • Charities are required to register with a state agency.慈善机构必须在州政府部门注册。
    • Every citizen could buy shares in privatized state property.每一个公民都可以购买私有化后的国家财产的股份。
    • He was shot for passing state secrets to foreign powers.他因向外国势力透露国家机密而被枪毙。
    • Some prefer tax cuts to greater state spending on health and social services.有些人更希望减税,而不是希望政府增加医疗和社会服务方面的开支。
    • Teachers in the state sector are asking for a 7% pay rise.公办学校的教师要求加薪 7%。
    • The state pension is barely enough to live on.靠国家养老金几乎难以维持生计。
    • The telephone network is still under state control.电话网仍在国家控制之下。
    • large-scale state intervention in industry政府对工业的大规模干预
    • the legitimate exercise of state power国家权力的合法使用
    • schools outside the state system公办教育体制以外的学校
    • unemployed people living on state benefits靠政府救济金生活的失业者
    • A change in state funding will require the museum to pay for the restoration.国家拨款的变化将要求博物馆支付修复费用。
    • The film was shown on state television. 这部电影在国家电视台播放。
    • Chinese state media has condemned the attack.中国官方媒体谴责了这次袭击。
    Topics Politicsb1
  2. part of country国家的一部分

  3. provided or controlled by a particular state of a country, especially in the US州的;邦的
    • the state government/legislature州政府/立法机构
    • California state law加利福尼亚州法律
    • a state prison/hospital/university州立监狱/医院/大学
    • state police/troopers州警察
    • a state tax州税
    • federal and state government policies联邦和州政府政策
  4. official官方

  5. connected with the leader of a country attending an official ceremony国事礼仪(或规格)的
    • The queen is on a state visit to Berlin.女王正在柏林进行国事访问。
    • the state opening of Parliament隆重的议会开幕式
    • the state apartments (= used for official ceremonies)国事活动厅
    Topics Politicsb2
  6. Word OriginMiddle English (as a noun): partly a shortening of estate, partly from Latin status ‘manner of standing, condition’, from stare ‘to stand’. The current verb senses date from the mid 17th cent.


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they state
he / she / it states
past simple stated
past participle stated
-ing form stating
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  1. to formally write or say something, especially in a careful and clear way陈述;说明;声明
    • state something He has already stated his intention to run for election.他已声明打算参加竞选。
    • The facts are clearly stated in the report.报道对事实真相作了清楚的说明。
    • There is no need to state the obvious (= to say something that everyone already knows).显而易见的事实就不必陈述了。
    • state how, what, etc… State clearly how many tickets you require.说清楚你需要多少张票。
    • Each child was asked in turn to state what he or she wanted from the situation.每个孩子依次被要求陈述他或她想从这种情况中得到什么。
    • state that… He stated categorically that he knew nothing about the deal.他明确表示对那笔交易一无所知。
    • it is stated that… It was stated that standards at the hospital were dropping.据称,那家医院的医疗水准在不断下降。
    • All the photographs in this book, unless otherwise stated, date from the 1950s.本书所有照片,除非另有说明,均摄于 20 世纪 50 年代。
    • something/somebody is stated to be/have something The contract was stated to be invalid.那份合同宣布作废。
    • The driver is stated to have three previous convictions.据说司机有三次前科。
    Synonyms declaredeclare
    • state
    • indicate
    • announce
    These words all mean to say something, usually clearly and definitely and often in public.
    • declare (rather formal) to say something officially or publicly; to state something clearly and definitely:
      • to declare war宣战
      • The painting was declared to be a forgery.这幅画被判定为赝品。
    • state (rather formal) to formally write or say something, especially in a careful and clear way:指陈述、说明、声明:
      • He has already stated his intention to run for election.他已声明打算参加竞选。
    • indicate (rather formal) to state something, sometimes in a way that is slightly indirect:指表明、暗示:
      • During our meeting, he indicated his willingness to cooperate.在我们会晤期间,他提及了合作的意愿。
    • announce to tell people officially about a decision or plans; to give information about something in a public place, especially through a loudspeaker; to say something in a loud and/​or serious way:
      • They haven’t formally announced their engagement yet.他们还没有正式宣布订婚。
      • Has our flight been announced yet?广播通知了我们的航班没有?
    declare or announce?用 declare 还是 announce?Declare is used more often for giving judgements; announce is used more often for giving facts: The painting was announced to be a forgery.They haven’t formally declared their engagement yet. Patterns
    • to declare/​state/​indicate/​announce that…
    • to declare/​state somebody/​something to be something
    • to declare/​state/​indicate/​announce your intention to do something
    • to declare/​state/​announce something formally/​publicly/​officially
    • to declare/​state/​announce something firmly/​confidently
    Extra Examples
    • ‘Alcohol doesn't solve problems,’ she stated flatly.“喝酒解决不了问题。”她直言不讳地说道。
    • As previously stated, the phrase ‘value for money’ has an ambiguous meaning.正如前面所说,短语眼value for money意义含混。
    • At the risk of stating the obvious, people who have not paid cannot be admitted.尽管可能是多余的话,但仍然要说明,未付款者不得进入。
    • He stated his own views quite openly.他开诚布公地表述了自己的观点。
    • I am merely stating the facts.我只不过是在陈述事实。
    • Let me state at the outset that this report contains little that is new.让我先说明一点,这份报告里新信息很少。
    • Let me state for the record that my knowledge of wine is almost non-existent.我郑重声明,我对葡萄酒几乎一无所知。
    • She stated categorically that she had no intention of leaving.她明确表示她无意离开。
    • The committee failed to state their reasons for this decision.委员会未能说明他们此项决定的依据。
    • The demands are more easily stated than met.这些要求说来容易做到难。
    • The report goes on to state that…报告接下来指出,⋯
    • These facts were nowhere explicitly stated.这些事实根本没有得到确切说明。
    • We cannot accept this proposal for the reasons stated above.由于上述原因,我们不能接受这项提议。
    • At the meeting, he stated his case for investing.在会上,他陈述了他的投资理由。
    • No such thing was stated or even implied by the professor.教授没有说明甚至暗示过这种事情。
    • The association has publicly stated its support for the proposal. 该协会已公开表示支持这项提议。
    • Simply stated, our goal is to take the business to new heights.简而言之,我们的目标是将业务推向新的高度。
    • The organization refuses to state a clear position for or against.该组织拒绝表明支持或反对的明确立场。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • clearly
    • plainly
    • exactly
    verb + state
    • go on to
    • fail to
    • let somebody
    • as previously stated
    • as stated earlier
    • as stated previously
    See full entry
  2. [usually passive] state something to fix or announce the details of something, especially on a written document规定;公布
    • This is not one of their stated aims.在他们宣布的目标里没有这一条。
    • You must arrive at the time stated.你必须在规定时间到达。
    • Do not exceed the stated dose (= of medicine).不要超过规定的剂量。
  3. Word OriginMiddle English (as a noun): partly a shortening of estate, partly from Latin status ‘manner of standing, condition’, from stare ‘to stand’. The current verb senses date from the mid 17th cent.
BNC: 194 COCA: 137


1condition狀況ADJECTIVE | VERB + STATE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEacceptable, fit, good, healthy可接受的/適宜的/良好的/健康的狀況She managed to get the company's finances into a healthy state.她設法使公司的財務進入了良性狀態。appalling, awful, bad, desperate, dire, dreadful, pitiful, poor, sorry, terrible令人震驚的/糟糕的/極壞的/令人絕望的/可怕的/可悲的/令人同情的/可憐的/令人遺憾的/令人沮喪的狀況run-down (especially BrE) 破敗的狀況We were shocked at the run-down state of the hospital.醫院破敗的狀況讓我們感到震驚。emotional, mental, psychological情緒;精神狀況;心理狀態He's not in a fit enough mental state to drive.他現在的精神狀況不適合開車。physical實際狀況The inspectors assess the physical state of schools and equipment.檢查人員評估學校和設備的實際狀況。financial財政狀況current, present目前的狀況;現狀former, previous以前的/先前的狀況natural自然狀態You can either varnish the wood or leave it in its natural state.你可以給木頭塗上清漆,也可以讓它保持自然狀態。constant, continual, continuous, permanent, perpetual常態;持續的狀況;永久性狀態The country is in a perpetual state of anarchy.這個國家長期處於無政府狀態。advanced晚期狀態an advanced state of dehydration脫水的晚期症狀altered異常狀態a drug that produces altered states of consciousness可導致意識狀態異常的藥物nervous, trance-like神經緊張的/精神恍惚的狀態He goes into a trance-like state when he plays the guitar.彈吉他時他會進入一種如痴如醉的狀態。persistent vegetative (medical醫學) 持續植物狀態VERB + STATEget into, go into, reach進入/陷入/達到⋯狀態The soul continues to be reborn until it has reached a state of perfection.心靈進一步得到升華,直至達到完美境界。live in生活在⋯狀況下She continues to live in a state of denial.她繼續生活在不被他人認可的狀態下。get sb/sth into使⋯進入⋯狀態create創造⋯狀態She uses music to create a particular emotional state.她用音樂營造一種特定的情緒。describe描述狀態PREPOSITIONin a state在⋯狀態中Jane was in a terrible state after losing her job.失業以後,簡情況很糟。into a state進入⋯狀態She slipped into a state of unconsciousness.她陷入了昏迷。state of⋯的狀態His life seems to be in a constant state of chaos.他的生活好像總是一團糟。PHRASESbe in a good, bad, etc. state of repair (BrE) 處於良好、糟糕等的保養狀況The house was in a poor state of repair when we bought it.我們買下這棟房子時,它已年久失修。given the state of sth鑒於⋯的狀況Given the current state of knowledge, it will take years to find a solution.鑒於目前的認識水平,還需數年才能找到答案。a state of affairs形勢;事態The brothers' refusal to work together had brought about this sad state of affairs.他們兄弟拒絕合作,造成了這種糟糕的局面。a state of emergency緊急狀態The government has declared a state of emergency in the flooded regions.政府已經宣佈洪災地區進入緊急狀態。a state of flux不斷變化的狀態The education system is still in a state of flux following the recent reform.經過最近的改革,教育體制仍然處於不斷變化之中。sb's state of health某人的健康狀況He's concerned about his mother's state of health.他很擔心母親的健康狀況。a state of mind精神狀態Public speaking can produce a state of mind similar to panic.在公開場合講話可能會導致一種類似恐慌的精神狀態。a state of shock震驚The driver was just sitting there in a state of shock.司機坐在那兒,簡直驚呆了。a state of siege, a state of war封鎖/戰爭狀態


2country/government國家;政府ADJECTIVE | VERB + STATE | STATE + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcity, nation城邦;單一民族的獨立國家independent, sovereign獨立/主權國家foreign外國client附庸國failed, rogue失敗/無賴國家rogue states that shelter terrorists為恐怖分子提供庇護的無賴國家democratic, one-party, police, socialist, totalitarian民主/一黨制/警察/社會主義/極權主義國家member成員國member states of the European Union歐洲聯盟的成員國powerful, strong強國weak弱小的國家neighbouring/neighboring鄰國welfare福利國家nanny (especially BrE) (對民眾管制過多的)保母式國家This latest policy is an example of the nanny state gone mad.這項最新頒佈的政策表明這個保母式國家已經走向瘋狂。VERB + STATEcreate, establish創建/建立國家They created a modern nation state.他們創建了一個單一民族的現代國家。become成為國家In 1949 China became a communist state.1949 年中國成為了一個共產主義國家。STATE + NOUNenterprise, monopoly國有企業;國家壟斷control, ownership國家控制;國有制The telephone network is still under state control.電話網仍在國家控制之下。property國有財產Every citizen could buy shares in privatized state property.每一個公民都可以購買私有化後的國家財產的股份。sector, system國營部門/體制Teachers in the state sector are asking for a 7% pay rise.公辦學校的教師要求加薪 7%。schools outside the state system公辦教育體制以外的學校education (= paid for by the government) (BrE) 公辦教育school (= paid for by the government) (in the UK) 公立學校Did you go to a state school or a private school?你上的是公立學校還是私立學校?school, university (= managed by a state) (in the US) 州立學校/大學aid, funding, funds, subsidy, support國家援助;政府出資;國家基金;政府補貼;政府扶持benefit, pension (both especially BrE) 政府救濟金;國家養老金unemployed people living on state benefits靠政府救濟金生活的失業者The state pension is barely enough to live on.靠國家養老金幾乎難以維持生計。intervention (especially BrE) 政府干預large-scale state intervention in industry政府對工業的大規模干預power國家權力the legitimate exercise of state power國家權力的合法使用spending政府開支Some prefer tax cuts to greater state spending on health and social services.有些人更希望減稅,而不是希望政府增加醫療和社會服務方面的開支。employee政府雇員secret國家機密He was shot for passing state secrets to foreign powers.他因向外國勢力透露國家機密而被槍斃。PHRASESaffairs of state, matters of state國家事務The president's wife is said to have a powerful hand in affairs of state.據說總統夫人對國家事務染指頗深。church and state教會與政府the separation of church and state政教分離an enemy of the state國家公敵her status as an enemy of the state她國家公敵的身分head of state國家元首Visiting heads of state usually stay at the palace.來訪的國家元首通常下榻在宮中。the power of the state國家權力the role of the state政府的角色


3part of a country國家的一部份ADJECTIVE | ... OF STATES | VERB + STATE | STATE + VERB | STATE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbattleground, swing選舉競爭激烈的州;搖擺州(指美國大選中選民舉棋不定的州)Both candidates have been campaigning in key battleground states.兩位候選人都一直在競爭激烈的關鍵州進行競選宣傳。blue, red (both NAmE) 藍色州;紅色州New Jersey is a blue state (= votes for the Democrats).新澤西州是投票給民主黨的藍色州。red states for Republicans支持共和黨的紅色州border, slave (both NAmE) 邊沿州;蓄奴州opposition to the Civil War in Kansas and the other border states堪薩斯及其他邊沿州的反內戰勢力... OF STATEShandful一小部份州A handful of states have introduced similar legislation.一小部份州出台了類似的法規。VERB + STATErepresent代表州She was selected to represent the state of Texas at the conference.她被選為這次會議上得克薩斯州的代表。win贏得⋯州的選票George W. Bush won the state of Florida.喬治 •W. 布什贏得了佛羅里達州的選票。STATE + VERBallow sth, require sth州政府允許⋯/要求⋯Most states require all drivers to carry a minimum level of insurance.大多數州要求駕駛員必須有最低標準的保險。pass sth州議會通過⋯Thirty states have passed similar legislation.30 個州已經通過了類似的法案。STATE + NOUNcapital, line (NAmE) 州首府;州界It can be a felony to transport wine across state lines.運送葡萄酒跨越州界可能被判重罪。court, prison州法庭;州監獄I was a correctional officer out of Utah state prison.我曾是猶他州監獄外的矯正官。law州法律constitution州憲法budget, tax州預算;州稅agency, court, government, legislature州政府機構;州法庭;州政府;州立法機關Charities are required to register with a state agency.慈善機構必須在州政府部門註冊。attorney general, lawmaker, legislator, official, senator州總檢察長;州立法官員;州官員;州參議員police, trooper (NAmE) 州警察局;州警察PREPOSITIONacross the state, throughout the state整個州He roamed throughout the state.他的足跡遍及州裏的各個角落。PHRASESat the state level, on the state level在州一級The legislation must work at both the federal and state levels.這項立法必須在聯邦和州兩個層面上都適用。a corner of the state州的一角a farm tucked into the far north-west corner of the state深藏於該州西北角的一個農場


ADVERB | VERB + STATE | PHRASES ADVERBclearly, plainly清楚地/明白地說明Please state clearly how many tickets you require.請說清楚你要幾張票。exactly, explicitly, expressly, precisely, specifically確切/明確/清楚/準確/具體說明These facts were nowhere explicitly stated.這些事實根本沒有得到確切說明。categorically, unequivocally, with certainty明確地/毫不含糊地/確定無疑地說明She stated categorically that she had no intention of leaving.她明確表示她無意離開。boldly, proudly大膽地/驕傲地聲明emphatically, firmly斷然地/堅定地聲明bluntly, flatly, matter-of-factly坦率地/直言不諱地/實事求是地聲明'Alcohol doesn't solve problems,' she stated flatly.“喝酒解決不了問題。”她直言不諱地說道。confidently, with confidence充滿自信地聲明accurately準確地闡述correctly, rightly正確地/恰當地陳述falsely, incorrectly, wrongly (especially BrE) 錯誤地宣稱openly, publicly公開聲明He stated his own views quite openly.他開誠佈公地表述了自己的觀點。formally, officially鄭重/正式宣佈briefly, succinctly簡短/簡練陳述quietly平靜地說just, merely, simply只是說明;僅僅是闡明I am merely stating the facts.我只不過是在陳述事實。repeatedly反複說明VERB + STATEgo on to接下來陳述The report goes on to state that...報告接下來指出,⋯fail to未能說明The committee failed to state their reasons for this decision.委員會未能說明他們此項決定的依據。let sb讓某人說明PHRASESas previously stated, as stated earlier, as stated previously如前所述As previously stated, the phrase has an ambiguous meaning.如前所述,這個短語存在歧義。stated above, stated below上述;下述We cannot accept this proposal for the reasons stated above.由於上述原因,我們不能接受這項提議。state at the outset一開始便聲明Let me state at the outset that this report contains little that is new.讓我先說明一點,這份報告裏新信息很少。state for the record鄭重聲明Let me state for the record that my knowledge of wine is almost non-existent.我鄭重聲明,我對葡萄酒幾乎一無所知。state the obvious陳述明顯的事實At the risk of stating the obvious, people who have not paid cannot be admitted.儘管可能是多餘的話,但仍然要說明,未付款者不得進入。unless otherwise stated, unless stated otherwise除非另有說明All the photographs in this book, unless otherwise stated, date from the 1950s.本書所有照片,除非另有說明,均攝於 20 世紀 50 年代。
BNC: 194 COCA: 137
state adj.
state noun
state (the state of the economy) country1 (a one-party state) county (the State of Arkansas) turn State's evidence tell2
state verb
declare (state the facts) list (arrive at the time stated)


state ♦︎ condition ♦︎ shape ♦︎ repairThese are all words for the quality or qualities that sth has at a particular time, for example whether it is good, bad, new, broken, etc. 这些词均表示状态、状况。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in (a) ... state / condition / shape / repair(a) good state / condition / shape / (state of) repair(a) fine state / condition / shapeexcellent condition / shape / repair(a) reasonable condition / shape / (state of) repair(a) poor / bad state / condition / shape / (state of) repairsth's general state / condition / state of repairsth's physical state / condition / shapesb's / sth's financial / economic state / condition / shapeto keep sth in (a) ... state / condition / shape / repairto get (sth) into (a) ... state / condition / shape state [countable] the quality or qualities that sth has at a particular time, for example whether it is generally good, bad, etc.; the fact of having these qualities 状态;状况;情况There are serious concerns about the current state of the economy.人们对当前的经济状况非常担忧。His teeth were in an appalling state.他的牙齿情况很糟糕。Look at the state of this room (= look how messy, dirty, etc. it is)!看看这房间这副样子!The government has declared a state of emergency in the flooded regions.政府已宣布洪水灾区进入紧急状态。 see also state of affairs situation condition [uncountable, singular] the state sth is in, especially how good or bad its physical state is 状态;状况The car was in perfect condition.那辆汽车车况完好。The poor condition of our schools should be of concern to all of us.我们都应该关注我们的学校的糟糕状况。NOTE 辨析 State or condition? State is a more general word and is used especially for the quality sth has at a particular time. You use state when you are saying that sth has not been well looked after or is in a mess. Condition is mainly used to talk about the appearance or working order of sth, often when you are saying how old and worn sth is. * state含义较广,尤指特定时间的状况,用于表示某物缺乏照管或凌乱不堪。condition主要指事物的外表或运转状况,常用于表示破旧。 shape [uncountable] (rather informal) the condition of sth, especially after sth has happened which you would expect to have an effect on it (尤指遭遇某事后的)状况,情况What sort of shape was your car in after the accident?你的汽车出过事故以后状况如何?The economy is still in pretty good shape.经济情况仍然相当不错。 repair [uncountable] the condition of sth, especially when you are talking about whether or not sth has been repaired over a period of time (尤指维修的)情况,状况Try to keep your vehicle in good repair.尽量让你的车辆保持良好的状况。 (especially BrE) The old clock tower is in a poor state of repair.那座老钟楼已经年久失修。In this meaning repair is usually used in the phrases in good repair or in a poor state of repair. * repair表达此义时通常用于短语in good repair或in a poor state of repair中。 see also repair repair noun
BNC: 194 COCA: 137
The condition of something: state, condition, composition...
Properties of substances: consistency, delicacy, state...
General words for countries: nation, republic, democracy...
Areas of countries: airspace, area, belt...
Systems of government and types of government: absolutism, anarchy, autarky...
Alternative names for countries: Albion, America, Aotearoa...
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
Words used to describe systems and types of government: absolute, absolutist, autonomous...

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