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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 259 COCA: 288


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they meet
he / she / it meets
past simple met
past participle met
-ing form meeting
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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    by chance偶然地

  1. [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to be in the same place as somebody by chance and talk to them相遇;相逢;遇见
    • Maybe we'll meet again some time.说不定我们什么时候还会再见面。
    • meet somebody Did you meet anyone in town?你在城里碰见什么人了吗?
    • I've never met anyone like her.我从未见过像她这样的人。
    • A year or so later I happened to meet him again.大约一年后我碰巧又遇见了他。
    • I hope we'll meet again soon.希望我们很快再见面。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • first
    • regularly
    • once
    verb + meet
    • arrange to
    • chance to
    • happen to
    • at
    • for
    • with
    • look forward to meeting somebody
    • nice to meet you
    • pleased to meet you
    See full entry
  2. by arrangement通过安排

  3. [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to come together formally in order to discuss something开会;会晤
    • The committee meets on Fridays.委员会每周五开会。
    • meet somebody The Prime Minister met other European leaders for talks.首相与其他欧洲首脑举行会谈。
    • meet with somebody The President met with senior White House aides.总统会见了白宫的高级幕僚。
    • The evening gave collectors the opportunity to meet with leading art dealers.当晚,收藏家们有机会与一流的艺术品经销商会面。
    • meet to do something They met to discuss the project while both were in Paris. 两人在巴黎时,他们聚在一起讨论这个项目。
    Topics Working lifea1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • first
    • regularly
    • once
    verb + meet
    • arrange to
    • chance to
    • happen to
    • at
    • for
    • with
    • look forward to meeting somebody
    • nice to meet you
    • pleased to meet you
    See full entry
  4. [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to come together socially after you have arranged it(与…)会面;集合
    • The town needs a space where young people can meet.这个城镇需要一个年轻人可以见面的地方。
    • meet for something Let's meet for a drink after work.下班后我们一起去喝一杯吧。
    • meet somebody We're meeting them outside the theatre at 7.我们 7 点钟在剧院外面和他们会合。
    • meet somebody for something I met a friend for a walk round the lake.我遇见一个朋友在湖边散步。
    Extra Examples
    • The three sisters rarely meet in person, but spend hours on the phone.这三姐妹很少见面,但会在电话上聊好几个小时。
    • We met the next day at a local bar.第二天我们在当地的一间酒吧见了面。
    • I arranged to meet her for lunch.我约好和她见面一起吃午饭。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • first
    • regularly
    • once
    verb + meet
    • arrange to
    • chance to
    • happen to
    • at
    • for
    • with
    • look forward to meeting somebody
    • nice to meet you
    • pleased to meet you
    See full entry
  5. [transitive] to go to a place and wait there for a particular person or thing to arrive迎接
    • meet somebody/something Will you meet me at the airport?你到机场接我好吗?
    • The hotel bus meets all incoming flights.酒店有车在机场迎接各航班的旅客。
    • meet somebody off something I met him off the train.我在火车上遇见了他。
    Homophones meat | meetmeat   meet
    • meat noun
      • I won't have any meat, thank you—I'm a vegetarian.我不吃肉,谢谢——我是素食者。
    • meet verb
      • I'll meet you at the station when your train gets in.当你的火车进站时,我会在车站接你。
  6. for the first time初次

  7. [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to see and know somebody for the first time; to be introduced to somebody相识;结识;被引见介绍(给某人)
    • I don't think we've met.我想我们没见过面吧。
    • meet somebody Where did you first meet your husband?你是在哪儿和你丈夫初次相识的?
    • (especially British English) Pleased to meet you (= when you first meet somebody).很高兴认识你。
    • Nice meeting you (= when you leave somebody after meeting them for the first time).很高兴认识你。
    • There's someone I want you to meet.我想介绍你认识一个人。
    • Have you met Miranda?你见过米兰达吗?
    • I love meeting people.我喜欢见人。
    • When these two finally met, the connection was electric.这两人终于见上面的时候,气氛很是热烈。
    • the place where they had first met他们初次见面的地方
    • an interactive site where people can meet online人们可以在线会面的交互式网站
    • Jasper Johns worked at various jobs before meeting Rauschenberg in 1954. 贾斯珀·约翰斯在1954年遇见劳申伯格之前做过各种工作。
  8. satisfy满足

  9. [transitive] meet something to do or satisfy what is needed or what somebody asks for满足;使满意 synonym fulfil
    • How can we best meet the needs of all the different groups?我们怎样才能最好地满足各种人的需要呢?
    • The airport must be expanded to meet demand.机场必须扩建以满足需求。
    • He had failed to meet his performance targets.他未能达到自己的绩效目标。
    • to meet a challenge/goal迎接挑战/目标
    • The oil industry is working to meet clean air requirements.石油工业正在努力满足清洁空气的要求。
    • Patients were included in the study if they met the following criteria.如果患者符合以下标准,则纳入研究。
    • 50% of the candidates failed to meet the standard required.50%的申请人达不到指定的标准。
    • Until these conditions are met, we cannot proceed with the sale.除非这些条件得到满足,否则我们不能继续这项交易。
    • I can't possibly meet that deadline.我不可能如期完成。
    Extra Examples
    • California faces a further round of rolling blackouts today as the state struggles to meet demand for electrical power. 随着加州努力满足电力需求,该州今天面临又一轮连续停电。
    • The workforce work extremely hard to ensure all boats meet the exacting demands of the customer. 工作人员非常努力地工作,以确保所有船只满足客户的严格要求。
    • Local authorities also have an important role to play in meeting the rural housing challenge. 地方当局在应对农村住房挑战方面也可以发挥重要作用。
    • It's not a matter of meeting a short-term financial goal. 这不是满足短期财务目标的问题。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • head-on
    verb + meet
    • be able to
    • can
    • be unable to
    See full entry
  10. in contest比赛

  11. [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to play, fight, etc. together as opponents in a competition遭遇;交锋
    • Smith and Jones met in last year's final.史密斯和琼斯在去年的决赛中相遇。
    • meet somebody Smith met Jones in last year's final.在去年的决赛中,史密斯与琼斯交锋。
  12. experience something经历

  13. [transitive] meet something to experience something, often something unpleasant经历(常指不愉快的事) synonym come across, encounter
    • Others have met similar problems.其他人遇到过同样的问题。
    • How she met her death will probably never be known.她的死因也许永远无人知晓。
    • They were determined to meet the challenge head-on.他们决心直面挑战。
  14. touch/join接触;连接

  15. [intransitive, transitive] to touch something; to join接触(某物);连接
    • The curtains don't meet in the middle.这窗帘中间合不拢。
    • meet something That's where the river meets the sea.这条河就在这里流入大海。
    • His hand met hers.他的手碰到她的手。
  16. pay支付

  17. [transitive] meet something to pay something支付;偿付
    • The cost will be met by the company.费用将由公司支付。
    Extra Examples
    • Many families on these estates are struggling to meet their financial commitments.这些庄园里的许多家庭都在努力履行他们的财务承诺。
    • The company will meet the cost of the journey.公司将支付这次旅行的费用。
    • The school had to sell off its playing fields to meet its debt repayments.学校不得不把操场卖掉来偿还债务。
  18. Word OriginOld English mētan ‘come upon’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch moeten, also to moot.
find/meet your match (in somebody)
  1. to meet somebody who is equal to or even better than you in strength, skill or intelligence遇到对手;棋逢对手
    • He thought he could beat anyone at chess but he’s met his match in Peter.他认为他能在国际象棋上击败任何人,但他遇到了对手彼得。
    Extra Examples
    • I think he's finally met his match in Lisa.我想他碰到莉萨终于算是遇到了对手。
    • She knew she had met her match and tried to retreat.她知道这次遇到了旗鼓相当的对手,想退缩。
make (both) ends meet
  1. to earn just enough money to be able to buy the things you need使收支相抵;勉强维持生计
    • Many families struggle to make ends meet.许多家庭只能勉强维持生计。
meet somebody’s eye(s) | meet somebody’s gaze, look, etc. | people’s eyes meet
  1. [transitive, intransitive] if you meet somebody’s eye(s), you look directly at them as they look at you; if two people’s eyes meet, they look directly at each other(和某人)对视,目光相遇
    • She was afraid to meet my eye.她不敢正眼看我。
    • Their eyes met across the crowded room.他们隔着拥挤的房间目光相遇了。
    • She met his gaze without flinching.她毫不畏缩地与他对视。
  2. [transitive] meet somebody’s eye(s) your eyes if a sight meets your eyes, you see it呈现;显现
    • A terrible sight met their eyes.一幅可怕的景象映入他们的眼帘。
meet somebody halfway
  1. to reach an agreement with somebody by giving them part of what they want和某人妥协;对某人作出让步
    • If he was prepared to apologize, the least she could do was meet him halfway and accept some of the blame.如果他准备道歉,她至少可以做的是和他妥协,接受一些指责。
    Topics Discussion and agreementc2
meet your Maker
  1. (especially humorous) to die死;见上帝
never the twain shall meet
  1. (saying) used to say that two things are so different that they cannot exist together二者永远合不到一起;泾渭分明;大相径庭
there is more to somebody/something than meets the eye
  1. a person or thing is more complicated or interesting than you might think at first某人(或物)比料想的更为复杂(或有趣)
where the rubber meets the road
  1. (North American English) the point at which something is tested and you really find out whether it is successful or true接受考验的时刻;检验成败的时刻;检验真伪的时刻
    • Here's where the rubber meets the road: will consumers actually buy the product?检验成败的时刻到了:消费者真的会购买这种产品吗?


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  1. (especially North American English) a sports competition体育比赛;运动会
    • a track meet径赛运动会
    compare meeting (4)
    Extra Examples
    • Brooke missed the meet due to illness.布鲁克因为生病错过了运动会。
    • I swam faster at the last meet.上次运动会我游得更快。
    • This year's meet was held in Anchorage, Alaska.今年的运动会在阿拉斯加州的安克雷奇举行。
    Topics Sports: other sportsc2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • gymnastics
    • race
    • swim
    verb + meet
    • hold
    • attend
    • go to
    meet + noun
    • record
    • at a/​the meet
    See full entry
  2. (British English) an event at which horse riders and dogs meet to go hunting. Fox hunting with dogs is now illegal in the UK but people still ride out with dogs following a scent trail, without an actual fox.猎狐运动(现在于英国用狗猎狐属违法行为)
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • gymnastics
    • race
    • swim
    verb + meet
    • hold
    • attend
    • go to
    meet + noun
    • record
    • at a/​the meet
    See full entry
  3. see also swap meet
    Word OriginOld English mētan ‘come upon’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch moeten, also to moot.
BNC: 259 COCA: 288


(especially NAmE) ADJECTIVE | VERB + MEET | MEET + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEgymnastics, race, swim, track體操比賽;賽馬大會;游泳比賽;徑賽hunt (BrE) 狩獵比賽championship錦標賽big, major大的賽事;主要賽事dual對抗賽a dual meet against Canada與加拿大隊的對抗賽spring, summer, etc.春季、夏季等運動會swap物品交換會a swap meet for collectors of Star Trek memorabilia《星際迷航》紀念品收藏者交流會VERB + MEEThold舉辦運動會This year's meet was held in Anchorage, Alaska.今年的運動會在阿拉斯加州的安克雷奇舉行。attend, go to參加運動會I can't go to your track meet after school tomorrow.明天放學後我不能去看你參加的徑賽了。miss錯過運動會Brooke missed the meet due to illness.布魯克因為生病錯過了運動會。win在運動會上獲勝Sam's team won the track meet.薩姆的隊在徑賽項目中獲勝。MEET + NOUNrecord運動會記錄Both scores were meet records.兩個分數都是運動會上的成績。PREPOSITIONat a/the meet在運動會上I swam faster at the last meet.上次運動會我游得更快。Did you buy it at the swap meet?你是在二手交換市場上買的嗎?


1come together相聚ADVERB | VERB + MEET | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBfirst初次見面the place where they had first met他們初次見面的地方regularly定期見面once見一次面never從未遇見eventually, finally終於/最終相聚When these two finally met, the connection was electric.這兩人終於見上面的時候,氣氛很是熱烈。briefly簡短會面privately, secretly私下/秘密會面face-to-face, in person, personally面對面的會談;親自見面The three sisters rarely meet in person, but spend hours on the phone.這三姐妹很少見面,但會在電話上聊好幾個小時。online在線會面an interactive site where people can meet online人們可以在線會面的交互式網站VERB + MEETarrange to安排見面chance to, happen to偶然/碰巧遇見A year or so later I happened to meet him again.大約一年後我碰巧又遇見了他。PREPOSITIONat在⋯見面We met the next day at a local bar.第二天我們在當地的一間酒吧見了面。for為⋯見面I arranged to meet her for lunch.我約好和她見面一起吃午飯。with與⋯見面Management will meet with union representatives next week.資方下週將與工會代表會面。I met up with my friends in town.我和朋友們在城裏碰了面。PHRASESlook forward to meeting sb期待與某人見面I look forward to meeting you next week.我盼望下星期與你見面。nice to meet you (especially NAmE) , pleased to meet you (especially BrE) (= a greeting used when you meet sb for the first time) 很高興認識你


2satisfy sth滿足;達到ADVERB | VERB + MEET ADVERBhead-on正面應對They were determined to meet the challenge head-on.他們決心直面挑戰。VERB + MEETbe able to, can能夠滿足be unable to, fail to不能/未能達到He had failed to meet his performance targets.他未能達到自己的績效目標。be designed to, be tailored to為滿足⋯而設計/量身訂製The course is designed to meet the needs of young learners.這門課程是為滿足年輕學習者的需要而開設的。


3sb's eyes/gaze/look目光;凝視ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBsquarely, unflinchingly, without flinching正視;毫不畏懼地注視Leonora met his gaze without flinching.莉奧諾拉毫不畏懼地和他對視。briefly簡短地對視PREPOSITIONacross目光穿過⋯而相遇Their eyes met across the crowded room.他們的目光越過房間裏擁擠的人群相遇了。
BNC: 259 COCA: 288
meet verb
meet1 (meet for a drink/talks) meet2 (meet by chance) meet3 (meet sb for the first time) meet4 (meet sb's needs) greet (meet sb at the airport) have3 (meet your death) pay (meet the expense) touch2 (where the mountains meet the sea)


meet for a drink/talks 相聚喝一杯;举行会谈meet by chance 偶遇meet sb for the first time 初识某人meet sb's needs/conditions 满足某人的需要/条件meet ♦︎ meet with sb ♦︎ gather ♦︎ get together ♦︎ assemble ♦︎ mass ♦︎ rally ♦︎ convene ♦︎ meet upThese words all refer to people coming together in order to do sth. 这些词均表示集合、聚集、开会。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to meet / meet with sb / gather / get together / assemble / mass / rally / convene / meet up for sthto meet / get together / meet up with sbcrowds / supporters gather / assemble / rallypeople gather / assemble / massto meet / meet with sb / gather / get together / convene regularly meet (met, met) [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to come together formally in order to discuss sth; to come together socially after you have arranged it 开会;会晤;(与某人)会面;集合The committee meets on Fridays.委员会每周五开会。Let's meet for a drink after work.下班后我们一起去喝一杯吧。The Prime Minister met other European leaders for talks.首相与其他欧洲首脑举行了会谈。We're meeting them outside the theatre at 7.我们7点钟在剧院外面与他们会合。 ˈmeet with sb

phrasal verb

(met, met) (especially NAmE) to meet sb, especially for discussions 和某人会晤(商讨问题等)The President met with senior White House aides.总统会见了白宫的高级助理。
gather [intransitive] to come together in one place to form a group 聚集;集合A crowd soon gathered.很快就聚集了一群人。Can you all gather round? I've got something to tell you.你们都围过来好吗?我有事要告诉你们。His supporters gathered in the main square.他的支持者聚集在主广场上。 ˌget toˈgether

phrasal verb

(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) (rather informal) to meet sb socially or in order to discuss sth 举行社交聚会;开会We must get together for a drink sometime.我们得找个时间聚在一起喝一杯。We all get together every year at Christmas.我们大家每年圣诞节都要聚一聚。Management should get together with the union.资方应与工会一起开个会。 Get together is slightly more informal than meet and is usually used for less definite arrangements. * get together较meet略非正式,通常表示不太确定的安排The committee gets together on Fridays. We're getting together outside the theatre at 7. see also get-together event 2
assemble əˈsembl [intransitive] (rather formal) to come together as a group 聚集;集合The students were asked to assemble in the hall.学生获通知到礼堂集合。 mass [intransitive] to come together in large numbers 集结;聚集Demonstrators had massed outside the embassy.示威者聚集在大使馆外面。Dark clouds massed on the horizon.天边乌云密布。NOTE 辨析 Gather, assemble, or mass? Gather is the most general of the three words, and can be used to talk about large or small groups of people coming together. Assemble is a more formal word and is used about more formal meetings, when a group of people has been told to meet in one place and it has not happened by accident. Mass emphasizes the large number of people involved. * gather在这三个词中含义最广,指大量或少量的人聚集均可。assemble较正式,指一群人接到告知后在某处集合,这种较为正式的集会往往并非出于偶然。mass强调聚集的人很多。 rally [intransitive] to come together in order to help or support sb/sth 集合,联合起来(以提供帮助或支持)The cabinet rallied behind the Prime Minister.内阁团结一致支持首相。Many national newspapers rallied to his support.许多全国性报纸一致对他表示支持。When people rally they don't always literally come together in one place, but they act together to give sb/sth their support. * rally并非总是指人们真的聚集在某处,而是表示人们一致行动以支持某人或某事物。 convene kənˈviːn [intransitive] (formal) to come together for a formal meeting (为正式会议)聚集,集合The committee will convene at 11.30 next Thursday.委员会将在下星期四11:30开会。 ˌmeet ˈup

phrasal verb

(met, met) (rather informal) to meet sb, especially by arrangement (尤指按事先约定)见面,会面I met up with him later for a drink.后来我跟他一起喝了酒。


meet for a drink/talks 相聚喝一杯;举行会谈meet by chance 偶遇meet sb for the first time 初识某人meet sb's needs/conditions 满足某人的需要/条件meet ♦︎ run into sb ♦︎ encounter ♦︎ bump into sbThese words all mean to be in the same place as sb by chance and talk to them. 这些词均表示相遇、相逢、遇见。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to meet / run into / bump into a friend meet (met, met) [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to be in the same place as sb by chance and talk to them 相遇;相逢;遇见I hope we'll meet again soon.希望我们很快再见面。Did you meet anyone in town?你在城里碰见什么人了吗? ˌrun ˈinto sb

phrasal verb

(running, ran, run) (rather informal) to meet sb by chance, especially sb you know 偶然遇见,碰到(尤指认识的人)Guess who I ran into today!猜猜我今天碰见谁了!
encounter ɪnˈkaʊntə(r) [transitive] (formal) to meet sb, or discover sth, especially sb/sth new, unusual or unexpected 偶然碰到;与⋯邂逅;意外地发现She was the most remarkable woman he had ever encountered.她是他所遇见过的最出色的女性。Walruses were commonly encountered in the Shetland Islands until quite recently.不久之前在设得兰群岛还能经常见到海象。 see also come across sb/sth find 2 ˌbump ˈinto sb

phrasal verb

(informal) to meet sb by chance, especially sb you know 偶然遇见,碰到(尤指认识的人)I bumped into Tina this morning.我今天上午碰见蒂娜了。NOTE 辨析 Run into sb or bump into sb?There is very little difference in the meaning or range of these two verbs. Bump into sb is more informal and is used slightly less in American English. 这两个短语动词在意义和使用范围上的差别都很小。bump into sb较非正式,略少用于美式英语。


meet for a drink/talks 相聚喝一杯;举行会谈meet by chance 偶遇meet sb for the first time 初识某人meet sb's needs/conditions 满足某人的需要/条件meet ♦︎ get to know sb ♦︎ make sb's acquaintanceThese words all mean to see and talk to sb for the first time. 这些词均表示初次相识、结识。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to first meet / get to know / make the acquaintance of sb meet (met, met) [transitive, no passive, intransitive] to see and know sb for the first time; to be introduced to sb 相识;结识;被引见介绍(给某人)Where did you first meet your husband?你是在哪儿和你丈夫初次相识的?There's someone I want you to meet.我想介绍你认识一个人。I don't think we've met.我想我们没见过面吧。 (especially BrE) Pleased to meet you.很高兴认识你。 (especially NAmE) Nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。When you have just been formally introduced to sb it is usual to say Pleased to meet you (in British English) or Nice to meet you (in American English). You can say Nice meeting you (in British or American English) when you say goodbye to sb that you have met for the first time; in American English you can also say Nice to meet you when you say goodbye, but it is not usual to say Pleased to meet you at this point in either British or American English. 如果你刚刚被正式介绍给某人,通常会跟对方说Pleased to meet you(英式英语)或Nice to meet you(美式英语)。跟初次相识者道别,在英式和美式英语中均可说Nice meeting you;在美式英语中道别时亦可说Nice to meet you,但在英式和美式英语中道别时通常都不说Pleased to meet you。 ˌget to ˈknow sb


(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten)to become familiar with sb over time 开始熟悉;了解She's very nice when you get to know her.你了解她以后就会觉得她人很好。There are a few other expressions with know in this meaning. 表达此义时,know还有以下几种用法Do you two know each other (= have you met before)?你们俩认识吗?I've known David for 20 years.我认识戴维20年了。She was a secretary when I first knew her.我最初认识她时,她是个秘书。
make sb's acquaintance make the acquaintance of sb


(made, made) (formal) to meet sb for the first time 与某人初次相识;结识某人I am delighted to make your acquaintance, Mrs Phillips.菲利普斯太太,我很高兴与您相识。I made the acquaintance of several musicians around that time.大约在那段时间,我结识了几位音乐家。 see also acquaintance friend , acquaintance friendship


meet for a drink/talks 相聚喝一杯;举行会谈meet by chance 偶遇meet sb for the first time 初识某人meet sb's needs/conditions 满足某人的需要/条件meet ♦︎ suit ♦︎ satisfy ♦︎ fulfil ♦︎ serveThese words all mean to be good enough for sb/sth or to provide what is needed for sb/sth. 这些词均表示符合、满足。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to meet / suit / satisfy / fulfil / serve a requirement / need / purposeto suit / satisfy / fulfil / serve sb / sth's intereststo meet / suit / satisfy / fulfil a demand / conditionto meet / satisfy / fulfil a / an standard / obligationto meet / satisfy / fulfil the terms / criteria meet (met, met) [transitive] to do what is needed or asked for; to be enough for what sb/sth requires 满足;使满意;符合(要求)Until these conditions are met we can't proceed with the sale.除非这些条件得到满足,否则我们不能进行这项交易。50% of the candidates failed to meet the standard required.50%的申请人达不到指定的标准。I can't possibly meet that deadline.我不可能如期完成。 suit [transitive, no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to be convenient or useful for sb 对(某人)方便;满足(某人)需要;合(某人)心意Choose a computer to suit your particular needs.选一台适合你个人需要的电脑。If you want to go by bus, that suits me fine.要是你想坐公共汽车走,那对我也合适。It suits me to start work at a later time.对我来说,最好晚一点再开始工作。 satisfy [transitive] (rather formal) to provide what is wanted, needed, or asked for; to be as good as what is wanted or needed 满足(要求、需要等);符合,达到(要求)It seemed that no amount of information would satisfy their curiosity.无论多少信息似乎也满足不了他们的好奇心。Our hunger satisfied, we continued our journey.我们吃饱后又上路了。She failed to satisfy all the requirements for entry to the college.她没有达到进入那所学院的全部要求。 fulfil (BrE) (NAmE fulfill) fʊlˈfɪl (-ll-) [transitive] (formal, especially business 尤用于商业) to do or have what is required or what is necessary 履行;符合;具备Failure to fulfil the terms of the agreements may result in legal action.不执行协议条款可能会被起诉。He had fulfilled his promise to his father.他履行了对父亲许下的诺言。 serve [transitive] (rather formal) to be useful to sb in achieving sth or in providing what is needed or wanted 对⋯有用;能满足⋯的需要These experiments serve no useful purpose.这些实验没有任何实际意义。His linguistic ability served him well in his chosen profession.他的语言能力对他所选择的职业大有帮助。

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