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Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they score
he / she / it scores
past simple scored
past participle scored
-ing form scoring
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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    give/get points/goals打分;得分

  1. [intransitive, transitive] to win points, goals, etc. in a game or competition(在游戏或比赛中)得分
    • Fraser scored again in the second half.弗雷泽在下半场时再次得分。
    • score something to score a goal/try/touchdown/victory/point/run得分/尝试/触地得分/胜利/得分/跑
    • Brazil failed to score a win, leaving their further progress in the competition in doubt.巴西队未能获胜,这使他们在比赛中的进一步进展受到质疑。
    • the only man to score a hat-trick in a World Cup final唯一在世界杯决赛中上演帽子戏法的人
    • On his debut at Old Trafford he scored 154 against Australia. 在老特拉福德的首次亮相中,他在对阵澳大利亚的比赛中得了154分。
    • He scored 20 points in 36 minutes.他在36分钟内得了20分。
    • He scored 30 goals in 20 games. 他20场比赛进了30个球。
    Extra Examples
    • She scored twice in the first half.她上半场进了两个球。
    • He scored with a neat header.他以一个漂亮的头球得了分。
    • She has not yet scored for her new club.她还没有为新俱乐部进过球。
    • The England team failed to score against Italy on Saturday.星期六对意大利的比赛中,英格兰队未能得分。
    Topics Games and toysa2, Sports: ball and racket sportsa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • once
    • twice
    • etc.
    verb + score
    • try to
    • be able to
    • manage to
    • against
    • for
    • come close to scoring
    • have a/​the chance to score
    • have an/​the opportunity to score
    See full entry
  2. [intransitive] to keep a record of the points, goals, etc. won in a game or competition(在游戏或比赛中)记分
    • Who's going to score?谁来记分呢?
    Topics Sports: ball and racket sportsa2
  3. [transitive, intransitive] to gain marks in a test or an exam(在考试中)得分
    • score something She scored 98 per cent in the French test.她法语考试得了98分。
    • + adv./prep. Girls usually score highly in language exams.在语言考试中,女生通常得高分。
    • Women consistently scored higher than men in this test.在这项测试中,女性成绩一贯比男性高。
    • Some studies show that low-income Latino adolescents tend to score low on self-esteem.一些研究表明,低收入的拉丁美洲青少年往往在自尊方面得分较低。
    Topics Educationb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • highly
    • well
    • consistently
    See full entry
  4. [transitive] score something to give something/somebody a particular number of points评分;打分数
    • The tests are scored by psychologists.测验由心理学家评分。
    • Score each criterion on a scale of 1 to 5.按 1 到 5 分给每一种标准打分。
    • a scoring system评分体系
  5. [transitive] score something to be worth a particular number of points分值是;得…分
    • Each correct answer will score two points.每答对一题得两分。
  6. succeed成功

  7. [transitive, intransitive] to succeed; to have an advantage获得胜利;取得优势
    • score (something) The army continued to score successes in the south.军队在南方不断取得胜利。
    • Lewis scored a win with a hugely funny sketch about a car salesman.刘易斯凭借一部关于一名汽车推销员的非常有趣的小品获得了胜利。
    • She's scored again with her latest blockbuster.她的新作大获成功,再次引起轰动。
    • score over something Bicycles score over other forms of transport in towns.在城镇,自行车比其他交通工具更胜一筹。
    Extra Examples
    • In the key area of negotiation, women scored highly.在谈判这种关键领域,女性表现更为出色。
    • The company scores highly on customer service.该公司在客户服务方面做得很好。
    Topics Successc2
  8. arrange/write music谱曲;作曲

  9. [transitive, usually passive] to arrange a piece of music for one or more musical instruments or for voices编总谱
    • be scored for something The piece is scored for violin, viola and cello.这个乐谱是为小提琴、中提琴和大提琴演奏而编的。
    • score something The director invited him to score the movie (= write the music for it).导演邀请他为电影配乐。
  10. cut刻痕

  11. [transitive] score something to make a cut or mark on a surface(在物体表面)划下痕迹,刻出记号
    • Score the card first with a knife.先用刀在卡片上划出痕迹。
  12. have sex发生性关系

  13. [intransitive] score (with somebody) (slang) (especially of a man尤指男人) to have sex with a new partner和新伴侣发生性关系
    • Did you score last night?你昨晚把她搞到手了吗?
  14. buy drugs买毒品

  15. [transitive, intransitive] score (something) (slang) to buy or get illegal drugs买(或搞到)毒品
score a point/points (off/against/over somebody)
  1. to show that you are better than somebody, especially by making clever remarks, for example in an argument(尤指在辩论等活动中机灵地)驳倒,挫败
    • He was always trying to score points off his teachers.他总是试图从老师那里扣分。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2


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    points/goals, etc.得分、进球等

  1. [countable] the number of points, goals, etc. scored by each player or team in a game or competition(游戏或比赛中的)得分,比分
    • a high/low score高分;低分
    • What's the score now?现在比分是多少?
    • The final score was 4–3.最终的比分是 4:3。
    • I’ll keep (the) score.我来记分。
    • A penalty in the last minute of the game levelled the score 2–2.比赛最后一分钟的判罚把比分拉成了2比2平。
    Extra Examples
    • At half-time the score stood at 3–0.上半场结束时比分为 3 比 0。
    • Figo levelled the scores with a curling free kick.菲戈用一记弧线任意球将比分扳平。
    • The score was close in the final game.决赛比分接近。
    • He got around the course in 72, giving him an average score of 70.他以 72 分的成绩完成了这一轮,平均成绩达到了 70 分。
    Topics Games and toysa2, Sports: ball and racket sportsa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • excellent
    • good
    verb + score
    • achieve
    • earn
    • finish with
    score + verb
    • be
    • stand at
    score + noun
    • board
    • card
    • sheet
    • score against
    • bring the scores level
    • keep the scores level
    See full entry
  2. [countable] (especially North American English) the number of points somebody gets for correct answers in a test(考试中的)分数,成绩
    • test scores考试分数
    • an IQ score of 120智商 120 分
    • a perfect score满分
    • to get a high/low score获得高分/低分
    • This year, Jimmy's maths scores are slipping. 今年,吉米的数学成绩在下滑。
    • The mean scores are as shown in Table 1.平均得分如表1所示。
    • Other factors did not significantly impact children's scores on these tests.其他因素并没有显著影响孩子在这些测试中的分数。
    see also credit score
    Extra Examples
    • Most ten-year-olds had scores ranging between 50 and 70.多数 10 岁孩子的得分在 50 到 70 之间。
    • She got an unusually low score for creativity.在创造力方面,她的分数异乎寻常地低。
    Topics Educationa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • excellent
    • good
    • high
    verb + score
    • achieve
    • get
    • have
    score + verb
    • indicate
    • reflect
    • show
    • score for
    See full entry
  3. music音乐

  4. [countable] a written or printed version of a piece of music showing what each instrument is to play or what each voice is to sing总谱
    • an orchestral score管弦乐总谱
    • the score of Verdi’s ‘Requiem’威尔第《安魂曲》的总谱
    Extra Examples
    • There was a mistake in the piano score.钢琴乐谱有一个错误。
    • the vocal score of ‘The Magic Flute’《魔笛》的声乐乐谱
    Topics Musicc2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • full
    • music
    • musical
    verb + score
    • compose
    • play
    • read
    • in a/​the score
    See full entry
  5. [countable] the music written for a film or play(电影或戏剧的)配乐
    • an award for best original score最佳原创配乐奖
    • The musical score is magnificent and the performances are outstanding.乐谱宏伟,表演出色。
    • The score for the movie was composed by John Williams.这部电影的配乐是由约翰·威廉姆斯创作的。
    Topics Musicc1, Film and theatrec1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • full
    • music
    • musical
    verb + score
    • compose
    • play
    • read
    • in a/​the score
    See full entry
  6. twenty二十

  7. [countable]
    (plural score)
    a set or group of 20 or approximately 2020 个;约 20 个
    • Several cabs and a score of cars were parked outside.外边停着二十几辆汽车和几辆出租车。
    • by the score Doyle's success brought imitators by the score (= very many imitators).多伊尔取得成功后,仿效者群起。
    • the biblical age of three score years and ten (= 70)《圣经》上所说的七十岁
    Topics Maths and measurementc1
  8. many许多

  9. scores
    [plural] very many大量;很多
    • There were scores of boxes and crates, all waiting to be checked and loaded.大批的箱子和板条箱等着检验后装运。
  10. cut刻痕

  11. [countable] a cut in a surface, made with a sharp tool刻痕;划痕;伤痕
  12. facts about situation真实情况

  13. the score
    [singular] (informal) the real facts about the present situation实情;真相
    • What's the score?情况怎么样?
    • You don't have to lie to me. I know the score.你不必瞒我。我知道是怎么回事。
  14. Word Originlate Old English scoru ‘set of twenty’, from Old Norse skor ‘notch, tally, twenty’, of Germanic origin; related to shear. The verb (late Middle English) is from Old Norse skora ‘make an incision’.
even the score
  1. to harm or punish somebody who has harmed or cheated you in the past结清宿怨;摆平
on that/this score
  1. about that/this matter就那个(或这个)来说;在那个(或这个)问题上
    • You don't have to worry on that score.那件事你不必担心。
settle a score/accounts (with somebody) | settle an old score
  1. to hurt or punish somebody who has harmed or cheated you in the past(和某人)算账,清算旧账;报复(某人)
    • ‘Who would do such a thing?’ ‘Maybe someone with an old score to settle.’“谁做得出这样的事呢?” “也许是结有宿怨的人吧。”
    • An embittered Charlotte is determined to settle accounts with Elizabeth.怀恨在心的夏洛特决心和伊丽莎白算账。


1in a game, competition, etc.比賽;競賽ADJECTIVE | VERB + SCORE | SCORE + VERB | SCORE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, excellent, good, high, record, top大比分;高分;創紀錄的分數;最高分winning制勝的比分bad, low, poor糟糕的比分;低分average平均分close, level接近的/持平的比分The score was close in the final game.決賽比分接近。aggregate, overall, total總計得分;總分final, half-time最終比分;中場比分individual, team個人/集體得分basketball, football, etc.籃球、足球等比分box (in baseball棒球) 技術統計VERB + SCOREachieve, earn, finish with, get, have得分;以⋯比分結束比賽give (sb)給(某人)分He got around the course in 72, giving him an average score of 70.他以 72 分的成績完成了這一輪,平均成績達到了 70 分。make, take使比分變成⋯;得分A late goal made the score 4-2.比賽接近尾聲的一粒進球使比分變成了 4 比 2。A late goal took the score to 4-2.比賽接近尾聲的一粒進球使比分變成了 4 比 2。keep, record記分I'll keep (the) score.我來計分。level, tie拉平比分;賽成平局Gerrard struggled valiantly to level the score.傑勒德為扳平比分勇猛拚搶。SCORE + VERBbe, stand at比分為⋯At half-time the score stood at 3-0.上半場結束時比分為 3 比 0。SCORE + NOUNboard (usually scoreboard) , card
(usually scorecard) , sheet (BrE) 記分板;記分卡;記分表
The scoreboard showed we were in the lead.記分板顯示我們領先。Inamoto failed to get his name on the score sheet (= failed to score).稻本未能進球得分。draw (BrE) 平局PREPOSITIONscore against與⋯比賽的得分the best score for years against Italy多年來與意大利隊比賽的最好成績PHRASESbring the scores level, keep the scores level (both BrE) 把比分扳平;保持平分Ronaldo brought the scores level at 2-2.羅納爾多把比分扳成 2 比 2 平。


2 (especially NAmE) in a test考試ADJECTIVE | VERB + SCORE | SCORE + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEexcellent, good, high, perfect, record, top優秀成績;好成績;高分;滿分;創紀錄的分數;最高分bad, low, poor成績差;低分average, mean, median, standard平均分數;中位分數;標準成績combined, overall, total總成績;總分IQ, SAT, test智商分數;(美國)學業能力傾向測試得分;測試得分VERB + SCOREachieve, get, have, obtain, receive獲得分數;取得成績calculate計算成績compare比較成績give sb給某人成績boost, improve, increase提高成績;增加分數The article claims that vitamins will boost your child's IQ score.這篇文章稱維生素會提高孩子的智商。SCORE + VERBindicate, reflect, show分數表明/反映/顯示range分數範圍是⋯Most ten-year-olds had scores ranging between 50 and 70.多數 10 歲孩子的得分在 50 到 70 之間。PREPOSITIONscore for⋯的得分She got an unusually low score for creativity.在創造力方面,她的分數異乎尋常地低。


3written music樂譜ADJECTIVE | VERB + SCORE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEfull總譜music, musical樂譜orchestral, piano, vocal管弦樂/鋼琴/聲樂總譜the vocal score of 'The Magic Flute'《魔笛》的聲樂總譜ballet芭蕾舞總譜film, movie (especially NAmE) 電影配樂original原創配樂The original score for the movie was composed by John Williams.影片的原創配樂作曲者是約翰・威廉斯。VERB + SCOREcompose, play, read, write作曲;演奏樂譜;讀樂譜;譜曲PREPOSITIONin a/the score在樂譜上a mistake in the piano score鋼琴樂譜上的錯誤


1win points, goals, etc.得分;進球ADVERB | VERB + SCORE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBonce, twice, etc.一次、兩次等進球nearly差點兒進球easily輕易得分Cunningham broke away and scored easily.坎寧安突破攔截,輕鬆得分。heavily (BrE) 大量得分finally最終進球得分VERB + SCOREtry to試圖射門be able to, manage to能夠/成功得分fail to, have yet to未能/尚未得分Walker has yet to score this season.沃克本賽季尚未進球。be ready to, look likely to (especially BrE) 即將進球;看來很可能得分Schumacher is ready to score at his home track again.舒馬赫準備在自己的家鄉賽道再次拿分。Villa always looked likely to score.維拉看起來總是要得分的樣子。PREPOSITIONagainst在與⋯比賽中得分The crowd erupted when the Green Bay Packers scored against the Denver Broncos.在與丹佛野馬隊的比賽中,綠灣包裝工隊進球得分,觀眾歡聲雷動。for為⋯進球She has not yet scored for her new team.她還沒有為自己新加入的球隊進球得分。PHRASEScome close to scoring (especially BrE) 差一點兒得分It was Robertson who came closest to scoring.差一點兒就得分的是羅伯遜。have a/the chance to score, have an/the opportunity to score有機會得分We had several chances to score in the second half.在下半場比賽中,我們有幾次得分機會。open the scoring首開記錄得分Ronaldinho opened the scoring in the seventh minute of the game.比賽進行到第 7 分鐘時,羅納爾迪尼奧首開記錄,破門得分。


2gain marks in a test, survey, etc.取得成績ADVERBhighly, well得高分;考得很好The company scores highly on customer service.該公司在客戶服務方面做得很好。consistently一貫取得⋯成績Women consistently scored higher than men in this test.在這項測試中,女性成績一貫比男性高。
score noun
score (The final score was 4–3.) script (a musical score) settle a score fight back verb


score ♦︎ result ♦︎ point ♦︎ mark ♦︎ gradeThese are all words for the number of points or goals scored by a player or team in a competition, or given to a student in a test. 这些词均表示比赛或考试中的得分、成绩。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a high / low / good / poor score / mark / gradethe final score / result / mark / gradeto get a score / your results / a point / a mark / a grade score [countable] the number of points, goals, etc. scored by each player or team in a game or competition (游戏或比赛中的)得分,比分What's the score now?现在比分是多少?The final score was 4-3.最终的比分是4:3。I'll keep (the) score (= keep a record of the score).我来记分。 (BrE) A penalty in the last minute of the game levelled the score 2-2.比赛最后一分钟的判罚把比分拉成了2比2平。Especially in American English, sb's score on a test is the number of points they get for correct answers on the test. 尤其在美式英语中,score表示考试的分数college entrance test scores大学入学考试分数an IQ score of 120120分的智商to get a perfect score (= no incorrect answers) 得满分 score


[transitive, intransitive] to score a goal / try / touchdown / victory射门得分;持球触地得分;达阵得分;获胜Fraser scored again in the second half.弗雷泽在下半场比赛中再次得分。
result [countable] the final score or the name of the winner in a sports event, competition or election (比赛或选举的)结果,获胜者(或当选者)名单They will announce the result of the vote tonight.今晚他们将宣布投票结果。the election results选举结果the football results足球比赛的结果In British English your results are the score you get in an exam or in a number of exams. 在英式英语中,results表示一次或几次考试的成绩Have you had your results yet?你知道考试成绩了吗? point [countable] an individual unit that adds to a score in a game or sports competition (游戏或体育比赛的)得分,点to win / lose a point赢一分;输一分Australia finished 20 points ahead.澳大利亚队终局领先20分。They won on points (= by scoring more points rather than by completely defeating their opponents).他们以点数取胜。 mark [countable] (especially BrE) a number or letter that is given to show the standard of sb's work or performance or is given to sb for answering sth correctly 分数;成绩;等级What's the pass mark (= the mark you need in order to pass)?及格分数是多少?I got full marks (= the highest mark possible) in the spelling test.我在拼写测验中得了满分。 see also mark mark verb 2 grade [countable] a mark given in an exam or for a piece of school work (考试或作业的)成绩等级,评分等级 (BrE) She got good grades in her exams.她考试成绩优良。 (NAmE) She got good grades on her exams.她考试成绩优良。 see also grade mark verb 2 NOTE 辨析 Mark or grade?In British schools marks can be given for any piece of school work, test or performance; a grade is usually given only for an important exam or a whole year's work in a subject. A mark is often more precise than a grade, expressed as a particular number out of 10 or 100, for example; a grade is usually a letter such as A, B, C, D or E, with each grade covering a range of marks. In American schools, a grade can be a letter or a number and can be given for any piece of school work, test or performance, or for a whole year's work in a subject. You can also talk about sb's score in a test, but mark is not usually used in American English. 在英国学校里,mark可指任何一次作业、考试或学业表现的成绩,grade则仅指重要考试或某学科全年总评成绩。mark常比grade更精确些,例如用十分制或百分制来评分;grade则通常用字母A、B、C、D、E等来表示分数等级,每个等级含一个分数范围。在美国学校里,grade可以用字母或数字来表示,可以是任何一次作业、考试或学业表现的成绩,或者是某学科的全年总评成绩。表示考试的分数也可用score,但在美式英语中通常不用mark。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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