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    mental pressure精神压力

  1. [uncountable, countable] pressure or worry caused by the problems in somebody’s life精神压力;心理负担;紧张
    • emotional/mental stress情感/精神压力
    • to suffer from stress有精神压力
    • to relieve/reduce/alleviate stress缓解/减少/减轻压力
    • under stress Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress.人在压力之下,办事情就容易出差错。
    • The incident has caused enormous stress and anxiety to my family.这件事给我的家人带来了巨大的压力和焦虑。
    • She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life.她承受不了作为一个公众人物的生活压力和紧张。
    • stress-related illnesses与精神压力有关的疾病
    • stress management (= dealing with stress)对于压力的应对
    • The release of the stress hormone cortisol is part of the human stress response.释放压力荷尔蒙皮质醇是人类的一种应激反应。
    • Stress is often a factor in the development of long-term sickness.心理压力常常是形成长期疾病的一个因素。
    Collocations Diet and exerciseDiet and exercise节食和锻炼Weight体重
    • put on/​gain/​lose weight/​a few kilos/​a few pounds增加/减少体重/几公斤/几磅
    • watch/​control/​struggle with your weight关注/控制体重;努力减肥
    • be/​become seriously overweight/​underweight已经/变得严重超重/体重不足
    • be/​become clinically/​morbidly obese已经是/变成临床/病态肥胖
    • achieve/​facilitate/​promote/​stimulate weight loss达到减轻体重的目的;促进减肥
    • slim down to 70 kilos/(British English) 11 stone/(especially North American English) 160 pounds减肥到 70 公斤/11 英石/160 磅
    • combat/​prevent/​tackle/​treat obesity遏制/防止/解决/治疗肥胖
    • develop/​have/​suffer from/​struggle with/​recover from anorexia/​bulimia/​an eating disorder患上/对抗/治愈厌食症/贪食症/饮食失调症
    • be on/​go on/​follow a crash/​strict diet采用快速减肥食谱;严格节食
    • have/​suffer from a negative/​poor body image有不好的身体形象
    • have/​develop a positive/​healthy body image具有/达到好的/健康的身体形象
    Healthy eating健康的饮食
    • eat a balanced diet/​healthily/​sensibly吃得均衡/健康/合理
    • get/​provide/​receive adequate/​proper nutrition获得/提供/得到充足的/合适的营养
    • contain/​get/​provide essential nutrients/​vitamins/​minerals含有/得到/提供必需的营养素/维生素/矿物质
    • be high/​low in calories/​fat/​fibre/​protein/​vitamin D/​Omega-3 fatty acids
    • contain (no)/use/​be full of/​be free from additives/​chemical preservatives/​artificial sweeteners(不)含/使用/含有大量/不含添加剂/化学防腐剂/人工甜味剂
    • avoid/​cut down on/​cut out alcohol/​caffeine/​fatty foods避免摄取/减少/戒酒/咖啡因/高脂食物
    • stop/​give up/ (especially North American English) quit smoking戒烟
    Exercise 锻炼
    • (British English) take regular exercise经常锻炼
    • do moderate/​strenuous/​vigorous exercise做适度/剧烈运动
    • play football/​hockey/​tennis玩足球/曲棍球/网球
    • go cycling/​jogging/​running骑自行车;慢跑;跑步
    • go to/​visit/ (especially North American English) hit/​work out at the gym去健身房锻炼
    • strengthen/​tone/​train your stomach muscles增强/锻炼腹肌
    • contract/​relax/​stretch/​use/​work your lower-body muscles 收缩/放松/伸展/使用/锻炼下肢的肌肉
    • build (up)/gain muscle增强肌肉
    • improve/​increase your stamina/​energy levels/​physical fitness增强耐力/体能/体质
    • burn/​consume/​expend calories消耗热量
    Staying healthy保持健康
    • be/​get/​keep/​stay healthy/​in shape/(especially British English) fit 身体健康;变得/保持健康
    • lower your cholesterol/​blood pressure降低胆固醇/血压
    • boost/​stimulate/​strengthen your immune system增强免疫力
    • prevent/​reduce the risk of heart disease/​high blood pressure/​diabetes/​osteoporosis预防/减少患心脏病/高血压/糖尿病/骨质疏松的风险
    • reduce/​relieve/​manage/​combat stress 缓解/控制压力
    • enhance/​promote relaxation/​physical and mental well-being有助于身体放松/身心健康
    Synonyms pressurepressure
    • stress
    • tension
    • strain
    These are all words for the feelings of worry caused by the problems in somebody’s life.
    • pressure difficulties and feelings of worry that are caused by the need to achieve something or to behave in a particular way:
      • She was unable to attend because of the pressures of work.由于工作紧张,她不能出席。
    • stress pressure or worry caused by the problems in somebody’s life:
      • stress-related illnesses与精神压力有关的疾病
    pressure or stress?用 pressure 还是 stress?It is common to say that somebody is suffering from stress, while pressure may be the thing that causes stress.
    • tension a feeling of worry and stress that makes it impossible to relax:
      • nervous tension神经紧张
    • strain pressure on somebody/​something because they have too much to do or manage; the problems or worry that this produces:
      • I found it a strain looking after four children.我觉得照料四个孩子挺累的。
    • to be under pressure/​stress/​strain
    • considerable pressure/​stress/​tension/​strain
    • to cause stress/​tension/​strain
    • to cope with the pressure/​stress/​tension/​strain
    • to relieve/​release the pressure/​stress/​tension/​strain
    • to be suffering from stress/​tension
    see also post-traumatic stress disorder
    Extra Examples
    • An overcrowded workplace can be a major source of stress.拥挤的工作空间可能是压力的一个主要来源。
    • He broke under stress and had to leave.他不堪重压,不得不离开。
    • He's been under a lot of stress lately.他最近压力很大。
    • He's had to give up his job as leader of the project—he just couldn't take the stress.他不得不辞去项目负责人的职位 - 他实在承受不了这种压力。
    • Many workers experience a high level of stress in their daily life.许多工人在日常生活中都承受着极大的压力。
    • Physical exercise is a great stress reliever.体育运动是极好的减压手段。
    • Separation is a time of high emotional stress.分居期间要承受的情感压力极大。
    • Staff are encouraged to go on stress management courses.鼓励员工上压力调节课。
    • The high mortgage payments put them under severe financial stress.高额的按揭贷款给他们带来极大的经济压力。
    • The program helps workers with work-related and family stress.该项目为有工作和家庭压力的工人提供帮助。
    • There are many things an employer can do to ease employees' stress.雇主可以用多种方法缓解员工的压力。
    • Tiredness is one of the most common symptoms of stress.疲劳感是压力的最常见症状之一。
    • an illness brought on by stress压力引发的疾病
    • compensation claims for undue stress in the workplace因工作压力过大而提出的赔偿要求
    • high stress levels高强度的压力
    • the daily stress of teaching教学的日常压力
    Topics Feelingsa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • considerable
    • extreme
    • great
    … of stress
    • level
    verb + stress
    • cause
    • create
    • avoid
    stress + verb
    • bring something about
    • bring something on
    • cause something
    stress + noun
    • level
    • control
    • management
    • under stress
    • a source of stress
    • a symptom of stress
    See full entry
  2. physical pressure物理压力

  3. [uncountable, countable] physical pressure put on something that can damage it or make it lose its shape压力;应力
    • stress on something When you have an injury you start putting stress on other parts of your body.一旦受伤,你便会让身体其他部位受力。
    • Little is known about the effects of water stress on plants.人们对水分胁迫对植物的影响知之甚少。
    • The building was condemned because of the damage caused by excessive heat stress. 这座建筑因过热造成的损坏而遭到谴责。
    • Different organisms react differently to environmental stress (= damage to the environment caused by human activity or natural events).不同生物对环境刺激有不同的反应。
    • a stress fracture of the foot (= one caused by such pressure)足部应力性骨折
    Extra Examples
    • Avoid exercise that puts undue stress on the knees.不要做给膝盖造成过度压力的运动。
    • Cycling puts very little stress on the joints.骑车时关节受力很小。
    • Engineers calculated the stresses borne by each of the bridge supports.工程师计算出桥的每根支柱所承受的压力。
    • He was diagnosed with a stress fracture in his right foot.他被诊断为右脚应力骨折。
    • Some woods warp under stress.有些木材受力后会弯曲。
    • Standing all day puts stress on your feet.整天站着会使双脚承受压力。
    • Stress is applied to the wood to make it bend.给木材施力使之弯曲。
    • The buttresses are subjected to constant stress.这些扶壁承受着恒定的压力。
    • The majority of sports injuries are due to excessive mechanical stress on joints, ligaments and muscles.多数运动损伤都是因关节、韧带和肌肉承受过度机械应力造成的。
    • The movements set up stresses in the earth's crust.这些运动给地壳造成了巨大压力。
    • The tower exerts an enormous stress on the walls.塔楼对墙造成巨大压力。
    • There is equal stress on all parts of the structure.结构的各部份受力均等。
    Topics Physics and chemistryb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • enormous
    • high
    • low
    verb + stress
    • exert
    • set up
    • apply
    stress + noun
    • fracture
    • stress on
    • under stress
    See full entry
  4. on word/syllable单词;音节

  5. [uncountable, countable] (phonetics语音学) an extra force used when pronouncing a particular word or syllable重音;重读
    • We worked on pronunciation, stress and intonation.我们学习了语音、重读和语调。
    • stress on something There's a stress on the second syllable.第二个音节重读。
    • In ‘strategic’ the stress falls on the second syllablestrategic 一词的重音在第二音节。
    compare intonation see also primary stress, secondary stress
    Extra Examples
    • Where does the stress fall in ‘psychological’?psychological 一词的重音落在哪儿?
    • The first syllable takes the stress.第一个音节要重读。
    • Mark the primary stress in each word.标出每个单词的主重音。
    • Italian words usually have the main stress on the penultimate syllable in the word.意大利语单词的主重音通常在倒数第二个音节上。
    Topics Languagea2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • main
    • major
    • primary
    verb + stress
    • carry
    • have
    • take
    stress + verb
    • fall
    • go
    stress + noun
    • pattern
    • stress on
    See full entry
  6. emphasis强调

  7. [uncountable] stress (on something) special importance given to something强调;重要性
    • She lays great stress on punctuality.她十分注重守时。
    • I think the company places too much stress on cost and not enough on quality.我认为公司对成本强调有余,而对质量重视不足。
    Extra Examples
    • There's been a lot of stress on getting drug sellers off the streets.清除街上的毒品贩子是一项一直受到强调的任务。
    • a study of child development, with the stress on acquisition of social skills一项以社交技能习得为重点的儿童成长研究
    • I must lay great stress on the need for secrecy.我必须突出强调保密的重要性。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • enormous
    • great
    • particular
    verb + stress
    • lay
    • place
    • put
    • with the stress on
    • stress on
    See full entry
  8. in music音乐

  9. [uncountable, countable] extra force used when making a particular sound in music加强(音)
  10. illness疾病

  11. [uncountable] illness caused by difficult physical conditions环境恶劣引起的疾病
    • Those most vulnerable to heat stress are the elderly.上了年纪的人最容易因受热而生病。
  12. Word OriginMiddle English (denoting hardship or force exerted on a person for the purpose of compulsion): shortening of distress, or partly from Old French estresse ‘narrowness, oppression’, based on Latin strictus ‘drawn tight’, past participle of stringere ‘tighten, draw tight’.


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they stress
he / she / it stresses
past simple stressed
past participle stressed
-ing form stressing
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  1. [transitive] stress something to give extra force to a word or syllable when saying it重读;用重音读
    • You stress the first syllable in ‘happiness’.happiness 一词重读第一个音节。
    • They might (and I stress the word 'might') do the right thing the next time. 他们下次可能会(我强调“可能”这个词)做正确的事情。
    Synonyms stressstressemphasizeThese words both mean to give extra force to a syllable, word or phrase when you are saying it.
    • stress to give extra force to a word or syllable when saying it:
      • You stress the first syllable in ‘happiness’.happiness 一词重读第一个音节。
    • emphasize to give extra force to a word or phrase when saying it, especially to show that it is important:
      • ‘Let nothing … nothing,’ he emphasized the word, ‘tempt you.’他强调说:“要抵制一切…一切的诱惑。”
    Topics Languagea2
  2. emphasize强调

  3. [transitive] to emphasize a fact, an idea, etc.强调;着重
    • stress something He stressed the importance of a good education.他强调了良好教育的重要性。
    • She stressed the need for cooperation with the authorities.她强调了同当局合作的必要性。
    • She is at pains to stress the cultural differences between the two countries.她极力强调两国之间的文化差异。
    • stress that… I must stress that everything I've told you is strictly confidential.我必须强调,我告诉你的一切都要严加保密。
    • I can't stress enough that security is of the highest importance.需要再三强调的是,安全是重中之重。
    • + speech ‘There is,’ Johnson stressed, ‘no real alternative.’约翰逊强调说:“别无真正能够替代的办法。”
    • it is stressed that… It must be stressed that this disease is very rare.必须着重指出,这种病非常罕见。
    • stress how, what, etc. I cannot stress too much how important this is.这事的重要性我怎么强调都不过分。
    Extra Examples
    • Doctors have rightly stressed the importance of exercise.医生恰当地强调了锻炼的重要性。
    • He stressed the point very strongly that all these services cost money.他着重强调所有这些服务都是要花钱的。
    • I must stress that we still know very little about this disease.我必须强调一点,对这种疾病我们仍然所知甚少。
    • It is worth stressing that this was only a relatively small survey.应该强调的是,这只是一项规模相对较小的调查。
    • Private schools tend to stress the more academic subjects.私立学校往往注重学术性较强的科目。
    • She has constantly stressed the government's poor record in this area.她不断地强调政府在这方面的不良记录。
    • I want to stress how important this work is.我要强调的是这项任务很重要。
    • Observers stressed the necessity for the ceasefire to be observed.观察员强调必须遵守停火协议。
    • He was keen to stress the importance of physical exercise. 他热衷于强调体育锻炼的重要性。
    • Health officials have repeatedly stressed that the virus appears to be relatively mild.卫生官员一再强调,这种病毒似乎相对温和。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • heavily
    • strongly
    • constantly
    verb + stress
    • must
    • tend to
    • be anxious to
    • I can’t stress enough
    • it can’t be stressed enough
    • be important to stress something
    See full entry
  4. worry担忧

  5. [intransitive, transitive] to become or make somebody become too anxious or tired to be able to relax(使)焦虑不安,疲惫不堪
    • I just need to get some sleep and stop stressing.我只需要睡一会儿,别再紧张了。
    • stress out I try not to stress out when things go wrong.出问题时,我尽量不紧张。
    • stress somebody (out) Driving in cities really stresses me (out).在城市里开车让我真的很紧张。
    Topics Feelingsb2
  6. Word OriginMiddle English (denoting hardship or force exerted on a person for the purpose of compulsion): shortening of distress, or partly from Old French estresse ‘narrowness, oppression’, based on Latin strictus ‘drawn tight’, past participle of stringere ‘tighten, draw tight’.


1state of tension緊張狀態ADJECTIVE | ... OF STRESS | VERB + STRESS | STRESS + VERB | STRESS + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable, extreme, great, high, incredible, intense, severe極大的壓力;巨大的壓力;難以置信的壓力Separation is a time of high emotional stress.分居期間要承受的情感壓力極大。acute, chronic嚴重的/長期的壓力excessive, undue過多的/過度的壓力compensation claims for undue stress in the workplace因工作壓力過大而提出的賠償要求added, greater, heightened, increased增加的壓力;更大的壓力low低壓力daily日常壓力the daily stress of teaching教學的日常壓力emotional, mental, psychological, social情感/精神/心理/社會壓力post-traumatic創傷後壓力症He has suffered post-traumatic stress since the crash.撞車事故後,他得了創傷後壓力症。treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder創傷後應激障礙的治療occupational, work-related職業/工作壓力family (especially NAmE) 家庭壓力The program helps workers with work-related and family stress.該項目為有工作和家庭壓力的工人提供幫助。environmental環境刺激Different organisms react differently to environmental stress.不同生物對環境刺激有不同的反應。economic, financial經濟/財務壓力The high mortgage payments put them under severe financial stress.高額的按揭貸款給他們帶來極大的經濟壓力。... OF STRESSlevel壓力水平Many workers experience a high level of stress in their daily life.許多工人在日常生活中都承受着極大的壓力。VERB + STRESScause, create導致/造成壓力A divorce causes children great emotional stress.離婚會給孩子造成巨大的情感壓力。avoid, remove避免/消除壓力add to, increase增加壓力alleviate, decrease, ease, lessen, minimize, reduce, relieve緩解壓力;減少壓力;舒緩壓力;降低壓力;使壓力降到最低;減輕壓力There are many things an employer can do to ease employees' stress.雇主可以用多種方法緩解員工的壓力。be under, endure, experience, have, suffer, suffer from, undergo處於壓力之下;承受壓力;經受壓力;有壓力He's been under a lot of stress lately.他最近壓力很大。cope with, handle, manage, stand, take應對壓力;調節壓力;承受壓力He's had to give up his job as leader of the project-he just couldn't take the stress.他不得不辭去項目負責人的職位 - 他實在承受不了這種壓力。STRESS + VERBbring sth about, bring sth on, cause sth, trigger sth壓力導致⋯/引發⋯/引起⋯/觸發⋯an illness brought on by stress壓力引發的疾病STRESS + NOUNlevel壓力水平high stress levels高強度的壓力control, management壓力控制/管理Staff are encouraged to go on stress-management courses.我們鼓勵員工上壓力管理課。response應激反應The release of the stress hormone cortisol is part of the human stress response.釋放壓力荷爾蒙皮質醇是人類的一種應激反應。hormone壓力荷爾蒙reduction, relief壓力減少/減輕buster (informal) , reliever (both especially NAmE) 壓力克星;減壓手段
Physical exercise is a great stress reliever.體育運動是極好的減壓手段。PREPOSITIONunder stress在壓力之下He broke under stress and had to leave.他不堪重壓,不得不離開。PHRASESa source of stress壓力來源An overcrowded workplace can be a major source of stress.擁擠的工作空間可能是壓力的一個主要來源。a symptom of stress壓力症狀Tiredness is one of the most common symptoms of stress.疲勞感是壓力的最常見症狀之一。


2emphasis that shows importance強調ADJECTIVE | VERB + STRESS | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEenormous, great極度/突出強調particular, special格外/特別強調equal同樣強調undue過分的強調VERB + STRESSlay, place, put重視;強調I must lay great stress on the need for secrecy.我必須突出強調保密的重要性。PREPOSITIONwith the stress on以⋯為重點a study of child development, with the stress on acquisition of social skills一項以社交技能習得為重點的兒童成長研究stress on對⋯的強調There's been a lot of stress on getting drug sellers off the streets.清除街上的毒品販子是一項一直受到強調的任務。


3emphasis on a word, syllable, etc.重音;重讀ADJECTIVE | VERB + STRESS | STRESS + VERB | STRESS + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEmain, major, primary, strong主重音;第一重音secondary, weak次重音sentence, word句子/單詞重音VERB + STRESScarry, have, take帶有重音Italian words usually have the main stress on the penultimate syllable in the word.意大利語單詞的主重音通常在倒數第二個音節上。The first syllable takes the stress.第一個音節要重讀。place, put重讀mark標出重音Mark the primary stress in each word.標出每個單詞的主重音。STRESS + VERBfall, go重音落在;重音在Where does the stress fall in 'psychological'?單詞 psychological 的重音落在哪兒?STRESS + NOUNpattern重音模式PREPOSITIONstress on在⋯上的重音There's a stress on the second syllable.第二個音節重讀。


4physical force物理壓力ADJECTIVE | VERB + STRESS | STRESS + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEenormous, high巨大的壓力low低壓力constant恆定壓力equal相同的壓力There is equal stress on all parts of the structure.結構的各部份受力均等。undue過度壓力Avoid exercise that puts undue stress on the knees.不要做給膝蓋造成過度壓力的運動。mechanical機械應力The majority of sports injuries are due to excessive mechanical stress on joints, ligaments and muscles.多數運動損傷都是因關節、韌帶和肌肉承受過度機械應力造成的。VERB + STRESSexert, set up施加/形成壓力The tower exerts an enormous stress on the walls.塔樓對牆造成巨大壓力。The movements set up stresses in the earth's crust.這些運動給地殼造成了巨大壓力。apply, put, subject sth to用力;使⋯受力Stress is applied to the wood to make it bend.給木材施力使之彎曲。Standing all day puts stress on your feet.整天站着會使雙腳承受壓力。The buttresses are subjected to constant stress.這些扶壁承受着恆定的壓力。bear, take, withstand經受/遭受/承受壓力increase, reduce增加/減少壓力transfer, transmit轉移/傳遞壓力calculate計算壓力Engineers calculated the stresses borne by each of the bridge supports.工程師計算了每座橋墩所承受的壓力。STRESS + NOUNfracture應力骨折He was diagnosed with a stress fracture in his right foot.他被診斷為右腳應力骨折。PREPOSITIONstress on⋯上的壓力Cycling puts very little stress on the joints.騎車時關節受力很小。under stress在壓力之下Some woods warp under stress.有些木材受力後會彎曲。


ADVERB | VERB + STRESS | PHRASES ADVERBheavily, strongly着重強調He stressed the point very strongly that all these services cost money.他着重強調所有這些服務都是要花錢的。constantly, continually, repeatedly不斷地/不停地/反複地強調She has constantly stressed the government's poor record in this area.她不斷地強調政府在這方面的不良記錄。rightly恰當地強調Doctors have rightly stressed the importance of exercise.醫生恰當地強調了鍛煉的重要性。VERB + STRESSmust必須強調I must stress that we still know very little about this disease.我必須強調一點,對這種疾病我們仍然所知甚少。tend to傾向於強調Private schools tend to stress the more academic subjects.私立學校往往注重學術性較強的科目。be anxious to, be at pains to, be careful to, be keen to, take pains to急於強調;極力強調;小心地強調;急切地強調She is at pains to stress the cultural differences between the two countries.她極力強調兩國之間的文化差異。PHRASESI can't stress enough, it can't be stressed enough再強調都不為過I can't stress enough that security is of the highest importance.需要再三強調的是,安全是重中之重。be important to stress sth, be worth stressing sth有必要/值得強調⋯It is worth stressing that this was only a relatively small survey.應該強調的是,這只是一項規模相對較小的調查。
stress noun
priority (lay great stress on punctuality) weight (put stress on other parts of the body)


 See also the entry for point sth out 另见point sth out条stress ♦︎ emphasize ♦︎ underline ♦︎ underscore ♦︎ weight ♦︎ prioritizeThese words all mean to give particular importance to sb/sth so that people notice them/it. 这些词均表示强调、着重。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to stress / emphasize / underline that / how...to stress / emphasize / underline / underscore the fact that...to stress / emphasize / underline / underscore the importance / extent / necessity of sthto stress / emphasize / underline / underscore / prioritize a needto stress / emphasize / underline / underscore a pointto stress / emphasize / underline the differenceto stress / emphasize / underline an aspect of sthto stress / emphasize a word / syllable / phraseto clearly stress / emphasize / underline / underscore / weight sthto heavily stress / emphasize / weight sthto further stress / emphasize / underline / underscore sthto just stress / emphasize / underline sth stress [transitive] to give particular importance or attention to sth; to say sth in a way that makes people notice it and think about it; to give extra force to a word or syllable when saying it 强调;着重;重读She stressed the importance of a good education.她强调了接受良好教育的重要性。I must stress that everything I've told you is strictly confidential.我必须强调,我告诉你的一切都要严加保密。It must be stressed that this disease is very rare.必须着重指出,这种病非常罕见。I want to stress how important this work is.我要强调的是这项任务很重要。You stress the first syllable in 'happiness'.happiness一词重音在第一个音节。 see also stress priority noun emphasize (BrE emphasise) [transitive] (rather formal) to stress the importance of sth; to give extra force to a word or phrase when saying it, especially to show that it is important 强调;着重;重读;加强⋯的语气The report emphasizes the need for economic stability.这篇报道强调了经济稳定的必要性。It should be emphasized that this is only one possible explanation.应该强调的是,这只是一种可能的解释。He emphasized how little was known about the disease.他强调人们对这种疾病所知甚少。'Let nothing... nothing,' he emphasized the word, 'tempt you.'他强调说:“要抵制一切⋯一切的诱惑。” see also emphasis priority NOTE 辨析 Stress or emphasize?When you are talking about giving particular importance to a fact or issue, you can use either word. Stress is slightly more informal, used more in spoken English and journalism, especially when the subject is human ( I must stress...). Emphasize is slightly more formal, used more in written and academic English, especially when the subject is not human ( The report emphasizes...). When you are talking about giving extra force to a word, use stress when you are talking about normal speech patterns, especially syllable stress. You can use stress or emphasize to talk about giving particular importance to a word. 这两词都可用于强调事实或问题的重要性。stress稍不正式,较多用于口语和新闻语言中,特别是以人作主语的时候,如I must stress ...(我必须强调⋯)。emphasize稍正式些,较多用于书面语及学术语境,特别是以物作主语的时候,如The report emphasizes ...(该报道强调⋯)。表示单词读音的重读,尤其是重读音节要用stress,表示强调某个词语的重要性可用stress或emphasize。 underline ˌʌndəˈlaɪn; NAmE ˌʌndərˈlˌʌn [transitive] (rather formal) to emphasize or show that sth is important or true 强调;突现The report underlines the importance of pre-school education.这份报告强调学前教育的重要性。Her question only underlined how little she understood him.她问的问题只能突现她多么不了解他。A report or statement most often underlines a fact, need or point. A person might underline their determination or commitment to do sth. * underline的主语是report或statement时,宾语多是fact、need或point。underline也可用于某人强调其做某事的determination或commitment。 underscore ˌʌndəˈskɔː(r); NAmE ˌʌndərˈskɔːr [transitive] (especially NAmE, especially business 尤用于商业) to emphasize that sth is important 强调;突现His speech underscored the need for a clear policy.他的演讲强调了明确政策的必要性。NOTE 辨析 Underline or underscore?In British English underline has a wider range of use than underscore, which is only used when sb/sth deliberately emphasizes sth. Something can underline sth if it shows it to be important or true without meaning to; in American English underscore can also be used in this way, but not in British English. 在英式英语中,underline的使用范围比underscore更广泛些,后者仅用于刻意强调某事。underline可用于某事突现某事,表示一件事不是刻意安排而显出另一件事的重要性或准确性。在美式英语中,underscore也可这样用,而在英式英语中则不行Her question only underlined how little she understood him.她问的问题只能突现她多么不了解他。 (NAmE also) Her question only underscored how little she understood him.她问的问题只能突现她多么不了解他。In both British and American English you can also use highlight when you want to draw particular attention to sth. 此外,无论在英式或美式英语中,均可用highlight来表示强调某事。 see also highlight point sth out weight [transitive, usually passive] (technical 术语) to give different values to things to show how important you think each of them is compared with the others 使加权Each of these factors should be weighted according to their relative importance.应根据这些因素的相对重要性对它们进行加权处理。 prioritize (BrE also prioritise) praɪˈɒrətaɪz; NAmE praɪˈɔːrətaɪz, praɪˈɑːrətaɪz [transitive, intransitive] (rather formal) to put tasks or problems in order of importance, so that you can deal with the most important first 按重要性排列;划分优先顺序You should make a list of all the jobs you have to do and prioritize them.你应该把所有必须做的事情都列出来,并按轻重缓急排个顺序。You have to learn to prioritize.你必须学会划分优先顺序。 see also priority priority
Feelings of worry and nervousness: worry, concern, stress...
Difficult situations and experiences: crisis, battle, nightmare...
Importance: importance, emphasis, priority...
Emphasis: emphasis, accent, stress...
Musical sounds: chord, crescendo, discord...
To emphasize what you are saying: emphasize, stress, highlight...
Terms in phonetics: affricate, alveolar, articulator...

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