unable to think clearly, especially because of a shock or because you have been hit on the head (由於震驚或頭部受到撞擊)神志不清的,茫然的 Survivors waited for the rescue boats, dazed and frightened. 生還者不知所措,心有餘悸,等待着救援船只。 Jimmy was still dazed by the blow to his head. 吉米由於頭部被擊,仍然神志不清。
Extra ExamplesThe punch left him dazed and bleeding. 這記重拳打得他眼冒金星,還流了血。 half dazed by shock 因震驚而頭腦有些發昏 She had a dazed look on her face. 她臉上有一種茫然的表情。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs- appear
- be
- feel
- …
- a little
- slightly
- etc.
- …
- by
- dazed and confused