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BNC: 204 COCA: 167


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they help
he / she / it helps
past simple helped
past participle helped
-ing form helping
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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    make easier/better使更容易/更好

  1. [intransitive, transitive] to make it easier or possible for somebody to do something by doing something for them or by giving them something that they need幫助;協助;援助
    • What can I do to help?我能幫什麽忙?
    • I was only trying to help!我不過是想盡量幫幫忙!
    • help with something He always helps with the housework.他總是幫着做家務。
    • help somebody They are trying their best to do a good job and help others.他們盡力做好工作,幫助别人。
    • help somebody with something Jo will help us with some of the organization.喬將幫我們做一部分組織工作。
    • help in doing something Following these steps will help in protecting our environment.遵循這些步驟將有助於保護我們的環境。
    • help somebody (to) do something Come and help me lift this box.來幫我擡這個箱子。
    • This charity aims to help people to help themselves.這個慈善機構的宗旨是幫助人自力更生。
    • The college's aim is to help students achieve their aspirations.大學的目標是幫助學生實現他們的抱負。
    • help (to) do something She helped organize the party.她協助籌備了晚會。
    • Some history may help to explain why this is.一些歷史可能有助於解釋這是爲什麽。
    In verb patterns with a to infinitive, the ‘to’ is often left out, especially in informal or spoken English.
    Express Yourself Asking for helpAsking for help請求幫助If you need help, people are more likely to react favourably if you ask politely:禮貌地求助更有可能讓對方答應幫忙:
      • Could you possibly help me?請問您能幫幫我嗎?
      • I wonder if you could give me a hand?不知道您能否幫我一個忙?
      • Would you mind opening the door for me?請你幫我開開門好嗎?
      • I wonder if you'd mind taking a picture of us?不知道您是否願意給我們拍張照片?
      • Could I ask you to keep an eye on my luggage for a moment?請你幫我照看一下行李好嗎?
      • Yes, of course.行,當然可以。
      • I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry.對不起,我要趕時間。
      • Sure.沒問題。
      (informal or North American English)
    Express Yourself Offering to do somethingOffering to do something主動提出做某事There are various ways of offering and accepting help:表達提供和接受幫助有多種方式:
      • Would you like me to help you with that?你要我來幫你做這件事嗎?
      • Can I give you a hand?要我幫一把嗎?
      • Can I help you with that?要我幫你做這件事嗎?
      • Shall I carry that for you?我來幫你提着它好不好?
      (British English or formal, North American English)
      • Would it help if I spoke to Julie before you call her?你給朱莉打電話之前我先跟她談談是否有幫助?
      • Let me take your bag.我幫你拿包吧。
      • If there's anything I can do (to help), let me know.要是我能幫上什麽忙的話,請告訴我。
      • That's very kind/​nice/​generous/​thoughtful of you. Thank you.你真是太好了/太慷慨了/太周到了。謝謝你。
      • It's all right, thank you. I can manage/​do it.沒事兒,謝謝你。我應付得了。
      • Thanks. That would be very helpful.謝謝,那會非常有用。
    Extra Examples
    • I'm afraid I can't help you.恐怕我幫不了你。
    • My mother helps me a lot.母親給了我很多幫助。
    • Talking to a counsellor helped her enormously.同顧問的交談使她受益匪淺。
    • The minimum wage is designed to help people in low-pay service industries.最低工資制是爲幫助低收入服務行業人員。
    • Can you help me with my homework?你能教我做作業嗎?
    • Many people inadvertently help thieves by leaving keys in full view.很多人把鑰匙放在很顯眼的地方,無形中幫了小偷的忙。
    • He had actively helped many Jews to escape.他積極地幫助了很多猶太人逃走。
    • Lavender oil supposedly helps you sleep.據說熏衣草油有助於睡眠。
    • The exhibition helped her establish herself as an artist.這個展覽奠定了她的藝術地位。
    • Therapy helped her overcome her fear.治療幫助她戰勝了恐懼。
    • We were given clues to help us solve the puzzle.我們得到了有助於解決這個難題的線索。
    • I need contacts that could help in finding a job.我需要能幫我找到工作的社會關系。
    • We must all try and help each other.我們都必須努力互相幫助。
    • Many people are willing to give their own time to help the community. 很多人願意付出自己的時間去幫助社區。
    • The students helped to raise £750 for the national appeal.學生們爲全國募捐籌集了750英鎊。
    • We're helping to create a healthier, better future for everyone.我們正在幫助每個人創造一個更健康、更美好的未來。
    Topics Social issuesa1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • a lot
    • a bit
    • a little
    verb + help
    • be able to
    • can
    • be unable to
    • across
    • into
    • out of
    • help somebody to their feet
    • a way of helping
    See full entry
  2. [intransitive, transitive] to improve a situation; to make it easier for something to happen改善狀況;促進;促使
    • The support of our families has helped enormously.我們家庭的支持幫助很大。
    • it helps (doing something) It helped being able to talk about it.能談談這件事很有好處。
    • it helps that… It certainly helped that her father is a duke!她父親是公爵,事情當然好辦!
    • help towards something The money raised will help towards (= partly pay for) the cost of organizing the championships.籌集的資金將有助於支付組織錦標賽的費用。
    • help something It doesn't really help matters knowing that everyone is talking about us.知道大家都在議論我們也於事無補。
    • help (to) do something This should help to reduce the pain.這個應有助於減輕痛楚。
    • We need new measures to help fight terrorism.我們需要新的措施來幫助打擊恐怖主義。
    Extra Examples
    • His statement hardly helped his case.他的陳述對他的案子幾乎沒有什麽幫助。
    • The music really helps the scene work.音樂確實有助於場景的工作。
    • I thought a walk would help somehow.我認爲散步總能有所幫助。
    • Intense guilt won't necessarily help here.強烈的内疚在這兒未必有幫助。
    • The whole process was greatly helped by the widespread availability of computers.計算機的廣泛使用使整個流程快捷了很多。
    • Correct breathing helps to clear the mind and reduce tension.正確的呼吸有助於清醒頭腦、緩解緊張情緒。
    • The new service helped boost pre-tax profits by 10%.新服務令稅前利潤提高了10%。
    • The study of the present also helps to illuminate the past.研究現在也有助於了解過去。
    • Think of some questions that will help focus the discussion.想出一些問題使討論的主題更突出。
    • Iron helps in the formation of red blood cells.鐵促進血紅細胞的形成。
    • It helps immensely that he has cast good actors.他選了好演員,這很有幫助。
    • efforts to help bridge the gap between those who have access to the internet and those who don't努力幫助彌合那些能上網和不能上網的人之間的差距
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • considerably
    • dramatically
    • enormously
    verb + help
    • be designed to
    • in
    See full entry
  3. somebody to move移動某人

  4. [transitive] help somebody + adv./prep. to help somebody move or do some other action by letting them lean on you, guiding them, etc.攙扶;帶領
    • She helped him to his feet.她扶他站了起來。
    • We were helped ashore by local people.我們被當地人救上岸。
    Extra Examples
    • He gently helped her back into the chair.他輕輕地扶她坐回到椅子上。
    • She helped the old man out of the car.她扶着老大爺下了車。
    • I helped her across the road.我領她過馬路。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • a lot
    • a bit
    • a little
    verb + help
    • be able to
    • can
    • be unable to
    • across
    • into
    • out of
    • help somebody to their feet
    • a way of helping
    See full entry
  5. give food/drink給食物/飲料

  6. [transitive] to give yourself/somebody food, drinks, etc.爲(自己或某人)取用
    • help yourself If you want another drink, just help yourself.你要是想再喝一杯就請自便。
    • help yourself/somebody to something Can I help you to some more salad?再給你來點色拉好嗎?
  7. steal偷竊

  8. [transitive] help yourself to something (informal, disapproving) to take something without permission擅自拿走;竊取 synonym steal
    • He'd been helping himself to the money in the cash register.他一直在偷現金出納機中的錢。
  9. Word OriginOld English helpan (verb), help (noun), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch helpen and German helfen.
somebody cannot help (doing) something | somebody cannot help but do something
  1. used to say that it is impossible to prevent or avoid something某人忍不住(或無法抑制)做某事;不可能避免某事
    • I can't help thinking he knows more than he has told us.我總覺得他沒把他知道的事全告訴我們。
    • He can’t help being ugly.他忍不住醜。
    • She couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.她不禁琢磨着他在想些什麽。
    • It couldn't be helped (= there was no way of avoiding it and we must accept it).這是不可避免的。
    • He never does more work than he can help (= he does as little as possible).他工作能少做就盡量少做。
    • I always end up having an argument with her, I don't know why, I just can't help it.我總是和她意見不合,鬧得不歡而散,我不知道爲什麽,我就是忍不住。
    • I couldn't help it if the bus was late (= it wasn't my fault).公共汽車晚點了,我沒辦法。
    • She burst out laughing—she couldn't help herself (= couldn't stop herself).她突然大笑起來,不能自已。
    • She won’t be invited again, not if I can help it (= if I can do anything to prevent it).她不會再被邀請了,除非我能幫忙。
give/lend a helping hand
  1. to help somebody幫助;伸出援助之手
God/Heaven help somebody
  1. (informal) used to say that you are afraid somebody will be in danger or that something bad will happen to them(表示擔心某人將有危險或有難)
    • God help us if this doesn't work.如果這個行不通,那就要靠上帝了。
    Some people find this use of God offensive.Topics Dangerc2
so help me (God)
  1. used to swear that what you are saying is true, especially in a court of law我發誓,上帝作證(尤用於法庭)


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    making easier/better使較容易/較好

  1. [uncountable] the act of helping somebody to do something幫助;協助;援助
    • Thank you for all your help.感謝你的一切幫助。
    • to ask/call/appeal for help請求/打電話/求助
    • The offer of help came too late.提供幫助來得太晚了。
    • help with something Do you need any help with that?這事你需要幫忙嗎?
    • of help (to somebody) Can I be of any help to you?我能幫你什麽忙嗎?
    • with help from somebody/something With help from a parent, a child can do simple cooking.在家長的幫助下,孩子可以做一些簡單的飯菜。
    • with the help of somebody/something She recovered with the help of her family and friends.在家人和朋友的幫助下,她康複了。
    • He attended university with the help of a scholarship.他在獎學金的幫助下上了大學。
    • without the help of somebody/something None of this would have been possible without their help.如果沒有他們的協助,這事沒有一樣能辦成。
    • They have at last decided to enlist the help of experts.他們最終決定尋求專家的幫助。
    • They can usually manage by themselves, but occasionally need outside help.他們一般能夠自己應付,偶爾也需要外援。
    see also self-help
    Extra Examples
    • He enlisted the help of a private detective in his search for the truth.他在調查真相的過程中尋求一名私人偵探的幫助。
    • He rudely rejected her kind offer of help.他粗魯地拒絕了她好心提出的幫助。
    • He'll need help with this homework.他做這種家庭作業需要人幫忙。
    • He's too proud to accept help.他心高氣傲,不願接受他人的幫助。
    • I really appreciate your help.我真的很感謝你的幫助。
    • Police are appealing for help in catching the killers.警方呼籲協助捉拿兇手。
    • The homeless centre relies entirely on voluntary help.這所流浪者收容中心完全依靠志願者的援助。
    • The system is based on mutual help rather than on payment for services.這一體制的基礎是互助而非有償服務。
    • They had substantial help from farmers.他們得到了農民們的大量幫助。
    • With a little help, I think I could fix the computer myself.我想如果有人稍微幫我一把,我自己能把電腦修好。
    • The college will no longer have to close, thanks to the help of private investment.由於私人投資的幫助,這所大學將不再需要關閉。
    Topics Social issuesa1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • considerable
    • enormous
    verb + help
    • get
    • have
    • receive
    help + verb
    • arrive
    • come
    • be at hand
    help + noun
    • desk
    • line
    • menu
    • beyond help
    • of help
    • with help
    • an appeal, a plea, a request, etc. for help
    • a cry for help
    • in need of help
    See full entry
  2. for somebody in danger對處於危險中的人

  3. [uncountable] the act of helping somebody who is in danger救助
    • Quick, get help!快,找人援救!
    • She screamed for help.她高聲喊救命。
    • His suicide attempt was really a cry for help.他的自殺企圖實際上是在呼救。
    Extra Examples
    • Don't panic—help is at hand.别慌,救援人員馬上就到。
    • He lay injured for four hours before help arrived.他受傷 4 個小時後才得到救治。
    • He ran to get help.他跑去求援。
    • I heard a cry for help from inside the building.我聽到樓裏傳出一聲呼救。
    • I opened the window and called for help.我打開窗戶,大聲呼救。
    Topics Dangera1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • considerable
    • enormous
    verb + help
    • get
    • have
    • receive
    help + verb
    • arrive
    • come
    • be at hand
    help + noun
    • desk
    • line
    • menu
    • beyond help
    • of help
    • with help
    • an appeal, a plea, a request, etc. for help
    • a cry for help
    • in need of help
    See full entry
  4. advice/money忠告;錢

  5. [uncountable] advice, money, etc. that is given to somebody in order to solve their problems有助益的東西(如忠告、錢等)
    • professional/medical/financial help專業/醫療/經濟幫助
    • I decided to seek legal help.我決定尋求法律援助。
    • help in doing something The organization offers practical help in dealing with paperwork.這個機構提供文件處理方面的實際幫助。
    • help with something You should qualify for help with the costs of running a car.你應該符合條件獲取養車補助。
    • help for somebody The charity provides emergency help for refugees.慈善機構爲難民提供緊急幫助。
    • help from somebody Get help from someone who understands the legal side.向了解法律方面的人尋求幫助。
    Extra Examples
    • The training centre provides special help for the long-term unemployed.培訓中心爲長期失業者提供特别幫助
    • Your advice was a great help to me.你的建議對我很有幫助。
    • Is there any extra help for disabled students?對殘疾學生提供額外幫助嗎?
    • Local teachers provided invaluable help in developing the material.當地教師在材料編寫中提供了可貴的幫助。
    • Some of the injured animals were beyond help and had to be destroyed.有些受傷的動物已經無法醫治,不得不將其殺死。
    • Teachers have little time to give individual help to students.老師沒有時間給每一個學生作個别輔導。
    • The careers officer gives direct help as well as advice.就業顧問不但提供建議,還提供直接的幫助。
    • The family's request for help went unanswered.這個家庭發出的求助沒有回應。
    • The man was clearly in need of urgent medical help.那人顯然急需醫治。
    • This is the first scheme to offer real help to working mothers.這是第一個向職業母親提供實質性幫助的計劃。
    Topics Suggestions and advicea2, Social issuesa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • considerable
    • enormous
    verb + help
    • get
    • have
    • receive
    help + verb
    • arrive
    • come
    • be at hand
    help + noun
    • desk
    • line
    • menu
    • beyond help
    • of help
    • with help
    • an appeal, a plea, a request, etc. for help
    • a cry for help
    • in need of help
    See full entry
  6. on a computer/phone, etc.

  7. [uncountable] a function on a computer, phone, etc. that provides information on how to use the computer, phone, etc.有助益的東西(如忠告、錢等)
    • The online help is very good.在線幫助非常好。
    • a help file/page/menu/screen 幫助文件/頁面/菜單/屏幕
  8. being useful有用

  9. [uncountable] the fact of being useful有用
    • The map wasn't much help.這張地圖沒多大用處。
    • Was the information I gave you any help?我給你的信息有幫助嗎?
    • Just shouting at him isn't going to be a lot of help.光是對他大喊大叫不會有多大用處。
    • with the help of something I managed to understand it with the help of a dictionary.借助字典,我設法理解了它。
    • of help (to somebody) The course they sent me on was of no help whatsoever!他們送我上的課程一點幫助都沒有!
    Extra Examples
    • We broke open the lock with the help of a hammer.我們用錘子把鎖砸開了。
    • With the help of a ladder, neighbours were able to rescue the children from the blaze.鄰居們借助一把梯子把孩子們從大火中救了出來。
    • The manual is too technical to be of help to the inexperienced user.這本手冊太專業,對沒有經驗的用戶沒什麽用處
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • considerable
    • enormous
    verb + help
    • get
    • have
    • receive
    help + verb
    • arrive
    • come
    • be at hand
    help + noun
    • desk
    • line
    • menu
    • beyond help
    • of help
    • with help
    • an appeal, a plea, a request, etc. for help
    • a cry for help
    • in need of help
    See full entry
  10. person/thing人;事物

  11. [singular] a person or thing that helps somebody有幫助的人(或事物)
    • She was more of a hindrance than a help.她非但沒幫上忙,反而礙事。
    • It's a great help having you around.有你在真是幫了大忙。
    • Your advice was a big help.你的建議很有幫助。
    • a help to somebody She's been a big help to her father.她一直是父親的好幫手。
    • (ironic) You're a great help, I must say!我得說,你可沒少幫忙!
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • considerable
    • enormous
    verb + help
    • get
    • have
    • receive
    help + verb
    • arrive
    • come
    • be at hand
    help + noun
    • desk
    • line
    • menu
    • beyond help
    • of help
    • with help
    • an appeal, a plea, a request, etc. for help
    • a cry for help
    • in need of help
    See full entry
  12. in house住宅

  13. the help
    [uncountable + singular or plural verb] (especially North American English) the person or people employed by somebody to clean their house, etc.仆人 see also home help
  14. Word OriginOld English helpan (verb), help (noun), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch helpen and German helfen.
there is no help for it
  1. (especially British English) it is not possible to avoid doing something that may harm somebody in some way沒辦法;别無選擇
    • There's no help for it. We shall have to call the police.沒法子了。我們只得叫警察了。


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  1. used to call for help because you are in a dangerous situation(表示擔心某人將有危險或有難)
    • Help, I'm stuck!救命,我被卡住了!
    Word OriginOld English helpan (verb), help (noun), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch helpen and German helfen.
BNC: 204 COCA: 167


ADJECTIVE | VERB + HELP | HELP + VERB | HELP + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, considerable, enormous, great, huge, immense, invaluable, real, substantial, tremendous, valuable巨大的幫助;實質性的幫助;寶貴的幫助You've been a big help-thanks.你給了我很大的幫助 - 非常感謝。It's a great help having you around.有你在真是幫了大忙。This plan offers real help to working mothers.這個計劃為職場母親們提供了實質性的幫助。generous慷慨的援助much-needed非常需要的幫助direct直接的幫助The careers officer gives direct help as well as advice.就業顧問不但提供建議,還提供直接的幫助。additional, extra附加的/額外的幫助Is there any extra help for disabled students?對殘疾學生提供額外幫助嗎?mutual互相幫助The system is based on mutual help rather than on payment for services.這一體制的基礎是互助而非有償服務。voluntary, volunteer自願提供的幫助The homeless shelter relies entirely on volunteer help.這個流浪者收容所完全依靠志願者的援助。federal, international聯邦政府的幫助;國際援助immediate即時的幫助emergency緊急援助The organization provides emergency help for refugees.這個組織為難民提供緊急援助。online在線幫助The software comes with excellent online help.這款軟件提供出色的在線幫助。individual個別的幫助Teachers have little time to give individual help to students.老師沒有時間給每一個學生作個別輔導。expert, skilled, specialist, technical專家幫助;技術援助practical實用的援助outside外援They can usually manage by themselves, but occasionally need outside help.他們一般能夠自己應付,偶爾也需要外援。domestic, household, kitchen傭人;家政服務;廚工financial, legal, medical, professional, psychiatric財政/法律/醫療/專業/精神病治療援助When the symptoms persisted, I decided to seek medical help.病徵一直沒有消失,我決定去看醫生。Injured dancers should always seek professional help.受傷的舞蹈演員總是應當尋求專業援助。VERB + HELPget, have, receive得到/受到/接受幫助They had substantial help from farmers.他們得到了農民們的大量幫助。appeal for, ask for, beg for, call for, request, scream for, seek, send for, shout for, solicit (especially NAmE) 呼籲幫助;請求幫助;懇求幫助;要求幫助;需要幫助;高聲呼救;尋求幫助;請人來幫助;大聲呼救;乞求幫助Police are appealing for help in catching the killers.警方呼籲協助捉拿兇手。I opened the window and called for help.我打開窗戶,大聲呼救。bring, enlist, fetch, find, get, obtain, recruit, summon帶來幫助;尋求幫助;獲得幫助He enlisted the help of a private detective in his search for the truth.他在調查真相的過程中尋求一名私人偵探的幫助。He ran to get help.他跑去求援。could use (NAmE) , need, require, want需要幫助Do you need any help unloading the car?你卸車需要幫忙嗎?accept接受援助He's too proud to accept help.他心高氣傲,不願接受他人的幫助。refuse拒絕幫助come to, give sb, offer (sb), provide (sb with)前往幫忙;給予某人幫助;(向某人)提供幫助Passers-by came to the woman's help when she was mugged.那名婦人遭到搶劫,路人紛紛上前搭救。appreciate, welcome感謝/歡迎幫助I really appreciate your help.我真的很感謝你的幫助。acknowledge答謝幫助HELP + VERBarrive, come幫助到來He lay injured for four hours before help arrived.他受傷 4 個小時後才得到救治。be at hand (informal) 很快會得到幫助Don't panic-help is at hand.別慌,救援人員馬上就到。HELP + NOUNdesk, line (usually helpdesk, helpline) 服務台;服務熱線For further information, call our helpline.如需更多信息,請撥打我們的服務熱線。menu幫助菜單The program has a help menu.這個程序有一個幫助菜單。PREPOSITIONbeyond help無可救藥Some of the injured animals were beyond help and had to be destroyed.有些受傷的動物已經無法醫治,不得不將其殺死。of help有幫助The manual is too technical to be of help to the user.這本手冊太專業,對用戶沒什麼用處。with help在幫助下With a little help, I think I could fix the computer myself.我想如果有人稍微幫我一把,我自己能把電腦修好。We broke open the lock with the help of a hammer.我們用錘子把鎖砸開了。help for為⋯提供的幫助They provide special help for the long-term unemployed.他們為長期失業者提供特別幫助。help from來自⋯的幫助With help from a parent, a child can do simple cooking.在家長的幫助下,孩子可以做一些簡單的飯菜。help in⋯方面的幫助Local teachers provided invaluable help in developing the material.當地教師在材料編寫中提供了可貴的幫助。help to對⋯的幫助She's been a big help to her father.她一直是父親的好幫手。help with幫助做⋯He'll need help with this homework.他做這種家庭作業需要人幫忙。PHRASESan appeal, a plea, a request, etc. for help求助呼籲/懇求/請求等The family's request for help went unanswered.這個家庭發出的求助沒有回應。a cry for help呼救I heard a cry for help from inside the building.我聽到樓裏傳出一聲呼救。in need of help需要幫助The man was clearly in need of urgent medical help.那人顯然急需醫治。an offer of help提出幫助He rudely rejected her kind offer of help.他粗魯地拒絕了她好心提出的幫助。


1do sth for sb幫忙ADVERB | VERB + HELP | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBa lot極大地幫助My mother helps me a lot.母親給了我很多幫助。a bit, a little略有幫助gently溫柔地幫助He gently helped her back into the chair.他輕輕地扶她坐回到椅子上。actively積極地幫助He had actively helped many Jews to escape.他積極地幫助了很多猶太人逃走。VERB + HELPbe able to, can能幫助;可以幫助Can you help me with my homework?你能教我做作業嗎?be unable to, cannot無法/不能幫助I'm afraid I can't help you.恐怕我幫不了你。try to設法幫助I was only trying to help.我只是設法幫忙而已。PREPOSITIONacross幫助穿過I helped her across the road.我領她過馬路。into幫忙進去out of幫忙離開She helped the old man out of the car.她扶着老大爺下了車。with幫着做⋯We all help with the housework.我們全都幫忙做家務。PHRASEShelp sb to their feet幫助某人站起來Mike helped the old lady to her feet.邁克扶着那位老婦人站起來。a way of helping幫助的方法the best way of helping your child幫助子女的最佳方法


2make sth easier/better有幫助ADVERB | VERB + HELP | PREPOSITION ADVERBconsiderably, dramatically, enormously, greatly, immeasurably, a lot, really, significantly, tremendously有很大幫助Talking to a counsellor / counselor helped her enormously.同顧問的交談使她受益匪淺。The whole process was greatly helped by the widespread availability of computers.計算機的廣泛使用使整個流程快捷了很多。a bit, a little略有幫助certainly, definitely, undoubtedly確實有益It certainly helped that her father is a millionaire!她父親是個百萬富翁,那當然有幫助!surely的確有益supposedly據說能幫助Lavender oil supposedly helps you sleep.據說薰衣草油有助於睡眠。hardly幾乎不能幫助His statement hardly helped his case.他的陳述對他的案子幾乎沒有什麼幫助。not necessarily不一定能幫助Intense guilt won't necessarily help here.強烈的內疚在這兒未必有幫助。in some way, somehow在某種程度上有幫助;總有點兒幫助I thought a walk would help somehow.我認為散步總能有所幫助。financially財政上幫助directly直接幫助generally通常有幫助inadvertently, unwittingly無意中/不經意地幫助Many people inadvertently help thieves by leaving keys in full view.很多人把鑰匙放在很顯眼的地方,無形中幫了小偷的忙。VERB + HELPbe designed to旨在幫助The minimum wage is designed to help people in low-pay service industries.最低工資制是為幫助低收入服務行業人員。PREPOSITIONin有助於Iron helps in the formation of red blood cells.鐵有助於促進紅細胞的形成。
BNC: 204 COCA: 167
help verb
help1 (I was only trying to help.) help2 (help reduce the pain)
help noun
help (Run and get help.) aid (seek legal help) good thing (a great help)


help ♦︎ assistance ♦︎ support ♦︎ aid ♦︎ service ♦︎ cooperation ♦︎ backupThese are all words for the act of helping sb. 這些詞均表示幫助、援助。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配help / assistance / support / cooperation in doing sthwithout help / assistance / support / aid / sb's services / cooperation / backupwith the help / assistance / support / aid / services / cooperation of sb / sthvaluable help / assistance / support / servicesmutual help / assistance / support / aid / cooperationto get help / assistance / support / aid / sb's services / cooperation / backupto have help / assistance / support / sb's services / cooperation / backupto call for help / assistance / support / aid / backupto offer help / assistance / support / your services / cooperationto need help / assistance / support / sb's services / sb's cooperationto come to sb's help / assistance / support / aidto enlist sb's help / assistance / support / aid help [uncountable] the act of helping sb to do sth or of giving them sth they need; the fact of being useful 幫助;援助;助益None of this would have been possible without her help.沒有她幫忙,這事沒有一樣能辦成。The passengers were screaming for help.乘客們在高聲喊救命。Quick, run and get help!快去找人援救!The place was difficult to find and the map wasn't much help.那地方很難找,地圖也沒多大用處。 see also helpful valuable 2 assistance [uncountable] (formal) help 幫助;援助;助益technical / economic / military assistance技術/經濟/軍事援助financial assistance for people on low incomes給低收入者的經濟援助The other passengers went to her assistance.其他乘客過來幫她。Good afternoon Sir, can I be of any assistance?先生,午安,我能幫什麽忙嗎? support [uncountable] sympathy and help that you give to sb who is in an unhappy or difficult situation 幫助;救助;援助We'll need to give her lots of support when she comes out of hospital.她出院時,我們要多幫幫她。He needed constant emotional support.他時常需要安慰。Friends came to the lecture to give me moral support (= encouragement).朋友們來聽演講,給我精神上的鼓勵。 supportive


My sister was very supportive when my baby was ill.寶寶生病時,姐姐給了我很大幫助。a supportive family支持自己的家人
aid [uncountable] (formal) help that you need to perform a particular task; help that is given to sb in a difficult or dangerous situation (完成某工作所需的)幫助;援助;救助The job would be impossible without the aid of a computer.這項工作沒有計算機做不了。Two other swimmers came to his aid.另外兩個遊泳的人過來幫他。 service [countable, usually plural] (rather formal) the particular skills or help that a person is able to offer (提供技能或幫助的)服務I think you are going to need the services of a good lawyer.我覺得你需要找一位好律師來幫你。I offered my services as a babysitter for the evening.我主動提出晚上幫忙看孩子。 cooperation (BrE also co-operation) kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn; NAmE koʊˌɑːpəˈreɪʃn [uncountable] (rather formal) willingness to help and do what sb asks you to do 協助;配合We would be grateful for your cooperation in leaving as quietly as possible.你們若能配合,盡可能安靜地離開,我們將不勝感激。 backup ˈbækʌp [uncountable, countable] extra help or support that you can get if you need it 增援;後援The police called for backup from the army.警方請求軍方的增援。We can use him as a backup if one of the team can't play.如果有參賽隊員不能上場,我們可以用他作替補。The hospital has a backup power supply.這家醫院有備用電源。


I was only trying to help. 我只是想幫忙。This should help reduce the pain. 這個應有助於緩解疼痛。help ♦︎ assist ♦︎ support ♦︎ cooperate ♦︎ help (sb) out ♦︎ aid ♦︎ aid and abet ♦︎ lend (sb) a hand ♦︎ be of serviceThese words all mean to make it easier or possible for sb to do sth by doing sth for them or by giving them sth that they need. 這些詞均表示幫助、協助、援助。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to help / assist / help out / lend a hand with sthto help / assist / support / cooperate / aid (sb) in sthto help / assist / cooperate / aid (sb) in doing sthto help / assist / aid (sb) to do sthto be greatly / considerably helped / assisted / aidedto actively help / assist / support / cooperate with sb / sthto be ably assisted / supported by sb help [intransitive, transitive] to make it easier or possible for sb to do sth by doing sth for them or by giving them sth that they need 幫助;協助;援助Help, I'm stuck.幫幫忙,我被卡住了。I was only trying to help.我只是想幫忙。He always helps with the housework.他總是幫着做家務。I need contacts that could help in finding a job.我需要能幫我找到工作的社會關系。We must all try and help each other.我們都必須努力互相幫助。Jo will help us with some of the organization.喬將幫我們做一些組織工作。She helped (to) organize the party.她協助籌備了聚會。 assist [transitive, intransitive] (rather formal, especially written) to make it easier or possible for sb to do sth by doing sth for them 幫助;協助We'll do all we can to assist you.我們會盡量幫你。The play was directed by Mike Johnson, assisted by Sharon Gale.該劇由邁克•約翰遜導演,沙倫•蓋爾爲導演助理。Anyone willing to assist can contact this number.凡有意提供幫助的人可以撥打此號碼聯系。 support [transitive] to give or be ready to give help to sb if they need it, especially by being kind to them in a difficult or unhappy situation 幫助,援助,關懷(尤指身處困境的人)She supported her husband through many difficult times.她陪伴丈夫渡過了許多難關。The organization supports people with AIDS.該組織爲艾滋病患者提供幫助。 cooperate (BrE also co-operate) kəʊˈɒpəreɪt; NAmE koʊˈɑːpəreɪt [intransitive] to work together with sb else in order to achieve sth; to be helpful by doing what sb asks you to do 合作;協作;配合The two groups agreed to cooperate with each other.這兩個小組同意相互協作。They had cooperated closely in the planning of the project.他們曾密切合作,共同規劃這個項目。Their captors told them they would be killed unless they cooperated.囚禁他們的人說如果不配合就殺了他們。 ˌhelp ˈout ˌhelp sb ˈout

phrasal verb

to help sb, especially in a difficult or busy situation 幫助解困(或解急)He's always willing to help out.他總是急人之難。When I bought the house, my sister helped me out with a loan.我買這所房子時,我姐姐借給我一筆錢救了急。
aid [transitive] (rather formal, written) to help sb to do sth, especially by making it easier 幫助;援助Each group is aided by a tutor or consultant.每個組都能得到導師或顧問的幫助。They were accused of aiding him in his escape.他們被控協助他逃跑。 ˌaid and aˈbet


(-tt-) (law 法律 or humorous) to help sb to do sth illegal or wrong 協助和教唆(他人犯罪或犯錯)He stands accused of aiding and abetting the bombing.他被控協助和教唆這起爆炸事件。His black mood receded, aided and abetted by two glasses of wine.兩杯酒喝下去之後,他憤怒的情緒才得以平息。
lend (sb) a ˈhand


(lent, lent) (rather informal) to help sb to do sth, often by doing practical things for them 幫助,援助,搭把手(常指做實事)I went over to see if I could lend a hand.我過去看看能不能幫上忙。I'll be there to lend him a hand with anything if required.我會去那兒看看能給他幫上什麽忙。She's always ready to lend a helping hand.她總是随時樂意出手相助。
be of ˈservice


(formal, spoken) to be useful or helpful 有用;有幫助Can I be of service to anyone?有誰需要我幫忙嗎?Glad to be of service.很高興能幫上忙。


I was only trying to help. 我只是想幫忙。This should help reduce the pain. 這個應有助於緩解疼痛。help ♦︎ facilitate ♦︎ benefit ♦︎ assist ♦︎ aid ♦︎ clear the way ♦︎ ease ♦︎ open the wayThese words all mean to make it easier for sth to happen or to improve sth. 這些詞均表示促進、改善。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to help / assist / aid in (doing) sthto clear the way / open the way for sthto help / clear the way for / open the way for sb to do sthto help / facilitate / assist / aid / ease a processto help / facilitate / assist / aid / ease the development of sthto facilitate / assist / ease the flow / transition / transfer / passage / introduction of sthto help / facilitate / ease mattersto clear / ease / open the way (for sth)to undoubtedly help / facilitate / benefit / assist / aid sthto greatly / certainly help / facilitate / benefit / assist / aid sthto considerably help / benefit / assist sth help [intransitive, transitive] to improve a situation; to make it easier for sth to happen 改善;促進;促使The money raised helped towards the cost of organizing the event.籌來的錢解決了組織這個活動所需的部分經費。Iron helps in the formation of red blood cells.鐵促進血紅細胞的形成。This should help (to) reduce the pain.這個應有助於緩解疼痛。The exhibition helped her establish herself as an artist.這個展覽奠定了她的藝術地位。It certainly helped being able to talk about it.能談談這件事當然很有好處。OPP hinder , hamper block 1 see also help aid noun , helpful valuable 2 facilitate fəˈsɪlɪteɪt [transitive] (formal) to make an action or process possible or easier 促進;促使;使便利The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid economic growth.新貿易協定應該會促使經濟加速發展。Structured teaching facilitates learning.有條理的講授有利於學習。 benefit (-t- or -tt-) [transitive] to be useful or bring an advantage to sb, especially a particular group of people, or improve their life in some way 對⋯有益;使受益We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.我們應該把這筆錢花在大家都能受益的事上。The new tax laws will clearly benefit those on low wages.很明顯新稅法將使低收入者受益。 OPP disadvantage To disadvantage sb or a group of people is to bring them a disadvantage [transitive, usually passive]. * disadvantage作及物動詞時表示使陷入不利處境,通常用於被動語態In the past women have been disadvantaged by the narrow range of occupations open to them.過去婦女一直處於弱勢,因爲她們可從事的工作範圍很窄。 see also beneficial valuable 2 assist [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to make it easier for sth to happen 促進;促使Two approaches might assist in tackling the problem.有兩種方法可能有助於解決問題。These activities will assist the decision-making process.這些活動將有利於決策。 aid [transitive, intransitive] (formal) to make it easier for sth to happen 促進;促使New drugs are now available to aid recovery.促進康複的新藥現已問世。Aided by strong winds, the fire quickly spread.借助強風,火勢迅速蔓延。Computers can be used to aid in management decision-making.計算機可用於輔助管理人員作出決策。NOTE 辨析 Facilitate, assist or aid?In some cases you can use any of these words. 在有些情況下這三個詞可以通用to facilitate / assist / aid a process / transition促進進程/轉變to facilitate / assist / aid the development of sth促進某事的發展 Facilitate and assist have a wider range of collocates than aid, including many nouns that describe a process such as passage, flow, transition, transfer, introduction and removal. Assist is often followed by in. * facilitate和assist的搭配詞比aid多,其中包括許多描述過程的詞,如passage、flow、transition、transfer、introduction和removal。assist常後接inassist in the development of sth有利於某事的發展 Aid can also be used in this way, but not facilitate. * aid也可這麽用,但facilitate不可以facilitate in the development of sth Facilitate and assist are nearly always used to describe making helpful processes easier; aid can also be used to talk about unhelpful processes. * facilitate和assist幾乎總是表示促進好事的進展,aid還可表示加劇壞事的發展Facilitated/assisted by strong winds, the fire quickly spread. clear the way


to remove things that are stopping the progress or movement of sth 清除障礙The ruling could clear the way for extradition proceedings.這個裁決也許能爲引渡程序掃清障礙。
ease [transitive] to make sth easier, especially by removing or changing sth that has been making it difficult (尤指清除障礙以)使⋯容易些Ramps have been built to ease access for the disabled.爲方便殘疾人出入修建了坡道。 open the way


to make it possible for sb to do sth or for sth to happen, especially sth which was not possible before 開方便之門The agreement could open the way for the country to pay off its debts.這一協定使得該國有望還清債務。
BNC: 204 COCA: 167
To help someone: help, assist, support...
General words meaning to give: give, present, hand...
To make something better: improve, enhance, remedy...
To help something to progress: foster, promote, nurse...
Help: help, contribution, assistance...
Advantages and benefits: advantage, benefit, good...
Servants: amah, batman, butler...

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