verbVerb Forms
Idioms Phrasal Verbspresent simple I / you / we / they help | |
he / she / it helps | |
past simple helped | |
past participle helped | |
-ing form helping |
- [intransitive, transitive]
to make it easier or possible for somebody to do something by doing something for them or by giving them something that they need 幫助;協助;援助 What can I do to help? 我能幫什麽忙? I was only trying to help! 我不過是想盡量幫幫忙! - help with something
He always helps with the housework. 他總是幫着做家務。 - help somebody
They are trying their best to do a good job and help others. 他們盡力做好工作,幫助别人。 - help somebody with something
Jo will help us with some of the organization. 喬將幫我們做一部分組織工作。 - help in doing something
Following these steps will help in protecting our environment. 遵循這些步驟將有助於保護我們的環境。 - help somebody (to) do something
Come and help me lift this box. 來幫我擡這個箱子。 This charity aims to help people to help themselves. 這個慈善機構的宗旨是幫助人自力更生。 The college's aim is to help students achieve their aspirations. 大學的目標是幫助學生實現他們的抱負。 - help (to) do something
She helped organize the party. 她協助籌備了晚會。 Some history may help to explain why this is. 一些歷史可能有助於解釋這是爲什麽。
Express Yourself Asking for helpAsking for help 請求幫助 If you need help, people are more likely to react favourably if you ask politely: 禮貌地求助更有可能讓對方答應幫忙: Could you possibly help me? 請問您能幫幫我嗎?
I wonder if you could give me a hand? 不知道您能否幫我一個忙?
Would you mind opening the door for me? 請你幫我開開門好嗎?
I wonder if you'd mind taking a picture of us? 不知道您是否願意給我們拍張照片?
Could I ask you to keep an eye on my luggage for a moment? 請你幫我照看一下行李好嗎?
回應: Yes, of course. 行,當然可以。
I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. 對不起,我要趕時間。
Sure. 沒問題。
Express Yourself Offering to do somethingOffering to do something 主動提出做某事 There are various ways of offering and accepting help: 表達提供和接受幫助有多種方式: Would you like me to help you with that? 你要我來幫你做這件事嗎?
Can I give you a hand? 要我幫一把嗎?
Can I help you with that? 要我幫你做這件事嗎?
Shall I carry that for you? 我來幫你提着它好不好?
Would it help if I spoke to Julie before you call her? 你給朱莉打電話之前我先跟她談談是否有幫助?
Let me take your bag. 我幫你拿包吧。
If there's anything I can do (to help), let me know. 要是我能幫上什麽忙的話,請告訴我。
回應: That's very kind/nice/generous/thoughtful of you. Thank you. 你真是太好了/太慷慨了/太周到了。謝謝你。
It's all right, thank you. I can manage/do it. 沒事兒,謝謝你。我應付得了。
Thanks. That would be very helpful. 謝謝,那會非常有用。
Extra ExamplesTopics Social issuesa1I'm afraid I can't help you. 恐怕我幫不了你。 My mother helps me a lot. 母親給了我很多幫助。 Talking to a counsellor helped her enormously. 同顧問的交談使她受益匪淺。 The minimum wage is designed to help people in low-pay service industries. 最低工資制是爲幫助低收入服務行業人員。 Can you help me with my homework? 你能教我做作業嗎? Many people inadvertently help thieves by leaving keys in full view. 很多人把鑰匙放在很顯眼的地方,無形中幫了小偷的忙。 He had actively helped many Jews to escape. 他積極地幫助了很多猶太人逃走。 Lavender oil supposedly helps you sleep. 據說熏衣草油有助於睡眠。 The exhibition helped her establish herself as an artist. 這個展覽奠定了她的藝術地位。 Therapy helped her overcome her fear. 治療幫助她戰勝了恐懼。 We were given clues to help us solve the puzzle. 我們得到了有助於解決這個難題的線索。 I need contacts that could help in finding a job. 我需要能幫我找到工作的社會關系。 We must all try and help each other. 我們都必須努力互相幫助。 Many people are willing to give their own time to help the community. 很多人願意付出自己的時間去幫助社區。 The students helped to raise £750 for the national appeal. 學生們爲全國募捐籌集了750英鎊。 We're helping to create a healthier, better future for everyone. 我們正在幫助每個人創造一個更健康、更美好的未來。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb- a lot
- a bit
- a little
- …
- be able to
- can
- be unable to
- …
- across
- into
- out of
- …
- help somebody to their feet
- a way of helping
- [intransitive, transitive]
to improve a situation; to make it easier for something to happen 改善狀況;促進;促使 The support of our families has helped enormously. 我們家庭的支持幫助很大。 - it helps (doing something)
It helped being able to talk about it. 能談談這件事很有好處。 - it helps that…
It certainly helped that her father is a duke! 她父親是公爵,事情當然好辦! - help towards something
The money raised will help towards (= partly pay for) the cost of organizing the championships. 籌集的資金將有助於支付組織錦標賽的費用。 - help something
It doesn't really help matters knowing that everyone is talking about us. 知道大家都在議論我們也於事無補。 - help (to) do something
This should help to reduce the pain. 這個應有助於減輕痛楚。 We need new measures to help fight terrorism. 我們需要新的措施來幫助打擊恐怖主義。
Extra ExamplesHis statement hardly helped his case. 他的陳述對他的案子幾乎沒有什麽幫助。 The music really helps the scene work. 音樂確實有助於場景的工作。 I thought a walk would help somehow. 我認爲散步總能有所幫助。 Intense guilt won't necessarily help here. 強烈的内疚在這兒未必有幫助。 The whole process was greatly helped by the widespread availability of computers. 計算機的廣泛使用使整個流程快捷了很多。 Correct breathing helps to clear the mind and reduce tension. 正確的呼吸有助於清醒頭腦、緩解緊張情緒。 The new service helped boost pre-tax profits by 10%. 新服務令稅前利潤提高了10%。 The study of the present also helps to illuminate the past. 研究現在也有助於了解過去。 Think of some questions that will help focus the discussion. 想出一些問題使討論的主題更突出。 Iron helps in the formation of red blood cells. 鐵促進血紅細胞的形成。 It helps immensely that he has cast good actors. 他選了好演員,這很有幫助。 efforts to help bridge the gap between those who have access to the internet and those who don't 努力幫助彌合那些能上網和不能上網的人之間的差距
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb- considerably
- dramatically
- enormously
- …
- be designed to
- in
- [transitive] help somebody + adv./prep.
to help somebody move or do some other action by letting them lean on you, guiding them, etc. 攙扶;帶領 Extra ExamplesHe gently helped her back into the chair. 他輕輕地扶她坐回到椅子上。 She helped the old man out of the car. 她扶着老大爺下了車。 I helped her across the road. 我領她過馬路。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb- a lot
- a bit
- a little
- …
- be able to
- can
- be unable to
- …
- across
- into
- out of
- …
- help somebody to their feet
- a way of helping
- [transitive]
to give yourself/somebody food, drinks, etc. 爲(自己或某人)取用 - [transitive] help yourself to something (informal, disapproving)
to take something without permission synonym steal擅自拿走;竊取
make easier/better使更容易/更好
somebody to move移動某人
give food/drink給食物/飲料
Word OriginOld English helpan (verb), help (noun), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch helpen and German helfen.
somebody cannot help (doing) something | somebody cannot help but do something
used to say that it is impossible to prevent or avoid something 某人忍不住(或無法抑制)做某事;不可能避免某事 I can't help thinking he knows more than he has told us. 我總覺得他沒把他知道的事全告訴我們。 He can’t help being ugly. 他忍不住醜。 She couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. 她不禁琢磨着他在想些什麽。 It couldn't be helped (= there was no way of avoiding it and we must accept it). 這是不可避免的。 He never does more work than he can help (= he does as little as possible). 他工作能少做就盡量少做。 I always end up having an argument with her, I don't know why, I just can't help it. 我總是和她意見不合,鬧得不歡而散,我不知道爲什麽,我就是忍不住。 I couldn't help it if the bus was late (= it wasn't my fault). 公共汽車晚點了,我沒辦法。 She burst out laughing—she couldn't help herself (= couldn't stop herself). 她突然大笑起來,不能自已。 She won’t be invited again, not if I can help it (= if I can do anything to prevent it). 她不會再被邀請了,除非我能幫忙。
give/lend a helping hand
to help somebody 幫助;伸出援助之手
God/Heaven help somebody
- (informal)
used to say that you are afraid somebody will be in danger or that something bad will happen to them Some people find this use of God offensive.Topics Dangerc2(表示擔心某人將有危險或有難)
so help me (God)
used to swear that what you are saying is true, especially in a court of law 我發誓,上帝作證(尤用於法庭)