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TOEFL BNC: 2651 COCA: 2390


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they smell
he / she / it smells
past simple smelled
past participle smelled
(British English also) past simple smelt
(British English also) past participle smelt
-ing form smelling
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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  1. linking verb to have a particular smell有(或发出)…气味
    • + adj. The room smelt damp.屋子里有潮气。
    • Dinner smells good.饭菜闻起来很香啊。
    • ‘You smell nice,’ Aidan said with a smile.“你真香,”艾登笑着说。
    • a bunch of sweet-smelling flowers一束散发着馨香的花
    • smell of something His breath smelt of garlic.他嘴里有蒜味。
    • When he did come home, he smelled of alcohol.当他真的回家时,他闻到了酒味。
    • The house smelt of cedar wood and fresh polish.这房子散发着雪松木和新鲜指甲油的味道。
    • smell like something What does the perfume smell like?这种香水闻起来怎么样?
    • Hydrogen sulphide smells like rotten eggs.硫化氢闻起来像臭鸡蛋。
    • The crisp air smells like clean hay.清新的空气闻起来像干净的干草。
    Extra Examples
    • He smelled faintly of sweat.他身上有点儿汗味。
    • His clothes smelled strongly of fish.他的衣服有一股浓浓的鱼腥味。
    • The kitchen smelled sweetly of herbs and fruit.厨房里有芳草和水果的香气。
    • It smells like rotten meat!像是烂肉的气味!
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • strongly
    • faintly
    • slightly
    • like
    • of
    See full entry
  2. [transitive, no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses; often with can or could不用于进行时;常与 can 或 could 连用) to notice or recognize a particular smell闻到,嗅到(气味)
    • smell something I was watching television when I smelled smoke.我闻到烟味时正在看电视。
    • He said he could smell gas when he entered the room.他一进屋就说闻到了煤气味。
    • The dog had smelt a rabbit.狗嗅到了兔子的气味。
    • I could smell alcohol on his breath.我闻到他呼吸气中有酒味。
    • Snow fell so that you could almost smell the cold.下雪了,你几乎可以嗅到寒气。
    • smell something doing something Can you smell something burning?你有没有闻到什么东西烧焦了?
    • As she came downstairs, she smelled bacon cooking.她下楼时,闻到了熏肉的味道。
    • smell (that)… I could smell that something was burning.我闻得到有什么东西烧焦了。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • almost
    • practically
    verb + smell
    • can
    See full entry
  3. [intransitive, transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses; often with can or could不用于进行时;常与 can 或 could 连用) to be able to notice and recognize smells能闻到气味;能嗅到气味
    • I can't smell because I've got a bad cold.我患了重感冒闻不到气味。
    • smell something I can't smell anything because I've got a bad cold.我什么也闻不到,因为我得了重感冒。
  4. [transitive] smell something (not usually used in the passive通常不用于被动语态) to put your nose near something and breathe in so that you can discover or identify its smell闻,嗅(气味) synonym sniff
    • Smell this and tell me what you think it is.你闻一下这个,然后告诉我你觉得是什么。
    • I bent down to smell the flowers.我弯下腰闻花香。
    • He leaned in closer and smelled the perfume she was wearing.他靠得更近,闻到了她身上的香水味道。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • almost
    • practically
    verb + smell
    • can
    See full entry
  5. [intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to have an unpleasant smell有难闻的气味;散发着臭气
    • The drains smell.下水道散发着臭气。
    • Does my breath smell?我的呼吸有味道吗?
    • He hadn't washed for days and was beginning to smell.他好久没洗澡了,身上都有味儿了。
    • After a few days, the meat began to smell.几天后,肉开始有味道。
    • It smells in here.这儿有一股难闻的气味。
    • + adj. It smells awful in here.这里闻起来很难闻。
  6. [transitive, no passive] smell something to feel that something exists or is going to happen觉察出;感觉到
    • He smelt danger.他意识到了危险。
    • I can smell trouble.我感觉会有麻烦。
  7. Word OriginMiddle English: of unknown origin.
come up/out of something smelling of roses
  1. (informal) to still have a good reputation, even though you have been involved in something that might have given people a bad opinion of you虽卷入…而好名声依旧;事后于名誉无损
    • Nobody ever knew the details and he came out of the deal smelling of roses.谁也不知道那笔交易的内幕细节,因此他名声依旧。
a rose by any other name would smell as sweet
  1. (saying) what is important is what people or things are, not what they are called玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故;名称并不是重要的东西
smell a rat
  1. (informal) to suspect that something is wrong about a situation怀疑事情不妙;感觉情况不对
wake up and smell the coffee
  1. (informal) used to tell somebody to become aware of what is really happening in a situation, especially when this is something unpleasant要清醒面对现实


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  1. [countable, uncountable] the quality of something that people and animals sense through their noses气味
    • a sweet/pleasant smell甜蜜/愉快的气味
    • a foul/pungent/musty smell难闻的/刺鼻的/发霉的气味
    • the air fresheners that we use to cover up unpleasant smells我们用来掩盖难闻气味的空气清新剂
    • smell of something a faint/strong smell of garlic淡淡的/浓重的蒜味
    • an acrid smell of smoke刺鼻的烟味
    • There was a smell of burning in the air.空气中有一股烧东西的焦煳味。
    • I love the smell of freshly baked bread.我喜欢新鲜烤面包的味道。
    • The air is heavy with the smell of rain and moist vegetation.空气中弥漫着雨水和潮湿植物的味道。
    • smell from something The smells from the kitchen filled the room.满屋子都是从厨房飘来的气味。
    Vocabulary Building SmellsSmells气味Describing smells描述气味These adjectives describe pleasant smells:
    • scented candles香烛
    • aromatic oils芳香油
    • fragrant perfume芬芳的香水
    • sweet-smelling flowers芳香扑鼻的花
    To describe unpleasant smells you can use:
    • smelly cheese有难闻气味的奶酪
    • stinking fish发臭的鱼
    • musty old books发霉的旧书
    • acrid smoke呛人的烟
    Types of smell各种气味Pleasant smells:
    • the rich aroma of fresh coffee
    • a herb with a delicate fragrance
    • a rose’s sweet perfume
    • the scent of wild flowers
    Unpleasant smells:
    • nasty household odours
    • the stench of rotting meat
    • the stink of stale sweat
    • the reek of beer and tobacco
    Extra Examples
    • A delicious smell of freshly baked bread wafted across the lawn.草坪上飘过一股新出炉面包的香味。
    • An acrid smell filled the air.空气中弥漫着刺鼻的气味。
    • As she walked into the house she detected the smell of gas.她一进屋就闻到有煤气味。
    • Fragrance dispensers are designed to mask unpleasant smells.芬芳剂的目的就是掩盖不好的气味。
    • The air was filled with a pervasive smell of chemicals.空气中弥漫着化学制品的气味。
    • The cottage had a musty smell after being shut up over the winter.这间村舍关了一个冬天,有一股发霉的气味。
    • The faint smell of her perfume hung in the air.空气中瀰漫着她淡淡的香水味。
    • The sights, sounds and smells of Delhi stunned me.在德里的所见所闻让我震惊。
    • The skunk gives off an unpleasant smell when attacked.受到攻击时臭鼬会放出一种难闻的气味。
    • Then the pungent smell hit us—rotting fish and seaweed.然后一股刺鼻的气味向我们袭来——是烂鱼和海藻的味儿。
    • There was an overpowering smell of burning rubber.有一股浓烈的橡胶烧焦的气味。
    • the aromatic smells of a spring garden full of herbs春天长满香草的花园的芳香
    • the putrid smell from the slaughterhouse屠宰场散发出的恶臭
    • the smell of smoke烟味
    • the sour smell of unwashed linen未洗的亚麻织品发出的酸臭味
    • the sweet smell of roses玫瑰的芬芳
    • Do you like the smell of coffee?你喜欢咖啡的气味吗?
    • The smell of burning stubble drifted through the air.空气中飘来燃烧的残茬的味道。
    • There was an unmistakable smell of alcohol on his breath.他的呼吸中有一股明显的酒精味。
    • Wonderful cooking smells were coming from the kitchen.厨房里传来美妙的烹饪气味。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • overpowering
    • pervasive
    • pungent
    verb + smell
    • be filled with
    • have
    • give off
    smell + verb
    • come
    • drift
    • emanate
    • smell from
    • smell of
    • sense of smell
    • the sights, sounds and smells of…
    See full entry
  2. [singular] an unpleasant smell难闻的气味;臭味
    • What's that smell?这是一股什么臭味?
    • Yuk! What a smell!哎哟!多难闻的气味!
    • See if you can get rid of the smell.看看能不能去掉味道。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • overpowering
    • pervasive
    • pungent
    verb + smell
    • be filled with
    • have
    • give off
    smell + verb
    • come
    • drift
    • emanate
    • smell from
    • smell of
    • sense of smell
    • the sights, sounds and smells of…
    See full entry
  3. [uncountable] the ability to sense things with the nose嗅觉
    • Dogs have a very good sense of smell.狗的嗅觉非常灵敏。
    • Taste and smell are closely connected.味觉和嗅觉有密切的联系。
  4. [countable] the act of smelling something嗅;闻 synonym sniff
    • He took one smell of the liquid and his eyes began to water.他闻了一下那种液体,就流起泪来了。
  5. Word OriginMiddle English: of unknown origin.
the sweet smell of success
  1. (informal) the pleasant feeling of being successful成功的喜悦;成功的美妙滋味Topics Successc2
TOEFL BNC: 2651 COCA: 2390


ADJECTIVE | VERB + SMELL | SMELL + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEoverpowering, pervasive, pungent, rich, sharp, strong強烈的/瀰漫的/刺鼻的/濃郁的/辛辣的/濃烈的氣味There was an overpowering smell of burning rubber.有一股濃烈的橡膠燒焦的氣味。faint淡淡的氣味distinct明顯的氣味distinctive, particular, unmistakable獨特的/特別的/不易混淆的氣味funny, peculiar, strange, unusual怪味;不尋常的氣味What's that funny smell?那是什麼怪味?familiar熟悉的氣味lingering久久不散的氣味aromatic, delectable, delicious, fragrant, fresh, lovely, nice, pleasant, sweet, wonderful芳香;好聞的氣味;清新的氣味;奇妙的氣味the sweet smell of roses玫瑰的芬芳warm暖洋洋的氣味awful, bad, disgusting, evil, foul, horrible, nasty, offensive, terrible, unpleasant, vile難聞的氣味;令人反感的氣味;讓人討厭的氣味;惡臭acrid, nauseating, noxious, putrid, rank, sickly刺鼻的氣味;令人作嘔的氣味;有毒氣味;腐臭味An acrid smell filled the air.空氣中瀰漫着刺鼻的氣味。damp, musty, rancid, sour, stale潮濕的氣味;霉味;變質的味道;酸臭味;污濁的氣味the sour smell of unwashed linen未洗的亞麻織品發出的酸臭味chemical, earthy, fishy, masculine, metallic, musky, smoky, spicy化學製劑的氣味;泥土氣息;魚腥味;陽剛之氣;金屬腥味;麝香味;煙熏味;香料味burning, cooking燒焦的糊味;飯菜的氣味Cooking smells drifted up from the kitchen.飯菜的香味從廚房飄了出來。VERB + SMELLbe filled with, have充滿⋯的氣味;有⋯的氣味The air was filled with a pervasive smell of chemicals.空氣中瀰漫着化學製品的氣味。The house had a musty smell after being shut up over the winter.這房子關了一個冬天,聞着有股霉味。give off散發出氣味The skunk gives off an unpleasant smell when attacked.受到攻擊時臭鼬會放出一種難聞的氣味。catch, detect, notice聞到/覺察出/注意到氣味As she walked into the house she detected the smell of gas.她一進屋就聞到有煤氣味。mask掩蓋氣味Fragrance dispensers are designed to mask unpleasant smells.芬芳劑的目的就是掩蓋不好的氣味。SMELL + VERBcome, drift, emanate, float, waft氣味傳來;氣味飄來;氣味散發The smell was coming from the kitchen.這股味正從廚房飄出來。A delicious smell of freshly baked bread wafted across the lawn.草坪上飄過一股新出爐麪包的香味。fill sth, hang in the air氣味充盈着⋯;氣味縈繞The smell of death hangs in the air.死亡的氣息縈繞在空中。hit sb氣味向某人襲來Then the pungent smell hit us-rotting fish and seaweed.然後一股刺鼻的氣味向我們襲來 - 是爛魚和海藻的味兒。PREPOSITIONsmell from⋯散發的氣味the putrid smell from the slaughterhouse屠宰場散發出的惡臭smell of⋯的氣味the smell of smoke煙味PHRASESsense of smell嗅覺Deer have a keen sense of smell.鹿的嗅覺很靈敏。the sights, sounds and smells of...在⋯的見聞The sights, sounds and smells of Delhi stunned me.在德里的所見所聞讓我震驚。


1notice/identify sth by using your nose聞到ADVERB | VERB + SMELL ADVERBalmost, practically幾乎/差不多聞到Snow fell so that you could almost smell the cold.下雪了,你幾乎可以嗅到寒氣。You could practically smell the danger around us.你幾乎能嗅到我們周圍的危險。VERB + SMELLcan能夠聞到Can you smell gas?你聞到煤氣味了嗎?


2have a particular smell有⋯氣味ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBstrongly散發出濃烈的氣味His clothes smelled strongly of fish.他的衣服有一股濃濃的魚腥味。faintly, slightly, vaguely有淡淡的氣味;隱約散發出氣味He smelled faintly of sweat.他身上有點兒汗味。PREPOSITIONlike聞起來好像⋯It smells like rotten meat!像是爛肉的氣味!of有⋯氣味The kitchen smelled sweetly of herbs and fruit.廚房裏有芳草和水果的香氣。
TOEFL BNC: 2651 COCA: 2390
smell noun
smell (a smell of burning/roses) odour (Yuk! What a smell!)


 See also the entry for odour 另见odour条smell ♦︎ scent ♦︎ aroma ♦︎ fragrance ♦︎ whiffThese are all words for the quality of sth that people and animals can sense through their noses, especially when this is pleasant. 这些词均表示气味,尤指香味。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a smell / the scent / an aroma / the fragrance / a whiff of stha faint smell / scent / aroma / fragrance / whiffa strong smell / scent / aroma / whiffa / an pungent / heady smell / scent / aromaa fresh smell / scent / fragranceto have / give off a smell / a scent / an aroma / a fragrance / a whiffto be filled / fill sth with a smell / a scent / an aroma / a fragranceto catch the smell / the scent / a whiff of stha smell / a scent / an aroma hangs / lingers / comes / wafts somewhere smell [countable, uncountable] the quality of sth that people and animals can sense through their noses 气味There was a musty smell in the attic.阁楼里有一股发霉的气味。What a terrible smell!多难闻的气味啊!Do you like the smell of coffee?你喜欢咖啡的气味吗? smell


[transitive, no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses; often used with can or could 不用于进行时,常与can或could连用) Can you smell something burning?你有没有闻到什么东西烧焦了?I bent down to smell the flowers.我弯下腰去闻花香。
scent sent [uncountable, countable] a light, pleasant smell (淡淡的)香味The air was filled with the scent of wild herbs.空气中弥漫着野草的芬芳。 scented


scented soap香皂
aroma əˈrəʊmə; NAmE əˈroʊmə [countable] a pleasant, fairly strong, smell, especially of food or drinks such as coffee (尤指食物或饮料的)芳香,香味,浓香The aroma of fresh coffee wafted towards them.一股新鲜咖啡的香味朝他们飘来。 aromatic ˌærəˈmætɪk


aromatic oils / herbs芳香油;香草
fragrance ˈfreɪgrəns [uncountable, countable] a pleasant smell, for example of flowers or fruit (花或水果等的)香气,香味,芳香The flowers are chosen for their delicate fragrance.这些花是因其淡雅的芳香而被选中的。The bath oils come in various fragrances.这些沐浴油有不同的香型可供选择。 fragrant


fragrant herbs / flowers / oils芳草;香花;香油
whiff wɪf [countable] (usually followed by of 通常后接of) a smell, especially one that you only smell for a short time 一点儿气味;一股气味He caught a whiff of her perfume as she passed.她经过时,他闻到了一股香水味。She can't bear the slightest whiff of tobacco smoke.她一点点烟草味都不能忍受。
TOEFL BNC: 2651 COCA: 2390
Unpleasant smells: niff, odor, odour...
Pleasant smells: aroma, bouquet, fragrance...
The senses and using the senses: acute, assail, assault...
Linking verbs: appear, be, become...
To produce a smell: scent, reek, smell...
To taste or smell something: catch, olfactory, palate...
Predicting and prediction: predict, prediction, forecast...
Illegal or dishonest: illegal, unlawful, shady...

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